An honorable member of the Coffee Shop Has Just Posted the Following:
So goes the famous royal retort when Old Autocrat tries to show why his brand of Eugenics will work while the Nazis and Soviets faltered halfway.
At 90, failing to learn a lesson from his grandchildren, never to meddle with eugenics, Old Autocrat Harry Lee refuses to acknowledge his evil 'Stop at Two' policy during the 1970s. Only the PRC Commies would applaud his eugenics but f*&k, Peasantpore is not and will not be Imperial Cina.
During the 1970, proto-economist Old Autocrat decided that his illiterate peasants are straining the island resources, unleashed state sponsored eugenics. Uneducated peasant women were subtly told to sterilize themselves or their families will be discriminated in schools or housing. The PRC Commies were delighted that they can share the evil ideas with Old Autocrat regarding 'forced' abortions using economic carrot-stick. Wheels of retribution grinds slowly but sure, Old Autocrat was taught a lesson in genetics what rich influential families are not immune from genetic variances and the PRC Commies will fail big time, repeating the same mistakes as the Nazis and Soviets.
In his latest book, Old Autocrat defends his evil eugenics and blame Jane Austen for the low child birth rates.
He is saying Jane Austen's ideas finally convinced the peasant women that they can fark care what the man want them to be, sex slaves. Fark care what all the religions preach, to obey the man all the time and of course, God is male. Fark care sticks in the mud and liberate themselves, of course the right for women to be bald (based on St Margaret's Tan Botak Doctrine).
For Old Autocrat Harry, he still do not get the point, while he is healthy and alert, the worst form of retribution takes place not on him but his descendants. It is slowing extracting its price on his dysfunctional family and portraying a Dallas style drama for his eyes and knowledge only.
While he can claim a get-out-of-jail card for locking up dodgy characters without trial, it is inconceivable to grant him a pardon for his vile eugenics and 'carrot & stick' sterilization and abortions.
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