China Reforms
Please don't think the China man is stupid. They appear weak so they can strike you off when you're off guard! Please go and read Sun Tzi's masterpriece. You've to know who is in charge now which is President Xi Jinping. He advocates frugal spending which means all official expenditures/banquets cannot be as lavish as in the past. Which official in the right mind will still spend money like crazy in public eyes? Notably expensive cars and meals. Even if there's no major crackdown, the revenues of Hotels have already been affected. Do a little research and you'll discover 5 Star Hotels around the nation have a drop in revenue ever since the reforms have started. |
Re: Events In CP
Xi Jin Ping who he is really we dun know ... Last time all those hard handed raids cramp down is to take over political rivals ... Behind scenes he is most corrupted see bo xi Lai good example he hammered the gangsters in Chongqing who is gangster he is the biggest gangster..
=================== HURRICANE88 no moderator ethics Hurricane88 big bully organise mass zapping: http://i58.tinypic.com/2dieq7m.jpg Evidence of moderator being gangster & threatening to ban SBF member: http://www.sammyboyforum.com/showpos...postcount=2868 |
Re: Events In CP
1) HuiHua (明珠) KTV is not open tonight. Another false alarm.
2) Staff reported to work and it was just a meeting. 3) FGG won a bet. 4) I was correct to be sceptical about the opening of any KTV in CP during these times of uncertainty. 5) Back to Square One and let's continue to play the "Wait and See" game. 6) Good luck to the most patience person and may the most patience person wins.
RGDS WKK ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The enemy of my enemy is my friend |
Re: Events In CP
China man words cant believe one
=================== HURRICANE88 no moderator ethics Hurricane88 big bully organise mass zapping: http://i58.tinypic.com/2dieq7m.jpg Evidence of moderator being gangster & threatening to ban SBF member: http://www.sammyboyforum.com/showpos...postcount=2868 |
Re: Events In CP
vivian just posted a wechat moment saying hh and hm will reopen tmr
Re: Events In CP
jump out window?
'If you want to know how a future wife is going to treat you, observe how she treats members of her own family and how she interacts with the less fortunate of society' Up List - vampy;witan788;BAD-MAN;Feiji;skyhawk958;peterfish;wolverman;~oyster~; |
Re: Events In CP
many also chu patterns after 1 shot they will sleep.when you try to do 2nd shot they will say'' i very tired'' or '' i stomach pain'' etc etc sometimes at 6am their phones will suddenly ring,they will say''my child is sick, i got to go.bye bye" i am sure their pimps or husbands made those phone calls to signal them to leave early anyway compared to cp dalian ktv is also fucking expensive the japanese expats there spoiled the market dalian is very expensive place, better to go shenyang or inner mongolia |
Re: Events In CP
多情嫖客无情屌 |
Re: Events In CP
This trick I also never think of! Best is have buddy system. 2 guys and 2 girls. Like that the extra room will not go to waste. |
Re: Events In CP
Huihua indeed open... But it's tangxia huihua KTV. Haha Got gal to sit but very little gal. Less then 20 report for work today. Btw, today 1st day open only. Should improve. But one very important thing to note. The mummy told me she can't assure me of safety even when KTV open now... Which means she also dun encourage me to go at this very moment...
CP is gone... ZH, here I come |
Re: Events In CP
won the bet as expected
one Taiwanese agent eustar explains the situation in CP quite well in his thread ... 龍駿在這陣子嚴打風暴期間一直在潛水沒有上來發文... 想必大家想知道最近這陣子CP狀況如何吧! 網路上一堆謠言,謠傳說那個那個那個(杜老大借用一下嘿!) 如何如何有mm可選,可網路上選妹.... 我們每天接到這些詢問電話已經接到太多通了 就讓小弟來終結這些流言吧! 目前CP狀況是這樣的,龍駿所說的全部屬實....絕無虛假.... 廣東省東莞春季嚴打核心七問!! 1.大家最擔心的酒店查房.....目前已經接近尾聲了?? 目前尚未有任何消息有說CP的查房已經接近尾聲 很多人都擔心這點,但是龍駿必須要說的是:查房還是有,所以選擇酒店是很重要的 請不要聽信網路上謠傳什麼"只要是男女朋友入住彼此認識"..."無金錢交易"就沒事了...如果真的查房 查到你,把客人和mm分開偵訊,鴿子一嚇唬mm 遇到mm骨頭軟的全盤托出...你就百口莫辯!準備被罰吧! 甚至還有mm做完快餐電梯被鴿子叼住,說出房號然後把房內客人給一起押走了..... 除非你真的跟mm很熟,老家住那,全名叫什麼,你們一見面就先交換證件記一下姓名,這樣才安全無憂..(是 真的,目前有些地方的夜總會是這樣教育mm的) 2.最近我朋友說來CP玩的人都玩的很high,有妞抱,有酒喝,那有YD的那麼誇張??? 網路平台有太多謠言了,一下子說xxKTV何時開業,誰誰誰玩了幾天每天都有mm陪 甚至一堆同胞讓龍駿介紹一些優質mm給鄉親,要看照片? 就算我們有一些mm的照片提供給您照片=照騙! 等等mm來了,貨不對版...你能退貨嗎? 已經有太多太多的鄉親被其他的同行勸說:來就對了,來了就替您安排... 結果吃了白果一整晚..跑來歐星辦公室求助..... 再者歐洲之星是專業的旅遊團隊!只代訂國際機票,酒店客房,代訂KTV以及幫您處理夜總會內酒水相關事宜, 廣東省內交通,絕對不提供性服務以及有關仲介賣淫的服務! 根據中華人民共和國刑法第三百五十八條規定:組織賣淫最重可處死刑!! 所以請各位鄉親別再問我有沒有mm照片可選可挑? 我們可沒有百位mm照騙可以讓你選的啦! 何謂組織賣淫:組織他人賣淫的手段,主要是招募,雇佣,強迫,引誘,容留! 相信在珠海的導遊同行們都知道在03年的"珠海918事件"吧! 大家不信的可以網上查查,最後某酒店的經理被判重刑!(據說是死刑,但無從考證!) 請看http://baike.baidu.com/link?url=ONqp...7L4rt67SIqiQJ2 3.洗香香何時開??已經化明為暗???微信上有很多mm可約? 我很沉重的告訴大家,CP的桑拿最少要停半年以上 要恢復到之前的50%預計要到年底以後了 現在很多人在wechat上說某某SN副理有在作外賣,是的!他們有在作... 但價格不低,況且前陣子xxx區某副理被鴿子叼走了,罪名是:網路招嫖.... 鄉親啊!我們花錢來玩就是要輕鬆的,何必玩的心驚膽顫,畏首畏尾的呢?更何況龍駿前兩天有一幫新加坡的朋友,在微信上約到mm,結果被騙.... 啥都沒搞就付了1000草紙.....所以想在微信上約mm的要特別的小心喔! 4.按摩洗腳,量販式KTV全部開業? 是的,已經全數開業,但只有洗腳,全身推油等有裸露身體的服務暫時沒有.. 洗腳技師不能靠近客人身體太近,避免過度肌膚上的接觸! 星派對以及音樂龍已經開業,但入場必須查核證件(不論男女) 凌晨兩點準時打烊.....這是真的,龍駿前天帶過我爸去唱過.... 5.酒吧,Disco PUB 已全部開業? 是的,天鵝湖的酒吧都已經開業,但打烊時間不固定 6.CP各大KTV何時開幕?KTV會變量販式而沒有mm了? 網路上還有一些KTVmm一直在傳說何時何時會開,媽咪都叫我回來上班 目前偶得到的消息是......注意廣交會那段時間吧! KTV有可能會變成量販式(掛個羊頭嘛...) 至於有沒有mm???嘿嘿....龍駿只能跟大家說... 完全沒有mm的機率是很低的...只是短時間一定沒有花街... 龍駿大膽猜測將來大家很有可能會看到一堆樓面部長 銷售經理穿著套裝走來走去!(不懂請來電詢問) 7.除了東莞嚴打,廣東省內其他救國聖地都不能去了嗎? 唉..我也搞不懂為何會傳成這樣....據很多鄉親回報 離CP2-3個小時車程左右的城市地區,還是有些地方可以玩的... mm坐台幾乎消聲匿跡? 那龍駿我一定是看到鬼了.. 而且是奶大皮膚白的女鬼...看來嚴打期間龍駿時運低... 看到不該看的東西..(龍駿親自去CP以外地方考察過!) 所以並不是廣東省全部地區都不能去.... 大家有空還是可以去除了CP以外的地方探探風的....(當然安全最重要...)
如果有錢也是一種錯, 我寧願一錯再錯...大錯特錯. |
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