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Old 14-04-2015, 11:22 AM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Originally Posted by lausung View Post
Sure boh 500 USD can get girl company 4 day 3 night easily?
Go where find? you can arrange? u mean find girlfriend or WL?
Think only possible for laojiao here who can speak viet lang. We are tourist w/o any knowledge of viet lang, not possible to hunt those cheap girls.

why not possible???

a fresh graduate cant even earn this amount in 1 mth
Old 14-04-2015, 11:29 AM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

see this is us and them thing....see according to copyright laws...just post pics...its ok...
doesnt matter if pics or rven the lady still working or not..just post...
kinda of like he assumes FB pics are all fake as he was duped once...

Originally Posted by hoian View Post
Another gal wanted 1 mil (US50)... at first she does not believe I am a foreigner, ask how i know tv. Anyway i on e, la mac (thanks, it's ex). I think she got pissed off... haha.

Ok that's all the intel I can provide for u guys. I am in Ben Thanh area btw. Hotel is really nice for US20.
sorry but the line "can on e, la mac (thanks, its ex)" are telling us your mac is expensive??????
and the girl got pissed off...why?? After she saw your face?

and nice hotel for US$20?? and clean maybe but nice?? I really want to know how nice as it must be really good coming from a guy who just stayed or is used to staying in 5 stars hotel..

This is intel???no head no tail...???

See at least Hoang was specific...girl pic.....pricing...
Old 14-04-2015, 11:50 AM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Originally Posted by 45degree View Post
… the alleged slaughter of a dog whose bones appear to have been used to make Vietnamese noodle soup for customers.. . "
Originally Posted by hoian View Post
In HK they also have human meat char siew bao. But this thread is about Saigon, Vietnam. kekeke....
Apologies for continuing this off topic matter…. But I really do need to set the record straight about Hong Kong.

The Apple daily is a sensationalist tabloid and the slaughter/consumption of dog meat is criminal in Hong Kong. Also, quite unfortunate, but bigotry in Hong Kong is alive and well – and memories of the crowded detention centers for Vietnamese boat people, now coupled with a certain amount of envy that some Vietnamese here are now doing well…. Well…. you get the picture!

On the “Human meat Char Siew Bao” thing, yes, this did happen but it was decades ago. It started as a run-of-the-mill murder case with this killer using various methods to dispose of the body, including supposedly using it as Bao filling. The facts of this case were then glorified/gorified into a movie and thus misconception as to the actual facts of the case became the stuff of popular Urban Legend.
Shop owner plans to sue over 'dog-butcher' allegations as police take meat for testing
Owners say they have lost business and one was arrested over incident in which they had no part
PUBLISHED : Tuesday, 14 April, 2015, 12:48am
Owners of the Sham Shui Po shop where a man was filmed apparently slaughtering and butchering a dog said they had nothing do with the incident and they planned to sue Apple Daily and the man who posted the video.
They say the newspaper and video poster cost them business and led to at least one inappropriate arrest by inaccurately associating the shop with the incident. Both the newspaper and the man say they acted correctly.
Police said yesterday they were still investigating to determine whether the meat in the video was actually from a dog.
Images of the alleged butchery went viral after a man, who asked to be identified only by his surname Heung, posted to a Facebook group a video of a man processing meat in a back alley. Heung said on Sunday that he saw the man place a dog's head in a colander.
Le Thi Dung, a co-owner of the family-run grocery that opened April 1, said yesterday nobody associated with the shop knew the man who was filmed, though she said they did lend him a colander on Friday.
"None of us knows anything about him," said the ethnic Vietnamese woman, who has been living in Hong Kong for more than two decades, adding that the man spoke Cantonese when he asked to borrow the colander.
"The alley does not belong to anyone, and it's not our business what others do there," Le said.
"A week ago you could see people queuing for our spring rolls, but ever since the news reports came out, all customers are gone."
On Saturday one of the owners, a 49-year-old woman surnamed Lai, was arrested on suspicion of cruelty to animals. She was released on bail on Sunday night and is due to report back in mid-May.
Le said police on Sunday came to the shop and took samples of meat along with a chopping board and a knife to test.
"I've already asked my lawyer to sue Apple Daily," she said, accusing the newspaper and Heung of framing the shop for the reviled act.
Apple Daily chief editor Chan Pui-man said the newspaper was only reporting a police case.
"It's not only Apple Daily that has reported this," she said. "If she feels she has been wronged, she should tell the police."
Heung said yesterday he was almost certain he saw a dog's head in the colander.
An ethnic Vietnamese customer eating at one of the shop's tables yesterday said she came to show her support after the news reports emerged. "Hongkongers seem all too willing to believe we all eat dogs after hearing a Vietnamese is suspected."
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Old 14-04-2015, 12:29 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Do u mean see any pretty girl like waitress or shop assistant just tell them i give u US500, u company me and sleep with me for 4 day 3 night?? Ok i try it when in vietnam see if it works. Thanks

Originally Posted by volcano View Post
why not possible???

a fresh graduate cant even earn this amount in 1 mth
If you dont venture into the unknown, you wont gain much.

Last edited by lausung; 14-04-2015 at 12:53 PM.
Old 14-04-2015, 03:13 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Thanks for clearing up the mat...mac thingy...
i honestly thought he was talking about a

are you viet or singaporean anyways??
Old 14-04-2015, 04:32 PM
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Talking Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Originally Posted by Hurricane88 View Post
Yes...any forum to share...
Erm you mean FR ??

Anyway that was last year thingy, negotiated ST for 3million VD.
I know it's high but she was a looker, SYT my type.
Anyway we ended up doing 2 round for 2 hrs + in my room.
Old 14-04-2015, 05:39 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

See...the reason i wanted to ask Hoian his nationality is important.
his posts are very confusing....first he goes on wechat...talking to girls..asking price in viet...
and he emphasise he is a foreigner but as he speaks viet so well...the girls are surprised.
then he says girls not his type...only foreigners will like..
so a bit Hoian...whats your nationality?
And if you are Singaporean.....did u tell the girls?
Jeez...i hope not..
already we newbies have difficulties in finding girls there...we certainly dont need them to think Singaporeans are dumbasses who has nothing better to do than asking for price just for fun!

And hey bro lausung...
dont worry so much about the US$500 ....get girl thingy..
According to your so called expert...hoian....
just put the US$500 on the table...girls will understand..
Old 14-04-2015, 05:54 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Now MC
be nice...
I assure u not all Sinkies are like that...unfortunately..they just make more noise so i can understand why u would think that way.

But Hoian...still like to hear from you if you are singaporean??
Old 14-04-2015, 06:35 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Originally Posted by volcano View Post
why not possible???

a fresh graduate cant even earn this amount in 1 mth
Is highly possible as said by bro volcano

Average pay of worker is not even that month of 500usd a month.
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Old 14-04-2015, 06:40 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Originally Posted by damong777 View Post
Is highly possible as said by bro volcano his money and how they spend is up to him...
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Old 14-04-2015, 06:46 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Actually is not a matter of possible or not but rather is the answer suitable for my situation. If u are a long time laojiao who speak viet lang well...of course i no doubt u can pick up a non WL girl easily and pay cheap.

But as a newbie who dont know the lang, going there for holiday and looking for some whore mongering to go about picking non WL girls?

I just posed a question on that wechat, din expect will end up a war going on with the few laojiao.
My apology.

Originally Posted by damong777 View Post
Is highly possible as said by bro volcano

Average pay of worker is not even that month of 500usd a month.
If you dont venture into the unknown, you wont gain much.
Old 14-04-2015, 06:48 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Originally Posted by jackbl View Post
Saturday 10am inside Ben Thanh market. One piece of $1000 can change 15900vnd/S$1. Opposite the West gate of the market there's a goldsmith shop having the rate 15870vnd.
That was a good rate. Better than what I changed. But was too out of way to go bt. Just changed at 15,800 at a gold Smith along the road to Binh Duong. And did not have 1k note with me...
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Old 14-04-2015, 06:54 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Anyway just touched down hcm. First trip no gals rejected entry on flight to hcm..

Quite hot and should getting hotter based on weather forecast.

Chill and have fun guys.
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Old 14-04-2015, 06:58 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Originally Posted by lausung View Post
I just posed a question on that wechat, din expect will end up a war going on with the few laojiao.
I am afraid you will not get thr answers here....
TS has clearly stated that he does not encourage newbies to chiong HCMC.....
Try reading the thread...i did...not a lot of info....but entertaining.
Like you...i am a newbie at hcmc and no idea ...i would offer but i have nothing..
At the end of the day...just suck it up....go explore...find out...just be prepared......
But i would like to ask?? u looking for WLs or flings??
i would think offering cash straight up to a non WL...not the smartest thing to do....
Old 14-04-2015, 07:06 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

As stated in my 1 of my previous post, i am only going there first time on holiday, whore mongering is just a side activities, looking for WL is obviously the better choice i think, that is the reason for making that wechat post.

Offering cash up front to non WL girl sure is not a wise choice unless u know the girl well or if u are a lady killer.....Thanks anyway.

Originally Posted by mwee9999 View Post
But i would like to ask?? u looking for WLs or flings??
i would think offering cash straight up to a non WL...not the smartest thing to do....
If you dont venture into the unknown, you wont gain much.

Last edited by lausung; 14-04-2015 at 07:25 PM.
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