FL Dome 2 - The Middle Kingdom Spreads its Wings Freelancers are not subject to the mandatory health checks that are required of registered sex workers that operate in designated red light areas. They operate illegally outside of the system put in place to curb the spread of STDs. Proceed at your own risk. |
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Re: Yan Fei 20yo syt $80,worth more than this amount
she win liao lar...... she knows hoon kee and other bros how many rep pts!!! confirm got "traitor" bros who give her info on such things....... so predictable that chinese always betray their own kind! (HAN JIANS!)
anyway she's a gem! imagine getting the service without having to fly to china! BTW SHE EVEN MENTIONED SHE DOES THOSE SKILLS IN PROGRESSION?!?! someone mentioned something about jiu yin zhen jing or jiu yang shen gong? SHE ALSO KNOWS! who is the informant sia?! B4 I left, she did a little of her own marketing. saying she will perform more skills for the bros who visited her more than 3 times!!! looks like I have to read thru previous FRs to know which stage other bros are at now!!! I still remember last time in dongguan, china. The gals can perform up to 40++ SKILLS!!!
http://asia.groups.yahoo.com/group/Jediskull/ My own threads: Girls' guide to 21st century sex (+bonus clips+bonus pics) &Erotic stories that I kept when I was a teen For bros who up me, I will return favour. Remind me if I forgot!Member Of SBF Tiko's Club -No. 53 |
Re: Yan Fei 20yo syt $80,worth more than this amount
YF did ask for a favourable FRs from bros who tried her....... I juz wrote wat I experienced wifout extra spices......Like I said, bro who haven't try services better than thai sector can look up for this gem. she's young and she has the skill sets!!! At $80 a pop, she's definitely one of the must try FLs as of now........ good service attitude, no time watching...... ask her wat time she also DUNNO! Coz she dun keep track! nice to chat with also.....
http://asia.groups.yahoo.com/group/Jediskull/ My own threads: Girls' guide to 21st century sex (+bonus clips+bonus pics) &Erotic stories that I kept when I was a teen For bros who up me, I will return favour. Remind me if I forgot!Member Of SBF Tiko's Club -No. 53 |
Re: Yan Fei 20yo syt $80,worth more than this amount
After reading all the FRs about this YF, can't wait to try. There are not many young chinese girls in the forum. Thanks TS for giving me this gem's contact.
Like most of the WL, most of the things are quite standard. BUT!! She is different! Her look is so innocent, yet she exudes a little mischievous side of her and her attitude is really really good! The SYT factor is very very high! I saw her and wow! If she wears a school uniform, I think I sure ganna rottan!!! That aside, every thing is good. Her shower, her catbath very very sensous and wet.. when she licks my body, I almost cum.. (haha.. I am not used to this type of cat bath).. She sucks on my fingers.. wa.. heaven! Overall, she is a gem with very very good service. Look: 6 to 7/10 Certain angle look very very good.. certain angle.. not so good. Guess it's personal taste Body: 6/10 a little baby fat.. but very nice to hug hug BooBs: B cup. sensitive nips. 7/10 Catbath: 11/10 never had such good one before. Got wet one, dry one.. I nearly die BBBJ: 8 to 9/10 very good.. Almost CIM, but a bit short FJ: 8/10 GFE: 8/10 French: nil.. she doesnot allow.. I can only peck her cheek.. If can kiss.. GFE over the limit!! Thanks TS again for this gem!!
Life is short Play HARD |
Re: Yan Fei 20yo syt $80,worth more than this amount
Thanks adan for her contact and finally got a chance to meet her.
Extremely sweet face and decent looking. Bbbj:7 Bj:7 Figure wise: 6 Boobs:B Fj: 7 Sound effect : stereo Rtf: yes No rushing and honest. Take good care of her... |
Re: Yan Fei 20yo syt $80,worth more than this amount
Thanks bro adan01 for the contact
Here are my simple fr Looks :6/10 average looking Boobs :6/10 Body :6/10 Bbbj :7/10 short kissing :no Catbath:10/10 took her sweet time to lick my whole body with good suction Fj :6/10 Gfe :7/10 over service from a young girl : tip top |
Re: Yan Fei 20yo syt $80,worth more than this amount
门一打开,迎面而来的是一张秀气甜美,脸带天真烂漫笑容的可人儿入我眼眸. 虽然她不算是天香国色,但她那少女般的真,少女般的美。也不失为一块美令人垂延三尺的美玉. 关上了门,她温柔的帮我脱的一丝不挂;并细心的把我的衣物小心亦亦的挂在衣柜上。紧接着,在她脱的当儿;我 那犹如猛蛇般的肉棒情不自禁的情绪高昂,犹如涉取猎物般的猛盯着她看。我细细打量着这小妮子,柔滑白嫩如赤 裸小羔羊般的胴体,身段还算均称但有带发展,乳房也随着呼吸一下一下的抖动着尖端微带粉红色的乳头。天啊! !那年轻的气息,朝气令我不能自己。 一想到等一下我将占有这小女孩,与她共赴巫山,翻云覆雨,一尝那欲仙欲死的滋味。。呵呵。害得我浑身发热, 血脉贲张,催精上脑,恨不得当下就将她就地正 法。 在浴室里,正当她在套那浴帽时,我迫不及待地从背后熊抱她;并用我的舌尖,舔着她的耳背,面颊,颈项。双手 也老实不客气地游走她那令我血脉贲张的躯体,轻轻的抚弄着她微带粉红色的乳头又搓又舔.YF也很配和般的微 微扭动她的她那浑圆又有弹性的臀部.闻到那阵阵的少女体香, 还没开始, 我已知道我肯定被她降服了……….. 她轻轻牵着我的手把我带入了另一个梦境。在浴室里她很细心和温柔的帮我涂上泡沫. 颈项,胳肢窝,身体,股间, 大腿还有那快要爆发的肉棒都被她。。。 啊啊啊啊. 她似乎像是在报复我刚才对她身体所作出的不规矩行为; 紧接着施展了她的另一项绝技. 满清十大‘爽’ 刑之"生不如死终级乳房摩,擦,点"。 只见她犹如灵蛇般互上互下,互左互右的在我周围盘旋。双峰笔挺的摩擦我身体的每一颗细胞,我心深处的每一个 魂魄. 她那开始硬了的乳尖也不规律的点向我的敏感部位并不时的有意无意的望着我,似乎在炫耀着她的胜 利. 她意欲未尽的继续探索我身体的每一个角落,舌尖舔遍了我身上的每一个敏感部位,嘴巴再吸吮我的 乳头. 正当我爽的不能自制,小鸟犹如要飞入云霄之际; YF突如其来的来了一招‘吸精大法"中的"燕子回巢"。Wow!!!! 我的肉棒如遇到台风一般猛被吸回巢,感觉置身在九霄云雾中;又温暖又HI的感觉. 她灵活的运用她的舌头舔着我万宝路的鸟头… 睾丸… 啊… 我费了很强的毅力才控制得了, 不把热精射出来… 她那一招艳飞九阴真经的上天下地唯我独尊之’吸尽百精,尘埃入土,机(几)爽难忍’ 爽的指数更是舒服到非笔墨可形容. 我也不便多加形容,就让BROS 去好好见识一番. 犹如小情人在度蜜秘月一般鸳鸯戏水了好一会. YF温柔的为我擦掉身上的每一颗汗珠, GFF 感觉简直是’棒, 棒, 棒’. 来到床边, 我迫不及待躺在床上, 想尽快占有这令我又爱又恨的小妮子. 她爹声的说"亲爱的, 别急嘛; 转过身吧”. 天啊!!!我的屠龙刀已经出鞘了,她还在磨姑什么嘛? 我不禁心中稍有怨言,但我很快就收回我的唠骚了...... 因为我已被她那艳飞九阴真经的毒龙转, 翻江倒海, 高山流水, 十指弹琴,八卦飞机手,蜜蜂采蜜,引蛇出洞等等等等......侵犯得........... YF, 不忘用她那犹如宛灵蛇般柔软的舌头在我的香烟处盘旋,舌尖快速的舔,点和吸吮我。 我也被她弄得情欲高涨并意识到自己的忍耐力以至极限。我急忙把她轻按在床上,并忍不住把头埋到 她的下阴 ,深深的吸着少女独有的体 味。我用手指张开她的阴户,然后用舌尖轻轻的舔她的阴蒂,有节奏地一下一下的吸吮。很快的,Y F就开始 淫荡的呻吟起来。我再接再厉的揉揉她的阴唇,又是弄得她一阵呻吟,爱液泛滥的淫水随着我手指的动作缓缓地流 出;沿着股沟滴到床单上,使 床单湿了一小片。我按耐不住的把身体压在她的身躯上并用我的香烟 在她的阴道口来回摩擦着。望着她那裸露美丽的乳房,令我神魂癫倒,秀色可餐的乳头似乎在诱惑我 去吃她,去吮 她。 这时YF被我弄得面红耳赤,眉头紧锁,腰肢不断扭动。我将她双腿抬起放在我的肩膀上,阴茎顶在 她的阴唇上, 在那转啊转的,弄得她好痒。她似乎想要我插她不过不好意思说。只好稍微扭动她的臀部使我的香烟 对准她的阴道 口,我就顺势插了进去。我轻轻的向前推进,便被那紧紧又柔嫩的阴道包围住。 我配合着她扭动腰肢的节奏,抽送得如鱼得水。YF这时也被我弄得情欲高涨,自己也忍不住了。她 抱紧了我的颈 ,下身尽力向上挺起,啊。。。。 Overall she is a Rare Gem not to be miss. kee kee. Mai Tu Liao. Going to Rtf again tomorrow again.
没本事高调就别说自己低调。我的人生本来就是三流的电视剧,别人要怎么添油加醋都无所谓。只是,迈向光明的 剧本,我要亲自来演 Achieved my FINAL Target 22888(易易发发发) on 20141228(爱你一世一易易发) DON'T up me for points exchange. I WILL NOT up you back. Thanks : |
Re: Yan Fei 20yo syt $80,worth more than this amount
Just had her yesterday and met her at the hotel of her choice.
Name: Yan Fei Age: 21 Face: 7.5 (very sweet looking and cute with long hair, SYT) Body: 5.0/10 (Maybe my standards abit too high. but i feel shes abit too short and imo shes plump. I like the slim type) Skin: 9/10 Flawless skin, very very smooth. Small tatoo) Boobs: B- Big enough to fill my hand BBBJ: 9/10 (ball sucking skills are good, her sucking skills super strong like vacuum) Catbath: 10/10 (Best catbath ever! Shes really skillful. Cover single part of my body) FJ: 8/10 (Her moan was like screaming in pain! Quite loud and stereo surround sound. She likes you to be on top) GFE: 4/10 (Lack Chemistry i think) Attitude: 9 (polite, hardworking and really accommodating. Folded my clothes nicely and changed position whenever i wanted) Damage: $80/1/1 + $20 hotel + Tips + CDs RTF: nope. Overall a decent $80 bonk but shes not my type. |
Re: Yan Fei 20yo syt $80,worth more than this amount
Good morning bros, Mai`Tu Liao.
没本事高调就别说自己低调。我的人生本来就是三流的电视剧,别人要怎么添油加醋都无所谓。只是,迈向光明的 剧本,我要亲自来演 Achieved my FINAL Target 22888(易易发发发) on 20141228(爱你一世一易易发) DON'T up me for points exchange. I WILL NOT up you back. Thanks : |
Re: Yan Fei 20yo syt $80,worth more than this amount
bro hoon kee woke up so early to push up thread hor cant get her out of your head is it ??? or to PCC so early |
Re: Yan Fei 20yo syt $80,worth more than this amount
huh !! today so early wake up mei ?? yesterday night can't sleep is it ??
Just Up : Next up : Minimum 6 points for exchange pls Please up me on below post https://www.sammyboyforum.info/reput...php?p=19483336 MRs For "Gem" = HDLY Princess, Must Try !! |
Re: Yan Fei 20yo syt $80,worth more than this amount
thought yesterday he go find 卧底 dun know got found or not...
Re: Yan Fei 20yo syt $80,worth more than this amount
so bro GHK , what is your finding ??
Just Up : Next up : Minimum 6 points for exchange pls Please up me on below post https://www.sammyboyforum.info/reput...php?p=19483336 MRs For "Gem" = HDLY Princess, Must Try !! |
Re: Yan Fei 20yo syt $80,worth more than this amount
Maybe bro hoon kee did not sleep at all?
In the mountain till further notice 阿弥陀佛!!!
Re: Yan Fei 20yo syt $80,worth more than this amount
i think he kenna convert into 卧底 instead.. hahahaha
Re: Yan Fei 20yo syt $80,worth more than this amount
Feeling very horny last nite. Bonk Yan Fei again . She is indeed syt, really syt. Looks like JC girl, innocent look service getting better & better especially when she sucks u dry. I felt like im in dreamland. I tink Im in love....
Below are the FR for 2nd bonk... Name: Yan Fei Age: 21 ( very young like JC gl) Look: 8.0 (sweet, pretty, cute with long hair , really SYT ) Boobs: 8 ( Should be B) BBBJ: 11/10 (suck me nearly make me CIM ) Painting: didn't try yet. Catbath: 9.5 ( her catbath cover every parts of my body , solid man ) FJ: 8.5 ( tight, wet, make me very shiok with her moan and action ) GFE: 9 (Refresh & recharge me ) Attitude: 9 (polite, willing to serve you like king , a very hard working , no rush make the whole 1 hrs well spent ) Damage: $80/1/1 + $20 hotel + Tips + CDs RTF: YES!!! I am very sextified. Big Tks to Bro Adan again. |
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