An honorable member of the Coffee Shop Has Just Posted the Following:
This letter concerned me greatly as a parent, as I have children who would be pursuing the A-levels route. My son also told me that there is such thing as international O-levels, or GSCE, which is offered in the international schools based in Singapore or in UK. We compared the exam papers, and found that the Singapore O-level papers are several notches harder, while the GSCE papers are no harder than the N-level papers that the dumber local students sit for. It is also the same for A-levels.
I think I need to use my grassroots influence this time to bring this matter up to the education minister, and see how he would address this issue.
I have a friend who studied at the same secondary school as me, completed his O levels, then migrated to Britain and did his A levels there.
When we met up recently on his visit to Singapore, he told me that the British A levels were similar to Singapore's O levels, with just a few additional topics.
When I checked out British A-level papers online, I found that Singapore's A levels were certainly more difficult and required greater critical thinking.
The public should be made aware of this difference, and I agree with Mr Ng that more recognition should be given to Singapore's A levels.
I also agree with him that if Singapore's A levels are considered to be on a par with Britain's, then this may be unfair to Singapore students.
Tan Jun Wei
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