Chitchat Breaking!!!!Hokkien is the language of the working class and the coolie bloo
An honorable member of the Coffee Shop Has Just Posted the Following:
deep in sinkies!!!!!im terribly crushed to know im borned of the working class,the proletariat,a farmer no more.forever doomed to be sinkie......LKY was right,sinkies are nothing more than a race of coolies and is in my father and grand father and great grandfather's destiny to be taxi drivers and it will be my destiny.....the proof is undeniable look how many degree and phd holder taxi drivers we have......a coolie will always be a coolie no matter how much u educate him and shape his mind......i should just give up on my chinky dreams and join the PAP or become a zi char trapped in this vortex of loserness around me,i can see it in my encik,my warrant officer,my staff sergeant,parents,relatives,the uncles and aunties at the kopitiam and hawker center all the loser peasant sinkies queued up at the 4d toto shop,gossiping at the market and void deck,all living meaningless lives drifting in mediocrity and stagnation.their fates burned deeply into the retinas of my mind.
Just watched this youtube video about chinese and the different the comments there was this observation by a ang moh.....
Being an American, having grown up in the upper-midwest (Minnesota) and after living in San Francisco for a number of years, my impression, of course, says more about me and the culture I grew up in than then any intrinsic characteristics of the dialects.
Mandarin: cool, sophisticated, learned, balanced, but also distant and somewhat unfriendly. Probably because this is the dialect spoken by most Chinese university students and those recently in country for business and also because it's the official language of government and mass media.
Cantonese: emotional, passionate, rustic, aggressive, adventuresome, fast-paced, chaotic, quarrelsome, inquisitive, opinionated, loud. For me (like many Americans) this is the language of Chinese cinema, the Hong Kong action movies. Also the language of most imported Chinese popular music (until recently). Immigrants from Hong Kong in the 60s-80s meant that this was the language of many recent immigrants, especially those starting families when I was growing up.
Wu: soft, quiet, flowing, murmuring, friendly, relaxed, even.
Min/Hokkien: Working man's language, haggling in shops, grandparents yelling at their grand kids, of smoking a cigarette, chatting outside an auto body shop while on break, homey, comfortable, unsophisticated, rural, language on the street, language of the elderly, simple, gossipy. Probably because this is one of the core language of SF Chinatown, especially of families that have lived in San Francisco many generations.
afterwords i went to research more about hokkien people,what i discovered shocked me,Hokkiens or Hoklos have always been immigrants for centuries,we are the largest migrant population of Singapore,Malaysia,Taiwan,Indonesia,Myanmar,Philip ines, and USA do we migrate in order to seek better futures overseas because we couldnt make it back home?are we merely the migrant labour force for other countries like banglas?Now Sinkies are immigrants again being chased out of their own birth colony because they couldnt make it?who are the famous hokkiens?
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