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Re: Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia (Adventures & Misadventures)
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中国驻蒙古使馆就公民在蒙受辱案件提出严正交涉 时政新闻人民网 [微博] 2015-04-03 13:42我要分享 7026 [摘要]4月2日,蒙古媒体报道了关于中国内蒙古籍公民在蒙登山时受到蒙古极端组织人身攻击及侮辱的消息。中国驻蒙 使馆已向蒙外交部门、警方提出严正交涉,要求对方依法严惩肇事者。 人民网4月3日讯 据中国驻蒙古国大使馆网站消息,4月2日,蒙古媒体报道了关于中国内蒙古籍公民在蒙登山时受到蒙古极端组织 人身攻击及侮辱的消息。 中国驻蒙使馆对此高度关注,已向蒙外交部门、警方提出严正交涉,对侵犯中国公民人身安全及尊严的事件表示谴 责,要求对方向使馆通报有关情况,依法严惩肇事者。 使馆要求蒙方加大对在蒙中国公民的保护力度,加强社会舆论引导,维护中国公民在蒙工作、生活良好环境。(人 民网-国际频道) 事实+ 蒙古国主要的极端组织 蒙古近年兴起多个新纳粹组织,仇视外国人的攻击事件也与日俱增。根据公开报道,其境内的极端组织主要有以下 几个: 1、达亚尔蒙古 达亚尔蒙古(DayarMongol),蒙古国激进组织,成立于十几年前,是根据蒙古国法律成立的合法 NGO。董事会当时5名成员,5个人下面有9个助理。从那之后达亚尔从未间断,一直延续。直至今日,14个 人一直没有变化。蒙古有些类似极端目的组织的成员,很多都是从达亚尔出去的。 该组织对政府具有较大影响力,用暴力手段大力推行排华政策,自称大部分蒙古人对中国人的印象都不会好。 印度驻蒙大使因长得像华人,在街上被该组织成员打成重伤。 2、白色纳粹十字 蒙古新纳粹组织白色纳粹十字(TsagaanKhass),又称白色纳粹党徽,成员以一身爱国分子 形象示人,他们声称当百姓面对外国人犯罪、受到外国人严重不公平对待、外国人贪污时,就会站出 来为民请命。 白色纳粹十字使用纳粹鹰徽、纳粹举手礼等,也奉行纳粹的种族优越论。在蒙古首都乌兰巴托的街头,他们的 成员曾身穿黑色上衣,仿照二次大战德国纳粹党行礼,右手向天伸出,高呼蒙古Siegheil(胜利万岁 )的口号。 3、泛蒙古运动 泛蒙古运动是目前蒙古国较大的极端民族组织之一,带有纳粹色彩,其特点是仇视和排斥外国人,中国人 则是它们的头号敌人。该组织自称目前有活跃成员300人。 2010年,蒙古国首都乌兰巴托市一中国援建项目工地发生一起中国务工人员与当地人冲突的事件。媒体报道称 ,该事件有极端排华势力泛蒙古运动组织介入。事件发生后,该组织将书面抗议书递交给警察局,要求将参与 冲突的中国人驱逐出境等。 4、蓝色蒙古 蓝色蒙古是20世纪后期兴起的一个蒙古国激进民族主义团体,曾被中国媒体称为新纳粹。曾激烈反对中 国,但影响力在逐渐减弱并对中国的敌意逐渐平缓,据一些蒙古国政治团体宣称该类极端团体在蒙古国内也未获得 广泛的支持。 中国公民的海外安全地图 2005年是外交部发布出国特别提醒数量最多、频率最高的一年。从1月至11月的81条提醒信息中,除了2 0多条与签证及过境有关外,其余都涉及中国公民在海外的安全问题,中国人熟悉的巴黎骚乱、禽流感等等事件都 被包含在其中。 从外交部发布的信息来看,中国公民在世界不同国家和地区,可能遭遇的风险不尽相同--南亚、东南亚的危险在于恐怖活动和战乱;非洲除了政局动荡之外,还多了劳务纠纷、抢劫和绑架;在欧美,需要 警惕的则是蛇头、走私贩毒的陷阱以及旅游安全;中东是一个比较特殊的地区,它几乎囊括了上述各种危险;而在 中国周边海域,多发渔业纠纷和领土纠纷 事实上,各国近来针对中国人的犯罪都呈上升趋势。对于中国人为何容易成为歹徒袭击抢劫的对象,外交部在特别 提醒中指出,露财和缺乏防范意识是最根本的原因。所以,即使是在比利时、瑞士、德国、新西兰等治安情况良好 的国家,中国公民还是让犯罪分子有机可乘。(腾讯新闻综合凤凰周刊、中国网等报道)返回腾讯网 首页>> crime is on the rise against foreigners in mongolia esp china citizens there are even neo-nazi mongol fanatics who rob and steal from foreigners |
Re: Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia (Adventures & Misadventures)
they even shaved the heads of mongol women who had sex with chinamen回 发表于:2015-04-03 20:46:09 作者:逗你玩888发短信加关注更多作品 级别:六级士官等级8等级8积分:2087 蒙古掀起了一股新纳粹组织的浪潮,这股新纳粹组织主要是由一些年轻人组成,他们身穿黑衣,崇尚希特勒,标榜 的当然也是和纳粹主义相类似的一些理念,反华的情绪相当高涨。 他们特别反对很多蒙古人和汉人曾经有过很好的关系,这些在他们眼中看来,都需要给予惩罚,也的确做出来,他 们给一些蒙古妇女都剃光了头做出惩罚。 这些蒙古青年,叫新纳粹组织的青年崇尚希特勒,但同时他们也反对一切外国势力,很多人一看就觉得这显然是自 相矛盾的,难道希特勒是蒙古人吗? 其实很多青年,他们很明显也不了解希特勒的理念,因为在二战期间的时候,很多看上去像是蒙古人的俄罗斯人都 要被拉出去处决,而且在希特勒的世界当中,有色人种根本就不应该存在的。 可见随着时间的流逝,希特勒已经越来越变成一种标志,很多人对他的了解似乎并不是很多,但是蒙古这样的情况 已经引起了很多人的注意,包括美国在内的一些国家已经要求蒙古去旅行的国民,必须要留意这种情 况。 |
Re: Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia (Adventures & Misadventures)
[QUOTE=MichaelWinn;12849574]more about the neo-nazi mongols,they attacked foreigners esp china tourists
they even shaved the heads of mongol women who had sex with chinamen回 profile and photos of the neo-nazi mongols in mongolia who attack and even rob foreigners in mongolia http://news.qq.com/a/20150404/028775.htm |
Re: Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia (Adventures & Misadventures)
So sad, seems like not a good time to visit now... hoping to get some mongolian pussy
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Re: Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia (Adventures & Misadventures)
ok i have made 50 trips across the china-mongolia border at erlian(china) to zamyin udd(outer mongolia) these past 3 years
so i shall share some personal incidents here the neo nazi mongols in mongolia are fanatics it does not matter whether you can speak fluent mongol or not even you can speak fluent mongol ,they will attack you if you are han chinese by that i mean malaysian chinese, singaporean chinese,thai chinese, indonesian chinese or china chinese if you pretend to be mongol, these fanatics will ask you detailed info which part of mongolia are you from? town ,city,etc i saw a group of malaysian chinese being robbed at knife point in zamyin udd(the mongol border town near china border) the mongolia police is notoriously corrupt at the china-mongolia border it is common practice for the mongol soldiers to ask foreigners for bribes or money or cigarettes at night in mongolia never try to venture out alone on your own if you are a newbie you may get beaten up by drunken mongolian youths or worse get robbed or stabbed by these fanatics anyway there are a lot of mongolian Wgs in erlian (the china border town next to mongolia) ,all of these girls are on 30 days tourist visa they work in bars and the massage parlours by the way now 1 rmb is 300 mongol MNTs which explains why many monglian WLs want to work in china |
Re: Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia (Adventures & Misadventures)
Hi brothers,
Planning to go UB. Can anyone recommend a nice 4 or 5 stars hotel that is lady friendly? Let me know which ones have ktv inside hotel, and the ktv girls can bring up room. Thanks bros. |
Re: Nite Entertainement Mongolia
Hi bros,
Can anyone recommend a 4 to 5 stars hotel which has ktv inside hotel building? Have girls in ktv to bring up room, lady friendly hotel is important. Thanks bros |
Re: Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia (Adventures & Misadventures)
you can stay at bayangol hotel at ub, there's a pub or coffee hse there, u can pick up chicks there , or some some pubs nearby at night even e waitresses can be pick up, they like to drink, they try to be atas but whn u break e ice, there will be no return u will be asking for more.....enjoy ur trip. Cheers
Re: Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia (Adventures & Misadventures)
Bump for the thread...
Info threads are for field reports...if you want to chat post in tcss thread Please do not post when you PM somebody Please Do Not reply long post, always edit... may zap and remove post |
Re: Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia (Adventures & Misadventures)
Will be UB on next week, stay at The Corporate Hotel, any happening pub or massage place nearby?
Re: Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia (Adventures & Misadventures)
What is the price range of booking girl for overnight?? Anyone can recommend taxi driver can speak English or mandarin....?
Re: Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia (Adventures & Misadventures)
I'm leaving in 3 days time.... Seen like no one can provide more info for UB.... ![]() |
Re: Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia (Adventures & Misadventures)
it is cold winter now in mongolia and north china
do wear more clothes and buy a winter jacket, you will need it |
Re: Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia (Adventures & Misadventures)
Noted, I'm already prepare for it... I think more I need is can find some gir hug and sleep at night.... Hahaha... But no one can guide me where to go???
Re: Nite Entertainement Mongolia
yes there's a little xenophobia about chinese at the border areas,but i have never encountered any problems in ub or Daarhan. its good to find a driver thats friendly and speaks a little english. he can cart you around and treat him like a friend. bring him in to the pubs with you. this way acts like body gaurd. i have a couple that i call whenever im there. i usually tip them 20 or 30 usd after the evening. mongolian men are pretty violent and like a little punch up when drunk. go to the korean ktv. they are run by korean mafia, no violence in these places unless you start it. hope that helps. |
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