The Malaysian Commercial Sex SceneA section specifically for the great Sin Cities of Malaysia. Dedicated to our brothers across the Causeway. Malaysia Boleh!
mcm rancak suda ni forum hahaha ini la baru sabah maju jaya.
by the way sia rasa ter jatuh rasa sama cewe tyl oh kitai, last day di sabah dia suruh fuck tida pakai condom kitai sampai skrg sa takut kana jangkitan. dont let ur dick takeover guys. fuck and go and dont let ur feeling get on the way. itula skrg sy fasa fasa insaf mai.
lineup tyl sekarang ka atau dulu? hahah biasala tu kalau sdh sedap2 mmg ur dd konfem takeover. mau rajin2 p check tu tuan every 2-3 months bgitu, risky oh hopefully nothing serious la..
mcm rancak suda ni forum hahaha ini la baru sabah maju jaya.
by the way sia rasa ter jatuh rasa sama cewe tyl oh kitai, last day di sabah dia suruh fuck tida pakai condom kitai sampai skrg sa takut kana jangkitan. dont let ur dick takeover guys. fuck and go and dont let ur feeling get on the way. itula skrg sy fasa fasa insaf mai.
Wah gilalah.. ada meh cewe t*L yang kasi gitu.. walao.. tapi usually ML semua ni dorang pergi test juga tu..ya.. usually kalau teda smell dari bawah dorang.. sepatutnya teda jangkitan kuman lah…
bro sy pn sama dgn u jg. Pd mulanya ada bual2 semua tu. Sy tau semua ni dia pnya job la ttp masih syok bah kan tu feel. Tp tiba2 mesej dia jd sejuk. Reply pn mau satu hari. So xde mood balik jmpa dia sdh. dia x peduli pun. Tp if I hv to guess, dia tu ada bf ba. Mngkin tu sbbnya dia stop ber-flirting. Kana tngkp 😂
Wah kamu semua flirt dengan ML juga ka.. ni kali lah.. sia jarang exchange contact sebab sia pikir dorang tidak bagi.. anyhow, ada lah kamu chance bawa ML balik hotel time dia cuti ? Like Fcuk Raw ?
butull, dia boost tu GFE smpai outside baa. tp mgkn dia reply2 yg somboi ja tu bro, muka2 orcs cm sa ni nda laku. mmber2 sa smua pn pndah sdh p WF, bcoz orcs stick together! hahahaha. WF mcm lbih dri 10 tu ML dia, stok bru ksi gnti pn mcm byk jd x jg bosan. ni jg slah satu reason ssh ksi FR, nnt kmu p tu no. xda sdh.
Alalala.. jan labah inda kasi FR.. share share among orc bah bro.. sia pun orcs juga ni.. susah mau dapat DFk selalu.. cuma handsomeboi macam ging kita si Grim selalu dapat tu yang sedap.. hahaha l.. joking bro.. tapi mantapz bah ko..
Kasi share labah FR ging dari WF.. kami kamaruk mau tau ni..
Oya.. ada orang pergi joyfoot inanam reflexology ka ? Ada FR mana best ka ?
Port: Joyfoot
Name: lupa tapi local la. No.55 kali ar
Bj: X
Hj: x
Fj: x
Gfe: 4/5
Massage: 5/5 Godlike. Ni baru urutan!!
WIR: yess!!! 100%
Tak tau mau cerita apa. All I know she is very good massage. GODHAND. 👍
Wah thanks ooo Bro..mantapz lah bro kasi FR.. ahhh.. sebab lama suda mau cari urutan best ni kalau dapat.. nanti sia mau pergi lah.. bukan 55 chubby sikit ka bro ?
Port: TYL
Name: P*p*
Age: 36 (Milf) What she told me
Race: Thai
Face: 8/10 Doesn't look exactly in photo, but expected, does look a bit more mature, but i still like it
Body: 8/10 Normal i guess? She got a small belly with tatoo on it though
Boobs: 10/10 My favourite, big boob that is soft, good to suck and play with
Ass: 9/10 Got a big ass as well, when doing doggy feels so good, nice to grab and slap.
Massage: 7/10, nothing amazing
HJ: -
BBBJ: 9/10 Almost cum just from this, she also give BBBJ during bath for awhile
DFK: 5/10 I asked for it but maybe i not handsome so she not that into it, so after that i just give up
FJ: 9/10, when she riding she very active to move and make you feel good, ride for long time also, then after i do missionary and doggy, both very good also especially doggy since her ass so big.
Moan: 7/10 ok i guess, sometimes moan but low voice, maybe my pp too smol no feel
GFE: 9/10 very friendly, communicate in english, keep having small talk with you, and compliment you also.
Damage: RM250
WIR: Yes, if have extra money.
Wah mantapz Bro.. nice FR.. huhu.. mau juga sia pergi ni jumpa p3P3.. tapi hmmm hahahaha.. ada umur sikit dia.. hahah banyak yang milf sekarang.. sia mau yang muda2 tapi jarang ada..
Same, got tried other girl before but all once then no return, this one really makes me want to go back.
Wah macam Hebat oooo p3p3 oooo.. sia mau return to M@r13 tapi sangat hot sekarang dia hahahah.. anyhow..semua kita sini kuat mangancak ooo.. kitai genetic sabah ka ni.. hahahahaha.. orcs genetic ni
lineup tyl sekarang ka atau dulu? hahah biasala tu kalau sdh sedap2 mmg ur dd konfem takeover. mau rajin2 p check tu tuan every 2-3 months bgitu, risky oh hopefully nothing serious la..
yang lineup baru baru ja tuan haha, itu la sy mo pigi cek ni .. bahaya juga kalau horny
Originally Posted by Didut90
Wah gilalah.. ada meh cewe t*L yang kasi gitu.. walao.. tapi usually ML semua ni dorang pergi test juga tu..ya.. usually kalau teda smell dari bawah dorang.. sepatutnya teda jangkitan kuman lah…
sy pun tekejut juga sbb sy book 1 shot, dia bagi extra shot + raw lagi mai kitai,, dia yang gas sy ni bukan sy yang antam dia.. siok jugala tapi tu ja bikin takut hahahaha..
btw kamu ada tanya tanya juga brp ml kamu punya income? becerita kami tuari kan kitaii kaya juga dorang ni kalau kerja brp bulan buli cash hilux sdh o..
btw kamu ada tanya tanya juga brp ml kamu punya income? becerita kami tuari kan kitaii kaya juga dorang ni kalau kerja brp bulan buli cash hilux sdh o..
sy x crita la hri tu, tp time mau QR sy ada tnmpak la balance dia. 15k jg oh, tp tu pn mgkn bru bbrpa hri ja. sy pnya lpas QR dia tnggal 2 digit balance blm tmsuk sen2 bro.
any FR utk BQ M@@n? hri tu @mmy mcm bad FR, trus x jd sy ksi msuk list
mcm rancak suda ni forum hahaha ini la baru sabah maju jaya.
by the way sia rasa ter jatuh rasa sama cewe tyl oh kitai, last day di sabah dia suruh fuck tida pakai condom kitai sampai skrg sa takut kana jangkitan. dont let ur dick takeover guys. fuck and go and dont let ur feeling get on the way. itula skrg sy fasa fasa insaf mai.
True. Itu mental torture tu. Time pgi test, sama tunggu result betul2 mental torture oh...
FR For Apple ( Please Go support her if u all can Brother)
Operator: T*L
Name: @pp13
Race: tomyum
Age: look young and tall lah adn cute lah.. around 167cm i think. Age around 25-26 ( he said 25 years old)
Face: 8.5 ( quite similar to pics just a bit brown lah - not white as pictures)
Body: 8 ( Give birth before this - got Caesar scar. But still looks well maintained and slim lah- skins still young. just a bit slim- if a bit more plum will have one of the sexiest body)
Skin: 8 (smooth and Brownish like typical thai but maintained well)
DFK: 9 - Awesome DFK and she allowed all the times with no rejection at all as well and some tongue fight lah.I just love DFK lah..Eventhough my face looks like ork but still can have DFK. memang nice leh.. Happy Guy here.
DATY: did not do cause terus FJ as she looks a bit horny.
GFE: 8 - Very warming since enter the room as she smiles and try to communicate with me with english but not as fluent and minimal vocabulary lah..the most matter is the effort.
BBBJ: 8 - not bad as her face well maintained and no much pimples and can see her face so cute while doing it.
FJ: 9 - can do many positions lah and she is not rushing and accommodate to your demand. doing Doggy looks awesome as she is tall and i like slim lady.
WIR: yes if i got extra money soon.
Overall : 9/10
Grade: A Tier ( quite good)
Wah thanks ooo Bro..mantapz lah bro kasi FR.. ahhh.. sebab lama suda mau cari urutan best ni kalau dapat.. nanti sia mau pergi lah.. bukan 55 chubby sikit ka bro ?
Ya bro tpi x chubby betul. Tapi saya xda tanya la kalau dia bikin service sebab saya mau urut saja. Tapi urutannya memang puas hati. Merah belakang bro. 🤣
FR For Apple ( Please Go support her if u all can Brother)
Operator: T*L
Name: @pp13
Race: tomyum
Age: look young and tall lah adn cute lah.. around 167cm i think. Age around 25-26 ( he said 25 years old)
Face: 8.5 ( quite similar to pics just a bit brown lah - not white as pictures)
Body: 8 ( Give birth before this - got Caesar scar. But still looks well maintained and slim lah- skins still young. just a bit slim- if a bit more plum will have one of the sexiest body)
Skin: 8 (smooth and Brownish like typical thai but maintained well)
DFK: 9 - Awesome DFK and she allowed all the times with no rejection at all as well and some tongue fight lah.I just love DFK lah..Eventhough my face looks like ork but still can have DFK. memang nice leh.. Happy Guy here.
DATY: did not do cause terus FJ as she looks a bit horny.
GFE: 8 - Very warming since enter the room as she smiles and try to communicate with me with english but not as fluent and minimal vocabulary lah..the most matter is the effort.
BBBJ: 8 - not bad as her face well maintained and no much pimples and can see her face so cute while doing it.
FJ: 9 - can do many positions lah and she is not rushing and accommodate to your demand. doing Doggy looks awesome as she is tall and i like slim lady.
WIR: yes if i got extra money soon.
Overall : 9/10
Grade: A Tier ( quite good)
Tq for FR. Now i tempted to try, but also want try P*0h or Em1k0. Waiting for FR for those if got.
Pengalaman aku Raw dulu sama si Sk* T*L. 2 shoot Raw. Paling nikmat la aku rasa dulu. Skali lepas nikmat tu nehh depress kan tfikir lain2. Nasib xda apa2 jugalah sihat walafiat. Haha. Lepas dari sana aku x berani buat RAW suda
FR For Apple ( Please Go support her if u all can Brother)
Operator: T*L
Name: @pp13
Race: tomyum
Age: look young and tall lah adn cute lah.. around 167cm i think. Age around 25-26 ( he said 25 years old)
Face: 8.5 ( quite similar to pics just a bit brown lah - not white as pictures)
Body: 8 ( Give birth before this - got Caesar scar. But still looks well maintained and slim lah- skins still young. just a bit slim- if a bit more plum will have one of the sexiest body)
Skin: 8 (smooth and Brownish like typical thai but maintained well)
DFK: 9 - Awesome DFK and she allowed all the times with no rejection at all as well and some tongue fight lah.I just love DFK lah..Eventhough my face looks like ork but still can have DFK. memang nice leh.. Happy Guy here.
DATY: did not do cause terus FJ as she looks a bit horny.
GFE: 8 - Very warming since enter the room as she smiles and try to communicate with me with english but not as fluent and minimal vocabulary lah..the most matter is the effort.
BBBJ: 8 - not bad as her face well maintained and no much pimples and can see her face so cute while doing it.
FJ: 9 - can do many positions lah and she is not rushing and accommodate to your demand. doing Doggy looks awesome as she is tall and i like slim lady.
WIR: yes if i got extra money soon.
Overall : 9/10
Grade: A Tier ( quite good)
muka orcs is not a crime! hahahaha. tgk mcm ada braces, msi ka?