I haven't been back to CP for 2 years..... i know long... but now that i work in HK. I am thinking of going again. Anyone know if the hotels are all booked for Easter weekend? I tried to come during end of Oct last year but it was fully booked because of some expo.
After the many years inCP, I realize that CP changed people for either the better or the worse- usually for the worse.
Changes of Regular girls- I've seen Footie girls that came to CP years ago holding true to their principles of not selling their pride, their body for money. After years of struggle and seeing how their customers bring in girls who enjoy the wonders of life for just spreading their legs, it's hard for any girl to resist. Thus footie girls turning in WG. I've seen DJ's who initially became a DJ seeing that 200 RMB a day pouring drinks and cleaning up trash was much better than the 60 RMB that they had when they worked overtime at a run down factory. They then saw how customer bring in KTV girls and how these girls were no prettier than they were were getting the same if not more than they were for sitting there, enjoying themselves and being served by DJ's the whole entire night-thus DJ's becoming a WG for the hope of a better life.
Changes of Mongers- I've seen mongers who when first came to CP were so docile and quiet and polite, over the years turn into something completely different. As if their true self that was supressed for so long was unleashed and gradually become more confident, loud and even borderline rude to everyone around. Someone who use to be respectful of others, became a person who demanded respect from others. CP gives an illusion to mongers, that back in their hometown they are a zero, but inCP all of a sudden they are everyone's hero. Imagine coming into CP, a place where everyone kisses your feet, everyone calls you "lao ban" or boss. Everyone is dying to do anything for the money in your pocket, praising you and treating you as if you are the king of the universe to them, how can anyone not change? How can anyone not let this get to their head? How can anyone not feel great about themselves or feel more confident in themselves? Mongers save like crazy back home so that they can come and blink all of their money away inCP, because who would spend $80 USD on a high class meal back home when they could use that $60 for a Sauna Session or partying at a KTV?
But there's a dark side to all of this. I've seen girls who get lost in the game of being a WG. Something that they promised themselves they would never become, they became. Later when they told themselves that it would be temporary, it became long term and then it became something permanent. I've seen girls who never pulled out of being a WG when they should have who wither their youth away and become old and unwanted, stuck in a situation where they couldn't find a partner to marry because they were too old and couldn't work as a WG anymore because of their age. There are some girls who knew that all the customers that came to CP are not there looking for love, but looking for a variety of girls to sleep with, but somehow got caught up loving a customer who toyed with their emotions, love and gave them a false hope- hope that a prince charming would save them from their life of hardship. But in the end was dealt with nothing but a harsh and bitter reality that the man / customer they thought they loved, was only there to have fun. Countless years of youth withered away, because CP gives girls an opportunity where they can earn quick money for virtually opening up their legs because they are young. But one day their years of youth will be numbered and most girls cannot adjust to reality and break away from CP's illusions.
The dark side of CP applies to men as well. CPin some ways make men feel good about themselves. Sometimes CP makes mongers feel a bit too good about themselves that it borders into arrogance. The reality is that inCP, most if not all of what girls tell you or compliment you, you must take with a grain of salt. I've seen men get caught up with girls, believing that these beautiful girls, which they could never have gotten in back in their home country, are actually madly in love with them. The truth is, it's rare that a girl would truly love you. They may be in love with your money or the hope that you will support them financially, but actually loving you is a whole different story. When I write this, I'm sure there's going to be a sting of mongers that will reply and explain to me their story about how much a girl loved them and how they were willing to sacrifice this and that for them and do this and that without any mention of monetary gain. Sure those situations exists. But do you guys ever think that perhaps they are trying to reel you in for a bigger payoff? I've always said that when it comes to girls, it's either you pay now or you pay later. In fact I would be as daring to expand on my comment and state that "it's either you pay now, or MORE later." Many girls try to lure guys in, not for a 200-300 RMB payoff, but they know they can milk more money out of you later on with gifts, an iphone, or ipad, or something more expensive later on. I've seen many guys trapped by these WG, wanting a GFE feeling and taking them out to do this and that and in the end they just but only another sucker in the girl's trap. On the flip side, I've seen really nice and kind guys change inCP to really become big arrogant AAsteriskholes. Guys playing with girl's emotions for fun, making them fall in love with them and then dumping them once they have achieved their conquest. Luring them in with hopes of marrying them or bringing them and their family out of poverty, only to deliver empty promises to gain free sex.
The bottom line is that CP is all but an illusion. Yes, it feels good and feels real when you are here inCP. But we still need to differentiate in the end what is real and what is not so we are not sucked into CP so deeply that it's hard for us to climb back out again. Yes inCP people around you make you feel important. But it is NOT ok to be flamboyant or cocky, yelling at Mommies and managers and even girls. Because CP really is the wild wild west. Every girl, every mommie, ever manager or just some punk on the street could have a friend or cousins in the triad or gangs that could just come up to you on the street with a sharp metal pipe and end your life on the street while you are walking to your restaurant for lunch or footie session if you happen to piss off the wrong person. There are regular and reoccurring incidences of dead bodies lying in the gutters near or outside of New Century Hotel. In fact what you have to realize is that life in China is not worth all that much. 2 years ago inCP a HK monger had his throat slit in a convenient store- many people say it's related to the girl that he pissed off or dumped inCP. Even if someone killed you, most of the authorities would not even know where to catch the culprit, and even if they did catch the culprit, who cares, you're dead.
So my bottom line is, CP is a great place, but yet a very dangerous place at the same time. My advice to anyone is, don't lose yourself, and don't let the environment and the pleasures that CP has to offer get to your head. Be low key, don't attract attention, have fun and be courteous. Being loud, obnoxious, confrontational, arrogant may lead you to one of the many gutters of CP one day-injured if not dead. Don't get lose in the game or get in too deep that it's too difficult to pull out. CP afterall is only but an illusion. No, not every girl adores you and loves you, they are paid to pretend that they do. As real as you may think it is, just know in the back of your head that it's just make belief at best.
Bro FGG,
Thanks for sharing... A very true reflection of current day CP scene..
You will never walk alone...This is Anfield!
你 ,你 和 你 也许正晚都是我的!
Wondering will i be able to walk out or not ?
taikor ... u won't walk out ... they will carry u out like a king ...
becoz they 尊拜你是她們的偶像 ....
Originally Posted by 香香很烦
Pui... Sie taikor ah phui...
U back liao ah.... Lim kopi near ur workplace leh... Since I live so near there...
ah phui ... he will fly A380 to ur place to lim kopi ...
Originally Posted by Bruceko
Hi guys,
I haven't been back to CP for 2 years..... i know long... but now that i work in HK. I am thinking of going again. Anyone know if the hotels are all booked for Easter weekend? I tried to come during end of Oct last year but it was fully booked because of some expo.
So can anyone give a old bro some updates?
hallo bruce lee .... u can contact the agents for ur hotel booking ....
if they cannot get for u ... then it's likely to be game over ...
ME no have dudi la. Just drinking kaki nia! Ya...the cheepat Reds really KNN this season. I rather see the MM in red than see them playing football...
told u they will lose liao ...
Originally Posted by sex crusader
I can be your agent! But if you book KTV room through me, you must spend min. RMB 8k for a small room or else dont ever look for me again!
wah ... why sound so familiar har ??
Originally Posted by Acidman
Went to CP a few time. I know most of these terms.
FH - Fuhao
MF - Mayflower
OY - Ou Ya
YH - YiHao
TZ - Taizi
DH - Di Hao
may I know what is PZL? and SN?
Of the above places. DH is the most high class.
Went to CP a few time. I know most of these terms.
FH - Fuhao
MF - Mayflower
OY - Ou Ya
YH - YiHao
TZ - Taizi
DH - Di Hao
may I know what is PZL? and SN?
Of the above places. DH is the most high class.
Today Sibei eng so I will answer your query!
PZL is where 黄飞鸿 stay! Nola...just kidding. It stands for 宝足林.....a famous joint that provide, body massage, leg massage etc. a lot of Tiko peh including myself like to burn our time there. Lots of Sui mm too!
Sn is sauna lo. Your whole body will be pampered by the gal la.
I'm wondering if you're a jury in a mongering charge case.
Will you stand on the side of the accused?
Tony..you so bad..siam me whole time last trip....
Originally Posted by p-(^_^)-q
doing the jury duty no easy one.. they will first ask u question, test u , c if u r mentally sound.. then they proceed u . but once u did the first time, they will get u for the 2nd , 3 ,, 4 time.. chu pattern also no use. they defer ur duty and get u next round.. and round..
Lots of ppl no want jury duty as court compensate very little for their lost income....me ok lah as I no need to work....無聊兼八卦....kekeke!
Originally Posted by p-(^_^)-q
OK ,taikor FGG dun say i no steady..i give u ice-cream u say gas expensive.. i give u money can or not ? dun tell me u no time to take hor
aiyah ... if they give "ice-cream" aka BBBJ to my taikor FGG .. i believe he will make an effort to be there ....
Hmmmm....a big maybe...but then I really hate driving these days....took my car to dealer for service the other day...and the write-up guy was amazed there's so little mileage on it....
Originally Posted by Acidman
Went to CP a few time. I know most of these terms.
FH - Fuhao
MF - Mayflower
OY - Ou Ya
YH - YiHao
TZ - Taizi
DH - Di Hao
may I know what is PZL? and SN?
Of the above places. DH is the most high class.
Yes...I also heard ppl say DH beri nice with lots of chio mms....care bring me there sometimes ?
I had checked with someone on the spot at CQ;
there seen to be an increase in Police patrol there.
Originally Posted by PuTonRen
I am not in Beijing yet, but asked my friends there after reading your question. They told me that life goes on as usual, and no visible incresase in Police Patrol.
Today Sibei eng so I will answer your query!
PZL is where 黄飞鸿 stay! Nola...just kidding. It stands for 宝足林.....a famous joint that provide, body massage, leg massage etc. a lot of Tiko peh including myself like to burn our time there. Lots of Sui mm too!
Sn is sauna lo. Your whole body will be pampered by the gal la.
Understand bor?
Actually hor...PZL massage is totally waste of time de. Really is for tiko peh including me to go there and talk cok with the "better looking" footie gals