View Full Version : 男子拔枪抢车位:今天是你死期

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18-07-2015, 01:40 AM
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2015-07-13 光明网7046评

摘要江西男子为争车位拔出手枪指对方额头:你给我跪下,今天是你的死期。最后男子虽然没有开枪 ,但是用枪头 在对方头上砸出了三道口子,耳朵上也有一道口子。

视频:男子为争车位掏出手枪 呵斥对方“给我跪下”,时长约2分25秒


光明网综合:据江西台报道,为了一个车位,两个业主打起来了。其中一个业主打电话告诉记者,跟 他争抢车位的 另一个业主竟然掏出了手枪。

7月4日晚王先生开车回家,在经过一个小道的时候他发现了一个车位。还没停稳,抬头发现了一个更 好的车位, 于是他又开车停了过去。这时候紧跟在王先生身后的一辆奥迪黑色小车不乐意了,按着喇叭让王先生 让出车位。王 先生不肯,双方便发生了口诀。王先生告诉记者,奥迪车主到后备箱拿出了一个手包,还以为是要拿 相机,结果他 从包里面拿出手枪,对着王先生的额头说“你给我跪下,今天就是你的死期。”

最后对方虽然没有开枪,但是用枪头在王先生头上砸出了三道口子,耳朵上也有一道口子。不过目前 打他的人还没 有抓到。

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A Jiangxi man pulled a gun on another car owner in a fight over a parking space.

A man named Wang was driving home on the evening on July 4 when he began to pull into a parking space. He got about halfway in, looked up, and realized there was a better space close by. He tried to pull out but the black Audi that had been behind him was now in the way. The Audi driver lay on the horn as Wang tried to back out of the spot.

Wang and the Audi driver began to argue. The Audi driver got out from his car and opened his trunk. Wang thought that the driver was going to pull out a camera, but instead he pulled out a pistol. He held the gun to Wang's forehand and said, “Get on your knees. Today is the day you die.”

The Audi driver did not shoot Wang, but hit him with the gun on the side of his head, leaving a huge gash on his ear.

The pistol-wielding suspect is still at large.

Click here to view the whole thread at www.sammyboy.com (http://www.sammyboy.com/showthread.php?210690-???????-??????&goto=newpost).