View Full Version : Wendy chan, so how is your case, so far?

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22-03-2014, 08:40 AM
An honorable member of the Coffee Shop Has Just Posted the Following:

nice to be able to see your mother again? and your sisters and their family.

Look out for their shifty eyes and did they make eye contact with you?

Did your mother make eye contacts with you in the court room, or at the witness stand? If she did she still love you.

Did your lawyer smile and are happy doing the case you? He is the one laughing his way to his bank.

你说我没说 cases any lawyers will love the case , give it to me, give it to me.

Whoever put an old lady, a mother, in a court house to be humiliated 不得好死。家平万事行。A happy family with peace to each other every businesses they did will be blessed and prosper.

Thing to expect from the plaintiff lawyer at the submission to push his case and make himself more rich and laugh his way to his bank.

1. Act as deterrent. He sure to use this protocol verses, it is in their bible, to win his case and ask for heavy penalty to act as deterrent to make you bankrupt and intimidate you. Uncle went to many courtrooms and follow court cases, not my case, to study lawyer's behavior at courtroom and could see their idiot pattern and all behaved in the same way performing righteousness 三国演义。These generals are performing righteousness for the country.

2. See their shifty eyes when ask for money. They will come with a thick file to flip quickly to the other lawyer to justify their bill. All the bullshit.

3. Write to them after the case and ask for their bills to be itemized , timed in and out, for the purpose of reporting taxable income. All law firms are business entity, private limited company and must go through same company procedure of reporting company income tax and personal income, caho buay lat one.

4. Say you too have to report your own taxable income and must present their bill to your financial borrower to get a loan to pay him.

5. For the purpsoe of accounting accuracy, not to be penalty like the APHTEC and PA case, the aditor put a bad remark on your account, jai buay seow.

6. These days where go cash flow to pay him, borrow from bank lah.

&. If find their bills legal bills with discepency, write to them and warn them you will report to income tax office? Negotiate time.

9. Then it become your case and his legal firm so he is not laughing his way to his bank. Fraudulant misrepresentation of invoices and bills is a criminal offence and lawyer practicing licenses can be struck off.

10. Tell him settle for X dollars or get fuck off.

Many people do not know that legal firms are just plain registered companies, tan jia also.

Court and judiciary system are performing righteousness for our havenly father, which is your great great ancient forefathers, Adam. It is not their father company suka suk ask for more money and laughing to the bank.

Lawyers are getting their hands to make money but come to their taxable income siam taxes if they can. They will ask for cash money from clients to run tax. They think the world own them their talent and they are at top of the food chain can do as they like. Get them on accounting and proper income assessment and please pay taxes. Be a obedient tax payers and pay your taxes, lawyers.

Make so much money and buy and drive big nice cars and want to drive on good roads, not bumpy one, must also pay proper taxes like anyone else, and bills your client correctly, be righteous when come to billings and keep your hard earned money like anyone else.

The courtroom, judges fees and all the courthouse and room amenities , and their tax payers funded legal education are from tax payers and at tax payers expenses.

Click here to view the whole thread at www.sammyboy.com (http://sammyboy.com/showthread.php?177665-Wendy-chan-so-how-is-your-case-so-far&goto=newpost).