Visited "planet" ex-ibar.. Was empty when i visited at ard 2130 to 2215.. SOund system was down and the band was thai.. Saw 2 GROs.. Didn't make contact as not up to standard.. Same shit different management..
2230, Visited JS club in amoy street.. Small place with abt 16 to 20 tables.. 3 table occupied with ah bengs.. 4 GROS.. standard was average.. Ordered martell at $168.. Not cheap considering a size of such.. No live band.. Just 2 round plaforms in the centre of the place for dancing.. LD @ $10.. Not a visit..
2100, Visited icon due to balance left.. Pii tong still around.. More GROs but standard droped a little as compared to the past... sat a while, got spotted by a few GROs.. there they came flocking to my group.. Sat for one hour playing games with them.. was entertaining..
******End of report