PRC sure can find, Gravity at Planet, or iHotel should have from what I heard, never been there thou. Gravity should be SGD300 for booking if never remember wrongly, but they only open at night. You can spent 1-2million there if you like, before you bring the gals back for your main activities.
I Hotel 2nd floor ktv confirm got prc. The hotel belongs to one of my company dealer Ong Brother group. But not cheap. Ard 300 to 500 for LT. Want find prc better go Dong Guan
You will never walk alone...This is Anfield!
I Hotel 2nd floor ktv confirm got prc. The hotel belongs to one of my company dealer Ong Brother group. But not cheap. Ard 300 to 500 for LT. Want find prc better go Dong Guan
Agree, why find PRC when you can get better ones just a ferry across to singapore?
PRC here are suckers for money and think they are gold here among the locals.
I will have headache if I dont see a strange piece of pussy every day
The advise pls get from lao chio to recommend you....
Where is brewery with fresh green beer?
It's known as FRESH BEER, located in Batam Center, right behind Yong Kee Fish Soup. Most taxi drivers will know if you tell them "Yong Kee sop ikan di Batam Center", make sure you mention Batam Center because there's another Yong Kee at Jodoh area.
As for me, their beer is fresh, but I don't really like the taste...
__________________ Happy Bataming This is the same Batam Man, don't know why, I can't log in with my old account anymore...??!
[QUOTE=vscelwan;6832714]The advise pls get from lao chio to recommend you....
Where is brewery with fresh green beer?
For me it depends how many days I'm staying there...usually I go there to meet my regular cewek or hunt a new favourite joints are Berry and Queen....but I till visits Senoda, New Berlian, Permata Indah, Dynasty and some other joints new for me 82, Indah2, Flamingo....yet to IHotel...properly next trip will visit the place...
lunch and dinner I let cewek to decide...usually dinner we go to windsof or Hong kong food court or restaurant at Nagoya shopping center...
I Hotel usually fully book. Lots of expats and singaporean working in the shipbuilding industry book there long term for work. Can try planet holiday or pacific. Clean and less ex
You will never walk alone...This is Anfield!
I Hotel usually fully book. Lots of expats and singaporean working in the shipbuilding industry book there long term for work. Can try planet holiday or pacific. Clean and less ex
If book thru kaha, u need to pay in full b4 check into the hotel..
Never break 4 things in life - Trust, Promise, Relation & Heart cos when they break, they dont make noise but pains a lot..
Agree, why find PRC when you can get better ones just a ferry across to singapore?
PRC here are suckers for money and think they are gold here among the locals.
they look for PRC, Indo Chinese, the main reason they can't speak a simple malay or chicken one duck how to have chemistry....and those ceweks don't speak english....some cewek know how to speak english and mandarin but they "buat bodoh tak tahu" ...some of ceweks work in sg b4 b4 they go to batam...
Agree, why find PRC when you can get better ones just a ferry across to singapore?
PRC here are suckers for money and think they are gold here among the locals.
Precisely. Why go for prc when locally u already can get and cheaper. If really want cina indo ceweks, chances super low. Used to travel monthly to batam fow work and been searching for them via taxi drivers and little luck or those they bring up you will rather go for the locals. Cina there rarely goes into this trade however did manage to up a few indo cina syt intro by my local agent there. Kept their contact whenever I go batam. Got bbbj and only pay them sgd50 plus 100rup for st and they happily go buy pills after that and cheong planet or pacific. Lost their contact liao and that was 3 years back man
You will never walk alone...This is Anfield!
It's known as FRESH BEER, located in Batam Center, right behind Yong Kee Fish Soup. Most taxi drivers will know if you tell them "Yong Kee sop ikan di Batam Center", make sure you mention Batam Center because there's another Yong Kee at Jodoh area.
As for me, their beer is fresh, but I don't really like the taste...
Ok thanks man, now I know how to tell driver if forget to bring card.
I Hotel usually fully book. Lots of expats and singaporean working in the shipbuilding industry book there long term for work. Can try planet holiday or pacific. Clean and less ex [/QUOTE]
Thanks for the info, am a newbies and only started batam since last December.
Going there tomorrow. Will try other than IHotel.
How you tell the supir to Micro brewery batam centre? They understand Micro brewery and know the way?
I checked batam map it show 7000KM from batam...
Originally Posted by BtmMan
It's known as FRESH BEER, located in Batam Center, right behind Yong Kee Fish Soup. Most taxi drivers will know if you tell them "Yong Kee sop ikan di Batam Center", make sure you mention Batam Center because there's another Yong Kee at Jodoh area.
As for me, their beer is fresh, but I don't really like the taste...
This should be less than 7000KM Btw there is also another place call Batam which is situated in Bossangoa, Ouham, Central African Republic, anyone want to try black chocolate
"Sex pleasure in woman is a kind of magix;
it demands complete abandon;
if words or movements oppose the magix of caresses, the spell is broken."
If your friend can't co-operate, ask them go to fly kite and you go hunt alone...
This what I did for my few previous trips....I don't know they go to prepare to spend money or save money...some went few times but don't know the joints name the cewek they picks...some walk few steps, cry father cry mother even cannot endure 10 mins walks...they thought the joints just next door hotel room... some picky to choose cewek, they thought 600K can choose Miss Universe type age, look and cooperative which joints to visits first...some complaint weather hot and make my temper hot and I dump them and hunt solo....
even dinner time we went our own...they went to warong to eat mee goreng/nasi goreng and bla bla and tell me is damn nice and cheap...
Think I'll go next trip in march alone. then can do watever I pls.