View Full Version : do singapore LB get into western men?

16-02-2010, 11:17 PM
when i was in singapore i didnt go out that much i did check out geylang

and the thai girls had one price for locals and one price for me, but i had a local with me that helped alot with the pricing

how do i go about selling my arse next time im in town?

18-02-2010, 01:51 AM
when i was in singapore i didnt go out that much i did check out geylang

and the thai girls had one price for locals and one price for me, but i had a local with me that helped alot with the pricing

how do i go about selling my arse next time im in town?

From the title I guess you're an Ang Moh. Sorry pal, as much as I don't like it either, have to tell you 'price discrimination' still exists in everywhere on this planet. For instance, even for us singaporean who travel to say.. BKK, the LB or WL also charge us higher than the local thai men. But even pricer for ang moh like you. Over here in desker rd for another example, the indian or bangla (foreign workers) can bonk a LB for $20, & singaporean men are charged $30 for a short time. Just enjoy yourself in singapore as I believe paying a higher price may also get better service!

18-02-2010, 09:47 PM
Rikrikrik, the primary reason lbs from the Philippines and Thailand (especially those serving the upper end) come to Singapore is because of Western men. How do you think they can afford their airfares? Why do you think there are so many?
They could survive on Koreans, Japanese and a handful of our local lads but in truth, that's about as far as it will go. You guys are the crème de la crème! ;)
Yes, you pay a premium (S$200 Orchard Towers and so on) but look at the attention you get. You could be in your 60s, fat and balding but you'll still get more attention than the average younger Asian guy!
Call it a colonial mentality or whatever that's the way it is.

And when you speak of selling your arse you were speaking metaphorically weren't you? :D