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Re: Being sucked by girl when you're ejaculating
regardless of syt or milf, when man suck breast and french ladies, we also gain qi.
in fact qi is exchange more by frenching than by sexual organs, becuase qi means breath, and when we french, breath is exchange between man and woman. actually the valves is located where and link to where? tot sperm is found in our balls, so the valves is merely a outlet link to the sperm storage in the balls. is that where the qi is? |
Re: Being sucked by girl when you're ejaculating
Actually I got read through from start, speed reading to be more exact. Although I saw the word valve been mentioned and that is when our Qi is extracted, I don't remember seeing an explanation where the "valve" is.
I mentioned about bbbj and ejaculation because that is most likely the point where you can have something else extracted from your body other than semen, which brings me to the question about where the valve is, and why the opposite happens during raw FJ. And could it be just a psychology effect that you are gaining something from it. If this valve means only at the peehole then she could just open and suck it, so it must be elsewhere. Then again, in the process of building ejaculation, we could have semen already out along the tract (means whatever valves from the testes would have been opened, even for a millisecond) which is why some people can experience dry orgasm, reaching the PONR (point of no return) and such. So if the girl has enough time to suck out the Qi, when is it that this valve open thoroughly? Also, if you can describe Qi as a noun in a short paragraph, how will you explain it?
✓TTT21 |
Re: Being sucked by girl when you're ejaculating
Get this right first before you delve deeper.
You must be smarter because you could summarize Qi in one word "breath" while the TCM Professors have to resort to so many words. We breathe out carbon dioxide and breathe in oxygen. Based on your post you must be special because you seem to be able to absorb the breath of another person, i.e. carbon dioxide. BTW, if Qi were merely oxygen that we breathe in, the Chinese medicine shop can close shop. Oxygen tanks are cheap ! 气,是构成人体、维持人体生命活动的最基本物质,具有无形而不断运动的特性。血是运行于脉管内红色的液体 。津液是人体内正常水液的总称,包括各脏腑组织器官的内在体液及其正常的分泌物在内,如胃液、肠液、关节腔 液以及涕、泪、唾等。津液,同气血一样,亦是构成人体和维持人体生命活动的基本物质。 气具有六种功能,分别为: 推动作用 气是活力很强的精微物质,它对于人体的生长发育,以及经络等组织器官生理活动,血液的生成和运行,津液 的生成、输布和排泄等,均起着推动和激发的作用。如元气,有激发和推动各脏腑生理活动的作用,使其功能生生 不息,不断化生新的气血津液,以供给生命活动的需要和生长发育之需要。 温煦作用 人体的体温相对恒定,主要靠气的温煦作用来维持和调节;各脏腑、经络等组织器官,也要在气的温煦作用下 进行正常的生理活动;机体内的血和津液等液态物质,也要依靠气的温煦,才能维持正常的循环运行 。 防御作用 主要体现于护卫全身的肌表,防御外邪的入侵。 固摄作用 气的固摄作用,主要指对于血液、津液等液态物质具有防止其无故流失的作用。具体可表现在:统摄血液,使 之在脉管中循行,防止其逸出于脉外;固摄汗液、尿液、唾液、胃液、肠液等,控制和调节其分泌排泄量,以防止 其无故流失;固摄肾精,使其不妄泄而耗损;摄纳肾气,能维持呼吸的深沉及清浊之气的正常交换;提固维系内在 脏腑器官,使之保持正常的位置,而不致虚陷下垂。 气化作用 气化,指通过气的运动而产生的各种变化。具体地说,即是指精、气、血、津液等物质各自的新陈代谢及其相 互转化。例如气、血、津液的生成,都需要将饮食物转化成水谷之精气,然后才能再化生成气、血、津液;又如津 液经过代谢气化之后,方能转化成汗液和尿液;而饮食物经过消化吸收之后,其残渣方能转化成糟粕等等,这些都 是气化作用的具体表现。如果气化功能失常,则能影响到气、血、津液的新陈代谢;影响到饮食物的消化吸收;影 响到汗液、尿液和粪便等的排泄,从而形成各种代谢异常之病变。 营养作用 作为物质的“气”,对人体脏腑、经络等组织器官,具有营养作用。 应当指出,气的六个功能,虽然各不相同,但都是人体生命活动中不可缺少的,它们密切地协调配合,相互为 用,共同维持着人体生理活动的正常进行。 血的功能,主要是营养和滋润全身脏腑组织器官的作用,又是神的物质基础。 津液的功能,主要是滋润和濡养的作用。如:布散于肌表的津液,具有滋润皮毛肌肤的作用;流注于孔窍的津 液,具有滋润和保护眼、鼻、口等孔窍作用;渗入于血脉的津液,是组成血液的基本物质,并且具有充养和滑利血 脉的作用;注入于内脏组织器官的津液,具有濡养和滋润各脏腑组织器官的作用;输注于关节腔的津液,则具有滑 利关节,使之屈伸自如的作用;渗注于骨的津液,则具有充养和濡润骨髓、脊髓和脑髓的作用。 ÖÐÒ½³£Ê¶£ºÊ²Ã´ÊÇÆøѪ½òÒº£¿--ÈËÃñÍø½¡¿µÆµµÀ-´ÓÍ·µ½½Å»°½¡¿µ-±£½¡-ÑøÉú-»¤·ô-ÓªÑø-¼õ·Ê-ʳÁÆ-¼õѹ-¾ÍÒ½-Á½ÐÔ--ÈËÃñÍø |
Re: Being sucked by girl when you're ejaculating
I just want to fuck to forget..... |
Re: Being sucked by girl when you're ejaculating
The reason why I believed you didn't read the thread from start because you started off in #131 by saying : Hmm... so girls will suck our Qi when BBBJ and continue after ejaculation, as if they are sucking our souls out? Why won't our Qi be sucked away too when RAW shot inside pussy?That shows you didn't read the thread carefully. As I have already explained, and I hate to mention the same thing again because somebody failed to put enough effort into reading, I did NOT say "girls will suck our Qi when BBBJ and continue after ejaculation." BBBJ happens before, during and after ejaculation. By attributing to me that I said "girls will suck our Qi when BBBJ and continue after ejaculation" you're suggesting that I meant BBBJ at anytime, including before and after ejaculation, would cause the lost of Qi. That clearly is a reckless attribution if you read the Title of this thread again. And the second part of your question: Why won't our Qi be sucked away too when RAW shot inside pussy? Again, you're putting words into my mouth. Where in the thread did I ever say Qi will not be sucked away during FJ raw ? Read posts #71 and #72. What did I say ? It's perfectly normal to lose 'Qi' in the course of sexual intercourse. Without losing some 'Qi' you will not feel gratified at all.I don't like posts that create confusions, especially reckless attributions. As for the valve is located, I don't know. But there is such a thing called ejaculation valve or ejaculation control valve. I didn't concoct it. You can read this article about semen leakage by Dr NK Lin: Semen Leakage – A Sign of Weak Parasympathetic Sexual Nerve Please note that much time is expended in digging out the thread just to correct your reckless attributions. Be fair to me. I'm not an expert, but at the very least don't say I said this and that which I didn't say in the first place. Because there are people who do speed reading like you, and had I not responded to you, people might think I really did say what you said I said. Confusions will throw this thread off course, and there will come a point where I could no longer expend time just to correct this and that, in which case I would have to give up this thread for good. As for a noun to describe Qi...who am I ? If the Chinese professors couldn't find a proper English word, what am I to pontificate ? If you read the Chinese post that I posted above, Qi is defined through its functions. But since I sense some sincerity in your question, and if you really need an English word in order to understand Qi, I think "bio-energy" would come close. |
Re: Being sucked by girl when you're ejaculating
Guys, if you find this thread useful and intend to keep this thread going so that more people can benefit, please do yourself a favour - READ slowly from start to finish.
I get very upset when people misunderstand because they did not bother to read from start, and even if they do they did not give enough concentration. And it becomes irritating when I have to go backwards just to prove that I said this or I did not say that. It consumes TIME. ![]() I know putting everything into context is a difficult skill, but I don't think I'm asking too much if I insist that you read from START. Exercise some discipline. I've yet to go into another related topic, which is "spiral vaginal canal". But I have to keep going backwards to prove I did say this or I did not say that, I'm afraid this thread will die a premature death. |
Re: Being sucked by girl when you're ejaculating
Hi guys,
Rarely post, but this thread is so educational that will put in my 2c worth. Been living and working in China for many years, am in mid 30's but look like early 20s. Have my fair share of FBs, and get to enjoy a couple of SYT virgins per year, as part of normal dating. Learnt tantric qigong when i was 16 or so. I think that normal intercourse consists of exchange of qi between the male and female, and in moderation it should be healthy for both parties. Raw shouldn't be war, it should be natural. It is very difficult to do qi exchange through a piece of rubber. That said, i've seen "vampires" and insatiable MILFs who would do anything to drain either your pure or excessive qi (for young and healthy studs). Am able to stop ejaculation via tightening the perineum with the mind, but those with the skill can still suck yr qi, so you still lose 30-40% of active qi with a non ejaculatory orgasm. I agree with Peter North that most older women or ladies who have given birth should be avoided, if you wish to cultivate energy. That said, if you have the skills you can suck the woman dry of qi, whether SYT or MILF. The dickhead acts as a 2 way valve during orgasm, and you can actually absorb the physical fluids of the vagina into the head, engorging it. For males, the channel between kidney original qi and dick opening is widest during ejaculation, for ladies it's at the time of orgasm too. At that time, you can hold yr dickhead near the g-spot area, HOLD your own orgasm and create a draw, and draw the qi into your dantien. Create a hermetic seal and close the orbit by frenching her at the same time. If you do it right, at the very least your eyes will shine like beacons after the sex session. Don't really recommend such actions since it's against nature in general, but you can observe the loss of elasticity of the vagina lips, loss of sweet taste, loss of body colour and lustre of hair, when you continually drain the lady of qi without returning any in exchange. |
Re: Being sucked by girl when you're ejaculating
Plz pardon the way I phrase and convey initially. I didn't take the initiative to type proper english there. Actually what I meant is what you said, just that I chose to type it in a singlish manner, renouncing the importance of preparations such as "during" which could mislead someone from your thread title if they start reading at my post.
I could have got myself too drawn into the portion about older men wanting to do raw with younger girls to extract the essence, which leads to my thinking that more Qi is gain than loss, which I simply put it, no loss to men. Despite many corrections on the way I express myself, it seems there could be still some doubts on the window period of losing bioenergy. Like the expert who said it could be loss during foreplay, which is nowhere near ejaculation. Anyway he has suggested building up testosterone to help strengthening, but I am curious what other nutrients he might meant too. Btw, is it healthy to take tongkat ali, horny goat weed and those more power aphrodisiac on a regular basis? I'm actually quite new to these. I wonder if it'll keep a good level of testosterone & nutrients for the erectile tissues. I find Viagra etc are more of performance drugs which I think helps when you need it, but not good to build a self-sufficient powerful system.
✓TTT21 |
Re: Being sucked by girl when you're ejaculating
The hermetic seal quite chim, from what I understand is airtight situation but where, the mouth? Since you were referring to frenching the next moment... Very keen to be a dracula too, lol.
✓TTT21 |
Re: Being sucked by girl when you're ejaculating
Hi Tatata21,
Sorry, i said the channel is widest, not the dick opening itself. The flow of energy is strongest at that point, for obvious reasons. Personally i'd advocate not ejaculating unless absolutely necessary; there's a school of thought that says one ejaculation for every 1000 thrusts. Typically, holding the orgasm (i.e. stopping yourself from ejaculating) would make the dick harder, engorge it with blood and energy, and therefore stimulate the lady to a greater high. Minyak lintah works too. This in turn would cause more of her energy to flood out, for your consumption. However ideally there is balance, you can "return" her some of your hot energy via the dick, but this might be difficult to control since there is an opposite flow at the same time. So the alternative is to use the tongue to return to her, creating a cycle flow of energy. And by locking the lips, it is hard for the energy to escape elsewhere, and the only direction for her energy to flow is into your dick. If practising dual cultivation, both parties should seal their perineums too to prevent leakage there. For advocates of cosmic union, in this position you can imagine that both hearts are also beside each other, and "joined" together. |
Re: Being sucked by girl when you're ejaculating
I suppose this energy translation will only work when sex is unprotected right, be it from sucking or penetration. Is there anyway to absorb more flow other than raw FJ? In reality, I think unless you have a very clean and committed partner, it is rather difficult to find an opportunity to draw the goodness from the targets.. hmm, unless everyone out here has a good FB other than me, then I bwg lol. Thanks for detailed addition.
✓TTT21 |
Re: Being sucked by girl when you're ejaculating
Anyone who knows the subject of qi well should know that a person of good character will absorb good qi or zheng qi from the universe.
A person of bad character, for instance, one who deliberately seeks to absorb qi from others knowing this will harm them, will eventually suffer retribution. This is what I have learned from many Qi masters, as well as from my own observations. One don't have to be some expert to know that unseen but powerful energies or forces continually flow in this world. Some call it God, others call it by other names. While I accept people are not 100% saints, there has to be limits to the kind of unrighteous acts one is willing to do. E.g. picking up a $50 note from the ground and putting it into yr pocket should be quite acceptable considering the harsh world we live in. But to harm others by absorbing their qi, that surely crossing the line. |
Re: Being sucked by girl when you're ejaculating
Ok, read read from first to last. Hope Bro Peter don't mind a few question I have. About qi.
Is this the same qi that is cultivated in qigong ? If yes, would practising qigong mantain, replenish and increase our level of qi ? Quote:
The fact that qi exists in undeniable for me. Thermal imaging has shown that a man who has practised qigong for 20 yrs was able to raise the temperature of his hands up to 50-60 degrees celcius. Long time qigong practisioners are also much more younger looking than their age. So there is something to what TS is saying. Yes, another thing just popped into mind. Guys are 阳气 while girls are 阴气. No matter who is absorbing from whom, wouldn't that cause imbalance ? |
Re: Being sucked by girl when you're ejaculating
Qi in chinese medicine or martial arts context is not entirely breath.....it meants much more then that to my limited understanding.....Qi Gong (in general meaning training the usage of Qi and one way is through breathing technics, there are many more others) is a very important part of the martial arts training.
I personally supported Bro TS's argument on Qi in general, but we need to understand the topic in much depth before it becomes beneficial to our health, and not jump to conclusion of BBBJ and ejaculates means Qi being sucked out, and Fuck and ejaculates inside a SYT means Qi being sucked back. Read completely all his posting and understand what Bro TS is trying to put across! To be beneficial, we need to fully understand the principles and concepts of TCM views in Sexual Intercourse and Activities. If you're not shy and knows how to put forward a medical question with relations to a Sexual topic, you may even approach a Chinese Physician for advise.
The Day we are born, we start to die. Life is filled with uncertainties, please live life to the fullest with no regrets. |
Re: Being sucked by girl when you're ejaculating
To improve your sexual health, we have to nourish our kidneys...cultivate Qi in our dan tien and do not ejaculate too much...practice Tai Chi, Qi Gong or Yoga
peace... ![]()
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