View Full Version : Reputation system update - 3 July 2024

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13-10-2006, 05:28 AM
1. Everyone starts with 20 reputation points and reputation power of 0. When a reputation score of 100 is reached, reputation power becomes 1.
http://www.sammyboyforum.com/showpost.php?p=6137293&postcount=484 Reputation power reverts to "0" whenever your reputation score falls below 100 points and is restored whenever your score is 100 or more.

2. If reputation points drop to 0 or less, moderation starts. However, this is no reason to stop posting. The only difference is that there will be delay before your posts appear as they will have to be cleared from the moderation queue.

3. Number of posts have NO EFFECT on reputation power. However a min of 10 post is required to gain your 1st rep power

4. 1 point of reputation power is gained every YEAR.

5. TWO Reputation click allowed every 24 hours so award those clicks only when necessary.

6. Reputation spread figure is 1000 which means you have to give reputation to 1000 other members first before you can vote for a particular member again.

7. Flames and off topic posts will result in point deductions from me or my moderator.

8. Reputation votes are secret. In other words, you can vote either way without fear or favour. HOWEVER, those who abuse the system by making vicious attacks and spewing vulgarities anonymously (ie without revealing your nick) will have their nicks exposed and placed under moderation if the victim complains to the moderators. If you want to abuse someone using all sorts of profanities via the reputation system remarks feature, you MUST reveal your nick when doing so in order not to be penalised.

9. Those who use the reputation system to frame innocent parties will be exposed and placed under moderation.

10. Those caught registering multiple nicks in order to build up their "war chest" to abuse the system will be placed in moderation mode.

11. One reputation power is awarded for every 3000 rep points.

12. Reputation points can no longer be awarded/deducted in the following forum.
a) Newbie Issues/Say "Hi"/Testing (http://www.sammyboyforum.com/newbie-issues-say-hi-testing-tech-stuff/) section and
b) Soccer Talk Section (http://www.sammyboyforum.com/soccer-talk/)

13. The Adult Discussions about Sex forum is now a [zap free forum]. Zapping in the adult discussions section will result in addition to points instead .
You can still continue to award/receive points there.

14. Posts more than 2 days old cannot be awarded or deducted. There used to be no such limit.

15. Here's (http://www.sammyboyforum.com/showpost.php?p=1447237&postcount=2) how you add and deduct points.

16. Premium and new (grey nicks) members cannot receive negative reputation


13-10-2006, 10:22 AM
Older than 2 days limit is to short,if I log in after 2 days,read or see him/she contribution is good,I unable to up him/she at that thread.

If you miss the boat, too bad. Log in more often then.:rolleyes:

15-10-2006, 03:43 PM
i put to you a scenario where fellow samster receives 4 reputation point increases in a single day. It looks unlikely, he may "return the favour" to all of them...

You are NOT SUPPOSED TO award reputation points to "RETURN A FAVOUR"!

You are only supposed to give reputation points for useful contributions to the forum. :mad:

I have never given any points out as part of a "you up me I up you" scam. In fact, I usually ZAP people who "up" me and ask for points in return! :D

Please provide me with a list of nicks that benefitted from your cosy reciprocal arrangement so I can remove their ill gotten gains.

16-10-2006, 10:06 AM
So what about cases of mass zapping by clones ? :eek:

I deal with those on a regular basis so what is your problem??? :mad:

19-10-2006, 06:45 AM
Doesn't the moderators protect legit users against the growing feeling of anarchy that seems to be prevailing? I did not offend anyone but yet I get zapped... I do not see how the system is working... Pls explain...

What's wrong with getting zapped? I get zapped regularly and I have the means of finding out who did it but I still don't bother to find out who did it. I just accept the fact that you can't please everyone.

As for your claim that you were zapped 3 days in a row, I checked your reputation database and found that your claim is absolutely untrue.:mad:

19-10-2006, 09:32 AM
I read your other previous regarding revealing the identity of ppl zapping others -and I must say that I agree with your position now. However, to be balance, dont you think that innocent samsters should not be disadvantaged?

Did I abuse anyone or violate any of the rules set forth in the forum? Just because someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed does not give him the right to zap ppl, but a loophole in the rep system currently allows him that. For your information, I got zapped on 15th, 16th, 17th and 18th, losing a total of 5 points.

If you click on the reputation points scale icon, you are presented with 2 choices.

1) Approval of a post
2) Disapproval of a post.

Approval adds points and disapproval deducts half the number of points.

"Right" and "wrong" does not come into the equation at all. There is no right or wrong.... only opinions and opinions can be as diverse as they come.

You cannot have your cake and eat it too. ie you can't cry foul when people zap you because they got out of the wrong side of bed while happily accepting points which were awarded just because they happened to be in a good mood.

Take your post http://www.sammyboyforum.com/showthread.php?postid=1536071#post1536071 you were awarded points because someone else agreed that "Ronaldo sucks". What if 10 people who are Ronaldo fans zapped you 3 points each for insulting their favourite football player.. would you then call it "gangsterism"??? Gimme a break.

If you particpate in this forum, you'll have to learn to accept both bouquets and brickbats because that's how life works. You're never going to please everyone no matter what you say or do. If you can't, it would be best if you stop posting.

I checked your database again and you were deducted twice on the 16th and the 17th.. a total loss of 2 points only.

19-10-2006, 06:45 PM
I respectfully submit to you that there is a difference. When a person get zap (& rewarded) for taking a position on something (u pointed to my thread on Ronaldo) Yes, I got rewarded but I could also be punished - there were cases too (in fact happened today). Fair enough...

However, the situation I have brought to your attention is when a person got zapped because some fellow does not want me to post a FR because he has a ongoing problem with someone else. And him/clone continiously harrassed me... Obviously the goal is to stop me (or anyone to the matter of fact) from saying anything nice. If I had said something negative, I would probably have benefited from it. I would have played into their hands, if I had done so...

One has to take the context into discussion, and if you do and look at it objectively - these actions only discourages ppl from posting their geniune opinions and experiences (and it seems that you agree too), which is contary to the objective of your forum.

So these ppl continues to flourish because they are "protected", and conduct left unchecked. Whatever would happen to the quality of post here? If this is not gangsterism - what is? All I am asking is that you look into it.

If you are not interested in an intellectual discussion on this topic, then lets not. I thought you were because of the incredible effort put into the rep system and besides being (mildly) encouraged by some of your responses on this topic too - I posted my opinion.

I had grey cards in my User CP and I am not sure what it meant but I saw my points dropped, I remember distinctively I had 26 points before all these started, I got 5 points added and am still 26 points - so nett I lost 5 not 2 as you are telling me. Not that it's important - but maybe this is another bug in your system?

20-10-2006, 03:47 AM
In life, if you have an opinion, you must be man enough to expound it despite the possibility of negative consequences. So what if you get zapped on a daily basis as long as achieve a net gain when it comes to the responses.

I have already biased the reputation system so that additions are double the subtractions and 99% of people who contribute positively will experience a steady increase in their reputation scores over time even though they may suffer setbacks along the way. You can't win them all.

The reputation system is automated. I can't be expected to micro manage each and every reputation point added or subtracted. I have various scripts running which highlight clone zapping and the use of vulgarities. I also audit the system every few days to see how things are going. However, to expect me to arbitrate each time there is a dispute as to the "validity" of points awarded or subtracted is simply not realistic. I'd need a full time arbitrator to do the job with an appeals board as back up in case the arbitrator's decision was challenged. Perhaps I should hire Yung Pang How to sit on the board since he is now retired and has lots of free time.

I have said this many times before and I'll say it again.. THERE ARE MORE UNEARNED POINTS AWARDED than there are unfair subtractions. If I took on the task of overseeing each and every reputation vote, I would end up deducting many more unfair additions compared to restoring unfair subtractions. Almost every single member would suffer a considerable reduction in their reputation scores.

The system is not perfect.... no system is in this world. However, it brings an additional level of interactivity into the forum which most people enjoy using. If they didn't, there wouldn't be more than 1000 votes cast on a daily basis.

The system is there for the fun of it. Points are worthless. They can't be redeemed for anything. Whether you are 1000 points or -999 makes absolutely no difference to your career, your relationships with your family and friends and your sexual prowess. Just treat the reputation points thing as a cyberspace computer game for that is exactly what it is. :p

One has to take the context into discussion, and if you do and look at it objectively - these actions only discourages ppl from posting their geniune opinions and experiences (and it seems that you agree too), which is contary to the objective of your forum.

So these ppl continues to flourish because they are "protected", and conduct left unchecked. Whatever would happen to the quality of post here? If this is not gangsterism - what is? All I am asking is that you look into it.

If you are not interested in an intellectual discussion on this topic, then lets not. I thought you were because of the incredible effort put into the rep system and besides being (mildly) encouraged by some of your responses on this topic too - I posted my opinion.

I had grey cards in my User CP and I am not sure what it meant but I saw my points dropped, I remember distinctively I had 26 points before all these started, I got 5 points added and am still 26 points - so nett I lost 5 not 2 as you are telling me. Not that it's important - but maybe this is another bug in your system?

26-10-2006, 03:12 PM
When you reach a reputation score of 40, your reputation power will automatically kick in.

One question is that will the system trigger the rep power change automatically ? Am I eligible to get some rep power due the the duration of my participation in the forum ?

04-11-2007, 02:29 AM
Maybe another way is to offer 10 cents or more for 1 point upp...haha... Anyone upp me can pm me your account no. and I shall transfer into your account...Posb easier lah...haha...
This offer of yours could get you kick out by boss unless....the offer is for him :D

I think reputation points should be renamed friendship points, social networks points or something without the reputation tag because some high reputation points nicks actually belong to samsters of ill repute, so calling it reputation points is a tat misleading :rolleyes:

28-03-2008, 04:29 PM

I been searching high and low in SBF?? How to I up other bros?? I confused and lost? Can some kind soul, point me in the right direction? Thanks :confused:


06-08-2008, 10:21 AM
i dun really get the pts system???????? newbie here..... someone enlighten mi????????

since u dun really get what the rep points meant for...
than u should
just sit back , browse the forum and if u feel like replying to any post just reply...
and if u happen to fxxk a FL from an OKT here , dont forget to write a FR (Fuck report) on how it goes....
from there u will be judge...either bros here give u
some points or take away some points...:D

Or simply read all the stickies in these forum...
they are here for good reason :p
Btw , to gain points...
u need to share sumting useful until bros here (with power 1 at least ) are moved with the posts u made..
be it story telling(sexy ones la) or FR like i said earlier or best still the pictures of you made out with your girlfriends or wife or any pros around the world.... ;)

have a nice day... :)

18-08-2008, 06:22 PM
Some clarification from moderator needed.

My reputation points was 70 pts but discover today that it had become - 70 pts. I had checked the reputation points received but did not note any -ve points.

Can moderator help / clarify?

You have been a naughty boy and you got caught out. :D

Remember what you said the other day via the reputation system.

tasmania zaps adv0cate 02:21, 10th Aug 2008 -4 Willing buyer; willing seller. If you are not here to patronise, pls don't add your stupid comments. Idiot fucker

Contravenes rule number 9 of http://www.sammyboyforum.com/newbie-issues-say-hi-testing-tech-stuff/44683-reputation-system-rev-09-dated-15-oct-2005-a.html#post1222364' As I have mentioned numerous times, many seniors get caught out by this rule and the higher they are, the harder they fall. :D

07-10-2008, 02:25 PM
since u dun really get what the rep points meant for...
than u should
just sit back , browse the forum and if u feel like replying to any post just reply...
and if u happen to fxxk a FL from an OKT here , dont forget to write a FR (Fuck report) on how it goes....
from there u will be judge...either bros here give u
some points or take away some points...:D

Or simply read all the stickies in these forum...
they are here for good reason :p
Btw , to gain points...
u need to share sumting useful until bros here (with power 1 at least ) are moved with the posts u made..
be it story telling(sexy ones la) or FR like i said earlier or best still the pictures of you made out with your girlfriends or wife or any pros around the world.... ;)

have a nice day... :)

Hi bro,
Just wondering, How do I post pictures?

My humble two cents.

23-11-2008, 11:43 AM
hi there.....anywhere that i can see how many points i've been "zapped" ??

been lookin all around the forum but still can find it??

Check your user CP.

02-12-2008, 04:39 AM
how do i know who up my pts?

Check your user CP.

21-02-2009, 07:50 AM
since 08022009 I discover my pts still same after bro up me...then I waited. more bros up my pts but still 614...

Your last points addition was on 07022009 from Linkus.

That took you to 614.

Nobody else increased your points between 08022009 and 19022009.

You then received the following :

20th Feb 2009 5 up you back-Liquid@cid, cheers

Which took you to 619 points.

The next day, there was one more...

21st Feb 2009 2 thk bro for the up. - sammyboss

which takes you to your current 621.

I don't see any problem with your rep points at all. Are you saying that you have rep transactions in your CP other than those I have listed above?:confused:

22-02-2009, 06:32 PM
its ok then.

I spent more than half an hour investigating your claim and you brush it off with "It's OK then"?????:eek:

If your points did not increase, give me the full details so I can pinpoint where the fault lies. If you don't give me any details, I can only conclude that you have been making totally unsubstantiated claims which are entirely baseless and have wasted my time.:mad:

Big Sexy
08-05-2009, 05:03 PM
mate... how on earth did you amass 400++ points with just 7 posts i wonder,
you should start posting constructively.
you are getting the grey dots because you have no rep power to up/down others.

I realize tat my post counts and power is reset to zero but I'm still able to up people's rep except that it appears in grey color rather than green.

08-05-2009, 05:13 PM
mate... how on earth did you amass 400++ points with just 7 posts i wonder,
you should start posting constructively.
you are getting the grey dots because you have no rep power to up/down others.

He's one of those who obviously posted a ton of stuff in the "jokes" thread which I had to delete because it had corrupted the database.

25-08-2009, 04:14 AM
It's all in your user CP.

I just join as a newbie few d ago just a question to ask abt t pts system

as i had grain 22 pts but 1 day i just come in to t forum but nvr log in .
t next d i found out tat my pts reduce to 17 pts
why ?:(

may b sam boss can enlighten we newbies


25-08-2009, 06:04 AM
You don't need to thank those who up you and you don't have to bother about those who zap you.

The rep system is simply a gauge of the popularity of your online persona. It's not a bank account. :rolleyes:

IN my cp on

210809 commend cheer mate in green i was up
240809 commend so wat in red i was zap

Am i right ?
So how can i know who ups me in order to thxs him in t good spirit of t free speech n discussion n share ot t forums

tat go to t zappers as well to know who they r

thxs sam boss for yr responds:)

Big Sexy
25-08-2009, 07:06 AM
read the newbie helpline sticky..
you are not supposed to know who up/zap you.


Am i right ?

25-08-2009, 07:16 AM
my q sill not ans hah :confused:

anyway thxs for respond

There is nothing to answer. I already told you to ignore who ups and zaps you and simply concentrate on your overall reputation points.:rolleyes:

You could well be upped one day and zapped the next day by the same person. What are you going to do? thank him and curse him at the same time?:confused:

26-08-2009, 06:23 PM
Did not post for quite a while ... then realised my number of post reset to zero ??? Power also got resetted :(

Any new rules that I missed out ???

Big Sexy
26-08-2009, 06:57 PM
sam did some house keeping recently..
your postings could have been deleted.

Any new rules that I missed out ???

Big Sexy
15-11-2009, 09:29 AM
originally posted by thaivisitor
credit to him

Thought I help Sam pass the information to all newbies who have just joined SB forums.

Being a newbie, you will be eager to posts, add or deduct rep pts, received rep pts etc. But it is best that you know some of the rules set up by Sam, the owner of this forum (sometimes referred to as the “Boss”), and modified or controlled a bit by the "old birds".

Reputation Points (the icon on the top right of a post which shows a scale) is what we use to increase or decrease a samster's reputation. Being new, many samsters are eager to know the functions but doesn't know where to find the information through the entire blaze of forums and threads.

To add/deduct pts, click on the "scale" and a window will pop up asking you whether you "approve" or disapprove the post, and a comments box.

By default, the window shows the "approve" being checked. If this is being send, that you have increased (also known as “add” or “up”) the samster’s rep pts which will be shown as a green card in his control panel (CP). If you change it to "disapprove", it will deduct (also known as “zap” the samster's rep pts which will be indicated by a red card.

If you do not have enough "rep power", to add or deduct, it will be indicated as a grey card. Whether you have rep power or not, is indicated at the top right corner of your posts. If your rep power is “0”, don’t bother to use it.

To have enough "rep power" to influence a samster's rep pts, you need to have a minimum of 35 rep pts.

Do not try to add a samster’s rep pts if your rep power is “0” thinking that “Its the thought that counts” and the samster will return the favor by increasing your rep pts. This old trick doesn’t work anymore. In fact, sometimes it backfires as the samster will think that you did not read thru this post for newbies and may zap you instead. I would. KNN I have a few hundred "grey cards" with some even asking me to return the favor that the next one that gives me a grey card will be zapped. kekekekekekeke

The "comments" in the pop up window allow you to write your comments, or write in your nickname and the receiving samster is able to read it. If you add pts, it would be good to write your nickname in the comments, so that the receiving samster can thank you.

In fact, even if you zap a samster’s rep pts, don’t be afraid to leave your nick in the comments because many samsters who were zapped have openly announced that they would add the zapper’s rep pts if the zapper dares put in his nick. You should try, and let us know whether it is true or not.

Now here's 10 points to note about Reputation Points.

I know this post is a bit long, but WTF (meaning What The Fuck) you are a newbie under moderation, you really can't go anywhere, can you?

1. Everyone starts at 10 points. During this period, you are in the “graveyard” which means your posts are moderated, except in this Newbie section for you to test. You will need about 2 to 3 days and about 5 posts before your posts become "real time". So you have to be patient and do a lot of reading first.

2. If your reputation becomes 0 or negative, you will come back to the “graveyard”. Take note that as a newbie, there are many times your rep pts will be deducted because you didn't do your homework and check the many thousands of posts before asking silly questions. Also, senior samsters (like me) tend to make a little fun of you, just to "test" you. If you pass the test, you're one of us. KNN (meaning Kan Ni Nia) if you get angry, retaliate, you'll soon be back to the “graveyard” as we will then zap your rep pts until you "botak". So stay cool.

Example of posts that we make a little harmless fun

Example ONE - this is an OK posts from newbie. Bros will joke with him, but won't deduct his reps unless he retailate. If he can laugh it off, and posts to show that, bros will add his reps.

Example TWO – Presently no example to show as all those who did this were sent to the “graveyard”. Maybe you can try and post in the “Adult Section” and ask a silly question like “How to go to Geylang?” to be the example. heeheehee

3. Number of posts no longer has any effect on reputation power. As long as you have a minimum of 15 rep pts which gives you 1 rep power, you can add or deduct a samsters rep pts effectively. It doesn't matter if you have 10,000 posts as that won't make you a senior.

4. One point of reputation power gained for every year so you can actually know who you can “por” (carry balls) by looking at the “Join Date”. No point “por” those with no rep power. kekekekekekeke

5. Rep pts have no effects on rep power so even if you have 2000 rep pts like me, your rep power is still determined by how long you are in this forum. But that doesn’t mean you don’t have to respect those with high rep pts because of the influence they hold, they can easily “command” other samsters to collectively send you to the “graveyard”. ... kekekekekeke

6. ONE Reputation click allowed every 24 hours so award those clicks only when necessary. Don't suka suka click to give or deduct pts unless you feel the samster deserves it. Of course all the millenniums (those with 4 figures rep pts like me) deserve lah.

7. Reputation spread figure has been doubled to 1000. Means you need to wait at least three years before you can add or deduct the same samster again, so don't need to start counting, you'll never reach there! kekeke

8. Flames and off topic posts will result in point deductions from the Boss or his moderator. Be careful, these are really powderful people and even if their rep powers shows 6, they can zap you multiple times or even zap you 1000 pts. Don’t believe, just scold some vulgarities to the Boss or challenge him to try as the Boss never refuses a challenge, kekekekekekekeke

9. Reputation votes are secret. In other words, you can vote either way without fear or favour. HOWEVER, those who abuse the system by making vicious attacks and spewing vulgarities may have their identities exposed if the victim complains to the moderators. Leave mother, father, and family members out of it. Don’t use words or initials like KNNBCCB, or “bastards” etc..

10. Those that use the reputation system to frame innocent parties may also be exposed. Don't try to deduct and put another person nick in the comment. You will kenna exposed left, right, centre and will not even remember your name.

11. Those who are found out to have registered multiple nicks will be sent to the graveyard by the Boss (-999 reputation points). So if you every intend to have more than one nick, you have to make sure you have different email accounts, go to different terminals to register and also to different terminals to posts making sure you remember which terminal as the Boss can easily find out by checking your email address, IP addresses when you register and posts. To save all trouble, forget it. Just stick to one nick.

So now you understand, click the "Post Reply" button on the bottom left of this page, and there will appear a "box" for you to write your posts. Write a comment to say that you have read this post and understand the rep system. DO NOT CLICK THE QUOTE BUTTON ON THE LEFT!!!

I check this forum for newbies EVERYDAY! I know the date you join as a new samster. If I don't see you answer this post, I will monitor and hunt you down and have your rep pts deducted until you are "forever lost" in the graveyard wondering like a ghost without a soul because you didn't show any respect to the effort I put in to write (not to me, kekekeke).

Also on the top right, there is a "Rate Thread" button. Click and vote this thread as "Excellent" because, this thread IS excellent! If I see the rating goes below "Excellent" I will hunt down the last 50 newbies and make them responsible!!! kekekekekekekekekeke

Now that you have done, you should also read all the “stickies” on this Section (Those thread at the top of the sections with the word “Sticky”) especially the Newbie's Guide To Postings On SB Forums which gives you a guideline on how to post.

After that, since you have a couple days of free time, you can also read the First Experience thread. The link is below unless you are color blind.

Have a good day, and welcome to SB Forum,

kekekekekekekekeke, does my post frightens you? little bit lah, right? kekekekeke.

Anyway, replying to my post will keep it up in front for other new samsters to read, so need your help to do that.

Tee Vee

late bloomer
18-11-2009, 01:18 PM
Thnaks for info bro. I thought my moderation will be over after a few days but after one month, still got the (M). Quite pissed as I already type one FR. It's prob because I didn't type enough posts and contribute. So far only 2. Wa lau no wonder.

Big Sexy
18-11-2009, 01:21 PM
that is why you need to read the stickies..
you need to contribute 5-10 constructive
posts to get out of moderation.:)

. It's prob because I didn't type enough posts and contribute. So far only 2. Wa lau no wonder.

19-11-2009, 11:37 AM
sam did some house keeping recently..
your postings could have been deleted.

it happened to me too but the funny thing is, i can still view my posts!

Big Sexy
19-11-2009, 02:29 PM
i believe some of the posts were removed
while others were achieved,.

it happened to me too but the funny thing is, i can still view my posts!

26-12-2009, 01:59 PM
From a noobie perspective, seeing you guys have so many points is really staggering...wondering will take how long...its like a mountain to scale !:)

29-12-2009, 08:27 AM
wah so many rules have change3d huh. I hv pwr 4.... now zero... rep also -160 . haha I must have say a lot of F words.

anyway, can anyone tell me what is tat (eP) stands for huh? me getting old liao

Big Sexy
29-12-2009, 08:55 AM
it means your access to the private section has expired.

anyway, can anyone tell me what is tat (eP) stands for huh? me getting old liao

29-12-2009, 02:37 PM
wah big sexy, how did u rack up 4000+ post? veri bree huh. ur join date is a mth later than mine.... hahaha wat a vast diff.

Sammyboy towkay rule change knock me way backward. hmmm thk i am not going to bother gathering rep pts and pwr anymore... :cool:

Big Sexy
29-12-2009, 03:42 PM
don;t bother too much about your rep points now.
it will come when you are doing things the right way...

meanwhile just share your lobong. http://i608.photobucket.com/albums/tt168/sbfbs/thumbup.png

Sammyboy towkay rule change knock me way backward. hmmm thk i am not going to bother gathering rep pts and pwr anymore... :cool:

01-01-2010, 10:34 PM

Will comply to the the R&R.

Just a non-relevant question, since I cannot find it in other parts of forums: Is there any chance whereby SBF forums might get a mobile version for blackberry, iphone, symbian or like keep the client simple like Mobile MSN? I would love to see the web traffic stats overtake some of the most popular websites in singapore haha! And give them a run for their money!

Since statistically unlike broadband on mobile in Korea and Japan, most of our internet traffic is overseas anyway...

I know it can be a challenge as some of the posts contain embedded pictures and such. Different mobile handsets etc. But there might be a spark of a chance if we could collaborate (i.e. get some bros to code/develop, more bros to test (me, me, me), softlaunch it, start a support thread, invite advertisers for the mobile platform, integrate location based services (imagine taking a photo of a WL at GL Lor 10, sending an instantaneous update from your iphone), or device-to-device comms just to discreetly say hi to the fellow Samster on his phone, security wipe feature to ensure that SBF gets protected should his handset gets impounded? OKT of FL can use it to instantaneously QC the "chais")

Just a thought out loud for the New Year 2010... I know it's a bit far-fetched and naive... IMHO. Just thought that with so many Samsters here, newbies and influential, it just might be a possible community effort (naive thought again).

02-01-2010, 11:27 PM
To Sam Leong or Big Sexy, why my power is 0 ?:confused:

03-01-2010, 01:44 AM
To Sam Leong or Big Sexy, why my power is 0 ?:confused:

You don't have enough posts.

03-01-2010, 01:02 PM
You don't have enough posts.

Thank you boss.

It's because after you did spring cleaning and some of my old posts were deleted. :D

03-01-2010, 01:06 PM
Thank you boss.

It's because after you did spring cleaning and some of my old posts were deleted. :D

Contribute more and all will be well. ;)

22-01-2010, 07:43 PM

Has No. 5 been replaced by No. 12 ?

5. Reputation points have NO EFFECT on reputation power.
12. One reputation power is awarded for every 3000 rep points.

Cos No. 5 is still there.

Big Sexy
22-01-2010, 10:20 PM
thanks for pointing it out mate.. ;)

5. Reputation points have NO EFFECT on reputation power.

01-02-2010, 08:59 PM
Hi BigSexy

I'm aware that we cannot up the same person more then once. But one bro told me we could do so, provided it is after a 2 yr span, or after a certain lapse in between. Out of curiosity, would like to know if it works that way.


02-02-2010, 04:15 AM
Hi BigSexy

I'm aware that we cannot up the same person more then once. But one bro told me we could do so, provided it is after a 2 yr span, or after a certain lapse in between. Out of curiosity, would like to know if it works that way.


It's not based on a time frame. It's based on reputation spread.

6. Reputation spread figure is 1000 which means you have to give reputation to 1000 other members first before you can vote for a particular member again.

02-02-2010, 08:39 PM
Thanks boss!

Sorry i missed out of that point 6.

08-02-2010, 12:49 PM
Good afternoon BOSS,
If someone kena zap unreasonably, how do one proceed to overturn the zapping?
Thank u v much!!!

08-02-2010, 12:58 PM
Good afternoon BOSS,
If someone kena zap unreasonably, how do one proceed to overturn the zapping?
Thank u v much!!!

I can reverse unreasonable zaps but I'll also have to remove undeserved "ups". Deal?:rolleyes:

Big Sexy
08-02-2010, 01:19 PM
read post 3 of this thread and then take a look at your signature.


If someone kena zap unreasonably, how do one proceed to overturn the zapping?

08-02-2010, 01:26 PM
read post 3 of this thread and then take a look at your signature.

SSHHHHH!!! :mad: I was waiting for him to take up my offer.

Big Sexy
08-02-2010, 02:07 PM
i bet he won;t take up your offer.. :D
and i claim my $5/-:D

SSHHHHH!!! :mad: I was waiting for him to take up my offer.

08-02-2010, 03:53 PM
Wat abt me? I been zapped by multi clones till -5. Do u think that i m in the wrong side for posting wat i wan?:confused::confused::confused: I don know i can redress my case here till now then i noe.

Big Sexy
08-02-2010, 03:57 PM
why dont you read post number 6 and 8 of this thread.

Wat abt me?

08-02-2010, 03:59 PM
why dont you read post number 6 and 8 of this thread.

I had read but i still don understand?? :confused:

Big Sexy
08-02-2010, 04:05 PM
sorry mate..
the message is clear.
i suggest if you dont understand it..
read it again..
there is nothing we could do about your 'understanding capability'.

I had read but i still don understand?? :confused:

08-02-2010, 04:22 PM
I can accept it when bros zapped me if i post something wrong. But it will be super duper unfair if someone with multiple nicks(i have strong reasons to believe this) who zapped me multiple times for one mistake which i had made. Shouldn't these multiple nicks be banished with -999 reputation pts at the first place?

08-02-2010, 04:31 PM
I can accept it when bros zapped me if i post something wrong. But it will be super duper unfair if someone with multiple nicks(i have strong reasons to believe this) who zapped me multiple times for one mistake which i had made. Shouldn't these multiple nicks be banished with -999 reputation pts at the first place?

I checked and found no evidence of clone zapping.

However, I can tell you exactly why you were zapped by numerous members.

Take a look at your post http://www.sammyboyforum.com/welcome-fl-dome-2-free-stds-included/138907-sweet-pretty-milf-budget-gem-60-2-2-a-56.html?postid=4534812#post4534812

At the bottom of your message you added PS: TS mind upping me?

Requests like that are almost guaranteed to bring out the knives. Nobody likes a member who blatantly asks for points. It bring out the worst in people. ;)

08-02-2010, 05:02 PM
I checked and found no evidence of clone zapping.

However, I can tell you exactly why you were zapped by numerous members.

Take a look at your post http://www.sammyboyforum.com/welcome-fl-dome-2-free-stds-included/138907-sweet-pretty-milf-budget-gem-60-2-2-a-56.html?postid=4534812#post4534812

At the bottom of your message you added

Requests like that are almost guaranteed to bring out the knives. Nobody likes a member who blatantly asks for points. It bring out the worst in people. ;)

Then wat about me? Did u punish those clone zapping me???

Big Sexy
08-02-2010, 05:49 PM
if you have read post 6 and 8 like i told you too..
u would have understood why people zap you
and didn't you see those replies to your post in the thread..
"Married Man Seeking For More Gals"
read the replies and you will know why you were zapped...

and post like this isn;t going to make you friends too.
Seems like you can change your sex gender. You go thailand is it?

Then wat about me? Did u punish those clone zapping me???

08-02-2010, 06:12 PM
Then wat about me? Did u punish those clone zapping me???

I already told you THERE IS NO EVIDENCE OF CLONE ZAPPING.:rolleyes:

Don't you understand simple English?:confused:

12-02-2010, 03:02 PM
Hi Boss,

1) Wanna check with you, every members started off with 15pts.
If I vote a member +1, mine will deduct -1 ?

2) Every contribution, system will give +1, or +1 is given by member if anyone like my post ?

3) Coz now i'm left with 2pts, is it to say i got zapped till left this :confused:

Kindly clarify.
Thank you

12-02-2010, 03:40 PM
You don't lose points when you add to the reputation of others.

Check your user CP for remarks regarding why you were zapped.

Hi Boss,

1) Wanna check with you, every members started off with 15pts.
If I vote a member +1, mine will deduct -1 ?

2) Every contribution, system will give +1, or +1 is given by member if anyone like my post ?

3) Coz now i'm left with 2pts, is it to say i got zapped till left this :confused:

Kindly clarify.
Thank you

Big Sexy
12-02-2010, 04:40 PM
1. point 1 sam already answered.

2. points are given and deducted by other members in the bbs, how many points are given/deducted depends on the user's rep power. e.g i have a rep power of 15 so i can give +15 points with every add.

3. yeap.. you have been negged by others..

2) Every contribution, system will give +1, or +1 is given by member if anyone like my post ?

3) Coz now i'm left with 2pts, is it to say i got zapped till left this :confused:

13-02-2010, 01:22 AM
4. 1 point of reputation power is gained every ONE YEAR.

does this still apply?

13-02-2010, 08:50 AM
4. 1 point of reputation power is gained every ONE YEAR.

does this still apply?

Yes it does.

Big Sexy
13-02-2010, 09:09 AM
you dont have any rep power yet because
you need a min of 35 points to gain the power.

4. 1 point of reputation power is gained every ONE YEAR.does this still apply?

02-03-2010, 09:13 PM
:o..Hi Bro Big Sexy..Can i knows wat the meaning of samster(eP)..like wat bro thomas999..have,,pardon the ignorance..Thanz and Cheers;)

Big Sexy
02-03-2010, 09:40 PM
expired membership for the private section..
Pictures of our Sexual Escapades (PRIVATE SECTION)

:o..Hi Bro Big Sexy..Can i knows wat the meaning of samster(eP)..like wat bro thomas999..have,,pardon the ignorance..Thanz and Cheers;)

02-03-2010, 09:44 PM
:)..Thanz..for the answer Bro....Cheers
expired membership for the private section..
Pictures of our Sexual Escapades (PRIVATE SECTION)

Big Sexy
02-03-2010, 09:57 PM
no problem mate..;)

:)..Thanz..for the answer Bro....Cheers

07-03-2010, 01:32 AM

just curious whats in the private section? i mean what diff from the ordinary threads where we all can view right now

07-03-2010, 01:42 AM

just curious whats in the private section? i mean what diff from the ordinary threads where we all can view right now

Sam's Singapore Slings (http://www.asiangirlsnextdoor.com/adultcheck/harryauk.html)

12-03-2010, 09:21 PM
12. Reputation points can no longer be awarded/deducted in the "Newbie Issues/Say "Hi"/Testing" section. Previously, the reputation system was activated in ALL sections.

13. Posts older than 2 days cannot be awarded or deducted. There used to be no such limit.


Is this the latest update ?

Cos i want to highlight something. Not only pts cannot be awarded/deducted in the Newbie Issues, Soccer Talk also cannot right ?

Should be :

12. Reputation points can no longer be awarded/deducted in the "Newbie Issues/Say "Hi"/Testing" and "SoccerTalk" section. Previously, the reputation system was activated in ALL sections.

Big Sexy
12-03-2010, 10:31 PM
yes you are right..

i have updated it..thank you ;)

Not only pts cannot be awarded/deducted in the Newbie Issues, Soccer Talk also cannot right ?

12-03-2010, 11:39 PM
yes you are right..

i have updated it..thank you ;)

Is there any reason why pts cannot be deducted in soccer talk section ?

13-03-2010, 01:53 AM
Is there any reason why pts cannot be deducted in soccer talk section ?

Bro, if points can be deducted, the whole forum will be in chaos. Different people support different team.

For example, 1 Chelsea fan saying something like 'Chelsea will definitely beat Man U, Arsenal and Liverpool to win the EPL title', some of the fans of other teams will not bother, but some die-hard fans will zap the guy like there's no tomorrow.

Maybe that's the reason.

Boss,Big Sexy and fellow bros, do pardon me if I have said anything wrong in this post.

Thank you.

20-03-2010, 06:30 PM

I noticed that some people have a lot of reputation points but not much power points and vice versa.

Also, there are people with hundred or even thousand of reputation points but they have fewer power points than some with less than a hundred reputation points.

Why is this so?

How come some people who are relatively new and have not many reputation points got so many power points? How does this happen?

What can I do with power points?

Sorry for so many questions.

Thanks a lot for any enlightenment!

Big Sexy
20-03-2010, 10:00 PM
you can find the answers in this thread and also here (http://www.sammyboyforum.com/newbie-issues-say-hi-testing-tech-stuff/52814-newbies-helpline-newbies-please-post-your-question-here.html)

Thanks a lot for any enlightenment!

24-03-2010, 10:19 AM
Boss, just wondering, will it reflect on old inactive members like me? or just for new members joining after 12 Mar 2010.. cheers..

updated by Big Sexy (12 Mar 2010)

1. Everyone starts with 15 reputation points and reputation power of 0. When a reputation score of 35 is reached, reputation power becomes 1.

4. 1 point of reputation power is gained every ONE YEAR.


Big Sexy
24-03-2010, 10:44 AM
point 1 is only applicable to newbies.

will it reflect on old inactive members like me? .

24-03-2010, 01:05 PM
Hi Big Sexy, recently I received a reputation update by a bro here. He is a person with a power of 4. How is it possible for someone to give an even reputation for a post when he has got a power of 4 :confused:?

Please enlighten me.

Thank you.

Big Sexy
24-03-2010, 03:08 PM
if he has a rep power of 4.
then he can only give 4 positive points to another.
is that what you are asking??:confused::confused:

He is a person with a power of 4. How is it possible for someone to give an even reputation for a post when he has got a power of 4 :confused:?

Sperm Man
24-03-2010, 03:24 PM
Pls enlighten me too, i have no idea what you trying to ask?:confused::rolleyes:

Please enlighten me.

24-03-2010, 03:42 PM
.....I received a reputation update by a bro here. He is a person with a power of 4. How is it possible for someone to give an even reputation for a post when he has got a power of 4.....

4 is an even numbers..he is Power 4 and upped you +4 is correct.
It is correct point count, correct?
Unless it's a +4 up but resulted in +40 then it's system fault...but think no such good deal and most likely will keep the extras in silence...(just kidding, Bro R.S)

24-03-2010, 05:09 PM
may i know ....where to get reputation point?

24-03-2010, 05:36 PM
may i know ....where to get reputation point?

Try NTUC Fairprice. They have reputation points on special this week. Buy 2 and you get the 3rd point free.

25-03-2010, 10:03 PM
Try NTUC Fairprice. They have reputation points on special this week. Buy 2 and you get the 3rd point free.

but play fun on me....i am newbie....surely dun know where to get the reputation point........jus asking....need like that ma.....u nv newbie before...?


26-03-2010, 04:33 AM
.....u nv newbie before...?


Bro Miyu, this person: sammyboyfor was the origin of newbie of this forum :D

But we like to call him: Boss Sam :D

26-03-2010, 04:53 AM
sorry sammyboyfor ....may i was too rude to you ....but can anyone answer my question?

26-03-2010, 06:46 AM
4 is an even numbers..he is Power 4 and upped you +4 is correct.
It is correct point count, correct?
Unless it's a +4 up but resulted in +40 then it's system fault...but think no such good deal and most likely will keep the extras in silence...(just kidding, Bro R.S)

The problem is that the person who Upped me left his nick and he is a Power +4 member but I did not receive any points. I checked the post which he Upped on, it indicates that the 'your reputation on this post is even' when usually if any bro Up me for my post, I will see 'your reputation on this post is positive'.

I was already on 54 before he Upped me, so by right if it is correct, I should be on 58 after the Up.

I am really very puzzled on this 'EVEN' reputation issue. Anyone cares to enlighten me please?

Thank you very much.

ah rat
26-03-2010, 07:49 AM
I was already on 54 before he Upped me, so by right if it is correct, I should be on 58 after the Up.

I am really very puzzled on this 'EVEN' reputation issue. Anyone cares to enlighten me please?

I just Up U to see any changes in yours pts for the pics u post at the Budget Massage + Unlimited Special by PRC MILF for SGD$50,yours pts now is 59. So now u got odd reputation issue.:D
The system no problem. :)

Big Sexy
26-03-2010, 07:58 AM
you need to earn it by making constructive contributions to the bbs.
only then will others Up your rep points.

may i know ....where to get reputation point?

26-03-2010, 08:33 AM
The problem is that the person who Upped me left his nick and he is a Power +4 member but I did not receive any points. I checked the post which he Upped on, it indicates that the 'your reputation on this post is even' when usually if any bro Up me for my post, I will see 'your reputation on this post is positive'.

Thanks very much for your feedback. I was puzzled by what you wrote above so I did a bit of investigation.

It turns out that even though the member left his nick as gongtee, another nick with NO rep power was used to leave those remarks. :eek:

This can only mean that the member "gongtee" uses clone nicks to manipulate the forum. However, he appears to have lost track of what he was logged on as when he tried to award you with some reputation points.

The nick "gongtee" has been stripped of his reputation power for his "crimes".:D

26-03-2010, 04:18 PM
But how to check who has zap me? my point changed from 15 to 9 .....

26-03-2010, 05:23 PM
But how to check who has zap me? my point changed from 15 to 9 .....

Bro Miyu, as per your pm to me, the User CP is just right in front of you :)

Any further questions, please refer to forum stickies :)

Big Sexy
26-03-2010, 07:32 PM
don't be lazy.
start reading the stickies.

8. Reputation votes are secret.

But how to check who has zap me? my point changed from 15 to 9 .....

27-03-2010, 03:59 AM
But how to check who has zap me? my point changed from 15 to 9 .....

I checked the database. You were zapped because you started complaining about not being able to get any contacts in this post :

Check your user CP for details.

27-03-2010, 12:03 PM
i also check the database, i was zapped becos i come out of retirement:D

Chua Soi Lek
27-03-2010, 12:15 PM
i also check the database, i was zapped becos i come out of retirement:D

You also come out of retirement ?

31-03-2010, 09:28 PM
Hmm how come i also dun have power?

31-03-2010, 11:21 PM
Sorry the late reply , that is reason i was deduct from +68 to -68 points

Mr Plschgme and i was outsource contractor sharing the desk and computor. I had recommended plschgme to join the sammboy member. He like to up point for Red Squrrel for the contact . I was teaching him how to up point and forget this not my account and too fast typing my nick name,
Too late to retrieve back the message.
I admitt this is my careless mistake:o:o:o

Sorry for the inconvenience
Mr Tee

01-04-2010, 06:32 AM
Sorry the late reply , that is reason i was deduct from +68 to -68 points

Mr Plschgme and i was outsource contractor sharing the desk and computor. I had recommended plschgme to join the sammboy member.

Yeah yeah and I was born yesterday. :p

You will not believe how many people have come up with exactly the same story.:D

Big Sexy
01-04-2010, 08:32 AM
Dear Sam....

That time i also got accidentally create a few more account because i cannot login to my big sexy account.. My clone are DNAT, Mircosoft, Sammyboyfor and Sammyboy RSS Feed..

I admitt this is my careless mistake,:o can you transfer the rep points and rep point from those account to my big sexy account??

Sorry for the inconvenience
Mr Big Sexy

I admitt this is my careless mistake:o

Sorry for the inconvenience
Mr Tee

01-04-2010, 06:14 PM
Yeah yeah and I was born yesterday. :p

You will not believe how many people have come up with exactly the same story.:D

We are outsource contractor for XXX company for short terms project between 06 to 09 months. We are doing the same task and jobs . Mr Pls chgme is my coving officer when i was on leaves or MC. We are sharing the Computor and same generic email account.

I am not given any excuses but the merely stating the fact

Mr Tee

01-04-2010, 06:42 PM
We are outsource contractor for XXX company for short terms project between 06 to 09 months. We are doing the same task and jobs . Mr Pls chgme is my coving officer when i was on leaves or MC. We are sharing the Computor and same generic email account.

I am not given any excuses but the merely stating the fact

Mr Tee

Hi Brother
Just because me causes my mentor Mr Tee to deduct from +68 to -68 points.
I feel vey bad, Sorry Mentor Tee , you had tried your best to explain the matter.
Bro Sam
Can i request to transfer all my points to Mr Tee


01-04-2010, 08:15 PM
Hmm how come i also dun have power?

wah!! u 6 posts only but got 122 pts ah!!!

05-04-2010, 01:02 AM
Boss, My points was 285 yesterday and today -285...I never disturb anyone here nor zap anyone......Hope u can help me...My 3 years effort all down the drain liaoz.

Big Sexy
05-04-2010, 08:02 AM
read the 1st post of this thread and make sure
you did not break any of the rules before coming here to complain.

My points was 285 yesterday and today -285...

Kuan Aik Hong
05-04-2010, 01:01 PM
I too never offend anyone here also kena the same fate. :mad:

Chengdu dog
05-04-2010, 01:35 PM
Boss, My points was 285 yesterday and today -285...I never disturb anyone here nor zap anyone......Hope u can help me...My 3 years effort all down the drain liaoz.

I too never offend anyone here also kena the same fate. :mad:

I think boss sammyboyfor should give the reason for putting our samsters into moderation.

It is very unfair to treat our bros this way :mad:

05-04-2010, 03:25 PM
I think boss sammyboyfor should give the reason for putting our samsters into moderation.

They know the reason. ;) However, many feign ignorance when it happens.:p

The list of reasons is available at http://www.sammyboyforum.com/newbie-issues-say-hi-testing-tech-stuff/60407-reputation-system-update-12-march-2010-a.html#post1693609

Big Sexy
05-04-2010, 04:08 PM
Oh yes, I'm the great pretender
A drift in a world of my own
I play the game; but to my real shame
You've let me to dream all alone. :D:D

YouTube - The Great Pretender-The Platters(1956) (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=riFR_UxRwaQ)

05-04-2010, 05:14 PM
They know the reason. ;) However, many feign ignorance when it happens.:p

The list of reasons is available at http://www.sammyboyforum.com/newbie-issues-say-hi-testing-tech-stuff/60407-reputation-system-update-12-march-2010-a.html#post1693609

Boss I guess you refer to clause no 10 . Those caught registering multiple nicks in order to build up their "war chest" to abuse the system will be placed in moderation mode.

I had not use this as a war platform and I everyday up others...here is my record..

L18h18 03-04-2010 06:54 PM Ninja_Assassin kim-seng-heng up u 3 pts
Horny doctor, naugthy nurse,... 02-04-2010 05:21 PM GL521 bro ken ask me to up u 3 pts....kim-seng-heng
GL Tall Gal List 01-04-2010 05:20 PM feifeilover kim-seng-heng up u 3 pts
thai girl is lonely and wan... 31-03-2010 05:09 PM RealEstateGuy kim-seng-heng up u 3 pts
Multiple Raids on PPC last w... 30-03-2010 04:26 PM liangcourt up u 3 pts..kim-seng-heng
Multiple Raids on PPC last w... 29-03-2010 03:15 PM torrokey kim-seng-heng up u 3 pts
hi i am new 26-03-2010 10:41 PM dmorky20032003 kim-seng-heng up u 3 pts
Vietnam - HCM (Thread 2) 25-03-2010 07:35 PM jojo456 kim-seng-heng up u 3 pts
Vietnam - HCM (Thread 2) 24-03-2010 07:26 PM waizhai kum-seng-heng up u 3 pts
MALAYSIA HOUSEWIFE DOING PAR... 23-03-2010 06:49 PM reddish1856 up u 3 pts..kim-seng-heng
Fling Cotact To Share 22-03-2010 03:43 PM ivan078 up u 3 pts..kim-seng-heng
New Discreet Jurong TN Cheap... 21-03-2010 01:04 PM ultramanjs up u 3 pts..kim-seng-heng
Ruby Wellness Qian Qian (Jean) 20-03-2010 12:58 PM BronzeGod up u 3 pts..kim-seng-heng
Panties, Gees, Bras anythin... 19-03-2010 12:55 PM samyboys kim-seng-heng up u 3 pts
My tenant aka my wife’s friend 18-03-2010 08:47 AM martin48 3 pts for u...kim-seng-heng
are there really female sams... 17-03-2010 08:47 AM jonzhong up u 3 pts...kim-seng-heng
Cat 50 Thai WLs - Big Boobs ... 16-03-2010 12:52 AM nookzaa2547 up u 3 pts..kim-seng-heng
Any Body2Body msg or Soapy M... 15-03-2010 12:38 AM happygogo up u 3 pts..kim-seng-heng
jack neo's affair 13-03-2010 10:53 PM AustinPowers up u 3 pts..kim-seng-heng

05-04-2010, 05:34 PM
I had not use this as a war platform and I everyday up others...here is my record..

You forgot to list the activities of your evil twin....:D

Kuan Aik Hong BronzeGod 16:59, 20th Mar 2010 1 kuan aik hong up u 1 pt [Post] [Edit] [Delete]
Kuan Aik Hong legion27 16:59, 21st Mar 2010 1 up ua point..kuan aik hong [Post] [Edit] [Delete]
Kuan Aik Hong bobhuat 17:22, 22nd Mar 2010 1 kuan aik hong up u a point [Post] [Edit] [Delete]
Kuan Aik Hong evil8157 17:30, 23rd Mar 2010 1 up u a point..kuan aik hong [Post] [Edit] [Delete]
Kuan Aik Hong jojo456 23:19, 24th Mar 2010 1 up u a pt..kuan aik hong [Post] [Edit] [Delete]
Kuan Aik Hong NarutoUchiha 23:25, 25th Mar 2010 1 up u a pt..kuan aik hong [Post] [Edit] [Delete]
Kuan Aik Hong reddish1856 02:36, 27th Mar 2010 1 kuan aik hong up u 1 pt [Post] [Edit] [Delete]
Kuan Aik Hong Innocentfirst 19:17, 29th Mar 2010 1 kuan aik hong up u a point [Post] [Edit] [Delete]
Kuan Aik Hong kavana79 20:55, 30th Mar 2010 1 up u a point...kuan aik hong [Post] [Edit] [Delete]
Kuan Aik Hong GoldStar 21:11, 31st Mar 2010 1 kuan aik hong up u 1 pt [Post] [Edit] [Delete]
Kuan Aik Hong Chengdu dog 21:26, 1st Apr 2010 1 kuan aik hong up u 1 pt [Post] [Edit] [Delete]
Kuan Aik Hong sangozanji 21:27, 2nd Apr 2010 1 Good effort!!!kuan aik hong up u a point [Post] [Edit] [Delete]
Kuan Aik Hong Ninja_Assassin 22:56, 3rd Apr 2010 1 kuan aik hong up u 1 pt

Big Sexy
05-04-2010, 05:38 PM
you forget the oscar, sam:D:D

You forgot to list the activities of your evil twin....:D

Kuan Aik Hong
05-04-2010, 05:48 PM
So sorry...

07-04-2010, 08:49 AM
Hi admin,
recently getting zaps for no reason.

Sounds like your wife is bi-curious but not bi-sexual as yet. Up your thread. :p
Looking for "Helpers 07-04-2010 08:12 AM down your post. Do not act smart

I suppose most guys out here are just waiting for a free bonk right? Got let me know also! :rolleyes:
sex buddies 04-04-2010 07:19 PM got 1 for u

But I still duno why I tio zap. What is the reason behind it? This is a forum for discussion right? I dun think my post is offensive or what. Like that also tio zap. If like that, then I diam diam, dun post anything liao.

Play games get points deducted because kena attack by enemy = reasonable enough
I just had my "game points" deducted without knowing the reason why?

Big Sexy
07-04-2010, 09:07 AM
no reason????? they left a reason, didnt they?

what do you suggest the admin should do then?

Hi admin,
recently getting zaps for no reason.

07-04-2010, 09:19 AM
no reason????? they left a reason, didnt they?

what do you suggest the admin should do then?

ok a reason without any valid meaning. I do not know what can the admin do. I am treating the point system like a game as what sammyboy has said in his earlier post but at least if can know why I got zap and for what (die also know how I die). If cannot know, then bo bian.... there's nothing much I can do about it either except to grumble and complain. :p

Big Sexy
07-04-2010, 01:26 PM
mate.. unless you are prepared to justify all the positive points.
it will be unfair to ask sam to look into zapping matters.
it have to work both ways..

those people probably didn't like some of your comments..
just continue to contribute constructively and there are enough
good souls out there who will up you.. ;)

there's nothing much I can do about it either except to grumble and complain. :p

07-04-2010, 02:21 PM
ok a reason without any valid meaning. I do not know what can the admin do.

I had a bit of time on my hands so I've done an investigation.

I've decided that you do not deserve the zaps you mention. If you want, I'll restore the points that you lost.

However, I also took stock of all the points that you've been awarded and I've decided that you don't deserve the following rep points :

jlkl ups naturegreen 12:05, 30th Jul 2009 8pts no worries lah, let me help u with ur pts.

I checked the post and you contributed nothing in the post to deserve the 8 points.

forumer ups naturegreen 17:35, 29th Aug 2009 6pts forumer

No valid reason given for awarding you 6 points.

bryan_r777 ups naturegreen 17:17, 9th Sep 2009 3pts i up ur power 1st. can give some contacts?

The 3 points were awarded as a form of a bribe in exchange for some contacts. You did not earn them.

ReCaRo79 ups naturegreen 19:32, 14th Sep 2009 4pts ReCaRo79 up you.

No valid reason given for the 4 points you were awarded. Checked the post and couldn't find any reason why you deserved 4 points either.

jake85 ups naturegreen 00:31, 27th Oct 2009 5pts Return favour. Ps only today got time to return you. Thanks alot.

"Returning a favour" is not a valid reason for adding rep points. It's clearly stated in this sticky (http://www.sammyboyforum.com/newbie-issues-say-hi-testing-tech-stuff/60407-reputation-system-update-12-march-2010-a.html#post1697218).

So what I'll do is deduct the points that were added to your rep for no valid reasons and restore the points that were deducted from your rep without a valid reason.


Big Sexy
07-04-2010, 03:26 PM
Man....You are Dr Evil and I claim my 10 pounds.:D:D

I had a bit of time on my hands so I've done an investigation.

07-04-2010, 03:41 PM
Man....You are Dr Evil and I claim my 10 pounds.:D:D

There's nothing evil about it whatsoever!:confused:

He requested an investigation and since I had the time, I felt it would be wrong to simply ignore his request.

I therefore went through his score card to make sure he's getting fair deal via the rep system.

Hopefully, he shows some gratitude for my efforts. He's a nice guy and I'm pretty sure he wouldn't want to retain the points he doesn't deserve just as he want's invalid deductions to be reinstated.

Big Sexy
07-04-2010, 04:24 PM
i bet 10 pounds he wont take up your offer and
and I still claim my 10 pounds :D:D

He's a nice guy and I'm pretty sure he wouldn't want to retain the points he doesn't deserve just as he want's invalid deductions to be reinstated.

07-04-2010, 04:38 PM
Hi Bro Big Sexy, wow! Jennifer Aniston...:D:)

07-04-2010, 05:46 PM
I had a bit of time on my hands so I've done an investigation...........

Wa! :eek: what a thorough investigation. Thumbs up. Left me totally speechless.... But let me clarify first. I did not offer any contacts in return for any reputation points. You can check with any of the guys who got any contacts from me. They showed their appreciation by giving me, I did not ask them for it. It might have been that they wanted to up me for a particular post but because after 2 days they are unable to up for that particular one, so they just up whichever latest one I did. :p And naturally of course the deal doesn't sounds worthwhile for me or anybody in their right mind....... I'll just retreat and thank you for your time. :D

PS: I am impressed at how closely the admins are monitoring this forum where there are few hundred thousands or maybe even millions of post after going through from page 1-9 of this topic!

i bet 10 pounds he wont take up your offer and
and I still claim my 10 pounds
Pls claim your 10 pounds from sammy boss.

Big Sexy
07-04-2010, 06:57 PM
try spending 16 hours x 7 here and you will know how it is done..;)

PS: I am impressed at how closely the admins are monitoring this forum

07-04-2010, 07:04 PM
try spending 16 hours x 7 here and you will know how it is done..;)

16 hours?!!!! Left 8 hours out of which, maybe let's say sleep takes up 6 hours etc.... 2 hours for miscellaneous.... where got time left to bonk? :eek: OMG! ain't you guys working from home? By the way, I am curious where you guys are based? In US or in Singapore?

08-04-2010, 03:39 AM
They showed their appreciation by giving me, I did not ask them for it.

Let me get this straight.. it's perfectly OK to keep points you don't deserve as long as they are awarded as a sign of appreciation and you didn't ask for them.

However, it's not OK to be zapped by members who don't appreciate your posts and you would like those points to be restored.

How nice it would be if the stock market could be played the same way.... take the profit when shares go up while asking for a refund whenever money is lost.:rolleyes:

PS: If you didn't offer any contacts in exchange for points, you should return the bribe that was given. Say the word and I'll reverse the transaction immediately.

Oink Oink
08-04-2010, 03:51 AM
Nothing else a concern but points for newbies???

Newbie, I am. First frustration came from moderation as cannot see post immediately. Later found out need 20 pts to be out of moderation.

Ignore me if I am asking irrelavant question.

1. I, for sure, know what is (M) in the post. What is (eP) and (P)?
2. Thought power is up by 1 annually, saw some bros as early as 2006/7 with power 0. Why? Power also can be zapped?

Willing to hang around here at 20 pts.:)

Sperm Man
08-04-2010, 04:10 AM
Boss Sam, didnt know you're into stock market. Perhaps a new discussion thread on stocks/financial ?

How nice it would be if the stock market could be played the same way.... take the profit when shares go up while asking for a refund whenever money is lost.:rolleyes:

08-04-2010, 04:12 AM
All the answers to your questions are in the stickies.

Nothing else a concern but points for newbies???

Newbie, I am. First frustration came from moderation as cannot see post immediately. Later found out need 20 pts to be out of moderation.

Ignore me if I am asking irrelavant question.

1. I, for sure, know what is (M) in the post. What is (eP) and (P)?
2. Thought power is up by 1 annually, saw some bros as early as 2006/7 with power 0. Why? Power also can be zapped?

Willing to hang around here at 20 pts.:)

08-04-2010, 04:18 AM
Boss Sam, didnt know you're into stock market. Perhaps a new discussion thread on stocks/financial ?

I used to trade. However, I found it very unfair that my broker would insist that I pay up whenever I lost money through no fault of my own. However, when I made money, I was happy to keep it even if I did not deserve it.

Sperm Man
08-04-2010, 04:41 AM
I used to trade as well, no one enjoys losing money. In stock market trading, it takes a few losers to create one winner.

Big Sexy
08-04-2010, 06:31 AM
you are just another lazy fellow...
if you have read the stickies.. you wont be so frustrated.
i really dont know where you get the 20 pts figure?

all your other questions has been answered before in the stickies.

First frustration came from moderation as cannot see post immediately. Later found out need 20 pts to be out of moderation.

08-04-2010, 10:26 AM
I used to trade as well, no one enjoys losing money. In stock market trading, it takes a few losers to create one winner.

You wouldn't recognise sarcasm if it hit you between the eyes.

Oink Oink
08-04-2010, 02:30 PM
you are just another lazy fellow...
if you have read the stickies.. you wont be so frustrated.
i really dont know where you get the 20 pts figure?

all your other questions has been answered before in the stickies.

All the answers to your questions are in the stickies.

Ok, read all 10 pages and found out the answers and things that I misunderstood. Now I am hardworking fellow, except I may not understand all that I have read.

If I recall correctly, I had 15 pts after my first post. Then started a thread to share an experience but was still under moderation. A power 5 bro upped me and commented that was to help me post faster. True enough, I was out of moderation. That explains why I thought 20 pts will get a newbie out of moderation.:o

Still, I don't know what are "stickies".:confused:

08-04-2010, 02:50 PM
Still, I don't know what are "stickies".:confused:


Oink Oink
08-04-2010, 03:21 PM
OIC! Those mini icons with a V char are the stickies. Thanks for taking the time to explain. For a moment, I thought it was me and my cock-eye. So big also cannot see.:D

Just a suggestion. Some stickies are more than 50 or 60 pages long. Why not re-compile the facts and put it in FAQ? May just save some hassles for the moderators and newbies. - my 2 cents of thought.

08-04-2010, 03:46 PM
Just a suggestion. Some stickies are more than 50 or 60 pages long. Why not re-compile the facts and put it in FAQ?


Oink Oink
08-04-2010, 03:50 PM
Sorry Sam!

As I continue to browse and pay more attention to the details, realized it is really me and my cock-eye.:o

08-04-2010, 03:54 PM
OIC! Those mini icons with a V char are the stickies.

The http://www.sammyboyforum.com/styles/images_pb/buttons/firstnew.gif icon does not signify a sticky. It's the icon you click to go to the first new post of the thread.

If you mouseover any icon, the description of the icon will appear.

10-04-2010, 11:21 PM
hi boss,
from what i read,we can use the word "fuck" in our posting,right ?

13-04-2010, 07:24 AM
We are outsource contractor for XXX company for short terms project between 06 to 09 months. We are doing the same task and jobs . Mr Pls chgme is my coving officer when i was on leaves or MC. We are sharing the Computor and same generic email account.

I am not given any excuses but the merely stating the fact

Mr Tee

I wish to appeal for my tpying mistake. I thinks that the deduction 68 t0 -68 is too heavy. Please considerate my appeal.

Thanks & Regards
Mr Tee

15-04-2010, 05:59 PM
i 1 year old liao still power 0 leh...:mad:

15-04-2010, 06:14 PM
i 1 year old liao still power 0 leh...:mad:

You can be 10 years old and it still won't make any difference. As long as you don't have 35 points or more, your power will remain "0".

15-04-2010, 06:44 PM
First of all thank you for a great forum !! I've met some cool friends, made some good contributions too I think.

Anyhow - probably ought to update the first page of this thread - as it still says "after one year power 1". I figured out that was not the case when I passed one year (no biggie for me tho - still having fun!) but could update that post to make it clear.

My question tho: I do try to up bros alot, but it does not appear it does anything for their points. Does power 0 mean 0 ability to help others ??

15-04-2010, 06:51 PM
Anyhow - probably ought to update the first page of this thread - as it still says "after one year power 1". I figured out that was not the case when I passed one year (no biggie for me tho - still having fun!) but could update that post to make it clear.

My question tho: I do try to up bros alot, but it does not appear it does anything for their points. Does power 0 mean 0 ability to help others ??

In the first post, it first explains that you need at least 35 points before you gain your first point of rep power.

It then goes on to say that every year, this power increases by "1".

Your rep power is "0" so when you add to someone's rep points, you are adding "0" to their score and we all know that x + 0 = x.

fl saviour
16-04-2010, 05:48 PM
mate.. unless you are prepared to justify all the positive points.
it will be unfair to ask sam to look into zapping matters.
it have to work both ways..

hehehe, can i take up the offer? :rolleyes::D

17-04-2010, 08:22 PM
Hi Sam, I would like to report a matter, dunno if you are keen to take up, buy I will just report anyway.

Someone just taken 4 points away from me with a comment 'KNN'. Is that what you classified as vulgarities for zapping others?

I am just seeking clarification on this matter. Thank you.

Hoon Kee
17-04-2010, 09:42 PM
Hi Sam, I would like to report a matter, dunno if you are keen to take up, buy I will just report anyway.

Hi Sam, I would like to report a matter, dunno if you are keen to take up, buy I will just report anyway.

Someone siggy violated the rep point system. http://www.sammyboyforum.com/1697218-post3.html swee swee lah, kee kee. :p

red_squirrel red_squirrel is offline


You UP my points and I UP yours.
You scratch my back and I scratch yours.

Next Points Target: 100.
Please leave your name behind and I will certainly return it

17-04-2010, 09:53 PM
Hi Sam, I would like to report a matter, dunno if you are keen to take up, buy I will just report anyway.

Someone siggy violated the rep point system. http://www.sammyboyforum.com/1697218-post3.html swee swee lah, kee kee. :p

red_squirrel red_squirrel is offline


You UP my points and I UP yours.
You scratch my back and I scratch yours.

Next Points Target: 100.
Please leave your name behind and I will certainly return it

Aiyo.. just a signature mah.. why take it so hard?? Really can't think of anything nice so monkey see monkey do mah.. people put then i put also lor :D..

18-04-2010, 05:43 PM
Someone just taken 4 points away from me with a comment 'KNN'. Is that what you classified as vulgarities for zapping others?

cool it bro,dun think knn is vulgar la kekeke.... and zap 4 points not so bad la, me kenna numerous numbers of 4/ 5 points zap liao kekeke... enjoy ur life bro, paiseh 3 years later then up u again hor wahahaha :D

swee swee lah, kee kee. :p

wahahaha....nnkc, si hoon kee also come here jalan jalan huh?? :eek: swee la swee la, 1 more kaki here...kekekek :p

20-04-2010, 05:58 PM
Hi sammyboy, I have problem giving out rep to others, when I sign in the forum, my Nick shows, however when go into fl or other thread, it show that I am off line. Please advise. Thanks.

20-04-2010, 06:19 PM
Tick "remember me".

Big Sexy
20-04-2010, 08:44 PM
read this


when I sign in the forum, my Nick shows, however when go into fl or other thread, it show that I am off line. Please advise. Thanks.

22-04-2010, 09:16 PM
What is the minimum pts now to get power? Seems it has been changing every year, very hard for newbies like me to get power :(

23-04-2010, 04:15 AM
What is the minimum pts now to get power? Seems it has been changing every year, very hard for newbies like me to get power :(

It has not changed for the last three years.

If you don't post anything, you'll never get any power.

Big Sexy
23-04-2010, 07:29 AM
35... and before you ask your next question kindly read
the first page of this thread.

What is the minimum pts now to get power?

23-04-2010, 08:10 AM
Positive Power Proposition for the Forum:

First of all THANK YOU for hosting a GREAT Forum. I cannot imagine the time and effort it takes to manage, but I surely enjoy and have met many friends here.

Suggestion for Power System: Many bros participate regularly (and positively) but are not in the 'arena' where points are really made. Obviously trading ups is not what you intended, but it is a BIG part of what happens - however I do not know how you would EVER control that.

I suggest rather than 35 point minimum to get any power, you look at CONTRIBUTION and PARTICIPATION - bros who are contributing (posting) or engaging positively / logging in at least two or three times a month (or whatever) for example, would get 1 power per year even if not 35 pnts.
Maybe say you cannot drop below 12 points or so to avoid power to those who flame for fun and detract from the positive sharing we all want.

I think there are ALOT of Bros out there who could improve the feedback system if given the chance.

Food for thought, but either way - keep up the GOOD work !!


23-04-2010, 08:19 AM
I suggest rather than 35 point minimum to get any power, you look at CONTRIBUTION and PARTICIPATION - bros who are contributing (posting) or engaging positively /

3000 messages are posted daily. You're saying that I should read all 3000 to sort out the positive posts from the rubbish in order to decide who gets awarded rep power even though they don't meet the minimum points requirements???:eek:

Big Sexy
23-04-2010, 08:29 AM
mate.. if the guy only login 2 to 3 times a month..he is hardly active and is unlikely to have any/enough constructive contributions..

However..if you happen to know of anyone who contribute regularly and doesnt get the proper recognition, let me know.. i will be most glad to "up' the fellow..;)

bros who are contributing (posting) or engaging positively / logging in at least two or three times a month (or whatever) for example, would get 1 power per year even if not 35 pnts.

Oink Oink
23-04-2010, 12:58 PM
3000 messages are posted daily. You're saying that I should read all 3000 to sort out the positive posts from the rubbish in order to decide who gets awarded rep power even though they don't meet the minimum points requirements???:eek:

If you do, add a pair of spectacles to your avatar.:D

Oink Oink
23-04-2010, 01:23 PM
mate.. if the guy only login 2 to 3 times a month..he is hardly active and is unlikely to have any/enough constructive contributions..

However..if you happen to know of anyone who contribute regularly and doesnt get the proper recognition, let me know.. i will be most glad to "up' the fellow..;)

Ha...ha... I log on almost everyday but dare not say I have made enough constructive contributions. 2 to 3 times a month sounds more like the number of special visits paid monthly.

Big Sexy, how would you define regular contributions and proper recognition? IMHO, it's hard to come up with such a yard stick.

Big Sexy
23-04-2010, 03:09 PM
of course are you NOT..
but if you have been in the forum long enough and spent enough time here
it wont be difficult to spot those regular contributors
here is one of them..
his points are justified.
that's my 'yardstick'..;)

Ha...ha... I log on almost everyday but dare not say I have made enough constructive contributions.

Big Sexy, how would you define regular contributions and proper recognition? IMHO, it's hard to come up with such a yard stick.

Abbie Mayo
23-04-2010, 04:05 PM
Hi, spent some time reading this forum, finally clear with what`s the points for. Is it possible for gal like me to earn points from all senior here? I do not have any sex story to share then can suggest to me how can i make myself to contribute here to earn points.

Big Sexy
23-04-2010, 04:55 PM
lady..ask yourself what you are here for..
and you will have the answer to your question.

btw you cannot do anything with the points..
it is just a form of recognition for ones contributions to the forum..

how can i make myself to contribute here to earn points.

25-04-2010, 11:28 AM
. . . You're saying that I should read all 3000 to sort out the positive posts from the rubbish in order to decide who gets awarded rep power even though they don't meet the minimum points requirements???:eek:

No Bro - I know you ARE Superman and all, but no one could do that. Let the NEGATIVE points tell you who is really participating - ie if you don't drop below 12 or so, no body is zapping.

The point is there are alot of us who are enjoying your forum as you intended, but do not collect points because of other things in play. I believe those are the ones you should find a way to encourage.

For instance I have never 'zapped' anyone - instead I've sent PM to them. I WOULD like to be able to reward those who help tho.

Again - I could not do what you do with the time it takes. So this is just thoughts for improvement for the great forum !!!


29-04-2010, 10:24 AM
Bro sam got zapped again with fuck.
Screwing maids 29-04-2010 09:16 AM dont talk big fuck liao then say

29-04-2010, 12:44 PM
0 reputation point oso cant pm ppl????

29-04-2010, 05:18 PM
0 reputation point oso cant pm ppl????

You can. The only difference is the size of your pm box. It's reduced to storing 10 messages max.

03-05-2010, 04:54 PM
I can reverse unreasonable zaps but I'll also have to remove undeserved "ups". Deal?:rolleyes:

Hi boss,i got zapped for tis post--->http://www.sammyboyforum.com/international-field-reports/168006-living-bangkok-22.html#post4816151
Does it consider as a unreasonable zap?:confused:

03-05-2010, 05:27 PM
Does it consider as a unreasonable zap?:confused:

Might seem unreasonable to you and me but whoever zapped you obviously thought otherwise.:p

03-05-2010, 05:57 PM
Might seem unreasonable to you and me but whoever zapped you obviously thought otherwise.:p

Thanks boss!!So may i know what r the category under "unreasonable zaps"?

04-05-2010, 09:44 AM
Thanks boss!!So may i know what r the category under "unreasonable zaps"?

There's no "category". What may seem unreasonable to you may be perfectly reasonable to someone else. It's all a matter of opinion.

04-05-2010, 12:49 PM
I cant quite understand this "points" system. It is given by other bros for contributions and perhaps in certain cases an fr.
Can someone who has only 3 postings all of which are asking for contacts of fl and have received more than 10 points. Does people gets points for asking for contacts?


04-05-2010, 12:53 PM
I cant quite understand this "points" system. It is given by other bros for contributions and perhaps in certain cases an fr.
Can someone who has only 3 postings all of which are asking for contacts of fl and have received more than 10 points. Does people gets points for asking for contacts?


It's quite possible if you have "friends" in the forum.;)

05-05-2010, 07:00 PM
Thanks. I got what u mean.

07-05-2010, 03:41 PM
Kinda weird, someone docked my point remarked - return favour please. Do not just asked for points :confused:
I thought the points are supposed to be rewarded for contributions? in the first place, I didn't asked for points. Anyhow, no nick left behind, how I gonna up back?

can Mods or someone enlighten me? thanks

07-05-2010, 03:52 PM
Anyhow, no nick left behind, how I gonna up back?

If no nick was disclosed, why bother about it?

18-05-2010, 10:06 PM
Boss Sammy

I got 9 rep power so how do I give partial points instead of 9 to someone.


Big Sexy
19-05-2010, 12:02 AM
you either give 9 or none..
you cannot choose how many points to give.

Boss Sammy

I got 9 rep power so how do I give partial points instead of 9 to someone.


19-05-2010, 11:01 PM
1. Everyone starts with 15 reputation points and reputation power of 0. When a reputation score of 35 is reached, reputation power becomes 1.

3. Number of posts have NO EFFECT on reputation power.

Bro Big Sexy, why do i still see someone with 35pts and 6 posts but Power is still 0? I have seen u stated in \"Newbies HELPLINE.. Newbies Please post your question here\", Pg 6 >> \"they need to have at least 10 post to have 1 repuation point.\" but not sure whether this requirement has been superseded by the updated no. 3 rule.

P/S: Paiseh..I\'m using proxycover.net to surf SBF right now so can\'t provide link to the quote.

Big Sexy
20-05-2010, 08:23 AM
which part is it that you dont understand?:confused:

it basically says.. you need to have more than 10 posts and 35 rep points to achieve your 1st rep power.

Bro Big Sexy, why do i still see someone with 35pts and 6 posts but Power is still 0? I have seen u stated in \"Newbies HELPLINE.. Newbies Please post your question here\", Pg 6 >> \"they need to have at least 10 post to have 1 repuation point.\" but not sure whether this requirement has been superseded by the updated no. 3 rule.

21-05-2010, 07:59 PM
which part is it that you dont understand?:confused:

it basically says.. you need to have more than 10 posts and 35 rep points to achieve your 1st rep power.

Simply put, Point no. 3: Number of posts have NO EFFECT on reputation power is causing confusion as it makes people think that as long as i have achieved the 35pts target, i will definitely get my POWER be it having 4 posts or 30 posts. I\\\'m afraid that if u refer samster who has queries on Rep Pts to the 1st page of this thread, they will have many ???.

\'they need to have at least 10 post to have 1 reputation point\' was stated by u in another thread and i have a hard time looking thru the pages of both threads to search for the info on this. Nevertheless, i appreciate the hard work done by u. :)

May i suggest to BOSS to edit Pt no. 1 in Page 1 of this thread to include the \'more than 10 posts and 35 rep pts\' for the benefit of the newly joined samsters and to those who have doubts on this. Thanks! :)

22-05-2010, 03:29 AM
May i suggest to BOSS to edit Pt no. 1 in Page 1 of this thread to include the \'more than 10 posts and 35 rep pts\' for the benefit of the newly joined samsters and to those who have doubts on this. Thanks! :)

There is no fixed number of posts needed in order to get power. What is required is confirmation that the new member is not a spammer. There is an algorithm that works this out based on number of posts per day.

Big Sexy
22-05-2010, 07:32 AM
mate.. the reason why i put it as 10 is because
if you have less than that.. you are unlikely to
get out of moderation, and if you are not out of moderation
you dont get any rep power.

what point 3 actually mean is that
you dont get additional power for the number of post you made.
for example... 1 extra points for 1000 post..

i will definitely get my POWER be it having 4 posts or 30 posts. 3. Number of posts have NO EFFECT on reputation power.

No More Lies
23-05-2010, 10:27 PM
Hi like to check; Is it possible to say lower the rep pts or something? 35 seems hard for newbies like me.

24-05-2010, 05:16 AM
Hi like to check; Is it possible to say lower the rep pts or something? 35 seems hard for newbies like me.

How do you know it's hard when you haven't posted a single message yet?:confused:

Big Sexy
24-05-2010, 07:31 AM
mate.. if you dont start to contribute constructively.
20 points will be too difficult task to achieve.

Is it possible to say lower the rep pts or something? 35 seems hard for newbies like me.

17-06-2010, 12:05 AM
Hi Bro ,
My Reputations Seems to keep dropping . until now like gt suspended >.<
How can i Revive back ? any advice ?

17-06-2010, 04:01 AM

18-06-2010, 02:29 AM
Can I ask, what is rep/power points for? Is there any other meaning besides a social status within the forum?

Right now I cannot post in the picz exchange plaza. If I have higher rep/power points, does that mean I can?

thx in advance.

18-06-2010, 06:49 AM
Can I ask, what is rep/power points for? Is there any other meaning besides a social status within the forum?

Right now I cannot post in the picz exchange plaza. If I have higher rep/power points, does that mean I can?

thx in advance.

Rep points are there to establish a pecking order in the forum.

You don't need a higher rep points/power to post in the pix exchange plaza. You can do so straight after signing up.

20-06-2010, 11:12 AM
Boss can I check what does the (eP) besides my nick mean ?

20-06-2010, 11:31 AM
Boss can I check what does the (eP) besides my nick mean ?

It means you can upload attachments to the private picture forum.

20-06-2010, 12:39 PM
It means you can upload attachments to the private picture forum.

Ok thanks boss!

Big Sexy
20-06-2010, 04:31 PM
thanks for the clarification, sam...
i always thought i meant expired membership to the private picture forum.

It means you can upload attachments to the private picture forum.

20-06-2010, 04:35 PM
thanks for the clarification, sam...
i always thought i meant expired membership to the private picture forum.

Expired members can still upload attachments. They cannot download attachments.

23-06-2010, 02:58 PM
Reading this tread gave me a better understanding of how the pts and rep system work. But nothing beats the replies~~damn funny~~~:D full of wits~~:p

Thou i still do not understand what the power can do~~err..may not be my understanding capacity~~but i cannot find the infor ba~~:D

But still the forum is well run~~good job peeps~:)

23-06-2010, 04:54 PM
Well, i mgt to find out what the power can do~~~

Power 9~~zap u~~u -9 rep pts~~ Power 9 up u~~u get +9 rep pts.
Rep pts is of no importance or function, just an indication of your "contributions"

Lastly~~~is damn funny each time bros here asked to be "upped" :p (if you know what i mean)

23-06-2010, 06:23 PM
How To Gain Points?

Mine One -ve 4, Due To Post Something Wrong In Webpage.

Sorry To All Samsters

08-07-2010, 07:47 AM

can check with you if one samster can zap u everyday? or is it the same as approving, that it can only be done to a person after the 1000 people cycle?

got a weird feeling that i am zapped by the same person again and again everyday. just want to check only lar.


08-07-2010, 08:14 AM
Probably a group of members who are taking turns to zap you on a daily basis.


can check with you if one samster can zap u everyday? or is it the same as approving, that it can only be done to a person after the 1000 people cycle?

got a weird feeling that i am zapped by the same person again and again everyday. just want to check only lar.


08-07-2010, 09:48 PM
Probably a group of members who are taking turns to zap you on a daily basis.

thanks for the reply, boss. :)

14-07-2010, 10:51 PM
i did not login or post for the past 4-5 days and i got 20 points the last time..
today i login, its -4 points..

find it weird?
any idea?


edit: after i post this, now my points is 10...

15-07-2010, 07:32 AM
i did not login or post for the past 4-5 days and i got 20 points the last time..
today i login, its -4 points..

find it weird?
any idea?


edit: after i post this, now my points is 10...

Check your user CP.

27-07-2010, 02:53 AM
Right now I cannot post in the picz exchange plaza. If I have higher rep/power points, does that mean I can?

thx in advance.

You don't need a higher rep points/power to post in the pix exchange plaza. You can do so straight after signing up.

What I observed is that when you are in moderation (like me at the moment), you cannot post replies in pic exchange plaza. However, you can create new threads.

01-08-2010, 11:12 AM
Hi Bro Sammyboyfor, do you know of anyone who can help me delete a thread or can you do it? Could you delete the threads under me? I only have 2 threads, thanks thanks...

he is the boss, so u think he can or not? :rolleyes: :D

06-08-2010, 09:50 AM
how ppl zap i seemed to cnt find the button for zapping. btw dunoe who zapped me. and i dont know the reason either.

06-08-2010, 09:57 AM
how ppl zap i seemed to cnt find the button for zapping. btw dunoe who zapped me. and i dont know the reason either.

To deduct or add to the rep points of any member, click on the "scales" icon http://www.sammyboyforum.com/styles/images_pb/buttons/reputation.gif at the top of the message pane.

To find out who added to or deducted your rep score, check your user CP.

Your rep power is currently "0" so you can't add or deduct points at the moment. You need a rep score of at least 25 points. You're currently at -25.

06-08-2010, 10:07 AM
how ppl zap i seemed to cnt find the button for zapping. btw dunoe who zapped me. and i dont know the reason either.

It is because you posted in a tagged thread : http://www.sammyboyforum.com/showthread.php?t=198756

Every post in a tagged thread gets you a 6 pts zap by mod or bot, not too sure which.

It is tagged because it has no relevance to the forum you posted in.

06-08-2010, 10:13 AM
Every post in a tagged thread gets you a 6 pts zap by mod or bot, not too sure which.

It's automated. Once a thread is tagged, each post earns a zap. I've seen members lose more than 40 points in a tagged thread without realising what's going on.

Big Sexy
06-08-2010, 10:22 AM
you should read this thread.

how ppl zap i seemed to cnt find the button for zapping. btw dunoe who zapped me. and i dont know the reason either.

08-08-2010, 02:19 PM
Been away for 7yrs and what a change I see on the Sammy pastures :)

08-08-2010, 02:37 PM
Been away for 7yrs and what a change I see on the Sammy pastures :)

What sort of changes??? I haven't changed anything. :confused:

08-08-2010, 02:48 PM
thats bcos you are here almost every other time at your carved out cyberspace :)

it's refreshing for me to read the threads in your forum again on layouts and banners I have not seen for the past 7yrs...

17-08-2010, 12:59 AM
Hallo boss,

Although registered for a while n went thru some FAQ...
u mentioned can see ur own pts in the User CP

I went to User CP but can't find anything related to pts....
Do i have to post something first?

Sorry if iz a silly qns.....:p

Not too computer suavy need to spoon feed...:o

OOps my bad realised i jus answered my own qns...... pardon me....

Big Sexy
17-08-2010, 07:09 AM
u dont need to go to the usercp to see your points.
it is all display on the top right corner of your post.

Hallo boss,

I went to User CP but can't find anything related to pts....
Do i have to post something first?

27-08-2010, 10:43 PM

1) Just a quick question, how do i up my Rep points ? just by making more posts ?

2) i read somewhere that newbies have starting 15 Rep points, but i have only 10 points . :( Can top up my Rep to 15 points , same as other newbies ?


28-08-2010, 03:01 AM

1) Just a quick question, how do i up my Rep points ? just by making more posts ?

2) i read somewhere that newbies have starting 15 Rep points, but i have only 10 points . :( Can top up my Rep to 15 points , same as other newbies ?


Those who like what you post will add to your points and those who dislike your posts will subtract from your points.

You started with 15 but 5 have been deducted. Check your user CP.

28-08-2010, 11:19 AM
Those who like what you post will add to your points and those who dislike your posts will subtract from your points.

You started with 15 but 5 have been deducted. Check your user CP.

Dear Boss

As instructed, i checked the User CP and click those options to check, after 20 mins, can't find -5 points come from which of my post.
For all my posts , i click the top right corner weighting machine symbol but didnt indicate any -5 points

I believe many newbies have this same problem too . Can help us?:p paisei

28-08-2010, 01:34 PM
I believe many newbies have this same problem too . Can help us?:p paisei

You must have signed up during the period when newbies only got 10 points then. I can't remember when the switch to 15 points was made... could have been a couple of years ago.

17-09-2010, 10:43 AM
I am a newbie everybody has a 15 points when joining , how come my is only 9points?

Big Sexy
17-09-2010, 11:56 AM
you have been negged
check your usercp

I am a newbie everybody has a 15 points when joining , how come my is only 9points?

Double Standard
22-09-2010, 05:36 PM
5. ONE Reputation click allowed every 24 hours so award those clicks only when necessary.

6. Reputation spread figure is 1000 which means you have to give reputation to 1000 other members first before you can vote for a particular member again.


Hi Sam, any changes to rule No. 5 & 6 that we are not aware of? :confused:

23-09-2010, 03:39 AM
Hi Sam, any changes to rule No. 5 & 6 that we are not aware of? :confused:

No changes have been made.

Double Standard
23-09-2010, 11:00 AM
No changes have been made.

Thank you for your prompt reply.

Question : My points were zapped simultaneously within a span of 3 mins by the same nick. Does that constitute an abuse of the system?

23-09-2010, 05:24 PM
Thank you for your prompt reply.

Question : My points were zapped simultaneously within a span of 3 mins by the same nick. Does that constitute an abuse of the system?

You were zapped by TCSS controller. He's the mod in charge of dealing with spammers.

Double Standard
24-09-2010, 03:58 AM
You were zapped by TCSS controller. He's the mod in charge of dealing with spammers.

I see. That's to say "The Special One" has been vested with absolute power to dictate this BBS?

24-09-2010, 06:18 AM
I see. That's to say "The Special One" has been vested with absolute power to dictate this BBS?

Nothing special. I can't run this forum all by myself. There are more than 3000 messages posted daily. I therefore have to enlist the help of a team to help prevent spamming.

That leaves me with time to perform the technical tasks such as database and server maintenance plus upgrades and updates.

All forums have spam controls in place. It would be a huge mess here otherwise.

If you want a forum where you have complete freedom to do as you please, you can easily start one of your own and you'll have absolute say as to what can and cannot be posted. You can get the software from http://www.vbulletin.com and there are plenty of hosting companies eg http://www.hostican.com who will do the server set up and run the installation scripts for you if you're not familiar with pearl, mysql, php etc. Their tech support rate is in the region of USD75 per hour. Getting a forum up and running should take less than 3 hours.

30-09-2010, 12:25 AM

I would like to make an official apology to Sex-ified for using abusive words and vulgarities when zapping. Sex-ified, I'm truly sorry.

I repent what I have done and will follow the rules form this instance. I promise no more abusive acts in future.

Hope bosses can accept this public apology and re-instate my status.


09-10-2010, 08:02 AM
No changes have been made.

Boss, the last time I upped a samster was on 7/10/10. But when i try to up a bro now, the system prompt "U have given too much reputuation in the last 24 hr, try again later". :confused: How is it so?

Apology if theres any changes that I know not of.:o

20-10-2010, 12:05 PM
Just wondering, today was a bit curious abt all the points/repu system so came to this thread to read. I join sbf since 2005 so by rule:

4. 1 point of reputation power is gained every ONE YEAR.

I shd have at least 5 reputation power? but i got 0

hmmm...just wondering if i decipher the rule 4. correctly.

20-10-2010, 12:12 PM
4. 1 point of reputation power is gained every ONE YEAR.

I shd have at least 5 reputation power? but i got 0

hmmm...just wondering if i decipher the rule 4. correctly.

You skipped the first para. You need a reputation of at least 35 before power kicks in. You're currently at 14.

20-10-2010, 12:16 PM
ohh..ic, power lar, upped u for swift response !

20-10-2010, 12:17 PM
forgot cant upped u in this section of newbies, at least i tried..haha

20-10-2010, 12:51 PM
ohh..ic, power lar, upped u for swift response !

You can't do that because you have no power.:rolleyes: x + 0 = x.

Don't you understand basic arithmetic???:confused:

Big Sexy
20-10-2010, 01:22 PM
you obviously still dont understand how the system work.
have have no rep power and thus cannot up anyone

ohh..ic, power lar, upped u for swift response !

26-10-2010, 09:25 PM
Hi I have a question. I got zapped for posting and participating in polls??? Message was : participating if off topic thread - sam, and off topic - sam. I'm not interested in points, more curious though.


27-10-2010, 02:02 AM
Hi I have a question. I got zapped for posting and participating in polls??? Message was : participating if off topic thread - sam, and off topic - sam. I'm not interested in points, more curious though.


Your points were deducted for participating in this thread http://www.sammyboyforum.com/showthread.php?t=198753

It's a [tagged] thread which means it's not appropriate for the section it's been posted in. Every post results in an automated deduction.

07-11-2010, 07:48 PM
Hi, I am wondering why did my reputation power drop from 6 to 0?
i join the forum in 2004, was having power 6 awhile ago and didnt notice recently it became 0?

please enlighten me. Thanks :)

Big Sexy
08-11-2010, 07:04 AM
why dont you read this stickies.
page 1, post number 1

1. Everyone starts with 15 reputation points and reputation power of 0. When a reputation score of 35 is reached, reputation power becomes 1.

please enlighten me. Thanks :)

09-11-2010, 12:52 AM
why dont you read this stickies.
page 1, post number 1

1. Everyone starts with 15 reputation points and reputation power of 0. When a reputation score of 35 is reached, reputation power becomes 1.

I read it. i HAD 6 reputation power as i joined in year 2004. Currently its reduce to 0 and i wonder why.

Please advise

09-11-2010, 02:47 AM
I read it. i HAD 6 reputation power as i joined in year 2004. Currently its reduce to 0 and i wonder why.

Please advise

Your points have fallen below the threshold of "35". Once you get back to 35 rep points, your power will kick back in.

Big Sexy
09-11-2010, 08:21 AM
the statement says.. you need min 35 points to have any rep power.
'When a reputation score of 35 is reached',

I read it. i HAD 6 reputation power as i joined in year 2004. Currently its reduce to 0 and i wonder why.

Please advise

09-11-2010, 07:06 PM
Your points have fallen below the threshold of "35". Once you get back to 35 rep points, your power will kick back in.

thanks boss for clarifying

and answering my question to the point

10-11-2010, 06:29 PM
since everyone is asking about rep point, it makes me curious abt rep point system too...

1. I dunno y I was zapped in this thread --> http://www.sammyboyforum.com/showthread.php?p=1069175#post1069175
No nick & comments left behind. Wat hv I done wrong? Care to enlighten me?

2. Based on wat I just read, once my rep point rch 35, i will get 5/6 rep power since i joined in 2005? kindly correct me if my understanding is wrong.

Cheers... :)

Big Sexy
10-11-2010, 07:00 PM
yes that is correct.

2. Based on wat I just read, once my rep point rch 35, i will get 5/6 rep power since i joined in 2005? kindly correct me if my understanding is wrong.

Cheers... :)

11-11-2010, 02:54 AM
No nick & comments left behind. Wat hv I done wrong? Care to enlighten me?

There's no "right" or wrong" involved. It could be a something as simple as not liking your avatar.