View Full Version : what are the medicine soup that help men recover their Yang Qi?

11-10-2017, 12:17 AM
As in past 40, I feel damn tired after 1shot. I think that drinking certain soup or having some meals may help. Does mutton soup help? It does seem make me more energised after drinking

11-10-2017, 01:47 AM
As in past 40, I feel damn tired after 1shot. I think that drinking certain soup or having some meals may help. Does mutton soup help? It does seem make me more energised after drinking

Drink herbal soup is one thing...better to eat healthy and exercise regularly to keep fit much more better..

11-10-2017, 02:31 AM
Black chicken herbal soup, can get it a makan ctre.
Very common.

One strong massage auntie,
told me to stuff many herbs into
Chicken , wrap in foil, and bake it.
Can try on duck.
Like the one at ppl park complex food stall

11-10-2017, 02:43 AM
As in past 40, I feel damn tired after 1shot. I think that drinking certain soup or having some meals may help. Does mutton soup help? It does seem make me more energised after drinking

Go hospital buy cumm and drink if you dare but it sounds weird. But it really helps you replenish. I haven't tried and don't intend to try.

11-10-2017, 03:57 AM
As in past 40, I feel damn tired after 1shot. I think that drinking certain soup or having some meals may help. Does mutton soup help? It does seem make me more energised after drinking

You're adopting the typical attitude that when age catches up with you there must be some magic elixir that will restore your vigor.

In truth nothing consume is going to make a scrap of difference without any effort on your part.

However there is something that does wonders and that is 30 minutes of exercise a day 5 days a week.

No pain no gain. There is no shortcut to wealth, health and fitness. You have to put in the effort in order to reap the rewards.


11-10-2017, 04:01 AM
As in past 40, I feel damn tired after 1shot. I think that drinking certain soup or having some meals may help. Does mutton soup help? It does seem make me more energised after drinking
Chong during yr off day ,will not be tired.
You like mutton can try kambing soup,
Or herbal mutton soup.
Even herbal bakuteh, if u not muslim.
Masg n shot , will not tired so easily.

11-10-2017, 05:24 AM
As in past 40, I feel damn tired after 1shot. I think that drinking certain soup or having some meals may help. Does mutton soup help? It does seem make me more energised after drinking

Eat some fresh oysters! Get from Shengsiong. You will see the difference the next morning!

11-10-2017, 08:23 AM
Soursop juice.

11-10-2017, 08:30 AM
Rest is the best remedy

11-10-2017, 09:19 AM
Take redbull .

11-10-2017, 10:43 AM
Take redbull .

Add 100plus, raw egg, milo and guiness stout too .

11-10-2017, 10:43 AM
Take redbull .

That is the worst possible advice anyone can give. The stuff is poison especially for those approaching middle age.

11-10-2017, 10:53 AM
Bring your BMI down to low 20s. Do core muscle group training alternate days with cardio 2X a week. Have a disciplined diet low in animal fats, high in fibre. Take Omega 3 tablets, Zinc+ Magnesium tablets, Vitamin E tablets.

Do all the above, reach 60 still will be able to shoot multiple times a day. :)

11-10-2017, 02:28 PM
I take turtle soup once a week with extra brandy added to the soup. So far so good.

11-10-2017, 02:45 PM
Bring your BMI down to low 20s. Do core muscle group training alternate days with cardio 2X a week. Have a disciplined diet low in animal fats, high in fibre. Take Omega 3 tablets, Zinc+ Magnesium tablets, Vitamin E tablets.

Do all the above, reach 60 still will be able to shoot multiple times a day. :)

No way. This is western way. I am seeking traditional way. Remember I say Yang Qi, I did not say shoot multiple times or what. Having Yang Qi help preserve your youth which no amount of exercise can help.

11-10-2017, 02:56 PM
Black chicken herbal soup, can get it a makan ctre
Ownself boil, use expensive cordyceps,
Yu chu, bei chi, waishan, shoudi, dangsheng, ask medicine shop
to pick
N wrap.

Oooo bro, you can make it yourself and open a shop hehe :D

11-10-2017, 02:58 PM
Eat some fresh oysters! Get from Shengsiong. You will see the difference the next morning!

ear raw oyster ?

11-10-2017, 02:59 PM
I take turtle soup once a week with extra brandy added to the soup. So far so good.

i am also try to find good turtle soup, bro where you take, any good recommendation :rolleyes:

11-10-2017, 03:55 PM
Oooo bro, you can make it yourself and open a shop hehe :D

Oooo don't forget to invite us :D

11-10-2017, 05:03 PM
No way. This is western way. I am seeking traditional way. Remember I say Yang Qi, I did not say shoot multiple times or what. Having Yang Qi help preserve your youth which no amount of exercise can help.

If you believe this sort of crap you're a complete moron who deserves an early death. :rolleyes:

11-10-2017, 05:21 PM
ear raw oyster ?

nose better la !

11-10-2017, 05:31 PM
No way. This is western way. I am seeking traditional way. Remember I say Yang Qi, I did not say shoot multiple times or what. Having Yang Qi help preserve your youth which no amount of exercise can help.

Learn Qi Gong.
Again, I say,
drink soursop juice.

11-10-2017, 10:03 PM
i am also try to find good turtle soup, bro where you take, any good recommendation :rolleyes:

www.goodturtlesoup.com :rolleyes:

11-10-2017, 11:41 PM
People advocate exercise, which is good for starters, if you have not been exercising regularly. Got hope, if you have been sedentary.

But honestly if you are already in decent shape with bmi in healthy range, the benefit of exercise diminishes. Same goes for food and supplements. Speaking from personal experience as i go gym regularly and am cardio fitter than average. But the effect of aging and natural variation is unavoidable. In the first place, we all have differing hormone levels to start with so no point to compare abilities.

Just take the effect of aging as it is and adjust your lifestyle accordingly. If cannot shoot too often then just rest more and slow down, no need to try to match up and cause unnecessary stress and fretting. I am also reaching mid 40s and if manage to do 2 shots, i got no feeling for a few days :D And yes, i am fit in terms of exercise.

11-10-2017, 11:51 PM
see a chinese tcm doctor.
Certain ppl cant strengthen yang
Nose bleed ,body abcess , big big one

11-10-2017, 11:52 PM
Oooo bro, you can make it yourself and open a shop hehe :D

oyster not yang, wet heat.
Prefer wu wei.
..can sleep better, next day fresh
Ppc, ppc complex

11-10-2017, 11:54 PM
Mutton soup eat 1 day b4 action good for me :)

11-10-2017, 11:54 PM
Learn Qi Gong.
Again, I say,
drink soursop juice.

yes angmo durian
Now china man tcm also say good

11-10-2017, 11:56 PM
Mutton soup eat 1 day b4 action good for me :)
bedok interchange hainanese herbal mutton soup.
can kock stand faster

11-10-2017, 11:58 PM
i am also try to find good turtle soup, bro where you take, any good recommendation :rolleyes:

turtle n reptile, is yin
Not yang

12-10-2017, 12:29 AM
Snow frog better, it jelly inside the shell.
Hashima boil in rock sugar red dates..
Use to be $ 6 a bowl,.
Ppl park complex near sex toy shop last time,

If face is red,red tongue, often hv fever, feverish heaty
Hard stool, dark urine.
Body is excess of yang, no need add yang.
Yang is energetic heaty, body heat.
Hv a cooling tea.

Face pale, lack appetite, cold hands feet.
Clear urine soft stool.
Excess of yin,
Need yang.
Hv a ginger tea, teh alia satu ,at mamak stall.


12-10-2017, 09:05 AM
As in past 40, I feel damn tired after 1shot. I think that drinking certain soup or having some meals may help. Does mutton soup help? It does seem make me more energised after drinking

Usually if i need to revitalise or bu my 'qi' , i will read political news and articles.

It will definitely make you 'sheng qi' 生气。

It will revitalise both my yin and yang at the same time.


To counter it, i eat onions so i can 放屁。(fart)

Like this i can balance out the 'qi' inside my body.

I just wonder how some politicians replenish their qi since most are being expelled all the time.

Just kidding. :D

A 3km run every night does wonders for me personally.

12-10-2017, 11:32 AM
That is the worst possible advice anyone can give. The stuff is poison especially for those approaching middle age.

I take 1 redbull and am still ok .

12-10-2017, 12:18 PM
So many ideas ! Jotted down!:D

12-10-2017, 12:56 PM
The for cock to erect quickly n nice n hard, is need hasima or ginger tea??? lol

Snow frog better, it jelly inside the shell.
Hashima boil in rock sugar red dates..
Use to be $ 6 a bowl,.
Ppl park complex near sex toy shop last time,

If face is red,red tongue, often hv fever, feverish heaty
Hard stool, dark urine.
Body is excess of yang, no need add yang.
Yang is energetic heaty, body heat.
Hv a cooling tea.

Face pale, lack appetite, cold hands feet.
Clear urine soft stool.
Excess of yin,
Need yang.
Hv a ginger tea, teh alia satu ,at mamak stall.


12-10-2017, 07:00 PM
just exercise. everything improves ... your looks too.

13-10-2017, 12:46 AM
Amercan ginseng hashima, rock sugar .
Tun ah.
Beef leg vein , n brandy, cock hard.

13-10-2017, 12:51 AM
lately because of work ... too long never exercise .... and too tired. even when my gal have the need, I can't seems to focus ... think i better start working out and see if it improve.

13-10-2017, 02:08 AM
Ask the old man to pick some herbs.
Bald head man ,maybe not yet retired.

13-10-2017, 09:29 AM
People advocate exercise, which is good for starters, if you have not been exercising regularly. Got hope, if you have been sedentary.

But honestly if you are already in decent shape with bmi in healthy range, the benefit of exercise diminishes. Same goes for food and supplements. Speaking from personal experience as i go gym regularly and am cardio fitter than average. But the effect of aging and natural variation is unavoidable. In the first place, we all have differing hormone levels to start with so no point to compare abilities.

Just take the effect of aging as it is and adjust your lifestyle accordingly. If cannot shoot too often then just rest more and slow down, no need to try to match up and cause unnecessary stress and fretting. I am also reaching mid 40s and if manage to do 2 shots, i got no feeling for a few days :D And yes, i am fit in terms of exercise.

You probably need to exercise your dick as well . :)

13-10-2017, 10:34 AM
What about advice for women? What kind of food would make me be sexier? :p

14-10-2017, 12:10 AM
Something thats moist u.
Bird nest, royal jelly.

Pale face ,cold hand n feet , soft stool,
Pulse not strong, slow. Then need more yang.

Do not anyhow, can cause nose bleeding ,death.
If body full of yang.
Red face ,often feverish, hard stool, strong fast pulse beat.
Need excercise. Pulse rate down, bp not high.

Some ppl died, any how take without knowing body condition.
Having a fever ,dont not take any form of tcm.
Can cause death.

Except liang teh ,or yin chiao.
(Chrysanthemum, n honey suckle flower)

14-10-2017, 12:23 AM
You probably need to exercise your dick as well . :)
Fuck too much stomach got wind ,it went in from the dick, if dont fart
The wind is inside.
Try geylang pig stomach soup with pepper.
Not k7am chye ,but pepper.
Will get back yr appetite.

14-10-2017, 12:34 AM
What about advice for women? What kind of food would make me be sexier? :p

Moist you, budgeted rock honey from chinatown street shop.
Not more sexy but moist yr skin

14-10-2017, 02:45 AM
boil yellow tongkat ali slices with soup or soak in wine or just in hot water.

also do specific qigong for sex, and testicular massage. retain essense for 2-3 weeks, till you feel the heat

do kegels and jelqing to keep the blood flowing. I also tried leech oil and a penile vacuum enlargement tube.

go to juageng specialist, its those aunties whom you cant steam when you see them, but if you can stand, its real stuff

14-10-2017, 07:44 AM
What about advice for women? What kind of food would make me be sexier? :p

drink it fresh.