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Old 02-09-2013, 09:33 AM
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Re: Changping Dongguan 常平东莞 Info

Originally Posted by Nomster View Post
Power! You even have a photo of it! Its a nice place but always pack. Either I am unlucky or I always picked the wrong time to go.
best is to go before 11am or get one of the girls there to book a room cause many bros heads there after 1pm...
Old 04-09-2013, 01:22 AM
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Re: Changping Dongguan 常平东莞 Info

Dear Bros, just posted this in Clipper's Hotel Thread. Wanted to share the info in case any brothers here need the info about PZL rates. Hope it helps:

1. Full Body Massages (100 minutes for all except double fly which is 90mins):
a. Thai - 139RMB
b. Hong Kong - 169RMB
c. Rejuvenate with Lavendar oil - 189RMB
d. Double fly massage (Mon to Thurs) - 239RMB
e. Double fly massage (Fri to Sun) - 269RMB
f. Chinese Tuina - 269RMB
g. 五行按摩 (Don't know how to translate) - 339RMB

2. Footie Massages (80mins duration):
a. Massage with normal solution - 60RMB
b. Massage with better solution - 79RMB
c. 养生按摩 (Don't know how to translate) - 108 or 138RMB

Ok. Hope this information helps.....go CP exercise so hard...also must relax..
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Old 04-09-2013, 09:21 AM
PrinceCheong PrinceCheong is offline
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Re: Changping Dongguan 常平东莞 Info

As there are not much info on BBS in this thread, I thought of sharing this piece information that I ripped from another PRC forum.


大陸是禁嫖妓的,不過因為地方大,人口太多,而且很多地區都還是非常貧窮的。所以這些貧窮省份的年輕人,會 到西南沿海比較繁榮的城市討生活,多賺些錢。當這些地區的年輕女性來到都市後,因為沒有學歷、沒有工作技能 ,當然就有很多會以肉體來賺錢,而她們會以各種方式存在著。例如:高檔的俱樂部、會所;中檔的KTV(K房 )、桑拿(SN);低檔的髮廊(洗頭店,FL),甚至沒有店的阻街女(很多是兼差的援交妹)。
但是近幾年因為生活水準提高之後,官方也覺得有礙街容觀瞻,所以開始大力的掃蕩,使這些女孩只好轉進店裡。 就是各地都很興旺的髮廊(FL,各地叫法不同,很多地方稱為洗頭店)。在大陸大多數的髮廊,都是直接提供女 性肉體服務的,類似台灣的妓女戶,不過她們會用洗頭妹髮廊妹替代妓女的稱呼。
因為大陸男人也有嫖妓需求,所以洗頭店(髮廊)算是到處都有。髮廊店,基本上來說,妹妹數一般 都是10-20個左右。

以常平的髮廊來說,因為主要是為了應付港、台甚至是國際級的客人,接待本地人的機會相對不高。又走的是平價 路線,如果在店內設房間,也不會高檔到哪去。反正客人都投宿在星級飯店,設備怎麼樣都比店內自己弄得好多了 ,所以常平的髮廊,都是讓你外帶的。你上門挑妹後,和妹搭計程車回飯店。不管短鐘(1Q)還是過夜(2Q) ,完事後,貼個10-15元給妹妹,讓她自己搭車回去。這是一般的模式。
常平的FL一般價位是快餐250RMB(1Q、短鐘)過夜600RMB(長鐘),但是不同的店會有高低,甚 至小姐的條件好,也可能開高一點。所謂快餐就是一次辦事,通常會抓2小時的時間。過夜的話就是陪你到隔天的 清晨(清晨幾點,就看你和妹的互動了,有人很早走6點,有的妹睡到早上10點,並沒有一定。
一般來說,過夜的慣例是2Q(2S),3Q(3S)或NQ並不是慣例,可能要自己和妹妹談(加錢)。千萬不 要以為過夜就是整夜任你玩,NQ(NS)都沒關係,並不正確。髮廊妹陪你回飯店後,她們不會有太特殊的服務 。原因也很簡單,因為她們的價格低,以250RMB的FL妹來說,你去那邊挑好妹要帶走時,就要先給媽咪1 00RMB,妹實拿到手的只有150RMB,另外妹到髮廊上班的話,一天還要付10塊RMB當作是管理費。 所以如果你想要服務多,就請到價格貴一點的桑拿去。
當然也有人想帶妹出去逛街、吃飯後再帶回飯店的,基本上媽媽桑都會要你買時間(2小時的時間1Q的價錢)。 不過怎麼算,就看當時的狀況,還有你本來要買短鐘還是長鐘價格都會不一樣,有辦法的話就殺價吧 。

獻奶:或許是競爭太過激烈,每個媽媽桑在客人上門時,會「無所不用其極」(請注意這個名詞),讓客人帶走妹 妹。因為妹妹出台,媽媽桑才有賺錢的機會。
但客人也是挑剔的,除了看美貌度、身高、體重外。有些人會提出要驗零件,經過幾年的發展下來,到常平的FL ,要求妹妹「獻奶」給客人看一下,摸一下,也變成一種非正式的「慣例」。如果客人要求,媽媽桑基本上都會要 妹妹挺直胸部,解開她的內衣,拉開衣服,讓客人先看一下胸部零件,客人還可以動手摸看看(不要用力搓,請維 持禮貌)。因為行之有年,所以妹妹也大都配合(別的妹妹都可,自己不行,會減少被選的機會)。少數不配合的 ,若非平胸、不然就是胸部外觀不佳(乳頭黑、乳暈難看、胸部下垂….),或是妹妹剛下海拉不下臉。不然大致 都是可以的。
當然你也要有心理準備,如果你要求這項服務後,如果在店內沒選個妹帶走(不一定是摸的那一個),想脫身一定 是更難的。(本來就很難了,摸了還不讓媽媽桑有錢賺,可想而知了)

1.進FL不選妹的脫身問題:因為FL店家都在附近,而且客人的選擇太多。所以只要客人一旦進店,媽媽桑絕 對會「強力」行銷她的妹妹,否則錯過了,她就少抽傭一次。方法一是「獻奶」,方法二當然就是「靠張嘴天花亂 墜」,什麼能講的,她都會拿出來用,例如:「把妹妹掰成少數民族的苗族、新疆妹」,「今天店都沒開張」,「 妹妹初次下海」等等。方法三是死纏爛打,肢體動作,反正想盡辦法不讓客人脫身就是。常平的方法也是差不多。 反正把你留下來了,媽媽桑就多一次錢賺,所以她們也顧不得什麼禮儀的(都能「獻奶」了,和你「拉扯」又有什 麼問題),媽咪會極力去推銷,當然了,話術自然有所不同。就個人經驗來看,媽咪會想法子說服你帶妹出台,有 時會很魯很魯,你可以先跟媽咪要張卡片,先把你想挑的妹的名字記下來,再去逛別家FL,或是晚點再打給媽咪 點某某小姐就好了,不然你會很難脫身。
這時,現場導遊的陪同就很重要了,因為導遊在,一方面人多一些,而且他會幫忙打圓場,媽媽桑比較會賣面子給 導遊,行為會比較收斂些,否則下次導遊不帶人來,媽媽桑的損失會更大而且是長期的,所以媽媽桑不敢得罪導遊 的。
2.MM的服務項目:其實在前面的消費模式章節已經提過,FL妹妹的服務項目有大概的慣例。會有這些慣例, 主要的原因還是價格問題,例如要求妹妹洗殘廢澡、玩SM、後門,你想想她只不過收你100多人民幣(她們實 拿到手的),要陪你兩小時,還想那麼多的服務,即使是你自己,我想你也不會肯的,當然你想用小費加錢來處理 ,那是一回事(你需要和妹妹先達成共識,而且妹妹也能提供)。另外有拍照習慣的朋友,不管是愛愛過程的照片 ,還是單純的寫真照,請不要拍照!!避免不必要的糾紛!!
但也有少數的妹妹狀況不一樣(機車妹),碰到這類型的妹,真的就是運氣了,因為在房間內兩人互動,外人也很 難幫忙,但是如果您去店裡的時候,如果有導遊陪同挑妹,碰上的機會比較低(知道的會提醒、幫挑)。而且媽媽 桑對小姐的壓力也會比較大。(妹妹怕媽媽桑->媽媽桑怕導遊-)
3.費用:1Q有1Q的價格,過夜有過夜的價格。基本上,你在店內帶走妹妹時,有可能先繳媽咪費(快餐10 0,過夜100)。當然完事後,讓妹妹回店裡的打D車費(10-15人民幣),那就是另外的車費,基本上也是禮貌性的慣例,要是你不給也是OK,只是怕妹一直魯你,沒拿到 車費不走人。
她的服務好,你爽多給些小費,那是你的自由,但是在這還是要教育大家一下,小費千萬不要給多,別讓她們以為 台灣人出手大方,會寵壞她們,以筆者的經驗來看,車費連同小費最多給20RMB就夠了。因為如果你給的太多 (例如:上百人民幣),可能你在常平的日子,她每天晚上會給你電話問候,甚至直接到飯店來敲門。(雖然10 0人民幣對你來說,只有500台幣而已,在台灣給個500很正常,但是那已經是她需要花兩小時陪一個客人的 價格了,所以她可能會來纏你,反正一通電話又不花力氣)
另外需先講清楚ㄧ個觀念,當你另外帶妹妹去吃飯、沐足,你想說你多花錢讓妹妹「享受」時,能夠折抵「過夜錢 」嗎?答案是,沒這回事。因為妹妹雖然用「肉體」陪你,但同時也是用「時間」賺你的錢。她今天就算陪你去吃 飯、沐足,但她相對可能少接一個客人。她不見得希望「享受」,但是她需要錢(否則也不用做這行了)。所以定 價就是定價,基本上除非服務減少(例如「過夜」變「1Q」),否則沒什麼折扣的問題。
4.妹妹藉故先走,「過夜」變成「1Q」:這個問題是去髮廊帶妹回來過夜,常會碰到的問題,也不是常平特有 的。大概的狀況是這樣的,當你在店家帶妹回來時,先說了是過夜,但有可能「1Q」過後,妹就想找藉口脫身了 。例如:說身體不舒服,明天家人要來,明天要早起….,藉口很多,當然前提是,她還是要收你過夜的錢。然而 妹妹走了,卻是回去店裡等下一個客人。這樣的狀況,各地的髮廊其實都一樣,妹妹會這樣做的動機也很簡單,你 這邊收完過夜錢後,如果能夠脫身,她就有機會再賺另一份客人的錢。反正找藉口也沒實際的損失。走不了,就留 下來陪就是了。但是很多初到大陸的台、港遊客,確實不知道這點,也就給了妹妹過夜錢,但是兩小時(甚至一小 時)就放回去了。
如何能避免這一點呢?我們通常在店裡挑妹時,只會先說是1Q,但是如果在房間內的互動不錯,感覺對了,可以 把妹留下來過夜。但是這有一個風險。妹可能會不願意,因為如果你的時間太早,例如下午四點。這樣她必須留太 長的時間,可能損失兩到三個客人,這樣反而她會不願意。
另外,不要太早去髮廊帶妹妹也是一個方式,通常晚上11、12點附近,再去店家挑妹,因為挑了之後,兩小時 後,妹就算回來(凌晨兩點),也沒客人了,所以索性就留下來陪你。

此外常平有出現過假雞頭在路邊發名片叫你找小姐,請不要輕信,因為有人因此上當被洗劫!請注意 !

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Last edited by PrinceCheong; 09-09-2013 at 09:19 AM.
Old 04-09-2013, 01:11 PM
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Salon (FL) formation
Continental is the ban prostitution , but because the place large population too much, but many areas are still very poor . So these poor provinces of young people will go to the west coast of the city more prosperous a living , earn some money. When these young women came to the region after the city because there is no education, no job skills , and of course there will be a lot of flesh to make money, and they exist in various ways . For example: high-end clubs, clubs ; mid-range KTV (K room ) , sauna (SN); low-end salon ( shampoo shop , FL), did not even shop for obstruction female ( many of them are part-time compensated dating girl ) .
But in recent years because of rising living standards , the government has also felt hindered Street Yung unsightly , so start mopping vigorously , so that these girls had to turn into the store . That are thriving around the salon (FL, across different names , many places called shampoo shop ) . Most of the salon on the mainland , are the direct provision of services to female flesh , similar to Taiwan's prostitutes households, but they will be replaced with a shampoo girl salon girl called prostitutes .
Because men have prostitutes continent needs, so shampoo shop ( salon ) be everywhere . Salon shop , basically, the number of sister are generally 10-20 or so.

Changping salon and mode of consumption
Salon in Changping , because the mainly to cope with Hong Kong , Taiwan and even international guests , the reception is relatively low chance of locals . Also taking the cheap route , if the shop offers room , it will not upscale where to go. Anyway, guests staying at the hotel's facilities like how much better than the store herself , so often flat salon , to get you takeaway . After you come to pick sister , and sister took a taxi back to the hotel . Whether short bell (1Q) or overnight (2Q), after it's happened , posted a 10-15 yuan to the sister , let her ride back. This is the general pattern .
Changping FL generally priced fast food 250RMB (1Q, short bell ) overnight 600RMB ( long bell ) , but different stores have high or low, or even Miss conditions are good, it may open a little higher . The so-called fast food is an act , usually grab 2 hours . Overnight , then that is to accompany you to the next day in the morning ( early in the morning a few , to see you and your sister 's interactive , and it was very early to go 6:00 , and some sister slept until 10 am , and not necessarily .
In general, the overnight practice 2Q (2S), 3Q (3S) or NQ not practice , you may want to talk about himself and his sister ( add money ) . Do not think that the night is the night as you play , NQ (NS) no relationship, is not correct. Salon girl to accompany you back to the hotel later, they will not have too much special service . Reason is very simple, because of their low price, 250RMB for FL sister , you go over there to pick a good sister to take away , we must give Mommy 1 00RMB, sister got my only real 150RMB, another sister to the salon to go to work , then one day have to pay 10 RMB regarded as management fees. So if you want to serve more than a little expensive to go to the sauna .
Of course, some people want to go out with a girl shopping, eating and then back to the hotel , basically Mama Sang will want you to buy time ( 2 hours 1Q price ) . But how to count , to see the situation at that time , and you had to buy a short or long bell bell prices are not the same, there are ways , then you bargain it.

Old 04-09-2013, 01:12 PM
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Xian Milk: Perhaps competition is too fierce , Mama Sang in each guest home , it will " do anything " ( Please note that this term ) , allowing guests to take away his sister . Because my sister introduced, Mama Sang have a chance to make money .
But guests are also critical , in addition to beauty degrees , height, weight outside . Some people would ask for parts inspection , after years of development down to the normally flat FL, requires sister " offered milk " to the guests to look at, touch and even try to become an informal " practice ." If you request , Mama Sang will basically be my sister straight chest , untie her underwear , pull clothes , so that guests look at the chest part , guests can also touch hands look ( do not rub , please remain polite ) . Because for years , so my sister also mostly with ( another sister can , can not, will reduce the chance of being selected ) . Few who do not fit , if not flat chest , or the chest poor appearance ( black nipple and areola ugly, sagging breasts .... ) , or just under Hella sister humiliating . Otherwise generally are possible.
Of course, you must be prepared , if you ask for this service , if you do not choose a sister store away ( not necessarily the one that touched ) , think it must be harder to get out . ( Inherently difficult , and touched not let Mama Sang making money , imagine )

1 sister into the FL do not choose to escape the problem : Because FL stores are nearby , and guests many choices . So long as the guests into the store once , Mama Sang definitely " strong " marketing her sister , or missed, she would cut down commission once. Method One " offer milk " means two of course, is " by mouth hype ," What could speak , she would come up with , for example: " The sister of the Hmong ethnic minority Baicheng , Xinjiang sister ", " no shop today open "," sister for the first time into the sea , " and so on. Method three is a stalker, body movements, anyway, is to find ways to allow guests to get out . Chang Ping method is almost the same . Anyway you to stay here, Mama Sang , the more time making money , so they also gave what etiquette ( can " offer milk " , and you " pull " what is the problem ) , Mommy would highly to sell , of course, then surgery naturally different. On a personal experience, will find ways to convince your mom with sister introduced, can sometimes be very Lu Lu , you can talk to mommy cards , first you want to pick a girl 's name down, and then teach other family FL, or 'll talk to Mommy like Miss certain point , or you will be very difficult to get out.
At this time, it is important to live a guided , because tour guide , on the one hand people a little more, and he would help smooth things over , Mama Sang comparison will sell face to guide, compare some convergence behavior , otherwise next tour does not bring people to , Mama Sang 's loss will be larger and long-term, so Mama Sang afraid to offend guides .
Passengers traveling trader working on his own words , unless you 're ready to pick a girl , or really do not recommend you step into sloppy .
2.MM of services: in fact, the consumption pattern in the front section has already been mentioned , FL sister services have about practice. Have these practices , the main reason is price, such as requiring crippled sister wash bath , play SM, the back door , you think she just charge you more than 100 yuan ( they get real hands ) , to accompany you two hours , also think so much of the service , even if it is your own , I think you would not be willing , of course, you want to add money to deal with the tip , that is one thing ( and sister first you need to reach a consensus , but my sister can also provide ) . Another habit of taking pictures of friends, whether it is love love the photos of the process , or simply photo photo , please do not take pictures ! ! Avoid unnecessary disputes ! !
But a few sister situation is not the same ( locomotive sister ) , encountered this type of girl , really is lucky , because they interact in the room , an outsider it is difficult to help, but if you go to the store, if guided pick a girl , hit chance is relatively low ( know will remind , to help pick ) . And Mama Sang pressure on Miss will be relatively large . ( Sister afraid Mama Sang - > Mama Sang afraid guide - )
3 . Fees : 1Q 1Q prices have overnight with overnight price. Basically, you take away his sister in the store , there may prepayment Mummy fee ( Fast 100 , overnight 100 ) . Of course, after it's happened , so my sister back to the store to play D fare ( 10-15 yuan ) , that is another fare , it is basically the practice of courtesy , if you do not give is OK, you just afraid sister has Lu , did not get the fare does not leave.
Her service is good, you cool give some small fees, it is your freedom , but this is to educate you about, do not give more tip , do not let them think that Taiwanese generous, they will be spoiled to the author experience, together with the tip up to 20RMB fare enough. Because if you give too much ( for example : hundreds of yuan ) , you may in Changping days, she will give you every night phone calls , or even directly to the hotel to knock on the door . ( Although 100 RMB against you, it is only NT $ 500 , 500 in Taiwan to normal, but that is her need to spend two hours to accompany one guest , so she might come wrapped around you , anyway, a phone call do not spend effort )
Moreover, it needs to talk about the concept of clear ㄧ months , when you take with my sister to eat , foot , and you say you spend more money to my sister " enjoy " , can be set off against " overnight money " do ? The answer is , no such thing. Because my sister though using the " flesh " to accompany you , but it is also a "time" to earn your money. Even today, she accompany you to dinner , foot , but she may be less then a relatively guests . I hope she is not necessarily " enjoy " , but she needed the money ( or do not do this line up ) . So pricing is pricing , basically unless the reduction in services ( such as " overnight " change " 1Q " ) , otherwise no discount issue.
4 sister excuse to go first , " overnight " to " 1Q " : the problem is to go back to the salon with sister overnight , often encounter the problem , nor is it unique to Changping . Probably the situation is such that , when you are in the store with a girl back, said that the night before , but there may be " 1Q " after the girl they are looking for an excuse to get out . For example: say not feeling well, the family will come tomorrow , and tomorrow to get up early .... , excuse a lot, of course, the premise is that she still want to charge you money to spend the night . However, my sister is gone, but it is back to the store waiting for the next guest. Such a situation , in fact, are the same all over the salon , and my sister do that motivation is very simple, you spend the night here, harvested after the money , if we can get out, she had another opportunity to earn money to guests . Anyway, did not make excuses actual losses . Could not walk , to accompany it wants to stay down . But many early mainland Taiwan, Hong Kong tourists, really do not know this , also gave his sister overnight money, but two hours ( or even one hour ) to put back.
How can I avoid this? We usually pick the girl in the store , only the first say yes 1Q, but if the interaction in the room is good, it feels right , you can put sister to stay overnight. But that there is a risk . Sister could not, because if your time is too early, for example, four p.m. . So she must stay too long , you may lose two to three guests , so instead she will not.
Also, do not too early to go to the salon with her ​​sister is also a way , usually 11 or 12 at night near the store to pick sister again , because to pick up after two hours, even if the girl back ( two o'clock ) , nor the guests , so simply to stay with you .
The third is the guide to accompany go, because my sister is still afraid of Mama Sang - > Mama Sang afraid guide, is such a relationship, I think goes without saying .

In addition there have been false Changping have beheaded at the roadside business cards tell you to find Miss , please do not believe , because it was so fooled looted ! Please note !
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Old 04-09-2013, 07:46 PM
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Re: Google translation

Originally Posted by SEAJ View Post

Xian Milk: Perhaps competition is too fierce , Mama Sang in each guest home , it will " do anything " ( Please note that this term ) , allowing guests to take away his sister . Because my sister introduced, Mama Sang have a chance to make money .

In addition there have been false Changping have beheaded at the roadside business cards tell you to find Miss , please do not believe , because it was so fooled looted ! Please note !
Away from the most important safety
Bro Seaj, thank for your effort to do the translation but this Google translator can't make it especially the last sentence.

Really have a good laugh after reading.
Thank to all brothers who up my points, pls leave your nick for me to reciprocate.

Old 05-09-2013, 03:20 PM
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Re: Changping Dongguan 常平东莞 Info

Originally Posted by charmguy View Post
Pao Zu Ling 保足林 (clean Massage Place with no hanky panky), a must try of their massage in CP if you have time. Hopefully the Chinese I wrote is right. Good luck!

Just went to Pao Zu Ling. Very good massage indeed with no hanky panky. Good to try if bros have spare time (Y)
Old 05-09-2013, 05:43 PM
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Re: Google translation

Originally Posted by wan25w View Post
Bro Seaj, thank for your effort to do the translation but this Google translator can't make it especially the last sentence.

Really have a good laugh after reading.
Yes, sorry about that!!

But my Chinese is so bad that I really cannot do much more!!

Somebody suggested that there is a translation program which can translate Cantonese (and all the slang Cantonese speakers use) - not just simplified versus traditional Chinese - do you know of such a translator?

Anyway, hopefully you and others get the gist of it all.

Old 03-10-2013, 09:55 PM
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Talking Re: Changping Dongguan 常平东莞 Info

Go-Fly CP Hotel Rate on Oct. 2013 at CP (2nd Oct. Revised)

Go-Fly CP Hotel Canton Fair Rate on Oct. 2013 (3rd Oct. Revised)

Ken will be not at CP from 4th Oct. ~ 20th Oct., Need any help can call below contacts directly. but no Eng for them sorry, still will check my email or wechat, but might reply u a bit slow, and My cell phone still work my asst or Da Zhi will catch my phone.
Da Zhi no. +86 13549417878
Booking hotel , Golf and transport : +86 13592706950
KTV : +86 13580867387 Xiao Yen
SN&BBS : +86 13580817651 or +86 13580766277

Sorry for the inconvenient for all Bros.
Old 04-10-2013, 07:44 PM
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Re: Changping Dongguan 常平东莞 Info

TRANSLATION: a real translation from an interpretive engine I just created

Barbershop (BBS) Guide

Prostitution in the Mainland is illegal, but due to the size of the country and the population, coupled with the fact that many places are poor (sic, the original script has an error in flow of logic, punctuation). Thus many poor young people, will venture towards he more affluent Coastal regions, to earn more cash. When young women come to the cities, they have no education or skills, and will turn to prostitution, which comes in many varieties. E.g. Higher Class Entertainment Venues, Clubs; Middle Range KTV and Saunas; Lower Class Barbershops (BBS), or even streetwalkers (many are part-timers).

In the past few years, the quality of life has improved dramatically, and officials have started to worry about the order in the streets, so they have started to push to remove streetwalkers, forcing them to turn towards working in shops. These shops are the flourishing Barbershops (BBS). In China, the many of the barbershops are direct brothels, just like in Taiwan, but instead of calling them prostitutes, will call them "Xi Tou Mei" (Wash Hair Gal)

Because all Mainland males have a need for prostitution, so BBS are everywhere. In most BBS' there are around 10-20 gals.


For CP, the customer base is mostly Taiwanese, HKers or International customers, with less mainlanders. As they are a budget selection, the BBS' don't have very nice facilities. Anyway, most customers stay in hotels, and they are nicer than BBS rooms. As such BBS in CPs all allow you to take back. Once you pick a gal in the BBS, you can take her back to your hotel. Doesn't matter wheter its ST or LT, once finished you give her 10-15 RMB to take a cab back.

CP's BBS price is around 250 for a ST and 600 for a LT, with variation depending on the gal's quality. ST means one shot, 2 hours usually. LT means they will accompany you to the next day morning, it can be as early as 6 or as late as 10.

LT usually means 2 shots, 3 shots or unlimited is not the normal practice, but if you want extra you can ask the gal (tip). Don't be a bastard and assume that LT means whatever you want. BBS doesn't have really great service, the reason is because the price is low, and once they exit the shop they give their Mamasan 100 RMB, and only take 150RMB, and they all pay 10RMB for the privilege of sitting in the shop. If you want great service go to a SN.

Of course, some guys will take the gals out to shop, eat etc. Whatever it is you're buying her time so it's still 2 hours for a ST. In the end, if you can haggle feel free to do so.

Show them Boobies: Competition is fierce, and MMS will try any measure to get clients to take back their gals. It's the only way to make money.

But customers can be picky, and other than looks, height, weight etc some people want to examine the goods, and after several years of development, it has become normal for customers to look and feel the breasts of the gals. If the customer requests, MMS will at the very least ask the gals to puff up their chests, remove their bras, unbutton their blouses, and have a look at the wares, and the customers can use their hands to feel (don't use strength, please be polite). Because it's the normal practice, so most gals will accomodate (or else they might not get selected). Those that won't have flat chests, problems with their breasts, just entered the business and are shy.

Of course, you must be prepared that if you ask for this, it will be hard to leave the BBS without a selection.


1. Exiting a BBS without selecting a gal: Because BBS are all tightly packed, and the choice is so much, once you enter, MMS will forcefully recommend their gals or they will miss their chance to earn. The first way is to show the boobies of their gals, the second way is to make a lot of fuss and lies. Examples: They will say their gals are minorities, They haven't had customers yet, the gal is new... The third way is to block you from exiting. One way to assuage their eagerness is to get the MMS card, note the gal you want to pick and tell them you will call her later.
It is also important to travel with companions or an agent, the MMS will give face to the agent, and exercise more propriety, or they won't get repeat business from the agent.
Single Visitors are advised not to enter unless you are ready to pick.

2. Service Standards: We previously explained that the service of the gals isn't very high. They are paid very little for the work they do. Of course no one is stopping you to tip to get extra with some negotiations. In additions, friends who love taking photos, please don't to prevent further incidents!
Of course there are some gals that are a little problematic, and once in a room you won't be able to get anyone's help. If you were accompanied by a guide or agent the problem arises less as those that know will warn you. In addition the MMS fears the guide and the gal fears the MMS.

3. Fees: 1 shot has 1 shot price, Overnight has an overnight price. Basically, once you exit you give the MMS 100 RMB no matter the what. After the deed, you let the gal with with 10-15 RMB extra. Of course you can choose not to give extra, just that the gal might turn angry.
Feel free to tip for good service, but please be very careful of giving the image that Taiwanese are very generous or you will spoil them. At the most giving 20 RMB is more than enough. Because if you give too much (like >100 RMB), she will call you daily and badger you non-stop, even coming directly to your room and knocking on your door. (Although 100 RMB is only 500 NT, but that amount is enough for 2 hours of work for them)
In addition, we must make it clear: A point of view, if you take a gal out to eat, massage, etc. where you spend money on the gal, that doesn't dissolve your necessity to debit it from the fees to pay the gal. This is because she needs to earn her money and she's accompanying you not because of any reason than money. The only possible reason you might consider paying less is if the service is way below par (e.g. a LT becomes a 1 shot).

4. A gal leaves earlier, and a LT becomes 1 shot: This isn't a problem that's only associate with CP. The situation is that the gal makes an excuse after 1 shot to leave, e.g.: feeling unwell, tomorrow a family memeber is coming, tomorrow need to get up early..., many excuses. But she still wants to collect a LT fee. However what she really is doing is getting back to the BBS to wait for the next customer. a lot of newbies from other places get tricked by this.
How to prevent this? When picking at a BBS, always state it is 1 shot. If after the act you like her, and the feeling isn't bad, you can extend the hours. Of course the risk is that the gal isn't willing, because maybe you're early (like at 4pm). She might lose 2-3 customers in that way.
In addition, don't be too early to a BBS. Go at 11-12 midnight. Once you're done and it's 2am, there is no more customers, so maybe she would just accompany you till the morning.
Thirdly, always have a guide, as the MMS fears the guide.

CP has a lot of fake namecards asking you to call them for gals, don't believe them! There are cases of robbery. Safety first.
Old 04-10-2013, 09:38 PM
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Thumbs up Re: Changping Dongguan 常平东莞 Info

[QUOTE=fastspawn;9820303]TRANSLATION: a real translation from an interpretive engine I just created

Barbershop (BBS) Guide


Wow !! This is indeed a very good translation. Very impressive "interpretive engine" Is it available online? This certainly would be very useful to many people
Old 04-10-2013, 10:29 PM
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Re: Changping Dongguan 常平东莞 Info

Originally Posted by fastspawn View Post
TRANSLATION: a real translation from an interpretive engine I just created

Barbershop (BBS) Guide


Wow !! This is indeed a very good translation. Very impressive "interpretive engine" Is it available online? This certainly would be very useful to many people
It's proprietary, and I want to sell the IP to google coz their translation SUXX!. If you know anyone in Google that makes such decisions just tell me. I sell for around $500 million only.
Old 05-10-2013, 10:39 PM
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Talking Re: Changping Dongguan 常平东莞 Info

any bros can advise whats the rate given to tour agent for ktv and hotel rooms ? I meant besides the rate quoted for the ktv and hotel rooms, is there another admin or service charges on top of it?Also is it easy to get around cp by taxi or should I get the agent to drive around and to/from ktv and whats the rate per day ?Many thanks !
Old 06-10-2013, 01:14 AM
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Re: Changping Dongguan 常平东莞 Info

Originally Posted by zheng View Post
any bros can advise whats the rate given to tour agent for ktv and hotel rooms ? I meant besides the rate quoted for the ktv and hotel rooms, is there another admin or service charges on top of it?Also is it easy to get around cp by taxi or should I get the agent to drive around and to/from ktv and whats the rate per day ?Many thanks !
Bro zheng all agents in this section will not charge u any admin fee for ktv n hotel room but if u request one of their workers to escort u around u need to pay escort fee... Getting around is easy in cp some ktvs or hotels have free shuttle and taxi or pte cars are plentiful for hire usually is rmb 20-30 depends where u going...
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Old 06-10-2013, 09:10 AM
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Re: Changping Dongguan 常平东莞 Info

Thanks bro allanooi, we are planning for cp and ca for the usual activities, eat, massage, wash hair, dvd and ktv, thus wish to compare having a tour agent to drive us around or take taxi.

any recommendation of a good local 5star hotel that is located centrally located for dayactivities ?many thanks !
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