she's an avid gamer and pretty good in 王者荣耀. probably sometimes late night gaming reduce slp hours.
Yeah she told me she can play all characters... but I think she was just tired from the shifting. I wanted to visit her the day before and she said she just finished.
Cheers to both and im in full agreement that our bedroom practices and desires should not need to conform to another person's norm. Not speaking french, full access etc etc does mean that one can't enjoy our session with the MLs. Utilities, enjoyment and fun spell very differently in different guy's chiong dictionary otherwise everyone would only go to the same ML.
Cheers to happy chionging and bonking
Originally Posted by Slaveatwork
I dont take any offence la. Great thing about this forum, your fantasy is only limited by your imagination. You can be young, cool, hip, handsome, panty dropper whatever man. If anyone feels like they need their justification from anonymous sex posters, then just let them indulge loh
Hmmm but I remember some of your favorite BJ queens are operating in sort of like spas?
Yep, but they are not in spas or MPs bro, they are in secret no-name shops.
Truth is I don't think I have ever had an above average experience in a spa or MP before. At best, it was average, and the worse...well you know, it can get really really really bad. That's why I tend to avoid them.
Last edited by Kopiosteve; 28-09-2022 at 03:27 PM.
Been a long time since I wrote a MR but one sentence, 天使脸孔,魔鬼身材!
Breaking down the cost based on how I feel it’s worth it:
$50 to see and feel the boobs and body
$50 to experience the massage which I feel is one of the better ones around and she really did put in effort for this
$20 for someone to jerk me off or another $50 to blow me
$10 tips for hitting the hour mark
RTM: definitely, I enjoy the session albeit the sensual is a little green. Hope some experience Lao jiao will give her some advice and she will be an Ang pai in days to come!
Hihi, can I ask does anyone know of any ML that does it at condos or private houses with the budget not so high one? My ML rtc and no choice but to seek out new one temporarily
Hihi, can I ask does anyone know of any ML that does it at condos or private houses with the budget not so high one? My ML rtc and no choice but to seek out new one temporarily
Brother, the forum is about respecting others opinion and not just about yourself.
Uncalled for to use such strong words. Why must others opinions be based on your perspectives? You can agree to disagree but why must use words like “low esteem” ? Totally uncalled for.
Agree. Earlier post was not targeted at anyone in particular, just the poster's own general take. If he sees himself as such, so be it. No need to take it so personally and reply with such aggression... I personally feel it is actually good to see how other bros view things, it allows me to take stock of the scenery. It is ok to disagree, just don't put others down while at it... Let's keep this thread healthy. Thanks
To hardrunner, I upzz your points before, can't upz again.
Usually for people who need to cancel last minute, how do yall go about doing it? Sometimes I make appt on a whim and then regret it, but always paiseh to cancel and feel that it will affect future bookings if I do. I just made an appointment today so that I can get my current number into database again but i'm actually feeling exhausted after work. A bit late to cancel now so i'll drag my ass over but wondering how it turned out for bros who have had to cancel before.
Usually for people who need to cancel last minute, how do yall go about doing it? Sometimes I make appt on a whim and then regret it, but always paiseh to cancel and feel that it will affect future bookings if I do. I just made an appointment today so that I can get my current number into database again but i'm actually feeling exhausted after work. A bit late to cancel now so i'll drag my ass over but wondering how it turned out for bros who have had to cancel before.
tell me who the girl is, if it's one of those on my list i will sacrifice myself and go for you
Not into and no time for the pts exchange game so please don't up me and expect a return really no time.
Usually for people who need to cancel last minute, how do yall go about doing it? Sometimes I make appt on a whim and then regret it, but always paiseh to cancel and feel that it will affect future bookings if I do. I just made an appointment today so that I can get my current number into database again but i'm actually feeling exhausted after work. A bit late to cancel now so i'll drag my ass over but wondering how it turned out for bros who have had to cancel before.
I don't cancel appointment unless really no choice; still feel paiseh but there's nothing to do about it. Cancel as early as possible to give the ML ample time to make other arrangements. Whether she dulan or not depends on many factors.
You also quite funny, you made appointment to get your number into the database... so cancel last minute you want to get your number into the blacklist database?
Mango, Tomato, Antong, Tutu
Last edited by derrickboy; 28-09-2022 at 06:56 PM.
Usually for people who need to cancel last minute, how do yall go about doing it? Sometimes I make appt on a whim and then regret it, but always paiseh to cancel and feel that it will affect future bookings if I do. I just made an appointment today so that I can get my current number into database again but i'm actually feeling exhausted after work. A bit late to cancel now so i'll drag my ass over but wondering how it turned out for bros who have had to cancel before.
nobody likes to get last min cancellation, so unless it is a life and death matters, just go along with it. Anyway you can just lie down and let the lady do the job, pay them and ciao.
Usually for people who need to cancel last minute, how do yall go about doing it? Sometimes I make appt on a whim and then regret it, but always paiseh to cancel and feel that it will affect future bookings if I do. I just made an appointment today so that I can get my current number into database again but i'm actually feeling exhausted after work. A bit late to cancel now so i'll drag my ass over but wondering how it turned out for bros who have had to cancel before.
Best is to give a timing but tell them that you'll confirm like 2 or 3 hours before. Most of them are quite accommodating if you phrase your requests right. Like sometimes I'll tell them a timing and say I'll call them to confirm after work.
Usually for people who need to cancel last minute, how do yall go about doing it? Sometimes I make appt on a whim and then regret it, but always paiseh to cancel and feel that it will affect future bookings if I do. I just made an appointment today so that I can get my current number into database again but i'm actually feeling exhausted after work. A bit late to cancel now so i'll drag my ass over but wondering how it turned out for bros who have had to cancel before.
If really no choice have to cancel the appointment, just apologise politely, if you have good record in database, probably the ML will give you a chance..
But it’s better not to cancel any appointment which has been made is the best, otherwise you might be blacklisted in the db, it will affect your future bookings
I never cancel any appointments before but been aeroplane 3-4 times, some don’t even reply my message when I reach their place, I just moved on and text few MLs and go for the one who reply my message first hahah..