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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!
'When I good, I'm very good, when I'm bad, I'm even better' |
Re: ShangHai Recommendation - China's Sex Industry Year End Recap & 2007 Goals
Here's a note from the local China's Sex Industry on their coming Year 2007 Goals & Objectives.......enjoy reading bros!
过去的一年,是极不平凡的一年。随着中国严打色情业,色情经济的巨大疲软,我的事业遇到了前所未有的挑 战。但是,在休闲中心老板和妈咪的坚强领导下,发扬不知疲劳、不甘落后、不怕牺牲的三不精神,高举 三陪的大旗,克服了严打所带来的不利因素,全年吸引客人1658名,实现盈利254101元,比去 年同期增长15%,远远高于同期GDP7.6%增长速度,在本行业中位居前矛。 回顾过去一年所取得成绩,本人主要做了如下工作: 1.加强政治思想学习,深刻领会三个代婊重要思想。休闲中心老板刘二狗同志在一次酒后高谈阔论、高 瞻远瞩的提出妓女是代表广大嫖客的身体需要、妓女是代表着色情业的发展要求、妓女是代表老板和妈咪的利益 的三个代婊的光辉理论,本人不管走到哪,总是在学习领会三个代婊的思想内涵,并把它和实际工作结 合起来.淫民论坛常常报道了我学习三个代婊的先进事迹。 2.由于中国色情业由叫鸡市场发展成为鸡叫市场,各地的休闲中心、美容美发厅、洗脚屋里面的小 姐大打价格战。原先和一个男人过夜要收取300元,后来降到100元。本人率先在全国范围内实行打折优 惠的办法,对熟客实行五五折,凡光临本人五次以上免费提供一次服务。这种降价打折的促销的办法收了奇效;其 它的小姐门可罗雀,而我这里却是车水马龙,生意兴隆。大量的以前无力消费的下岗工人、建筑工人也成了我的客 户。 3.加大了嫖客市场开发的力度。本人变以前被动的坐台等客人上门为主动的走出去,引进来,响应 休闲中心屁股大开发的伟大号召,以身体搭台,金钱唱戏,一年来共在马路上发色情传单勾引客人155 名,约占客人总数的10%。我也把身体大开发的口号喊进了大学校园,一年来,吸引大学教授5人,研究生 20名,本专科生45人。另外,发展新客户,不忘老客户是我工作的准则,去年一年,共有455名科级以 上干部,212名警察成了我的客户。 4.苦练技术本领,提高自身业务能力。过去的一年,我参加了进出口实务的短训班,还先后拜民族乐器 萧、喇叭、小号等方面的名家为师,工作能力有了很大的提高:以前解决一个客人要三十分钟以上, 现在只要七八分钟,客人们都夸我人正点,活儿也一流!我还大胆的进行技术革新,比如:把老汉推车改革为 车推老汉,在休闲中心的评比中我也被光荣的评为业务能手、技术尖子。目前,我还自费在某炮兵学 校进修打飞机专业的MBA课程。 5.扩大国际交流,为国家积累外汇。为了为国家挣外汇。一年来,我刻苦钻研英语,终于学会了难学的o h、yeahcome on等单词,欧美等国家和地区的客人都慕名而来。上个财政年度共创外汇5508美元。 6.积极为社会作贡献。取之于社会,服务于社会。在过去的一年,我积极参加各类公益事业,为希望工程捐 款2.5元,免费为身残心不残的残疾人提供性服务8次 。另外,我还积极响应国家拉动内需,扩大消费的号召,一年来共买手机四部,衣服30套,啤酒2000多 瓶,避孕套5000多个。 总之,成绩属于过去,荣誉属于大家,展望新的一年,我对色情业充满了信心-----随着人们生活水平的不断提高,对性的要求是越来越高,毕竟民以性为仙嘛!明年,我的工作就是实现和 GDP的同步增长目标,在保持现有成绩的基础上,实现物质文明和精神文明的双丰收。主要做好如下工作 : 1. 加大广告宣传力度。争取投入20000元钱在卫士台插播15秒中广告; 2. 把色情小广告贴在城乡电杆上、公厕里、门缝里; 3. 大力挖潜。在各大中学校成立办事处,大单位要设立代办点。不放过小 学甚至幼儿园的潜在客 人,从小要对未成年孩子进行性教育 4.在各大网站的论坛、聊天室里,勾引上网人士 5.挖掘、培育世界名妓,把嫖客市场作广、做遍,发展集团服务,吸引世界各地的爱好者来嫖 娼. Cheerios to all bros............. ![]()
SGP-SHA69, Another Simple Man Living life simple is a true blessing ![]() 所谓性爱..就是有性才能有爱 |
Re: ShangHai Recommendation!
help is help.....char is char.....i very clear 1.....
member of the kaypoh clan....... |
Re: ShangHai Recommendation!
My first FR from Shanghai.
Place = Pudong, across the road from Intercontinental Hotel. Name = Siyuan, it's on the 3rd or 4th floor of a local hotel Type = shower, suana, red rope, FS Got there around 6:30pm. The place was so quiet. Just another guy changing back into his work clothes. Got ushered into a room with TV. Sat on a chair like the kind for foot massage. Then, the mgr came and ask if I am ready. I said OK. Took me to a room. Girl was OK, quite friendly. Started with a bit of massage, but it's not the real kind. Bed was a bit hard but otherwise ok also. Room was mirrored. After a short while, action started. Body to body massage all over. Then CBJ. Then CBJ while she hangs over. Moved on to FS with multiple positions. One unusual position was with her sitting on the rope, using it as a swing and me standing. Interesting but not spectacular otherwise. Cost = six eight zero. they gave me a vip card that's 12% off for next time. Repeat = probably not Why = girl was not exceptionally friendly or pretty; performance was average; bed not very comfortable, but probably better than SH Hotel on wulumuqi; but the main reason is the place was so quiet, I actually worried halfway through whether or not it's because the place has been raided before. Hopefully this will help anyone considering this place. Now, a question: Does anyone know of a place where you can get full proper oil massage, followed by BJ or just HJ? I used to have this done by massage girls who do house calls. But it's not convenient now. Someone said most massage places will offer that - I have asked a few girls and to my embarrassment, they said the management do not allow this. |
jc mandarin
just a quick check : anyone ever got lucky with the girls from the bar at jc mandarin ?
Re: ShangHai Recommendation!
Hi Bro here,
SOrry for the repeat Question because got no time to go thru the whole forum. I have to ask some urgent Question about KTV in Shanghai because I have problem bringing client to the good KTV and also friends to relatively low price KTV 1. Can bro here introduce some KTV that Taiwanese will like in Shanghai. It is good can provide some mami number and at the same time advise the room damage... Tips should be those 3dollar type and above. 2. Occasionally there is foreign friend come to Shanghai and ask for some budget KTV. 200 and below type. Any advise from bro here to those cheaper KTV.. Any recommendation ? Thanks a lot if bro can give some suggestion. |
Re: ShangHai Recommendation!
Bro S3vw, noname123 and Looksee,
It has been a long time since you all last visited this thread. How is everyone, huh? What is char and what is help, all the same mah. Brothers make no difference in small matters like these. Hahahaha Hope to see you all together one of these days. Regards PuTonRen OLD Simple Man (OSM, with an I missing between S am M - But I need something from OSIM for my old bones)
Just a Retired Simple Man PuTonRen aka UFO_Man |
Re: ShangHai Recommendation!
![]() unlce looksee tonite go happy oso no jio me....haizz
The blue planet My feet patter it everyday So do others' I stir the dust and clay And make my marks upon it |
Re: ShangHai Recommendation!
Lao da if we come in everyday sure hey wire one.... ![]()
'When I good, I'm very good, when I'm bad, I'm even better' |
Re: ShangHai Recommendation!
u will go meh...... ![]()
'When I good, I'm very good, when I'm bad, I'm even better' |
Re: ShangHai Recommendation!
u jio i sure dun go...but da ge jio i sure go....
The blue planet My feet patter it everyday So do others' I stir the dust and clay And make my marks upon it |
Re: ShangHai Recommendation!
ha ha ha ha......
u go i chop........ ![]()
'When I good, I'm very good, when I'm bad, I'm even better' |
Re: ShangHai Recommendation!
chop lor...young uncle one got 12 inch...1 inch less no prob for him...
The blue planet My feet patter it everyday So do others' I stir the dust and clay And make my marks upon it |
Re: ShangHai Recommendation!
noe who one i will chop.... ![]()
'When I good, I'm very good, when I'm bad, I'm even better' |
Re: ShangHai Recommendation!
kekeke...but cannot chop too many times...or else he will blame u that he only got 2 inch...
The blue planet My feet patter it everyday So do others' I stir the dust and clay And make my marks upon it |
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