2 day 1 nites.. cause going waste the money.. if save other, maybe will around 200 till 250 nia.. this 12 u coming or not? driver is miss u so much liau..
next target 3800
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2 day 1 nites.. cause going waste the money.. if save other, maybe will around 200 till 250 nia.. this 12 u coming or not? driver is miss u so much liau..
2D1N u spend 400sgd?
12th Jan u means? thursday? going 2D1N?
Haha..u means my driver is it? he also got sms bro xiongmao say he long time no see me already.
Went with 1 friend to Batam on 28th December 2011. -------As it was our first time going cewek-hunting in Batam,------------
Reached location 5, some KTV near Windsor Hotel. 1 of the girls caught my friend's attention so I boh bian settled for one fair and petite but not so pretty girl. We both paid 600K each. Went straight back to hotel and tried to get to know our individual girls better. Paid the driver 200k for his friendly services. We were kinda lucky to get cewek who speak manageable English as we practically can't speak any Bahasa at all.
Went to Pacific Disco at about 12am. Bought an E for my cewek upon her request. ----------------went back to the room at about 2AM for another round of action before the cewek asked me if she could go home first as the effects of the E has not worn out and she can't seem to rest properly. Gave her 300K and allowed her to leave since I am more or less spent and have no intention of one more shot in the morning…………………………….
I have been in batam since I setup my club in year 2001 and the feedback from some of my former members is that the cheonging market rates is going out of control.
The above is another example how the market is really spoilt by some inexperience cheongsters.
Why must pay the taxi supir 200k for ceweks hunting where most of us only paid the most rp50K. Don’t forget the supir get commission for every gal you booked. For 2 days, 1 night stay, we only paid Rp150K for bringing us to dinner, KTV and back to the hotel. And also sending us to harbourbay when we return.
Why must pay 600k for not so pretty girl. Most fishtanks and KTVs sure can get at rp400k and from some bros here, they are only paying rp300k in some joints. For rp600k you can get a pretty gal (8/10) if you know where to get.
Hahaha…. Paying her 300k and allowed her to leave after 2am in the morning??? Bro, she can just go down to the disco and get another fuck to get pay…… and I believe she will try her tricks with every bro who book her. For your info, we only paid 100k to 200k before the gal leave the next morning……
Bro, I hope you don’t feel offended. I am just putting the remarks for all our cheongster bros here to consider whether they want to play it smart or are willing to be chopped like carrot. Up to them!!!
To all former club members,
Wish you all a Happy and Prosperous New Year 2012..... Cheers!!!
Bro cheong2009, u also going? i cannot confirm cos if going on thurs, must take 2 days leave already...
haha... come la.. long time no see u liau... miss u so much, as u information, the girls u take last time no more work liau.. i miss her so much, her service is top top. u remember?
next target 3800
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Eh bro i never take the twins for seafood leh only got seafood lady boss and the driver leh u wan?
if this 12 going, i hope pak and my sifu will going winsor eat seafood, i can see the gurls again.. she beatiful, can not make her be mine love, but can see her is enough already... would like to support her and see her happy always...
next target 3800
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Venerable Shifus, Bros, will the trip on the 12 have mass orgy, if so i might sneak some time off to join in the good fun ?
u come la... i be the one bring u to batam, u can trust me.. this trip u can learn more than what u learn from me. so i suggest u better come.... i would welcome you to join, and remember is pak birthday, bring gift to him.. what "gift"? u think think la.. hehe
next target 3800
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