An honorable member of the Coffee Shop Has Just Posted the Following:
Singapore is number 11 while my home country of india is 130. It is great that your pm who is a chink is such a big chinese dog and loves to suck us indians so that he imported us to singapore and how docile singaporeans are to us indians while hating on their fellow chinks from other countries and even the same country of singapore. We realized that we can control and make use of you sinkie chinks by making you into chinese dogs by simply calling you all racists if you so much as make any small remark on indians and it works! it doesn't work on other races though. Now we hope to move to other east asian countries like japan, korea, china and make them into jap/korean and chinese dogs unfortunately they are more united and more racially aware so it is much more difficult. Thank shiva for singapore though. Many of my fellow indians have made many chinese dogs out of you chinese and have us kissing our asses and i myself have a few chinese dogs kissing my ass. :D I know that i can do whatever i want in singapore with much more impunity and not much will happen to me and those chinese that dare speak the truth about my kind will be shot down and called racists by the chinese dogs. Thanks singapore. :D
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