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SOUTHERN EXPEDITION (a personal trip to China’s Guangxi Province & Vietnam’s Quang Ni
During our Northern Expedition (http://sammyreviews.store/interna...-far-east.html) in the summer, ErZi and myself talked about doing our Southern Expedition during the winter – a trip that I’ve been thinking about for a while, but have been put it off for many stupid reasons like too busy lah, not enough spare time lah! So, we thought we should made a special effort this winter – especially before the expiry of our “Certificate of Health Examination” we got from HeiHe that has one year validity, as we heard that we will need this for the China/Vietnam border crossing. Moreover, it has been more than a decade since I last visited Guangxi. Although there are other land crossings in southern China, we decided on the Guangxi border crossing because GX is home to many MMs we have met in more “developed” areas like DG. We also tried to get our two local Chinese cheongster friends from Beijing who were with us for the Northern Expedition to join us, since they will be expected to freeze their asses off in Beijing during this time of the year.
(P/S Paiseh paiseh and my apologies – I realized I’ve never quite completed the DongBei section of my FRs for our Northern Expedition, but I’ll try to complete it from my rusted brain one of these days.) Pre-trip planning It has been most hectic for me and EZ, and didn’t have much time to do any planning. I was hoping to rely on my local friends for that. However, one local friend decided to stay put in Beijing to keep his girlfriend warm. Another went to US, but on his return in early December informed us that he prefers to go to Sanya since he heard that the famous BBS street in FangChengGang has been bulldozed in the name of development and he could not contact his girlfriend. But EZ and myself decided to stick to our plan to visit Guangxi and make the border crossing into Vietnam. By then, we have also already got our visa for Vietnam. We decided on the following route after giving due consideration to our time, and other festive/biz obligations in HZ/DS: Fly from SZ to Beihai北海(BH); Bus to Qingzhou钦州(QZ), Bus to FangChengGang防城港(FCG), Bus to DongXing东兴(DX), Walk into MongCai (MC), Walk back to DX, Bus to Nanning南宁(NN), and Fly to GZ – the locations: Southern Expedition - Guangxi China / MongCai Vietnam - Google Maps I shall provide FRs for each of the places we visited, based on some of the notes I have. I am sure EZ will add some details from his much better memory – this old brain of mine is getting somewhat rusty, although bonking has been great help to slow down the aging process! Moreover, I’m still fearful of what my old sifu once told me – the third leg will drop off if I stop using it! We will be happy to answer any question(s) other bros may have. Acclimitization EZ and myself have been very busy with our other commitments since our Northern Expedition. No choice – we could not get sponsorships from people like Nike (Just Do It) and MacDonald (I’m Loving It), and so we still have to do real work to sponsor ourselves for such cultural expeditions. As we have been out of action for so long, we decided it is only right that we get some acclimatization in more familiar grounds such as CP, HZ & DS to catch up with old acquaintances, as well as meeting some business associates, while sharpening our “tools” for the Expedition. We were in CP to meet with a cheongster friend and I was pleasantly surprised to find a real gem from one of my favourite BBSs. The MM is new, so lack experience – but she sure reminds me of the MMs I met many many moons ago when CP sees far less tourists and MMs were not so mercenary. We then head to HZ for Christmas & DanShui to count down the New Year. You can find some postings of our happenings and misadventures in the Huizhou thread (http://sammyreviews.store/interna...ations-38.html) – after that EZ & myself were “mentally” prepared for our Southern Expedition when we flew on the first day of 2010 from Shenzhen to BH, the first stop of our Expedition. |
Re: SOUTHERN EXPEDITION (a personal trip to China’s Guangxi Province & Vietnam’s Quan
BH has always been considered by the locals as the poor cousin to Hainan海南岛 – the beaches in BH are not as nice, and Hainan as an island has the natural advantage of being labeled (by Chinese of course) as “Hawaii” of the South China Sea. There are not as many flights into BH, but nevertheless a very popular destination for the local tourists during the hotter months. Development has not been as fast as Hainan, where breaknecking constructions activities were only slowed down during the financial crisis. By comparison, BH just chugged along at more leisurely pace – although recent focus by the central government on third-tier cities has brought more developments. Meanwhile, BH has also became infamous for the darker side of MLM activities with many get-rich-fast schemes on offer resulting in official clamp-down in recent years. We arrived late evening at BH’s Fucheng Airport in rather cold weather, taking the only flight from SZ for the day. I asked the security guy at the airport if the taxi drivers run their meters – he said they should, but tried to ask for “reasonable price” if the driver gives a flat rate, although he politely told me he did not know what a “reasonable price” would be. We asked the first taxi driver on the queue for the rate to our hotel round the corner from BeiBuWan Square北部湾广场, and was told RMB80 inclusive of toll for the 25km trip. We called the hotel and they said the same price, so we decided we have an honest driver. The driver then commented we must be foreigners – asked him why so and he said we were too polite – walao eh! So, if you want to be mistaken as a local – you better be rude, loud and generally inconsiderate – then again, we found the locals actually quite friendly although many of the people in businesses are from DongBei – we figured they must be escaping from the freezing weather of Dongbei and decided to stay on. In fact, our driver is from Dongbei too and he has been in Beihai for six years. We were starving after checking into our hotel Overseas Chinese Hotel华侨宾馆 (reportedly owned by the WuJing武警,) especially on a cold night – it must have been 10degC or lower with the wind-chilled temperature. We headed to the DaBaiDong大排挡 on ChangQingRoad长青路 less than 10 minutes walk from the hotel. The place is still hopping – the whole stretch of the road with stalls offering all kind of seafood and more at reasonable price, reminding me of Singapore & Malaysia in the 60s. Some brothers may take some time to get use to the hygiene standard though. But the place is opened till very late – or early – like 3 or 4am. With our stomach filled, we decided to take a walk on the wild side – in the BBW Square – which is actually a park with the usual statues with glorified figures and Chinese imagination gone wild. And we quickly noted many moving creatures under the trees. But EZ decided to rename BBW Square as “Monster Park” after we noticed that the FLs who tried to entice us with the famous calls of “去吗QuMa?” are probably of the same vintage as me – no, I lied, maybe a decade or more younger but they do not even look enticing to me on a cold wintry night! Needless to say, we did not ask what would have been the damage. EZ did not want to linger too long at the park – he was worried that he may get nightmares! We played tourist the next day, doing our usual walk through the beach area. The cold weather and drizzling rain made sure that the famous Silver Beach银滩 was deserted except some died-hard tourists. No MM was at sight to offer “PeiYou陪游” – and from what I heard, there are still MMs offering such services during the warmer months. In the good old days – like in the mid-90s, you get many SYTs offering a romp in the water on the beach for RMB50, but I heard that you only get middle-age ladies these days offering such services. So, I consoled EZ that he didn’t really missed much. The rain gets heavier – and we decided to have a warm cup of real coffee in the lounge of Shangrila Hotel to sit out the rain, as well as compensating me for unable to get a decent cup of coffee during lunch. We were at a local fast food joint for lunch and the only coffee they offered was pre-mixed with sugar – even EZ found it to be too sweet. We can only speculate on the number of locals suffering from diabetes! BH also offers many interesting architectural delights, with many several century-old consulates and colonial-style buildings that have fared reasonably well in the tropical climate - being the place where all the “gewilos” embassies set up shops during the 1800s in this southern outpost during the time of weak Chinese emperor. We walked through the “老街LaoJie” (Old Street) that is within walking distance from BBW Square and has many renovated old buildings (many more than 200 years old) but is getting understandably more touristy. This is the place to go in the evening if you want to do your pub crawls and meet locals (and maybe get lucky) – with more than 40 bars and clubs – there are also many eateries offering Chinese and other gweilo favourites such as hamburgers and burritos. But we also noticed one on Sichuan Road, at the corner with LaoJie that offers dog and pussy, urrgh… I mean cat meat. I understand prices on LaoJie are reasonable and considered by many to be the centre of nightlife in BH. There is even a pub, called “Way Inn” that is reportedly owned by a Dutch and the only foreign-owned pub on the street. But we did not have the time to revisit the place in the evening, as we decided to check out the KTV scene. There are plenty of choices for KTVs, and many large billboards with flashing neon lights giving the come-ons and making the choice difficult. We decided to check out one mentioned (and I may add more than a year ago) by a friend – a place known as “HaiShangHua海上花” at HeAnShanGang和安商港 near BBW Square, but when we got there it has “停业装修Closed for Renovation” sign at the lift. We then decided to go across the street (北部湾中路) to check out Sao Paulo Night Club圣保罗夜总会 located at the Triump International Commerce Hotel 凯旋国际商务大酒店 by first asking about the prices. We were told the minimum charge is RMB380 for a room that can take 10people. Gongzhu公主/KJ will be RMB100 and the mummy will also be expected to be tipped at a minimum of RMB100 and 200 for exceptional service. We were told the mummy does not get any salary and she lives on the tips and commission from the MM. I understand there are about 30 rooms with about 40MMs. The MMs are 200 to sit and 800 for s/t – we were told no o/n – WTF? Moreover, not all MM will go out. Our mummy brought three who could go out, and we picked two who happened to be from SZ – although my MM grew up in BH. EZ’s MM looks real young and loves to sing and dance. According to my MM, all the KTVs in BH has the same sitting rate of RMB200, with the exception of the newest joint called YiDaiJiaRen 一代佳人国际商务会所, located at Sichuan Road 四川路 where the sitting rate is RMB300. The place was opened last April, and we were told this is a classy joint and also reportedly the most expensive – with only 30 big KTV rooms. One of its talking point is that all the KTV rooms have glass windows that allow everyone in the KTV rooms to see the MMs (mostly model grade I was told) doing the cat-walk and you just call out for their numbers should you fancy their company. (In view of the fierce competition, I wonder when will a KTV in CP comes up with this concept of MMs walking continuously pass all the KTV rooms with full size glass windows to allow picking, instead of the chaotic Flower Street?) It also has live shows by popular artists. It is supposedly owned by a businessman from Fujian, but I have no idea if it is related to the many KTVs of the same name in other cities such as Shanghai & Xiamen – and we later learnt that the newest KTV in QZ also has the same name. The above info has not been checked out as we just didn’t have the time – maybe a brother has already visited it and can share his experience, or someone with fat company expense allowance can check it out in the near future. Anyway, we did enjoy ourselves with the ritual singing and dice games, although my MM gave many hints about having to attend a friend’s birthday party. I decided to let her go earlier due to the frequent phone calls from her friends. But I was pleasantly surprised when she did come back after the birthday girl has cut her cake – so, I presume the party was genuine and it is a nice gesture to come back since I have already tipped her. The KJ is a cute and chatty SYT – a typical local MM who tends to be short and petite. But at the end of the night, we both decided that we rather be vegetarians than to have a RMB800 s/t, even though EZ’s MM was getting extremely friendly. Earlier in the evening, we have also checked on the quality of the FLs on BBW Square and decided there was no significant improvement from previous night even in the earlier hours of the evening. And on our way to supper, EZ insisted that we bypassed the BBW Square to avoid having any possibilities of nightmares – although I did take another look and they look familiar from previous night encounters! And thus it was a quiet night for the “father & son” team as we were not keen to check out any of the many SNs on offer – enticing they may be in a cold wintry night. But perhaps we were just trying to recover from the excesses of the acclimatization period in CP/HZ/DS. We thus have a good rest before taking on QZ next… |
Re: SOUTHERN EXPEDITION (a personal trip to China’s Guangxi Province & Vietnam’s Quan
![]() This is the closest sniff to pussy for EZ & LT in Beihai – at the corner of Sichuan and entrance to LaoJie ![]() |
Re: SOUTHERN EXPEDITION (a personal trip to China’s Guangxi Province & Vietnam’s Quan
Kudos Brothers!
Very informative and though it seems you boys have not had any late "supper" yet, it does seem like a pretty cool city to visit. Looking forward to more reviews and may have to plan a trip down myself one of these days! |
Re: SOUTHERN EXPEDITION (a personal trip to China’s Guangxi Province & Vietnam’s Quan
Was there last year during the summer month. Took the SZ flight to Nanning and then coach from Nanning to BH - cheaper this way (what to do, has to budget). Stayed in a hotel one or two street from the train station. The SN in the hotel claimed DG one dragon type of svr - except for the swing bed, the svr surely did not reminded me anything of DG. But the price was definately equivalent to DG standard. Only 5 to choose from but the MM was definately new/fresh. The seafood is supposed to be good. The city is quite modern for a supposedly 3rd line city (or 2nd line, not sure) - I think there is a Shangri-La hotel there by one of the beaches.
Re: SOUTHERN EXPEDITION (a personal trip to China’s Guangxi Province & Vietnam’s Quan
LT and EZ air dropped into BH late at nite, almost one of the last flight, the only one from SZ. There are several flights from GZO to BH also, and cheaper too. But due to accessibility since we are way in DS, SZ airport is the nearer and more logical option.
After we hopped onto the Taxi where the driver knew we must be from out-of-town, LT tried to strike up a conversation to pick his brains on the "happenings" in BH. That is when I knew that BH was a hot bed for MLM activities. As we drove from airport into town, a sudden wiff of fishy smell hit my nostrils, and as I look around the pitch dark sidewalks along the highway, cannot find any tell tale red neon lights, so I guess that must be the real fishy smell anyway... hahaha The driver commented that there's basically nothing much in BH, the industries or activities supporting the local economy are either tourism or sea products. After we reach our hotel, though on the outside looks rugged, I suppose we should be relatively safe since LT mentioned that the hotel was opened by the military police 武警。 Feeling a bit hungry, we decided to head out to get some food and since it was quite late, we asked the recept where would be a good place to have supper, and we were directed to the nite market 夜市 along 长青路。 There were plenty of small shops dotted along the street, all providing BBQ and simple 炒粉、炒面 kinda stuff. LT and EZ decided to take a stroll down the whole street to see what was on offer before making a final stop at one. LT was debating whether to visit the shop opened by his younger "brother" from Dongbei, 东北胡子, but because that shop was on the opposite side of the street, we were a bit hungry and lazy, therefore we just pop into 1 along our way. Hygiene standards is somewhat not correlated to the tastiness of the food, or perhaps we must be hungry. I find the food pretty alright on a cold winter nite in BH. After satisfying our stomach, we headed back, it was almost 2am. We saw some shadows in the park near to our hotel. While we were checking in at the hotel, and when we asked where to have some supper, 1 guy, supposedly a regular stayer at the hotel warned us not to walk in the park at nite and beware of pickpockets/muggers especially those from 新疆. But from the shadows, we saw some guys and some gals, somehow, instincts tell me that something is going on in the park, and I instigated LT to walk thru the park, which I later regretted. Barely 1 minute into this eerie park, a Witch jumped out and tried to cast an evil spell on us by saying "带我去。。。“ we tried not to listen too clearly to the spell otherwise we'll be in deep shit, we walk along and the second one who jumped out was Medusa who tried to give us "the look" in hope to turn us into stone, or perhaps more accurately her intention was to turn some parts of a man's body into stone, but she definitely has reversed polarity, instead of turning into stone, I think my balls shrinked!! Before she could speak, I quickened my pace to get away from this Anti-Medusa. This is when I told LT, we must be in a "Monster Park" where all the monsters come out to play at nite. I concluded that we should get out of here and head back, besides my stomach was starting to feel uneasy with the supper tossing and turning. The next day, after a good nite's rest recovering from the fright, we head out to the beach. We walked through the streets of the city, and usually that's where we get a better sight of the city. We saw people picking see-hum and all sorts of other shells. We head towards the beach area when it started to drizzle. Furama opened quite a huge complex here, somewhat like a holiday resort just next to Shangrila, but seems like they couldn't sustain. Shangrila has the tallest building along the beach front, but somehow, I felt that their light skyblue colour wasn't quite in-synch with their global image. We decided to reward ourselves with a cuppa real Americano or kopi-o kosong after a long walk. Besides, we wanted to test if all coffee served in Guangxi comes with pre-added sugar. At least Shang's doesn't. While sipping our coffee, we planned for the rest of the afternoon's activities. After resting our feet a bit, we decided to head back to walk through the old part of town (老街) which is now turned into a tourist attraction, trying to mimick the Lijiang (丽江) concept. It seems like we have been 2 months too late. There was a World Bikini Model competition in Sep-Oct. They build a whole cat walk platform along the 老街, where they held the competition. The bikini clad gals pictures were posted on the pillars all along the 老街. At the end of our walk, which is the beginning of the 老街, there's a huge x'mas tree, and this phenomenon has been driving LT nuts, somebody has gotta educate the Chinese that when x'mas is over, take down the x'mas tree and decor. We decided to head back to the hotel for a short rest and thereafter plan for some nite activities. For the purpose and good spirit of exploration, we decided to check out the local KTV scene. The locals here start their partying after dinner, not as kiasu as in CP. So despite being there at 8pm, we were considered early. LT and I just pick 2 gals and we began our cultural exchange. As I didn't plan to have any activities that night, so I didn't make an offer. But our gals were quite sporty, especially mine loves to sing and dance. There's a good number of SN and KTVs in this town, definitely no lack of nite activities.
我爱妹妹,妹妹爱我 对我来说,林志玲算什么 我爱妹妹,妹妹爱我 对我来说,侯佩岑算什么 ... 把衣服掀起来!把奶罩丢上来! ![]() |
Re: SOUTHERN EXPEDITION (a personal trip to China’s Guangxi Province & Vietnam’s Quan
I always love to read FR from ADS family and this is not an exception. I also looking forward to read the FR from their Northeast adventure. Beihai, I think, is a lot more active in mid 90's when I visit the place frequently... I guess in those day, Beihai is more open than other inner cities such as Nanjing or even Beijing. Fachenggang is also another place where I went with my buyers who smuggles through this port... I even remember there is a casino in LiuZhou or even Beihai.. many sweet SYT back then..not monster park...
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Re: SOUTHERN EXPEDITION (a personal trip to China’s Guangxi Province & Vietnam’s Quan
wow bro, u mean 北海 got afternoon flt now?
5 yr+++ ago me went there from SZ 1 flt a day for both way and timing horrible from SZ-北海 is 2100 北海-SZ tink 0600, somewhere ard there nice small town .....beach is quite nice I feel ![]() |
Re: SOUTHERN EXPEDITION (a personal trip to China’s Guangxi Province & Vietnam’s Quan
Thanks, bro PF for the encouraging words. I have been busy since returning to the Little Red Dot, but hope to complete my FR on Qinzhou later tonight. Yeah, I believe mid-90s must be the golden era for cheonging in China. I still have fond memories of Hainan during that time, when a good roll with a SYT cost as little as RMB30 – the challenge then was leaving the island without a pair of wobbly legs.
![]() ![]() Bro vaxvms, the BH flights to/fro Shenzhen have not improved much. Still only one flight a day (Flt ZH9925) heading to BH @10:15pm at and the same plane (Flt ZH9926) departing BH next morning @6.55am. At least it allows you to meet up with the stewardess if you get lucky on the flight! ![]() |
SOUTHERN EXPEDITION (a personal trip to China’s Guangxi & Vietnam’s Quang Ninh)
We took the bus from BH’s Main Bus Terminal (汽车总站), a typical bus terminal in China – somewhat chaotic, and its claim to service is more in style than substance – but efficient enough for us to make the 1.5hr journey to QZ at the cost of RMB37each on a reasonably comfortable bus. ![]() BH Bus Terminal北海汽车总站 ![]() Someone to help make you “comfortable” while waiting on your bus @ BH Bus Terminal ![]() Waiting on our bus @ BH Bus Terminal for QZ while enjoying the sights of traveling MMs ![]() |
Qinzhou appears to be a city in a hurry to catch up with its richer big brothers – loads of construction activities, making me wonder if a bubble is in the making. Locals told me most projects started within last couple of years. Government owned older apartments have also been redeveloped enbloc, and there is a spanking new government administrative building. I can only speculate either the government has big plan for this city in view of its focus on 3rd tier cities, or more likely the local officials are very creative in generating projects to enrich themselves.
![]() Toll at QZ – we are getting near… ![]() QZ aspires to be a major tourist destination too – afterall, it’s a city with 1400 years history But there are many rules for local tourists ![]() ![]() QZ Bus Terminal钦州汽车总站 |
We stayed at the Xinxing Hotel鑫兴大酒店, a typical 3-stars Chinese hotel that suffers from lack of maintenance. But it is conveniently located near the bus terminal in the old part of town and within walking distance to the Qinzhou Bay Square钦州湾广场 with more modern and recent buildings and establishments that we could recognize – like the good old American cuisine called BigMac. I was sad to learn that the famous Food Street in the old town area that my friend told me about have been torn down – all in the name of development.
![]() Entrance to QZ Bay Square’s underground shopping mall, with the only 5-star hotel (White Dolphin Hotel白海豚国际酒店) in the background. But food is not really what we had in mind for this Expedition. After walking around to check out the square, we decided to get the help of local MotorBike taxis to show us around, and especially to point out where the BBSs are. We did a quick evening tour of the area and dropped off to have a closer look at the BBSs on “Bus11.” The BBSs we saw were on Wenfeng South Road文峰南路 starting from Nanzhu West Street南珠西大街 and going south towards Xinxing Street 新兴街. There were about 10 BBSs between these two streets and also some potential ones on the side streets that we did not check out. They are easy to identify, most of them only have a door of the roller door opened, with the tell-tale soft pinky light and some of the MMs we saw were really friendly and waving to invite us into the shop. There must be “unwritten rule” that they must not step out of the door to solicit and thus encouraging the customers to get into the shops. Other than a couple of them, all the BBSs seem to provide MMs with very young age – some look as young as 14 and maybe more. Their heavy makeups could not camouflage their young age. These are pedophiles’ traps and we sure do not want to risk potential rottan treatment. However, through our flirtous conversations with them, we found out the charges are 30 for massage and 100 for full job at the site. We did not check out the state of the onsite facilities, but the screaming and moaning at one site could easily be heard and the young MMs were all laughing at the audio entertainment provided. Most do not like to go offsite, but we are sure you can negotiate by offering higher price. We did not see any BBSs on Xinxing Street – but many computer shops there. ![]() One of the BBSs we saw – bad quality (I meant the pic) for obvious reason |
EZ and myself decided to give the BBSs a miss – for me, it’s the seemingly young age of the MMs that worried me. Moreover, there is a signage near the lift at our hotel that caught our attention when we checked in.
![]() This may be the reason why EZ & LT decided to try it… but as usual, what promised was far from truth. We decided to check out the SN at our hotel that offers the full package at RMB298. But then, we came from DS that provides a very challenging benchmark for SNs and had to lower our expectations. We were given two adjacent rooms, each with a door to a big common bath room that has been partitioned but we could still look into the other side without much effort – a plus for those with voyeur fetish. I understand all the local SNs tries to give what they called “DG ISO” type service, although they seriously need to recruit some good trainers from DG to upgrade the MM skills. I had a young 19yo Sichuan MM, and I was not surprised that I didn’t get the sexy dance as advertised – not that I care. She provided a decent rub down, tried hard to please, and she can really suck with great tongue-ful skill. She even put the motorized bed to work to provide my old body with greater thrusting power – more comical than being effective in enhancing my performance. Her loud moans sound real enough, and I had my pressure valve taken care of. Nevertheless, the SN session allowed us to kill some time before we head out to join the locals for a “sinful” supper. I told EZ I must try the猪脚粉 Pig Trotters Meehoon that QZ is famous for. Our motorbike taxi driver had told me the popular ErMaLu二马路 place for supper is still operating – indeed, they stayed opened till early morning, like 4 or 5am. The other famous local dish is the Pigeon porride 白鸽粥, but we did not try it – after all, we were stuffed after finishing our bowls of 猪脚粉 – the total cost of our supper was RMB11 but we spent the same amount on the motorized tricycle taxis to get us there and back. For those interested, I was told the best Pigeon porride 白鸽粥is at DaShiJie大世界at the corner of Xinxing & Renmin Rd人民路. Like any other Chinese towns, there are no lack of KTVs and the newest and reportedly most expensive (by local standard) KTV is 一代佳人on南珠西大街. We did not have time to check it out, and unable to confirm what the locals said about the MMs there: “那里小姐漂亮!(MMs there are very pretty!) Other popular KTVs include 花样年华 (classy and pricey), 金辉煌 (good sound system and reasonable price) and 黄金海岸. Perhaps some brothers may have been there before and can share, or check them out in the near future. There are also many “ChaLou茶楼” (Tea House) especially on Xinhua Road 新华路 near Xiangyang Street向阳街 – many in the buildings in the redeveloped areas. There are MMs in the tea houses to accompany and help you appreciate the tea, and I was told other after-hour amusement can be arranged. There are many of them – said to be very competitive – you can easily go to the next if you are not happy with the one you just visited – or simply go for Tea House crawl ala pub crawl! However, I would say these are not recommended unless you have a local with you since the prices of tea are always debateable. Some tea can cost thousand of Yuan – it will be difficult to argue even if you report the places for over-charging you. Needless to say we did not check them out and don’t know what kind of charges. We found QZ to be relatively safe, at least we felt a lot much safer than in DG. We went around past midnight on local motor-bikes and motorized tricycle and no local gave us any hassles. I would be happy to return another day to explore more of the surroundings and be a serious tourist. There is no rush of tourists (even local ones) yet to push the prices up. We were actually at the Qinnan District钦南区 – the city center, while the actual QZ city钦州市 is a municipality of about 10,800 sq km in area (and that is almost 16 times the size of Singapore!) and extending into Beibuwan北部湾 with its own deepwater port 钦州港; I am curious about its Sanniangwan三娘湾 Three-ladies Beach Tourist area, speculating what the 3-ladies meant ![]() |
Re: SOUTHERN EXPEDITION (a personal trip to China’s Guangxi Province & Vietnam’s Quan
However, there is indeed a casino over at MongCai 茫街 in Vietnam, opened by the Emperor Group from Hongkong. LT and EZ went for a look see, and there was a golfing group from Tianjin putting up at that time. LT and EZ both are not fans of gambling, we're more into 互动... and rather spend time walking around sniffing for "fishy" smell rather than being cooped up in a room jacking off a machine. ![]()
我爱妹妹,妹妹爱我 对我来说,林志玲算什么 我爱妹妹,妹妹爱我 对我来说,侯佩岑算什么 ... 把衣服掀起来!把奶罩丢上来! ![]() |
Re: SOUTHERN EXPEDITION (a personal trip to China’s Guangxi & Vietnam’s Quang Ninh)
![]() I would welcome the idea of implementing it to all bus terminals ![]()
我爱妹妹,妹妹爱我 对我来说,林志玲算什么 我爱妹妹,妹妹爱我 对我来说,侯佩岑算什么 ... 把衣服掀起来!把奶罩丢上来! ![]() |
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