View Full Version : What is MGTOW.. A good answer for this

Sammyboy RSS Feed
15-01-2016, 03:20 AM
An honorable member of the Coffee Shop Has Just Posted the Following:

i stumble upon this reply and ought to share:

>wtf does this mean, Sir?
Lol. It stands for "men going their own way". In order to be a MGTOW you have to avoid marriage, refuse to give a woman a kid, and refuse to live with a woman. (I added that last one myself). When you marry, give her a kid or live with a woman it gives a woman far too much power over you. She can call the cops and have you hauled off to jail on a false accusation, seize your property and income and do all kinds of other horrible things to you. The divorce rate is close to 50% and over 70% of divorces are filed by the woman, so chances are if you end up divorced it probably won't be your choice.

But if you can avoid marriage (date all you want, just don't move in or get her knocked up) if frees your life up and allows you to live a better, lower stress, more peaceful, more stable, more frugal and far more prosperous life.

In my case, after watching my best friend jailed for 3 months on a horrible catastrophic, life destroying, false accusation, I chose not to marry. It took me 4 moths of agonizing over it before I finally reached the conclusion that marriage is just too dangerous. And then I was free. That was 18 years ago, back in 1997,

It's not all bad though. I paid off my first home (a nice condo) in 11 years, bought precious metals from 2006 to 2010, sold precious metals at 34/oz for a down payment on this awesome house on a half acre. It was a bank owned house and was a steal at 160k (in Seattle!) since 2012 was the bottom of the recent real estate market. Since it was the bottom of the market I kept the condo and rented it to an aging overweight feminist woman (she was hot for me, Lol) and then when the market maxed out (back in July) I sold the condo and dumped the money into the house mortgage. Now I owe 61k and that's the only debt I have in the world. And now (as you know) I'm buying bitcoins hot and heavy since my observations indicate that they will be a huge deal over the next few years.

The MGTOW lifestyle has given me peace and quiet and time to think. It's allowed me to examine economic trends and cycles and place my bets in ways that will payoff in more ways than one. And now I'm 51 and there isn't a single line on my forehead. MGTOW isn't paradise but it's not a bad way to live. It suits me very well. And there's no chance of getting brutalized in the family court system or having my kids taken away from me. Sure I would have married if it weren't so horribly dangerous to do so but these are the conditions we're stuck with. The legal system favors women and throws men under the bus, so the best strategy is to disconnect, take a step back and then you'll have a better, lower stress life. That's the MGTOW way.
Thanks for asking.

Click here to view the whole thread at www.sammyboy.com (http://singsupplies.com/showthread.php?223445-What-is-MGTOW-A-good-answer-for-this&goto=newpost).