An honorable member of the Coffee Shop Has Just Posted the Following:
Stand up to be discounted!

August 17th, 2013 |


I always stand up to be discounted
In the National Day celebration, the same message, stand up and be counted is everywhere. Sinkies need to stand up for the country and be counted. But this is not always the case. Standing up for the wrong cause, for the wrong reasons, for the wrong party will get one discounted, not counted.
There are many concerned and serious Sinkies that have stood up but never will they be counted. The more committed and the doers have joined the political parties. Joining the wrong party means not be counted. You can only be counted if you joined the right political party. Why like that one?
And ther
e are many concerned and responsible citizens who could not and would not keep quiet anymore, who put in effort and thoughts on the welfare of people and country and are standing up to stay their piece. They are doing it voluntarily, without compensation or any rewards or returns. They are selfless, passionate and committed to the good of the people and country. They are not only not counted but seen as insurgents and anti establishment. Despite their efforts, their comments, views and suggestions of what they see as wrong or undesirable and hoping that the Govt will lend them a listening ear were ignored, not heard.
These citizens are not even asking to be counted. They a
re prepared to be ostracised, to be labelled and branded as enemies, trouble makers, waiting to have a date with Sue. And all they are doing is hoping for the Govt to take note of their views and perhaps something be done to make life better for everyone, to create a fairer and more just society. That is all they are hoping for, to make things more right.
No need to be counted, no need to be recognised, definitely no National Day honours or be invited to the Istana, and no perks. Many
Sinkies are standing up in their own ways to want to make this city a better place for all Sinkies. They have different views of things, wanting things to be done differently, but unfortunately everything they say or do will not be seen as the right thing and will be dismissed summarily.
We cannot be an inclusive society when alternative views or differences are never accepted by the Govt or people in authority. We cannot improve and progress when only one view, the right view, is seen as good and welcomed when even the Govt has acknowledged that they don’t have all the answers and solutions but will reject all the wrong views without even bother to give them a thought. The wrong views are not with us and will not be counted. Want to be counted, say the right thing and do the right thing. Thank you.
Chua Chin Leng aka redbean
* The writer blogs at
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