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Old 03-09-2017, 10:50 AM
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Thumbs up Serious Trump's chief bodyguard leaving next month, too little $$$, Tak Boleh Tahan

An honorable member of the Coffee Shop Has Just Posted the Following:

The Slatest
Your News Companion
Sept. 2 2017 12:52 PM
Even Trump’s Longtime Bodyguard Is Leaving Him
By Daniel Politi
Keith Schiller, director of Oval Office operations, steps off off Air Force One carrying a box upon arrival in Morristown, New Jersey on June 30, 2017.

AFP/Getty Images

Keith Schiller has been working by President Donald Trump’s side for almost two decades. But it looks like the longtime personal aide who worked for years as Trump’s bodyguard and is now head of Oval Office operations won’t even last one year at the White House. Schiller has told people close to him that he will be leaving the White House at the end of September.

Schiller, however, doesn’t seem to be leaving for any political reasons, but for something Trump can likely appreciate: more money. Even though Schiller, a former New York City police detective, earns an annual salary of $165,000, that is a decrease from the $294,000 he was earning before the White House.

The former bodyguard had his moment in the spotlight when he was the one tasked with going to FBI headquarters to deliver the letter firing director James Comey. The then-FBI chief was in Los Angeles at the time. More recently, Schiller was tasked with informing another longtime Trump aide, George Gigicos, that he would never manage another Trump event after the president was unhappy with how his Aug. 22 Phoenix rally went.

Schiller’s exit would come at a time when Trump is losing some of his most loyal aides as Chief of Staff John Kelly tries to bring some order into a chaotic White House.

2017-09-03 06:45 来源: 新华社




  席勒出生在纽约,是特朗普的老乡。他身高1.9米,曾在美国海军服役,退役后加入纽约警察 局。1999 年,经人推荐,仍是警察的席勒受雇成为特朗普的兼职保镖,并迅速获得信任和提拔,2005年成 为专职保镖并 升任保镖团队主管。

  特朗普的身份从商界大亨、总统竞选人再到美国总统的转换过程中,席勒鞍前马后为他效力,不 仅保护后者人 身安全,还打理其他事务。特朗普竞选总统期间,席勒替特朗普赶走“闹事”记者,揍过反特朗普的 示威者并因此 被告上法庭。

  特朗普入主白宫后,安全由特工处负责。席勒被任命为“椭圆形办公室活动主任”,办公室紧邻 总统办公室, 继续深度参与特朗普的事务,比如陪同特朗普的女婿、总统高级顾问贾里德·库什纳出访伊拉克。特 朗普5月把联 邦调查局局长詹姆斯·科米革职时,前往联邦调查局向科米“传旨”的正是席勒。

  多名特朗普的前助手或顾问告诉CNN,席勒与特朗普的关系如此密切,以至于他是白宫里最了 解总统的人, 是“特朗普团队中最被外界低估的人”。特朗普竞选总统期间,竞选班子中的一些人需要向席勒请教 特朗普的想法 。前竞选经理戈里·莱万多夫斯基回忆道:“当我想弄懂一些事情的时候,有时会去问基思。我感谢 他发挥的所有 作用。”一名不愿公开姓名的前高级竞选助理5月曾说:“对我来说,基思·席勒对我的看法比竞选 经理对我的看 法更重要。现在,我认为基思·席勒怎么看你比赖因斯(·普里伯斯)怎么看你更重要。”普里伯斯 当时是白宫办 公厅主任,7月底辞职。


  CNN援引多名消息提供者的话报道,席勒过去两周告诉一些同事,他打算9月底或者10月初 辞职,主要原 因是现在的薪水不如以前多。

  席勒跟随特朗普进入白宫任职后,年薪为16.5万美元(约合108万元人民币)。而在特朗 普就任总统前 ,作为特朗普集团雇员、特朗普的保镖和一家私人保安公司老板,席勒去年总收入达到29.4万美 元(192万 元人民币)。

  不过,其中一名消息提供者说,席勒辞职还有一个原因,即约翰·凯利接任白宫办公厅主任后, 收紧了特朗普 与下属见面的自由度。席勒抱怨,他不得不通过白宫总机转接才能与特朗普说上话。

  对于打算离职的报道,席勒本人拒绝作出回应,而白宫发言人萨拉·桑德斯仅表示报道内容不实 ,拒绝进一步 谈论。

  特朗普入主白宫后,他的班子走马灯似轮换。CNN报道,如果席勒届时真的走人,从特朗普经 商时代即跟随 他的近侍将只剩两人,即白宫战略沟通部主任霍普·希克斯和社交媒体部主任丹·斯卡维诺。(惠晓 霜)(新华社 专特稿)

Keith Schiller, The Longtime Trump Aide Who Told James Comey He Was Fired, Is Reportedly Leaving

#Donald Trump
Meghan O'Dea 09.01.17

Getty Image

Trump aide Keith Schiller is on his way out according to sources who leaked to CNN. The Oval Office operations director is citing financial reasons for his departure— the $165,000 annual salary was apparently a step down from his previous gig. Unfortunately for President Trump, Schiller is one of his long-time loyalists, a crossover from Trump’s past business career to his political present. Previously, Schiller was on the payroll of Trump’s KS Global Group, which is in charge of his security and campaign details.

White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders has denied that Schiller is resigning, That might be because Schiller’s real reasons for backing out have less to do with a $100,000 decrease in income and more to do with clashes with new chief of staff John Kelly. That says a lot considering Schiller’s long-time loyalty to Donald Trump. He’s been close to not only the President, but the Trump family. He defended Trump over issues large and small, including that time that a press group accidentally knocked over a lamp at the White House. He’s also tangled up in the Senate’s probe into possible collusion with Russia by the Trump administration.

Schiller has been in Trump’s camp since 1999. The NYPD alum has served as Trump’s personal confidant and bodyguard for decades. The anonymous sources indicate that Schiller doesn’t appreciate his history with Trump being preempted by John Kelly’s new limitations for access to the POTUS. That’s par for the Trump administration’s course, as the President balances the influence of long-time loyalists he’s brought to the White House with the experience of political and military establishment who he as recently appointed.

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