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Re: Events In CP
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Re: Events In CP
Just register your hotel name based on your password will do.
Most important it is read in English Gongan will not check your room, do not worry. They will check only those register in Chinese thinking that they are mainlanders and can bully. In English name they will not touch you as they do not know who the fuck you are due to Political issue mah. ![]() |
Re: Events In CP
Do we register our wife name for the hotel when we go holiday with her. Must we bring along our marriage certificate for holiday Just remember both parties names will do People are creating stories here and there if scare do not go and stay at home ![]() |
Re: Events In CP
Alternatively , go to mei mei apartment.
Maybe can up her sisters too. |
Re: Events In CP
You are not helping instead creating more problems if caught. |
ya.. agree!! when law enforcers r invloved, dont try ur luck
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You're right! Just talk to the Gongan nicely and cooperate. Not say we foreigners are big f*ck. But it's the GongAn that don't want to bother with the unnecessary implications involving foreigners. They'll scrutinise Hong Kongers, Taiwanese and Macaunese. If get caught red handed in Sauna then consider yourself unlucky! Unless it's a very serious crime otherwise they'll rather not bother foreigners. If not they'll kena screw by their superiors when the Embassy or Consulate-General gets involve. Big headache for them also! ![]() If you get into any trouble contact the Consulate-General of Singapore in Guangzhou. http://www.mfa.gov.sg/content/mfa/ov...guangzhou.html Emergency Contact Duty Personnel who answer your call is Singaporean not China man. ![]() But f*cked up lah. Many bureaucracy layers. They'll go through Dongguan City first then will route to Changping Town. By the time help comes maybe just finish water treatment in the investigation office liao! KNN. ![]() ![]() |
Re: Foreigners
东莞何罪 !? 302 全市步行求存 !! 我们没偷 没抢 没贩毒 没开赌 没杀人 没做假 没拐骗... 有何法律理据可以强行要求没违规的商户停业 ? 老板倒闭, 员工失业, 政府管养喔 ? 孩子饿了, 谁来解救 ? . 口耳相传, 网络连结, 3月2日星期日, 全市受影响市民一同自发走上最繁华的大道, 向市政府镇政府安静步行,和平求活. . 2014年3月2日(星期日) 诚邀各城区,乡镇所有受影响行业的从业员一起步行 : 酒店业 - 各五星, 四星, 三星酒店, 旅馆...等. 餐饮业 - 餐厅, 饭馆, 酒家...等 娱乐业 - 酒吧, ktv, 桑拿, 桌球城...等 零售业(乾货) - 士多, 商店, 超市, 衣饰, 美容护肤品...等 零售业(湿货) - 粮油杂货, 河鲜海鲜, 蔬果, 肉食...等. 服务业 - 美甲, 美发, 美容, 化妆...等. 运输业 - 出租车, 货车, 长途车, 快递...等. 制造业 - 广告, 餐饮用品, 服务业消耗品...等. 地产业 - 业主, 出租屋, 中介...等. 其他 -- 各无辜受影响的行业从业员. 302 东莞何罪, 全市求存 !!
Re: Events In CP
I extract a post by some TW cheonger : 我的朋友,昨晚在常平逸豪酒店辦理入住手續。 酒店人員跟所有客人宣告: 第一:不可以帶不熟悉的女孩子,到酒店来從事性行為, 第二:單純拜訪性質、也不可以留女孩子在酒店过夜,23:00点之前必须让女孩子离开, 第三:如果是男、女朋友关系,入住时必须两人到前台登记, 第四:带女孩子進酒店的時候,最好不要從酒店大门进入,如果出事、酒店一概不负责,还要追究订房人责任!谢 谢 If you really know the girl, may not be a big problem but using a 3rd person name is only asking for trouble. And yes, confirm GA has checked on the Hotel room but report of arrest have not been confirmed. How Long is it going to last : From newspaper extract : 中新社今天(19日)報導,中國大陸廣東省東莞市將用3個月的時間,對全市三溫暖等相關行業,展開全面停業 整頓治理。 大陸中央電視台最近曝光了東莞市多個娛樂場所,嚴重的賣淫嫖娼等違法行為。報導播出後,東莞官方陸續提 出措施,展開掃黃專案整治。 報導指出,為有效整頓娛樂場所,東莞市公安、工商、衛生、文化等部門,聯合印發「東莞市娛樂服務行業專 項整治工作方案」,自2月18日至5月18日期間,市內所有三溫暖、歌舞娛樂場所、沐足(足底按摩)經營場 所,將實施全面停業整頓治理。 根據方案,這次全面停業整頓後,執法部門將重點針對這些場所的「涉黃」違法違規經營行為展開整治,並逐 一驗收。 方案指出,整治期間未經驗收擅自開門營業、拒不整頓的場所,一律從嚴依法查處。 東莞時間網訊 從2月18日至5月18日,東莞將用3個月的時間,對全市桑拿、歌舞娛樂場所、沐足經營場所等三個行業,實 施全面停業整頓治理。 昨日下午,我市召開娛樂服務行業專項整治工作會議,研究部署全市娛樂服務行業專項整治及規範審批管理工 作。會議公布了市公安、工商、衛生、文化四個部門聯合印發的《東莞市娛樂服務行業專項整治工作 方案》。 方案明確,此輪全面停業整頓重點整治“涉黃”違法違規經營行為,並實行逐一整改驗收。整治期間未經驗收 擅自開門營業的、拒不整改的,一律從嚴依法予以查處。 副市長喻麗君出席會議並講話,市委政法委、市公安局、文廣新局、衛生局、工商局主要領導,各鎮街分管領 導,公安分局、工商分局等主要負責人約220余人參加了會議。 實施全面停業整頓 方案提出,市“掃黃”專項行動工作小組辦公室負責整體統籌、行業主管部門負責統籌協調本行業整治,各鎮 (街)具體執行落實。 從2月18日至5月18日,用3個月的時間,對全市桑拿、歌舞娛樂場所、沐足經營場所等三個行業,實施 全面停業整頓。依法查處各類違法違規行為,建立健全打擊整治和規範管理的長效機制,堅決遏制“涉黃”等違法 犯罪活動回潮反復的勢頭,鏟除其滋生蔓延的土壤和條件,有效促進我市娛樂服務行業健康有序發展,維護社會和 諧穩定。 此輪停業整頓,將重點整治“涉黃”違法違規經營。包括違反行業管理規定、不符合行業標準規範的行為;“ 涉黃”等違法違規經營行為;無證照經營、超範圍經營等行為。 They are reviewing all SN, KTV and massage joint and the whole process will take 3 months to complete. Not clear if all will only open 3 months later or if some of them may start again once they past the review. |
Re: Foreigners
I guess if still Single no problem to seek help from Singapore embassy, But for those who are married I guess better consider, as may get more trouble due to the Singapore Woman's Charter Law. Maybe Better to settle quietly with them and ask our buddy to bail us out after the Lock up. ![]() Seriously, Our AV is scarier than Gongan. ![]() |
I love that, mother will also offer you maybe half price haha
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![]() But from my encounters with them they're quite nice people as long as you don't step over the line. ![]() Usually their typical SOP to solve disputes between two parties is to recommend a truce otherwise both parties will waste time if want to pursue. For trivial cases both parties will get just get a lecture/verbal warning and sign a letter of non pursuant. Last edited by TonyCheong; 20-02-2014 at 11:52 PM. |
Re: Events In CP
Just some musings whilst I lament the probable lost of our favorite play playground. I hope I'm wrong and I certainly hope so.
This strike had been very meticulously orchestrated by the central government and surgically carried out to do maximum harm to both the supply and demand equation. If you notice, there had actually been very minimal actual arrests, but quite prominent and strategic ones designed to signal the authorities' stern resolve and which IMHO is only a first warning flare. Those who continue to not pay heed and think it's just like previous ineffectual yandas are, I think, in for a rude awakening. Action at the Crown Prince is significant in that the owner, being a national CCCP member with close ties to the PLA, had been immune in the past. The removal of senior government officials also signaled that nobody is sacrosanct. Previous weekend when I was there, ChangPing was still very much alive and the air of anticipation for when the girls will come back and business can resume was palpable. It is now like a ghost town as the timing of the start of the yanda - when the girls hadn't come back yet - was IMHO perfectly timed to tell all the players to not come back; stay in your home province to do your part to build the inner areas up (as has been the stated intentions of central government) or else be prepared to work at those factories etc that are nowadays facing structural labor shortages in Dongguan. All very strategic. Even that supposed CCTV expose - nothing of the sort, it was all directed by central government. Nothing gets aired on CCTV without such orders! I've postulated in the past that the leaders are likely to take singapore's cue and compartmentalize all Sex activities to ChangPing a'la Geylang. All this may yet come to bear. Stop all this revenue loss to the gangsters and corrupt officials and instead reform the whole industry to enable them to tax it all properly whilst upgrading the industry. No, of course not officially but something has to be done to stop this total loss of face to the world when China's best young maidens are being sold wholesale to any and all comers. Not official - but well understood and to be rigidly adhered to like how it is in Geylang - with transgressors having to face the full consequences. Heck, if it is impossible to actually wipe out prostitution, it's only appropriate for China to have it conducted with class and a modicum of integrity. And that of course means we're probably gonna have to shell out more of our hard earned money if we are to partake. Ouch! I really think this may still be what's in store for ChangPing - and that it has been in the making for a few years. Note the cleanup of zhuhai, Shenzhen etc and the out-in-the-open relocations of all services to ChangPing past few years. That plus the go ahead to build all these big hotels, arcades, apartments etc. And isn't it amazing that up to date, ChangPing has NOT really even been mentioned in the mainstream media?! By the way - I just heard that someone is organizing a protest on Sunday 2 March. Ominous. Whoever it is who is behind this, I'm quite sure must have more than his fair share of vested interest! And is gonna take full advantage of the general feeling of desperation, hopelessness and anger amongst many. Lemmings being driven to the cliff not by anybody leading them from ahead, but just by stoking their anger. discontent and desperation. Sacrificial lambs! And even those who are blindly participating in spreading this call to arms by re-posting such on their own QQ/WeChat accounts are gonna be in danger as there are already in place actual laws against this. Poor naive pawns. As I said, just some of my own musings and POV SEAJ |
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