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Old 23-11-2014, 04:32 AM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Originally Posted by mutantchicken View Post
If I may i would like to wade into this please enlighten me whats teh difference between bia om and KTV.

I know what is beer om, but im guessing you mean KTV is like fortune 700, fortune 1127, catwalk etc and the others is bia om...what makes it a ktv, because it has the words kareoke attached to the building and the bia om have the words nha hang?
Call me naive, but if i go to a building and it has rooms for rent per night its still a hotel regardless if its 100usd ofr a 4-5Star hotel or for 200k for a 1-2star hotel, they are BOTH hotels.
Similarly if i go to a building where they have rooms where i can sing songs on a kareoke machine, they provide girls for me to accompany for me to hug kiss digg pussy, have beer or spirits and some girls are available for bonks, then it doenst matter if its a rip off joing like catwalk or one of the places in d5 etc etc etc, both are bia om or KTV, there is no difference except price and the diffrences associated with price. They are both the same creatures.
Now there is a niche for 5star hotels and there is a niche for 2 star hotels...just as there is a niche for catwalk and the others.
Ill put my thoughts and what i remember from catwalk and others
good for guys on expense accounts, who dont know vn, who used to 50dollar lap dances back in their own country where u cant even touch a girl for that 50 usd, or generally anyone stupid with money or extremely scared and lazy to explore. I think beers are 100k, girls sitting fee is 20-30usd, plus u expected to tip the girl as sitting fee goes to catwalk and ST 150 LT 200-300 usd...this is something im not sure about so anyone who knows please correct.
Fortune 700/1127
Similar to catwalk, again the target market, also included guys who need to entertain for work...beers 70-90k each, there is a room fee i think 500k around abt, tips to girls 500k+, ST 150 LT 200 possible to bargain down a little
Today i was with Weew, he wanted to check out a few places so i too opportunity to take a good look.
251 Lhp
beers 30-40k range, tipps 200-300k, we went in 4 girls avail that can be booked, thery clain rest bust, went home blah blah, out of four only 1 was pasable 6.5 big breast young.the rest 5's
210 lph...
beers and tips in teh same girls older late 20's taller but face wise 5's
390 AHV,

This place has more girls, i think beers in the 40k range, tipps more likely 300k ratehr than 200k...10 girls brought in mostly 6's one i saw i think a 7, tehre was also a 7.5, but was told she most likely wont be bookable and she was serving another rooms so most likely will butterfly.
Ended up at 166 NB, as weew wanted better looking girls
tehre girls are mostly 7's-7.5
the beer and bill was this 19@55k= 1mill, fruit platter 400k, room charges 300k, tidbits 300k, squid 400k , towels 100k= 2.5 mill, girls can kiss mouth but hard to get french unless visit a few times and maybe spend more time till girls get drunk, tips ended up givening then 400 each and they asked more, waiter 100k. These girls are quite forceful in getting men to spend eg the squid, even when i said remove tidbits they still opened up a few, they opened up 7 packets @35k, sure u can be more forceful in your NO, but that would ruin the mood, and the whole point of going ktv/bia om is to enjoy, so if you are to penny pinch and be calculative it kinda defeats to 2 px 19 beer charges plus tips was 3.8 mill..which is equal to nearly 5 X 1hr bonks at brothels.
I have also been to a few bia om on THD and TP and they are similarly price in terms
girls tips and charges. I my opinion, KTV/BO isnt worth the effort, where the girls are rarely much better than the gems i find in bbbj/cafe om and brothels...but at double the price when u factor in alcohol fees, now if u go to fortune and catwalk, the grils are definately better dress and can speak chinese/english better, but the payability is also lower..def not worth 3-4X the extra price.
I will lets Jerkface, weew, and atlasshrugg comment on the looks and service of the "cheaper" girls i intro them to to validate my statements. I also like thanks those guys for agreeing to my conditions and treating me for the time i spent with them and i hope they found my time and knowledge worth the extra expense.
this was july 2014
and yeah it was thats my proof and this is coming from someone who speaks the language, who lives in tehre area and who lives in vn 24/7... i believe you are a taxi driver?..yes i suppose your english would be impeccable..please accept my apologies
Old 23-11-2014, 04:36 AM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

If u say its closed since how many years ago then its closed. Like that i have been going to what ghost 236 ktv for past months. I rest my case.
By the way what's wrong with being a taxi driver? People who knows me know who i am. Being a taxi driver or not is not a concern in this forum?
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Old 23-11-2014, 04:49 AM
mutantchicken mutantchicken is offline
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Originally Posted by blk437 View Post
If u say its closed since how many years ago then its closed. Like that i have been going to what ghost 236 ktv for past months. I rest my case.
By the way what's wrong with being a taxi driver? People who knows me know who i am. Being a taxi driver or not is not a concern in this forum?
Well remember we HAVE met, and i found u full of shit with your attempts at boasting (telling em you were some business man) so much so that i found your company distasteful. and so when later u offered to pay for my share if i took you to ktv I REFUSED...i dont have any issues with taxi drivers but when you clearly dont understand my comment abt "i wonder what its like if you blacklisted a place"...then clearly tehre is a reading comprehension to say i should write in proper english..well you arent worth teh effort to spell check...any fool should understand the jist of my words...and to make it not saying you are going to a ghost ktv, what im saying is that as usual this is some stupid attempt to make it seem liek you are some savvy knowledgeable guy..maybe its to scam something in the future..i dont know...but i am calling bullshit...hey i could be wrong....but im calling you out...and im saying taxi drivers are not known to be english if you are please prove me wrong as i recall there was a story abt a taxi driver with a phd
again i have said it but you cannot read and understand, i said i dont have the specific dates when it was closed all i know was at least 2-3 yrs it has signage as a hat voi nhau...

i forgot...i have posed a report of ktvs in teh same areas ie 3-4 shops near each other, and so u know i was in that area, where is your report even stating you were in that area circa july 2014?
Old 23-11-2014, 05:02 AM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Originally Posted by mutantchicken View Post
Well remember we HAVE met, and i found u full of shit with your attempts at boasting (telling em you were some business man) so much so that i found your company distasteful. and so when later u offered to pay for my share if i took you to ktv I REFUSED...i dont have any issues with taxi drivers but when you clearly dont understand my comment abt "i wonder what its like if you blacklisted a place"...then clearly tehre is a reading comprehension to say i should write in proper english..well you arent worth teh effort to spell check...any fool should understand the jist of my words...and to make it not saying you are going to a ghost ktv, what im saying is that as usual this is some stupid attempt to make it seem liek you are some savvy knowledgeable guy..maybe its to scam something in the future..i dont know...but i am calling bullshit...hey i could be wrong....but im calling you out...and im saying taxi drivers are not known to be english if you are please prove me wrong as i recall there was a story abt a taxi driver with a phd
again i have said it but you cannot read and understand, i said i dont have the specific dates when it was closed all i know was at least 2-3 yrs it has signage as a hat voi nhau...

i forgot...i have posed a report of ktvs in teh same areas ie 3-4 shops near each other, and so u know i was in that area, where is your report even stating you were in that area circa july 2014?
Telling you i am some businessman? Before i met you, you already knew i am driving a taxi so why should i boast to you i am doing some business? Doing business needs to boast? I offer to pay for your share? Post report on ktv? I thought u told me not to openly share with others?
All i can say is you are good at twisting words. I am impressed with how u can interpret and relate a normal idea into another idea. Anyway now i understand why are you acting like this.
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Old 23-11-2014, 05:39 AM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Originally Posted by blk437 View Post
Telling you i am some businessman? Before i met you, you already knew i am driving a taxi so why should i boast to you i am doing some business? Doing business needs to boast? I offer to pay for your share? Post report on ktv? I thought u told me not to openly share with others?
All i can say is you are good at twisting words. I am impressed with how u can interpret and relate a normal idea into another idea. Anyway now i understand why are you acting like this.
u must have terrible memory or understanding...firstly when u contacted me i had ALREADY gone thru ur posts and knew u wee taxi driver, then when we met at mifa cafe u told me u a businessman doing busines sin vn...thats why i thought jeex tyhis guy what kinda man is this need to lie over someting as trivial as his u can report on ktv, just do it in code so that only people already familiar with it will know..or not even ned to report address just say ktv in ke hong phong, thats should be enuff...get it...instead ZERO. report now u lie again abt 236...just lie you lied when u first met me..yes see simple idea, but u cant understand?
Old 23-11-2014, 06:10 AM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Wahahahaahaha...lmao. Now i have become a big liar overnight.
Hahaha. Sometimes i just wanna save some face for people and yet people just keep pushing me to the edge.
U r the type of person who can kill people just to prove 1 point. Worth it? Sorry but i am not as outspoken or argumentative as you. I don't need to prove i am right but don't you find it a bit tiring just to rebut at all things which you think is wrong. No matter if the matter concern you or not? U need to dig out people's ancestor just to prove a simple little point?
It's just a simple comment and you have to go deep into so detail of the person who made the comment and insult and criticize the person. You r a dangerous person to befriend and share information with.
U r telling a whole different story to the members here from what i told you when we met. U also bad mouth about some senior members here which till now i have not told anyone about. Now u turn everything around and telling everyone i am a big liar.
It's ok. I don't need to dig others people ancestors out to.prove anybody anything. People here have eyes to see.

Since u r so outright then i also need not be so respectful next time when i don't agree with what you post.
I know you gonna post some super long composition to rebut me again. But don't worry. U can carry on. I will not be offended.
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Old 23-11-2014, 06:19 AM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

And by the way, any members who wish to know or verify if i am really doing any business can Pm me. My company is register on 1 of the Ministry website in Singapore. Our profile is there and licensed. Sometimes can be quite irritating to be called a liar.
Big MutantChicken please don't come telling me every company needs to be register. My company is registered yes and also have another special license to.operate. Not just started but have already running for years. And yes, i have dealings with people in Vietnam also.
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Old 23-11-2014, 11:03 AM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Oops. Did I stir some shit?

Day 2

11am - Massage at Dai Nam
So called VIP room, 1 and half hour SOP.
Ended 700k per pax. 500k tips to girl. Didn't know now they no need to write the tips on the paper.

3pm - New world Casino
Got a huge rip off on the exchange rates from SGD to Dong to USD.

7pm - 700
Early bird so got good choices. Can see more 7s at 20-24.
Didn't call for the takeaway lineups but end of the day all of them wants to go with us. Rejected since too drunk and the small head decide to watch Arsenal vs Man U.
Bill - 4.8mil
Girls - 500k each
Mummy - 500k
Waiters - 100k

1am - Lion City Restaurant
Frog porridge + drinks + sambal Lala - 36USD

End of day conclusion - still cannot find the right one to warm the bed.

*Disclaimer - you can ignore my post. Maybe it will benefit some newbies that rely on TS self help guide with more detailed pricing.

Day 3 starts.
Old 23-11-2014, 01:45 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

So the massage is with happy ending? Coz it was 700k per pax and u tipped 500k? Pardon my ignorance coz I have yet to explore hcm! Why did u need to tip the same amount to mommy and gals?


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Old 23-11-2014, 01:57 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Originally Posted by sex crusader View Post
So the massage is with happy ending? Coz it was 700k per pax and u tipped 500k? Pardon my ignorance coz I have yet to explore hcm! Why did u need to tip the same amount to mommy and gals?
thats the wway things work here...dont ask why, but its teh standard to tip massage girls rought same as the ticket, also unless mommy really bad, she is tipped the same as teh girls..if not next time dont expect any thing good ie no service no girls
Old 23-11-2014, 05:03 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Everywhere u go, u hit people, do u expect them to keep quiet and let u hit?
Dont forget Karma is a bitch.

Originally Posted by mutantchicken View Post
u must have terrible memory or understanding...firstly when u contacted me i had ALREADY gone thru ur posts and knew u wee taxi driver, then when we met at mifa cafe u told me u a businessman doing busines sin vn...thats why i thought jeex tyhis guy what kinda man is this need to lie over someting as trivial as his u can report on ktv, just do it in code so that only people already familiar with it will know..or not even ned to report address just say ktv in ke hong phong, thats should be enuff...get it...instead ZERO. report now u lie again abt 236...just lie you lied when u first met me..yes see simple idea, but u cant understand?
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Old 23-11-2014, 07:32 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Originally Posted by Hurricane88 View Post does happened...pests always are pests...cannot shoo away...
Better send him to negative...
No exchange of points, I lazy to exchange.
Old 23-11-2014, 08:58 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Originally Posted by 9835 View Post
First day here. Got a girl 2.2million. Than give okt on bicycle 200,000. Haven't fuck girl ask for tips. 500,000. Give her 200,000. Than fuck no gfe. Sibei sian. Am I kenna chop?
Yes... You got chopped.
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Old 23-11-2014, 09:24 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Haizzz ... should have given more...... maybe I do it next trip.

Have been giving VND300K for all, I still thought I am chopped.... lucky I am not.

Originally Posted by 9835 View Post
First day here. Got a girl 2.2million. Than give okt on bicycle 200,000. Haven't fuck girl ask for tips. 500,000. Give her 200,000. Than fuck no gfe. Sibei sian. Am I kenna chop?
Originally Posted by purplefire View Post
Yes... You got chopped.
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Old 24-11-2014, 04:23 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

good info...
bros who up my pts pls leave ur nick/pm for me to return the favour~thx

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