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Old 14-01-2014, 07:51 AM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Originally Posted by moruf View Post
Disclaimer: Freebie just means I didn't pay the girl directly. For some I paid for expensive meals. Some I ate 2 or 3 dinners a nite meeting different people. Some I paid for starbucks, etc. Like I tell the girls, I don't want to give money for sex.
I have few "free bonks" encounter personally, and most of the time they will turn out to be more expensive than paid sex.
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Old 14-01-2014, 02:37 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

not to mention can't stand the risk of a clingy vietnamese girl...
Old 14-01-2014, 02:42 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Originally Posted by MIFAcafe View Post
I have few "free bonks" encounter personally, and most of the time they will turn out to be more expensive than paid sex.
haha agreed on this one.
Old 14-01-2014, 05:48 PM
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Arrow Ho Chi Minh

Originally Posted by moruf View Post
I didn't like the A&Em hotel front desk though. The doormen all recognised me, treated me nice. The front desk lady was very nice and warm when I checked in, but every time I brought a new girl in during the day or accompany the girl out in the morning, must register/deregister her, and I can see the front desk lady's face get blacker. Good thing she didn't work night shift. By 4th day she never greet me already. End up feeling buay song, because I felt like I was being judged.
Hahaha why you care what the front desk girl thinks of you?
The true fact is you're in HCMC to monger mah.

If not happy just change hotel lor.

Originally Posted by moruf View Post
I tussled with her to get back my dSLR, got slapped in the process. I threw her out before she could break my other precious things, and she left crying. Offered her 2 million VND while she cried at the lift, but she didn't take it.
Me poor man.
I don't think I'll have such a problem with top tier KTV hostess because I don't have any expensive items to "show".
Eg. $5000 dSLR.
Old 14-01-2014, 07:00 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

internet, stage for the delusional
Old 14-01-2014, 07:14 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Originally Posted by bolueeleh View Post
internet, stage for the delusional
Don't forget the keyboard warriors and anti-socialites.
Old 14-01-2014, 08:21 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Originally Posted by MIFAcafe View Post
I have few "free bonks" encounter personally, and most of the time they will turn out to be more expensive than paid sex.
hahahah !! So-called " free " dates


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Old 14-01-2014, 08:32 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Originally Posted by MIFAcafe View Post
I have few "free bonks" encounter personally, and most of the time they will turn out to be more expensive than paid sex.

"free bonks" are usually free or cheaper if its only for 1 time...if its over a period of time...usually its many times more expensive....
Old 14-01-2014, 10:40 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Agreed, that is not even including the time and effort spend to obtain the first free bonk.
Thanks to all bros who upz my points & do leave your nick for me to return the favor.
Old 15-01-2014, 12:47 AM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Originally Posted by cheatdeath View Post
If you go see hoi an go see it at night, thats the best time. I would do beaches near hoi an during the day and hoi an at night.
I missed the trip to go the beaches at hoi an The one regret in hoi an
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Old 15-01-2014, 02:21 AM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Originally Posted by moruf View Post
I don't know.. I thought HCMC was a pretty easy place to pick up girls. I stayed there a few nights, each night had one or two free bonks.

Day/Evening time girls
The "nice" girls will have family curfew, they normally must be home by 10pm.
Of course you should be smart enough to know that these girls are usually students around 18 to 22 (maybe younger). The older ones tend to be a lot more street smart, or just want money.

Night time girls

Hit rate is about 4 girls out of 10 not asking for money, and 1 or 2 of the 4 will come out meet you. The girls will usually work from 6pm to 1am. If they are meeting for meals doesn't mean they will go hotel if you ask. I never ask about going hotel on the first meet up; I may joke, but I always follow the line "no, cannot anyhow bring girls back. Only bring go bed with gf". VN girls tend to be "conservative": If you're out for sex, they'll sense it and they will charge you $$. Give them a sense that you're a reliable person, they'll want a good bf.

In fact, one of the massage girls wanted to brought her massage friends with her when I offered to bring her for dinner, and said sure, everyone is welcomed. The girl's 8/10, one of her 3 friends was a 9/10. 1st nite just eat and say that I'm walking back alone (at least until out of their sight). 2nd nite just video chat show that I'm alone. 3rd nite, 8/10 and 9/10 were both wanting to be my gf. 8/10 claimed me as hers because I talked to her 1st. Of course, happy ending with both 8/10 and 9/10, but on different days.

Of all the cities I've been to, I think this is one of the easiest city to pick up girls (and the girls actually respond!).

So ya.. Personal experience, it's not hard to get free bonks in HCMC.


Disclaimer: Freebie just means I didn't pay the girl directly. For some I paid for expensive meals. Some I ate 2 or 3 dinners a nite meeting different people. Some I paid for starbucks, etc. Like I tell the girls, I don't want to give money for sex.
playing devils advocate here... but this is my 2 cents.
Firstly there is very few english speaking girls, and if they game to go up to you hotel room then they definately didnt learn english at school..they prob learnt it from their foreigner ex bf ect etc, so not so innocent.

That being aside, from my perspective tehre are 2 main reasons why a man would want to get freebies, let alone go online to past about it

1) cuz its cheaper?..well the OP has admitted that its ISNT/WASNT cheaper, for me it is, sometimes i can get freebies for teh cost of a bowl of pho and a hotel room, basically if she offering who would refuse? BUT this isnt that case here.
2) to appeal to the ego, ie im such a stud i can get freebies, well again that isnt the case here, the OP gives the impression that only 20% of girls responding to chat apps actually meet, so whats the actually conversion rate from initial contact to be betting its much lower than 20% im thinking 2-5%...personally id rather be having a good time in hcmc than spending all my time on my phone fishing for freebies.
The next point is that if the OP can convice a girl to bonk after spending 2-3mill for dinner etc,, than pretty much any guy even if he is quasimodo could convince the said lady.
3) Service from teh said freebie...from my own experience i ahve found my paid bonk much more pleasureable than my freebies, nothing is more satisfying than getting a worn and hardened WL to open up and treat u like a boyfriend than her usual deadfish performance. IF i dont get that then at least they are the same as my freebies.

That being said, ie there is not real advantage in trying to get freebies ie no savings of money, getting better service or as a ego boost, but lets look at the disadvantages.
The first is that its is morally bankrupt, to trick a innocent good girls to bonk you because she thinks u are a good man make good bf/husband etc etc...though frankly i dont think his freebies would be good girls anway.
Then the second is that you need to give up some measure of you freedom and deal with sticky freebies.
Thirdly you are NOT doing any favours for these girls, im sure they would prefer that YOU PAID them, than you buying them meals they otherwise wouldnt buy themselves

So Mr OP, when you can get freebies UNDER the CPF (cost per fuck ) of 500k, THEN let us know, otherwise ist just another pointless post of you overpaying for mislabled products
Old 15-01-2014, 02:29 AM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

if in da nang you should go to 119 tran phu street and visit han market, try the che at han market its suppose to be good.

Originally Posted by Hurricane88 View Post
Just got back from TP Long Xuyen capital of An Giang province last week...the place is so peaceful and ppl just go on with their local fren told me that iphone 5s can be used on the road and not worried snatched away.

seafood and fruits are cheap....
Old 15-01-2014, 01:56 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Originally Posted by jackbl View Post
I missed the trip to go the beaches at hoi an The one regret in hoi an
So we intend to visit the beach but no play water...hehe...
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Old 15-01-2014, 02:02 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Originally Posted by mutantchicken View Post
Firstly there is very few english speaking girls, and if they game to go up to you hotel room then they definately didnt learn english at school..they prob learnt it from their foreigner ex bf ect etc, so not so innocent.

So Mr OP, when you can get freebies UNDER the CPF (cost per fuck ) of 500k, THEN let us know, otherwise ist just another pointless post of you overpaying for mislabled products
agreed with you MC...I intend to reply but then after seeing this samster hardly post his question I had in my mind..."wonder how long he has to stay in hcm hotel to do what he did to be successful even for one "free bonk"..".haizzz...

he seems to let his ego float...anyway is a sex forum and he is free to share whatever he wanted...

TET is around the corner...VBs need money to go home and to give their be prepared if you have gf/bx or part time to give money or remit money...hehe...
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Last edited by Hurricane88; 15-01-2014 at 02:13 PM.
Old 15-01-2014, 02:07 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Originally Posted by cheatdeath View Post
if in da nang you should go to 119 tran phu street and visit han market, try the che at han market its suppose to be good.
no thank you...because we can go to mekong delta for cheaper local fruits and products...

I intend to cover Chau Doc An Giang, Thot Not Can Tho and maybe Cambodia after Central Vietnam...plenty of visits and exploration...

Go visit naemlo in PP...hehe...entry from Chau Doc border..
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