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Old 25-08-2013, 10:02 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Someone pm me for the name and address of the ktvs n eye candy joints.

Sorry pal, i go there no take down address, just see vietnam babes only...
Old 25-08-2013, 10:19 PM
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Talking Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Originally Posted by Hurricane88 View Post
care to share your story with us least describe the process...where did you have this interesting dinner...
Me reached HCM on 19/8, thot had read 100 over pages of researches here ( although 80% r scolding here and there), hiong hiong go bang wall myself. Go to massage without hanky paying 600k dongs, you might said it was expensive but to me it worth it loh, 2hrs of massage and wash hair and facial, compare to SGP still cheap and still can sianz the massage gals go out.

At night go Fortune 700 with a group of 5 beasts and pay 3.1mil dongs inclusive 1 bot of chivas, gals' fees and night bring the gals back for biology examinations. Cost 3 mil overnight. To me the price ok cos I prepared to pay this kind of money since researchers here stated the MARKET PRICE liao.

2nd nite, MUST SAID PAISEH WITH MR VOLCANO, suppose to meet him for suckling pig dinner but last mins my fren gal, wanna go rivercruise and eat and
after cancel appt with MR Volcano and found out the cruise dinner cost 10mil for 10 persons, decided to switch to hai sang dinner again but too paiseh to call MR Volcano liao...bro...sory har

Then go disco after dinner, same gals, same room, same thing...knn..2 nite 4 shots, sperm dried.....

3rd day no nite activity for us but MR Volcano bring me to the restaurant say will song song gao jurong, but thot of going casino. But Mr Volcano said later will to drunk to play, I thot, wtf? dinner also can drunk, pian siao ah.
Who knows...REALLY DRUNK!!! Order grouper fish but never eat the fish, eating live grouper ser....hahhaha..hands busy, seldom touch my chopsticks..inside the room can say..SIAO LIAO, SO MANY WOMEN, BUT ONLY GOT 2 HANDS...mouth not with foods but with neh neh....drunk really drunk..

Go too excited to remember the name..come back too drunk to remember the name, next time go got to trouble Mr Volcano liao, u better come out, if not, i take vinasun taxi track you down...hahaha

detail got to wait cos minus point lah...want to one time post all must wait till free, CO not around first...paiseh
Old 25-08-2013, 10:26 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Originally Posted by walle View Post
Go too excited to remember the name..come back too drunk to remember the name, next time go got to trouble Mr Volcano liao, u better come out, if not, i take vinasun taxi track you down...hahaha

detail got to wait cos minus point lah...want to one time post all must wait till free, CO not around first...paiseh
dun worry I am here to approve your post so very fast...unless i snooze liao then wait tomorrow or other moderators to release...

thank you for your story but i still dun know where you been lol...since restaurant no secret ma...

my guess is 15 ky dong q3 or tram chim @ 303 dien bien phu q3 right...
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Old 25-08-2013, 10:40 PM
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Talking Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Originally Posted by Hurricane88 View Post
dun worry I am here to approve your post so very fast...unless i snooze liao then wait tomorrow or other moderators to release...

thank you for your story but i still dun know where you been lol...since restaurant no secret ma...

my guess is 15 ky dong q3 or tram chim @ 303 dien bien phu q3 right...
I really dunno..paiseh...i onboard taxi, Mr Volcano already talking aliens language to taxi driver..then turn and turn then he tell me reach liao..btw i rem this 2 place u time can try and btw i dun understand viet language also..wanted to take name cards but later too drunk too remember anything, only know " U, U" haha..
Old 25-08-2013, 11:56 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Originally Posted by juz_mic View Post
Took advice of bro phighter, took a motorbike to Nugyen Thi Binh, vnd 80k from Ben thanh. Bro phighter did not highlight that street is freakingly long. Didnt know which part of it, so just walk and walk. Saw a few sign with hot toc, interestingly, most were the normal haircut place for man. Finally chance upon a female hot toc, 4 girls inside, took one 6 pointer. The rest SOP. Damage 200k, bbbj.

Tip to bro, few cab go in there. To come out of that place. Can try this green colour bus with number 88. I took that and it brings me to Saigon Square. Was told it end near Ben Thanh. 6k only. Can save some money.

I applaud juz_mic for his courage or maybe lack of insight to go and look based on what was reported.
Firstly i am aware of this area since i explored it a few years ago..firstly lthis street is abot 5-6km long at least it extend to two LARGE district ie q2 and q9, a look at googlemaps would have confirmed that, so with a approximate location its pretty much guesswork..secondly whilst the original poster said its in d2..again thats not much of a clue for a is that the hot toc in the area are not clustered like they are in d7, futher they are interspersed with barbar regular shops, and the girls are not dressed in the same uniforms u get with bj hottocs. Finally thats area of d2 is away from an phu, so its very local and quite intimading for someone without any i applaud him clap clap, though im not sure if his success was due to blind dumb luck or any skills on his part. I seriously doubt another newboe could readliy duplicate his success.

That being said i had personal business near the area so i thought id revisit it and a few other nearby streets, this is what i found...yes the barbar shops are still spread out, i went tehre at 3pm, so it was quite hard to look inside so i dont know how attarctive the girls are, i saw 3-4 possible locations, more on other streets than the one mentioned. Again given the cost 200 vs 150k , and the distance to q11 i wouldnt male it a habit of going here.
I found 3 cafe bj place, 2 had decent looking gals ie in tehre 20's slim and 6pointers...cost for a drink and a bbbj i CIM but it was like the initial hit only...130k
If i lived closer i would go mkore frequently but given teh distance and the extra 10k i wouldnt make a habit of cumming to this area...but then given thecrack downs, its better to know of alternatives right.
Old 26-08-2013, 12:19 AM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

We have all heard abt vietnams different cafe styles, cafe van phong, cafe san trong, cafe vuong, cafe vong, cafe goc, cafe om--rabba, cafe om --bbbj, cafe dj etc etc
I have found a new concept cafe fuck..

This is actually i kind of found before though it was of a form i didnt find appealing due to cost, distance and the formate. Basically what it was is 3 yrs ago i found a cafe om...rabba style..and some gals were willing to get on your bike go to the hotel across the road, u could fuck them for 400k then afterwards pay them and leave.

What i wanted was to find a cafe u could fuck inside the cafe. Today i found such a place, though just be aware not all gals will fuck and you need to kc them a bit ie be reasonable attractive to a young gal, be able to make the laugh etc etc.
The way it works is u go into the public area, a girl sits down and she asked if she can join u..if u say yes she brings back a tray with a few drinks...and she leads u to a more private room...there she will chit chat and u can grope her she will play with ur is where u try to convince her to fuck, if thing go well or even if it doenst she will try to get 6-7 drinks form u...costing abt 30k if u lucky u can fuck for abt 200k, if u unlucky then u could have groped a girls for 200k.
The gals are young, tho some a fattys, again a few cuties but in the 5-6 range.
This is ok for the experience, fuck a young gals standing doggy in a cafe, for 200k( 150k if u lucky) or pick up a street walker also abt 5-6in loks mid 20;s age cost 250k including the room.
Seen in that perspective its not exactly worth recommending but it is a new experience something that others havent reported before.
Old 26-08-2013, 01:20 AM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Originally Posted by Hurricane88 View Post
since restaurant no secret ma...

my guess is 15 ky dong q3 or tram chim @ 303 dien bien phu q3 right...

hmm wrong..u can guess again if u want...i seriously wonder if customer is allow to squeeze the "melons" of the gals in Tram Chim......or maybe i fail to do it.

yes,normal restaurants can be shared openly.but for restaurants with "activities" i seriously doubt so bcos there are many who ruin the "playground" nowadays.some might call it selfish,but too bad,cant help it as gotta to protect ownself benefit..
Old 26-08-2013, 01:20 AM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Anyone know a nice and quiet hotel or apartment in D1 for a short term stay? affordable too
Old 26-08-2013, 01:46 AM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Originally Posted by volcano View Post
hmm wrong..u can guess again if u want...i seriously wonder if customer is allow to squeeze the "melons" of the gals in Tram Chim......or maybe i fail to do it.

yes,normal restaurants can be shared openly.but for restaurants with "activities" i seriously doubt so bcos there are many who ruin the "playground" nowadays.some might call it selfish,but too bad,cant help it as gotta to protect ownself benefit..
go to the fringe of hcmc plenty of places but heres the downside, tipp 200k, food priced on par with tram chim ie extra 20-30% over say 04 d5...u prob need to get vip room to make it all possible and u weont be alllowed a vip room unless u have a large party ie 5-6 people so i looking at a total bill of prob 2-3 mill with tips similar to bia finally cost same as beer om, only get less my opinion not worth it..better go to a nice restaurant then go to bia om..or even just order food at beer om two cents
Old 26-08-2013, 01:58 AM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Originally Posted by skyfree View Post
Sorry pal, i go there no take down address, just see vietnam babes only...
Then how to go to that place in the first place?
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Old 26-08-2013, 02:26 AM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Originally Posted by volcano View Post
hmm wrong..u can guess again if u want...i seriously wonder if customer is allow to squeeze the "melons" of the gals in Tram Chim......or maybe i fail to do it.

yes,normal restaurants can be shared openly.but for restaurants with "activities" i seriously doubt so bcos there are many who ruin the "playground" nowadays.some might call it selfish,but too bad,cant help it as gotta to protect ownself benefit..
I did in tram chin and other no hand cafes as long as you are in a room , your choice to make it happen , haha two girls including the "mummy" squeeze her tits on me. By the way I am no "depthai" , just your typical short fat ugly brute . If the girls are playful anything is possible.

As for the playground that's something new , good for you !! You found something for us to explore on. Thanks alot

Last edited by iSaigon; 26-08-2013 at 02:39 AM.
Old 26-08-2013, 02:43 AM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Originally Posted by mutantchicken View Post
I have found a new concept cafe fuck..

fuck a young gals standing doggy in a cafe, for 200k( 150k if u lucky) or pick up a street walker also abt 5-6in loks mid 20;s age cost 250k including the room.
Seen in that perspective its not exactly worth recommending but it is a new experience something that others havent reported before.
So sorry for editing , but this seems like a good idea . Looks wise might not be up to standard but it is definitely worth taking note of a new way of chionging though I seriously doubt newbies will be able to get anything out other than the normal groping .
Old 26-08-2013, 09:27 AM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Originally Posted by jackbl View Post
Then how to go to that place in the first place?
U nvr read ahhh

like this lor

...i onboard taxi, Mr XXX already talking aliens language to taxi driver..then turn and turn then he tell me reach liao..
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Old 26-08-2013, 09:31 AM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Originally Posted by walle View Post
I really dunno..paiseh...i onboard taxi, Mr Volcano already talking aliens language to taxi driver..then turn and turn then he tell me reach liao..btw i rem this 2 place u time can try and btw i dun understand viet language also..wanted to take name cards but later too drunk too remember anything, only know " U, U" haha..
hmmm you've got selective memory.

good boy...listen to senior not to reveal the place. sbf code of ethic...
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Old 26-08-2013, 09:43 AM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Originally Posted by volcano View Post
hmm wrong..u can guess again if u want...i seriously wonder if customer is allow to squeeze the "melons" of the gals in Tram Chim......or maybe i fail to do it.
One story going around ...u nvr heard meh
One rich vn guy already upzzzz most of the gals in Tram Chim if not all...
what is squeezing of melon... small matter lah
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