View Full Version : How do I cut down my porn dependence?

07-03-2016, 09:31 AM
Hi everyone,

I masturbate a few times a day and have a tendency to watch porn when I'm stressed or bored sometimes. What is the best way to stop this dependency? As funny/stupid as it seems, I've been trying to break free from porn dependence for a few years now..

Thank you and

07-03-2016, 09:44 AM
Play game loh... will help abit i guess

07-03-2016, 09:49 AM
Thanks bluewater. I don't really consider myself a gamer. Used to play Runescape, Halo, Need for Speed, Fifa etc.. when I was younger but after I went abroad to England for my university studies, I completely lost interest in all these things. Right now I'm actually about to listen to my church recorded message to try and keep my mind clean (so that I will resist the urge to watch porn at least for tonight).

07-03-2016, 09:54 AM
Mind over body. You either distract the mind with something else and keep busy, or you just destroy your porn stash and force yourself to accept the situation. Last resort is to check in to IMH (no really.) as they can help with addictions with medical support.

black tofu
07-03-2016, 09:56 AM
Go and do exercise . Help to lose calories and keep healthy at the same time.

07-03-2016, 09:56 AM
u r too bored!

3 ways u may try

1) go get a gf.
2) run it off.
3) sleep it off.

i used to PCC alot before i was married. up to 1 period i was bored of pcc. i went to get help at area G. Bored of area G i went to look for FLs. This went on for a few months for like 2-3 times a week until i sat down and calculate how much i actually spent. stopped Immediately. LOL! went back to PCC until i got married.

IMO its good to PCC at least 2x week. else honestly need to find JG to clear barrel.

07-03-2016, 09:57 AM
Mind over body. You either distract the mind with something else and keep busy, or you just destroy your porn stash and force yourself to accept the situation. Last resort is to check in to IMH (no really.) as they can help with addictions with medical support.

Thanks Devil320. Most of my porn-watching is done online (streaming) rather than downloaded videos. I have never downloaded a porn video at all lolol.

07-03-2016, 09:58 AM
Go and do exercise . Help to lose calories and keep healthy at the same time.

I will take this into consideration. I remember when I used to always hit the gym and sweat myself like crazy, I could resist watching porn. But whenever I pushed myself too hard, I would end up wanking.

07-03-2016, 10:45 AM
Church msg and sex, two diff need. Married church goers will still have sex with each other on sunday right? Problem is watching porn is a sin to you or what? You are struggling with guilt or just addiction to porn?

07-03-2016, 10:46 AM
Church msg and sex, two diff need. Married church goers will still have sex with each other on sunday right? Problem is watching porn is a sin to you or what? You are struggling with guilt or just addiction to porn?

For me its the addiction rather than guilt. After I watch porn I just end up being too comfortable and lazy to want to do anything.

07-03-2016, 10:55 AM
For me its the addiction rather than guilt. After I watch porn I just end up being too comfortable and lazy to want to do anything.

Then find a GF/FB to bedxercise or play bedminton.. When I had a regular FB whom we meet 6days a week, 2-3shots a meet...

I've lost all my extra kilos gained over the year till I was the same weight as during NS (represented SAFRA dragon boat team then and we train every other day and a month before the races, everyday)

Read in a scientific journal that sex is the best form of exercise and good for the heart, blood pressure, weight loss etc...

All agree say "aye!"

07-03-2016, 11:06 AM
What's wrong with watching porn? :o

Although I do not depend on porn to destress as much as you, but I do watch it sometime especially when my stress levels are high.

07-03-2016, 11:07 AM
cut your internet service. or install a parent control program.

07-03-2016, 11:07 AM
Then find a GF/FB to bedxercise or play bedminton.. When I had a regular FB whom we meet 6days a week, 2-3shots a meet...

I've lost all my extra kilos gained over the year till I was the sa,e weight as during NS (represented SAFRA dragon boat team then and we train every other day and a month before the races, everyday)

Read in a scientific journal that sex is the best form of exercise and good for the heart, blood pressure, weight loss etc...

All agree say "aye!"
You were in dragon boat?! Then you can carry me up! Okok i better stay away from you. Abstaining.

07-03-2016, 11:10 AM
Ts, is it just so you can cum or is it mental or emotional?

07-03-2016, 11:23 AM
Porn all the same what! Only diff actors!:D

07-03-2016, 11:32 AM
Hi everyone,

I masturbate a few times a day and have a tendency to watch porn when I'm stressed or bored sometimes. What is the best way to stop this dependency? As funny/stupid as it seems, I've been trying to break free from porn dependence for a few years now..

Thank you and

Get a real GIRL FRIEND. Go out more with your friends, male or female. Work, exercise, etc. Just keep your self away from the computer.

07-03-2016, 12:05 PM
Porn all the same what! Only diff actors!:D

You forgot to include actress as well. :p

07-03-2016, 03:31 PM
@TS Check out https://www.reddit.com/r/NoFap/

It's a support community for cutting out PMO (Porn and Masturbation to Orgasm). I found it by chance last year in Sept / Oct, and I've not watched porn since that time (didn't count the days like some there do), but it really feels better to cut out porn. Esp when don't PMO for two weeks and my FB suck me til CIM while we stopped by the side of the road (other cars pass by too fast, wouldn't see). It was great, considering she just sucked and didn't try to HJ me or anything.

But the initial part is harder, and you will want to fill up the time with other stuff (facebook / youtube / time-wasting, etc). The time that you've used to use for searching for / watching porn, you will waste doing something else, so, try to find something that is interesting for you and will enrich you.

Oh, the most amazing thing about cutting porn (I still masturbate from time to time when I'm horny, but without porn already) is that sex becomes so much more pleasurable, and I'm able to stay harder for longer...

So, think about that and try to cut off porn. Reducing doesn't really work, because once you still use it, your brain remains hooked on it. Totally cut it off, including NSFW videos or pictures.

07-03-2016, 03:40 PM
Hi everyone,

I masturbate a few times a day and have a tendency to watch porn when I'm stressed or bored sometimes. What is the best way to stop this dependency? As funny/stupid as it seems, I've been trying to break free from porn dependence for a few years now..

Thank you and

Whenever u feel like masturbating, do 50 pushup and 50 jumping jet... after that see if u still can masturbate..

4x per day.. soon not just cock strong but also get a strong body ;)

07-03-2016, 03:41 PM
Go and do exercise . Help to lose calories and keep healthy at the same time.

Yup it worked for me last time.

07-03-2016, 04:46 PM
Hi TS, there is this myth our cocks can actually do about 5000 ejeculation be it from sex or pcc or whatever. So pcc one time, is one subtracted from your issued quota, somewhat similar to car servicing every 5000 km or 10000 km... Except this little tool of yours got no servicing. If its overused, its gone.

So ideally it should be wisely used to service your future girlfriend or wife, or even used on fbs are better off than wiped with tissue papers and thrown down the chute and end up feeding cockroaches :D

Hope this scare you off pcc :D

07-03-2016, 10:16 PM
What's wrong with watching porn? :o

Although I do not depend on porn to destress as much as you, but I do watch it sometime especially when my stress levels are high.

Porn addiction can induce ED in men, my dear sis. :o

08-03-2016, 12:04 AM
Use it while you still can

08-03-2016, 05:07 AM
Go to Changi resort cold turkey sure cure.

18-03-2016, 10:04 PM
For guys that are watching porn, seriously you have to watch this although it is a little long and Lor so but please it would help most of you!


18-03-2016, 10:39 PM
You were in dragon boat?! Then you can carry me up! Okok i better stay away from you. Abstaining.


I'm 180/75 but try not to carry anyone above my weight Lor... No good for my back... Old Liao lor...

U stay away or not(why le? ex-FB also dragon boater? What happened there?) abstain or not..

Boh wa tai ji... Mm guan ngo si... 不关我的事

18-03-2016, 10:47 PM
btw theres another nick, 'exbros'. is that u too?

a bit different in the writting style. exfb is a dragon boater, can carry me up and put me to sit on the table while we were talking. he likes to do that cos he is very tall too over 1.85m so he put me on table and i sit while he stand and we chatted like that haha im like a baby. and somebody else who used to run at the same place i jog. the way he run, that kind fo stamina, is nice to watch him run. feel like im watching life olympic.

yup.adstain. not even meeting up. if u read my thread u will know why. of cos regarding my weight im lighter by a lot lah.


I'm 180/75 but try not to carry anyone above my weight Lor... No good for my back... Old Liao lor...

U stay away or not(why le? ex-FB also dragon boater? What happened there?) abstain or not..

Boh wa tai ji... Mm guan ngo si... 不关我的事

18-03-2016, 10:51 PM
go and have actual sex, either hj or bj or fj, after u blow even if 2-3x a day there will be no longer a urge for porn unless u mentally addicted to it

Disagree, I've been addicted (or u can say high drive and used) to PCC 7-8x a day, min 5. Not anymore lah!

Now prefer to have a moist warm receptacle to squeeze / massage XDD when it climaxes multi times... Causing me to follow suit when we va-va-voom...

In fact, I advocate "Use it or lose it" this applies to big head as well as smal head... Even the muscles on ur body lor!

Hi TS, there is this myth our cocks can actually do about 5000 ejeculation be it from sex or pcc or whatever. So pcc one time, is one subtracted from your issued quota, somewhat similar to car servicing every 5000 km or 10000 km... Except this little tool of yours got no servicing. If its overused, its gone.

So ideally it should be wisely used to service your future girlfriend or wife, or even used on fbs are better off than wiped with tissue papers and thrown down the chute and end up feeding cockroaches :D

Hope this scare you off pcc :D

Again not true lah!

Else I'm superman Liao lor...

Coz I exceeded the "quota" by 5-8x Liao lor...

And I can assure u I ain't no Superman... Just a high drive guy...

I'm sure a lot of guys here have higher testerone levels than me... and here looking for outlet right?

18-03-2016, 11:16 PM
... exfb is a dragon boater, can carry me up and put me to sit on the table while we were talking. he likes to do that cos he is very tall too over 1.85m so he put me on table and i sit while he stand and we chatted like that haha im like a baby. and somebody else who used to run at the same place i jog. the way he run, that kind fo stamina, is nice to watch him run. feel like im watching life olympic.

yup.adstain. not even meeting up. if u read my thread u will know why. of cos regarding my weight im lighter by a lot lah.

Stand and chatted only??? Or doing something else while chatting... Lol! Must be lah... Standing is easier to chat while "going thru the motion"

"and somebody else who used to run at the same place i jog" u lost me here... U talking about another dragon boater u like to ogle, Coz he jogs @same place? Never approach him? No FR?

Regarding weight, had a ONS with a 155/60. Looks bah-bah but OMG in my fav F superior / cowgirl position I felt crushed and breathless (couldn't breathe) maybe cos she doesn't distribute her weight to her knees and hands at all and machum "parachute" position, and and legs in "surrender" 60kg felt like 120 Lor.. lol!

That's why I dun mind (prefer) FBs height 150-179 & weight 40-59.9. But I've thereafter had a 177/80 (strangely dun look fat at all) and even tho had only 1 BF before.

Felt like a feather on top (maybe she conscious of her "size" and did a good job of ensuring I won't be roti prata-ed after the act) while I pumped upwards... Humped for nearly an hour and came out of it singing ("I will survive" - by Queen I think), or should I say came out from down under.. Haha!

Notice I used the word "prefer"... So not to worry.. I dun judge... Just wanna survive to continue my 40,001th time. Keke!

18-03-2016, 11:27 PM
did u notice another nick 'exbros'? is that you?

i quoted your post in my thread. and 'exbros' requoted my post which was a reply to your post.

yup i ogled over the other guy who is another dragon boater. nope i dont go there to jog that often and nope i dont intend to get to know him. and nope, my exfb can seriously carry me up till half my back is off the bed. he can carry me and walk.

its fun to talk to you such thing becos sex wasnt on my mind. exercising is on my mind when i talk to you such thing.

Stand and chatted only??? Or doing something else while chatting... Lol! Must be lah... Standing is easier to chat while "going thru the motion"

"and somebody else who used to run at the same place i jog" u lost me here... U talking about another dragon boater u like to ogle, Coz he jogs @same place? Never approach him? No FR?

Regarding weight, had a ONS with a 155/60. Looks bah-bah but OMG in my fav F superior / cowgirl position I felt crushed and breathless (couldn't breathe) maybe cos she doesn't distribute her weight to her knees and hands at all and machum "parachute" position, and and legs in "surrender" 60kg felt like 120 Lor.. lol!

That's why I dun mind (prefer) FBs height 150-179 & weight 40-59.9. But I've thereafter had a 177/80 (strangely dun look fat at all) and even tho had only 1 BF before.

Felt like a feather on top (maybe she conscious of her "size" and did a good job of ensuring I won't be roti prata-ed after the act) while I pumped upwards... Humped for nearly an hour and came out of it singing ("I will survive" - by Queen I think), or should I say came out from down under.. Haha!

Notice I used the word "prefer"... So not to worry.. I dun judge... Just wanna survive to continue my 40,001th time. Keke!

18-03-2016, 11:36 PM

yup. abstain. not even meeting up. if u read my thread u will know why. of cos regarding my weight im lighter by a lot lah.

Dun abstain too long. Bcos:


In fact, I advocate "Use it or lose it" this applies to big head as well as smal head... Even the muscles on ur body lor!

If it applies to guys big/small head... It should apply to XMMs too...

Know why elderly at physiotherapist need to use cycle machine and "play" with jigsaw or suggest to play mahjong?

Cos if they dun use their arms and legs muscles, dystrophy sets in... Even brain juice (no muscle) but pussy has muscle and juice...

If muscle not moved and juice not flow... Then one fine day... CANNOT MOVE or juice NO MORE flow...

Disclaimer: the above is not a medical advice. Or to be relied upon as FACT. If it makes sense... Just follow... If nonsense... Just ignore.

Any Bros or Sis no time to take up Judo or Karate, can join me for a easier type of exercise called BakKutTe (eating).. And lazy man's exercise... Not TaiJi but 马杀ji... Former exercises ur mouth and facial muscles.. Even ur gut... While latter gives good blood circulation & if happy ending relaxes entire being

18-03-2016, 11:46 PM
do you another account with the nickname 'exbros' becos when i quoted ur post in my thread, the other nick 'exbros' quoted me back.

Dun abstain too long. Bcos:

If it applies to guys big/small head... It should apply to XMMs too...

Know why elderly at physiotherapist need to use cycle machine and "play" with jigsaw or suggest to play mahjong?

Cos if they dun use their arms and legs muscles, dystrophy sets in... Even brain juice (no muscle) but pussy has muscle and juice...

If muscle not moved and juice not flow... Then one fine day... CANNOT MOVE or juice NO MORE flow...

Disclaimer: the above is not a medical advice. Or to be relied upon as FACT. If it makes sense... Just follow... If nonsense... Just ignore.

Any Bros or Sis no time to take up Judo or Karate, can join me for a easier type of exercise called BakKutTe (eating).. And lazy man's exercise... Not TaiJi but 马杀ji... Former exercises ur mouth and facial muscles.. Even ur gut... While latter gives good blood circulation & if happy ending relaxes entire being

19-03-2016, 12:18 AM
....yup i ogled over the other guy who is another dragon boater. nope i dont go there to jog that often and nope i dont intend to get to know him. and nope, my exfb can seriously carry me up till half my back is off the bed. he can carry me and walk.

Tks for clarification... I ALWAYS ask to make sure there is no miscomm.

Haha, I've seen porn of guys carrying a teenie and doing it and have always wanted to try and see if I can not only walk around the room but also jump!

19-03-2016, 12:19 AM
....its fun to talk to you such thing becos sex wasnt on my mind. exercising is on my mind when i talk to you such thing.

Coz I'm a fun guy and luv fun ECA, but dragon boat is NO FUN... really tough!

19-03-2016, 12:28 AM
@exbro why u wont answer this question btw. Are you also exbros?