Originally Posted by Jason12345
My regular recently RTC, before going back ask me to visit her, been talking everyday and not pushy at all. Never ask for money. Thinking of going, see what happens.
All I can say is, thread carefully. Some rare cases of your kind did end up well.
Else, mostly will become like what Bro @
unfit went thru,
even went back see parents who welcome his Maos and 走向一个必死无疑的结局 til totally bled dry。
For PRC WL ladies, never EVER believe in their initial "not pushy at all. Never ask for money" nonsense. As I've mentioned before, it's a common part of their
欲擒故纵 / 欲扬先抑 deception which never fails to devour naive Sinkie men like breakfast since time immemorial, rinse and repeat.
If you must go back to find her, just know that 玩归玩,守住本心见好就收 can already and just use some budgeted Maos to have a good time there and back in one piece. A Cheekon will always be a Cheekon even after they rtc so you must treat her as such.
You can like her but never ever become a Simp or what the PRCs called 添狗 to fan their fire.
Many are 绿茶妖女 in disguise and can suddenly 翻脸比翻书快 at the drop of a hat putting you into a drunken confused nut.
Cheonging always comes with high risks and you must practice extreme discipline over your mind and emotions. Treat it like fighting a war.
We should always show empathy but once their fox tail is finally revealed you must always be mean to those with ulterior motives with ZERO mercy and secure victory over WLs at all costs.
In case something untoward happens, fret not and always remember..:
" 人善被人欺,马善被人骑 – 所以男人想要站得稳,必须心要狠, 要敢硬气一点她们敢跟你拼命吗?"
Just like Warren Buffet's investment principle: Rule no. 1: Never lose money. Rule no. 2: Never forget Rule no. 1.
人非草木, so if feelings are invested which is normal for humans, make sure it is reciprocated. Same for money, make sure the time you spend with them is worth every penny and you come out from the room with a smile having 'secured victory' and completed your mission, else move on.
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