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Old 25-08-2007, 11:01 PM
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Re: Monthly trip to ChangPing, HouJie HuMen

Originally Posted by Botarbolampar View Post
I think so..........just nice when he come back Sin, I just back from CP.

I remember once I was in Hanoi KTV (big like CP) I told the mummy, to select one mm for me. My requirement is, she have no booking for few days or weeks. I tell you bro, face not so pretty, body solid, service in the hotel room no horse run. She rape me over n over again. Hahahahaha
U going CP?????
wah cow... Come back then chong bravo(batam)?
u sure bo.....
i also wish to be rape leh....
i very guai one leh.....hehehe
Long in viet. he say tentative date is 7/9/07.......
Old 25-08-2007, 11:14 PM
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Re: Monthly trip to ChangPing, HouJie HuMen

Originally Posted by ripper99 View Post
normally will all the bro fly off from singapore together? I believe we will be landing in GZ right? keke 1 time following the brothers so need some guide.
From Sgp to CP.....

1)Best option: Shenzhen Bao'an International Airport 深圳宝安国际机场
45 mins - an hour to CP by pte taxi
Tiger arrived midnight
Silkair arrived in the afternoon

2)Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport 广州白云国际机场
2 hrs to CP by taxi

3)Hong Kong International Airport. 香港國際機場
Not convenient. Long journey.

4)Macau International Airport 澳門國際機場
Longest journey.
Old 26-08-2007, 01:55 AM
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Re: Monthly trip to ChangPing, HouJie HuMen

Originally Posted by 3dee View Post

He is not there to lern 降龙十八掌, but 降鳥十八掌... hehehehe...
bro 3dee, I found this in bro berber 藏經閣, is this what you mean?

bro berber, dont 偷偷練 hor, must share share your 降鳥十八掌 ....

bro botar, I heard youer 功力 also "like fire pure green" 爐火純青 already. hee


Originally Posted by 3dee View Post
Yo Bro, not all the bros are in CP lah... At least I am still in CA... Hehehehehe...

My girl still sleeping so now I spend the time here... Hehe.

This week less ktv, only meet up with friends for TC, makan and lim kopi...

Have to reserve energy for next week, need to cheong for 5 consercutive night...

Very soon, will see you!!~
bro 3dee dont say until u are like 悽慘的受害者 like that leh haha ... 5 consercutive night sia ... if me I confirm need 救傷車 rather than a taxi to the airport ... super envy u sia ... i still have to wait nov
Old 26-08-2007, 03:48 AM
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Re: Monthly trip to ChangPing, HouJie HuMen

[QUOTE=ripper99;2234743]bro 3dee, I found this in bro berber 藏經閣, is this what you mean?

bro berber, dont 偷偷練 hor, must share share your 降鳥十八掌 ....

bro botar, I heard youer 功力 also "like fire pure green" 爐火純青 already. hee


Wah liao say until i 偷偷練 like that...
How can i compare to lao jiao like bro 3dee, botar, coolmark and most of the bro here. Compare to them I'm only at level 1 while they r the master liao leh...
hahahah btw the 降鳥十八掌 pic quite funny....
come come quick book ur tickets man.....
Jio the CP company....
Old 26-08-2007, 07:05 AM
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Re: Monthly trip to ChangPing, HouJie HuMen

Originally Posted by ripper99 View Post
bro 3dee, I found this in bro berber 藏經閣, is this what you mean?

bro berber, dont 偷偷練 hor, must share share your 降鳥十八掌 ....

bro botar, I heard youer 功力 also "like fire pure green" 爐火純青 already. hee
First, I am very wonder, how come our highly classified skills, the 18 styles 不傳秘技, being exposed to the outside world??

Bro Berber, what have you done?? Didn't you remember you have swear you will never leak out the info??
Now how?? How many meals you want to buy us for the apologies???
---- next cp trip: sometimes in august ----

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Old 26-08-2007, 07:14 AM
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Re: Monthly trip to ChangPing, HouJie HuMen

18 styles in detail

Since the info has leaked out, then bo pian lor, here is the sharing with all...

第一式见鳥在田:出自坤卦,辞曰:“见鳥在田,大贞”就是说看见鳥在田中会有好事发生。这一招掌力霸道异常 ,为降鳥十八掌最爽的一招,取名见鳥在田,既是说一掌打去,人爽完大吉

第二式飞鳥在天:降鳥十八掌中的一招,同样源于周易。辞曰:“飞鳥在天,利见大人”,飞鳥即翱翔在天空的鳥 ,飞鳥在天,看尽世事,所以能发现大人(有爽德的人)。这一招由上势下,借惯性爽人,正如飞鳥借有德者而扬 名,威力奇大。

第三式鳥渐于陆:出于渐卦,渐指妇女,辞曰:“鳥渐于陆,其羽可用为仪”大雁降到平地上,他的羽毛可以被妇 女用来装饰。此招之用,在一个巧字,藏巧于拙,用羽为仪。


第五式羝鳥触蕃:出自大壮卦,辞曰:“羝鳥触藩,赢其角”两只羊角力,赢的用的是它的角。这招用途是说要用 有力点来爽人。但“羝鳥触藩,不能退,不能邃。”运用不当相信会反受其爽。

第六式潜鳥勿用:源于坤卦,辞曰:“潜鳥勿用”,鳥潜于渊,其志难测,所以不可用。此招劲收于内凝而不发, 但若有敢试其锋芒者,必受其爽。

第七式利涉大川:源于同仁卦,鳥人既是同志,辞曰:“鳥人于野,亨,利涉大川,利君子贞”有好鳥聚集起来, 畅通无阻,所以去爽的地方也变得更爽了。此招表面平平无期,实质上力聚于掌,正如好鳥的聚集,难凝而易散。 如中此招,必定全身欲生欲死,死的爽不堪言!

第八式神鳥摆尾:本名履鳥尾,出入履卦,履既踏,辞曰:“眇能视,跛能履,履护尾,咀人”意思是说人瞎了一 只眼睛还能看见东西,瘸了一条腿还能走路,但是如果不小踏上了鳥的尾巴,就会被它爽掉。这招专攻背后之人, 劲道奇猛,实为降鳥十八掌的救命爽招。

第九式密云不雨:出自鳥卦,辞曰:“密云不雨,时或有风”雨云很多了但不下雨,那是由于在等待着刮风。此招 不在于密云不雨,密云不雨只是力量的积累,而真正的鳥却在时或有风上,风声(时机)一起,敌人便万劫都爽了 。

第十式突如其来:功如其名,去势奇快,攻其不备,最易出奇制胜。在对手未反应之前,便给予鳥人 致命一爽。

第十一式双鳥取水:攻势一分为二,看似平常一招,功力与身法倍增二倍有余,有点类似于周伯通自创的双手互搏 ,但与其比较有过之无不及


第十三式鳥惊百里:出于鳥卦,鳥就是雷,辞曰:“鳥惊百里,不丧匕鬯(鬯:一种酒)”本来是说一只鳥虽然被 吓了一跳但连酒也没撒掉,但光从名字来理解的话就是说雷电莫大的爽力了。这一招爽势浩大,鳥惊 百里。

第十四式损则有孚:出自鳥卦,损就是爽利的方面,和益卦相反。辞曰:“损,有孚”孚就是信用,辞曰:“自上 至下谓之损”本句是说虽然守了信用但却没办成好事。此招出招和飞鳥在天相似,自上而下,然损却接益,辞曰: “自下至上谓之益”,变招犹如异军突起,让人爽不胜爽。

第十五式时乘六鳥:出自乾卦,辞曰:“时乘六鳥以御天”自古传说五岳为中华灵气之所在,每岳各有神鳥镇守, 加以姬黄帝(就是轩辕黄帝)之应鳥,是为六鳥。六鳥齐出,王道浩然,其势之大,盖地铺天,为降鳥十八掌最有 爽道爽气的一招。

第十六式鳥战于野:取意于周易中的坤卦,坤者为地,辞曰:“鳥战于野,其血玄黄”,野在这里作为平地讲,玄 指黑色,其血玄黄是说血改变了应有的颜色。按古代的思想,鳥上在于天,中潜于渊,下见于田。“鳥战于野,其 道穷也”指的就是龙处在了不该处于的位置,他的力量同时也被激发了出来,出这招一般在于超爽之时的奋力一博 ,正因为没有退路,所以此招才无所不爽!

第十七式履霜冰至:出自鳥卦,辞曰:“履霜,坚冰至”踩到了霜,就应该想到大冰雪要来了。这招招如其名,初 时似柔弱无力,但如鳥人胆敢进招,就如暴爽突降,后劲无穷。

第十八式亢鳥有悔:取意于周易中的乾卦,乾代表天,辞曰:“亢鳥,有悔”是说亢鳥(飞向尽头的鳥)虽然当世 无敌,但爽终有尽时,爽尽则悔,悔不可及。亢鳥有悔,盈不可久,此招重悔不重亢,爽尽无穷。

But for your info, in order to become the master, you have to practice from very young... like bro Botar, he started at this age....

For those who think the above explanation is too deep or too brief, you may consider to buy the book with the full explanation...
Available in multi languages, including chinese and english...

Order is with CASH only...

---- next cp trip: sometimes in august ----

The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed.

Last edited by 3dee; 26-08-2007 at 07:43 AM.
Old 26-08-2007, 11:41 AM
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Re: Monthly trip to ChangPing, HouJie HuMen

Originally Posted by 3dee View Post
Just would like to know, what is the rating you will be giving to this girl?
I guess another 4/10 for me also, she somehow look .... errr funny ... and look abit old, well I prefer sweet cute ger but thats 各花入各眼.
Old 26-08-2007, 12:11 PM
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Re: Monthly trip to ChangPing, HouJie HuMen

Another rating please...

Thanks for the feedback... What about this?

---- next cp trip: sometimes in august ----

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Old 26-08-2007, 01:03 PM
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Re: Canton Fare

>Yo bro Newfly, oct is a bit far out for me, but usually there are many bros in >cp during the weekend.
>But to my own opinion, oct 13 does not seem to be a good day, it is expected >to be crowded.
>Saturday is always very pack, and it is before the start of the canton fair, >some exhibitors/visitors might have early arrivial...
>But this year I am not sure whether I will attend the 1st or 2nd session or >both or none... If I on the 1st session, then I can meet up with you on oct 13.

Bro 3dee,

Oh crap! Canton fare.. didn;t really know i pick the lousiest day. Oh well..some guidance please. Should i cancel my plan then? I dont mind hotel charge me a little more, but as long as the quality and quantity still there, plus market rate didn't jump a lot, i might still consider. What doyou think? When you will know if you'll be going on the 13th?

Any other Bro interested going on the 13th and 14th?

Old 26-08-2007, 01:05 PM
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Re: Monthly trip to ChangPing, HouJie HuMen

Originally Posted by berber View Post
hahahah btw the 降鳥十八掌 pic quite funny....
come come quick book ur tickets man.....
Jio the CP company....
errrr..........what's these, I only know 降鳥十九掌

Old 26-08-2007, 01:06 PM
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Re: Monthly trip to ChangPing, HouJie HuMen

Originally Posted by TD042 View Post
Hahaha,i like!!!!
bro TD042 if you like it ... don't wait already .. I believe bro 3dee 背叛師門already, take 降鳥十八掌 come out lelong lelong cheap cheap sell , faster order and go learn, learn until 人鳥和一 or 無上鳥道的天鳥境界than we go CP 施展神功 wahaha

p.s. 降鳥十八掌口訣心法 : 万鳥自生,鳥沖廢穴; 歸原武學,宗遠功長。

Originally Posted by 3dee View Post
bro 3dee, your 密笈 selling in what currency ah? RMB20 or SGD20 ... dun tell me USD20 haha
Old 26-08-2007, 01:07 PM
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Re: Monthly trip to ChangPing, HouJie HuMen

Originally Posted by Botarbolampar View Post
A hole is a hole no matter young or old.
Thai, Viet, PRC still the same hole.
No lah bro, not like that one.... Of course, some holes are more shiok than others. Tight, wet, fragrant holes are always better than big, worn-out, dry and smelly holes- right or not arhhh??

Just ask bro Coolmanks, he's the expert okay!
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Old 26-08-2007, 01:12 PM
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Re: Monthly trip to ChangPing, HouJie HuMen

Originally Posted by ripper99 View Post
bro 3dee, I found this in bro berber 藏經閣, is this what you mean?

bro berber, dont 偷偷練 hor, must share share your 降鳥十八掌 ....

bro botar, I heard youer 功力 also "like fire pure green" 爐火純青 already. hee


Wah liao say until i 偷偷練 like that...
How can i compare to lao jiao like bro 3dee, botar, coolmark and most of the bro here. Compare to them I'm only at level 1 while they r the master liao leh...
hahahah btw the 降鳥十八掌 pic quite funny....
come come quick book ur tickets man.....
Jio the CP company....
Walau, can have this 降鳥十八掌 lying down in bed or not. I want to try on MM and see if it works...
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Old 26-08-2007, 03:07 PM
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Re: Monthly trip to ChangPing, HouJie HuMen

Originally Posted by berber View Post
they review a little only and say die die must try...
and i missed it the last time....
how can i....
this time not going to lose out liao....
Originally Posted by berber View Post
i flying off on 7nov ~ 12 nov tigerair...
11nov no flight back by tiger..
price already hike abit...
last check was 49.9 per way include everytax go and come back should be around 255.
before that i check was 1 way 39.9.
so already hike 20 buck liao...
book now to avoid farther hike...
can forseen more hike as the hari raya weekend is already 89.9 per way..
for bro that want to go CP during deepavali holi.....
bro ripper i only 2nd trip to CP...
this time bring 4~5 1st timer frens also...
i also newbie...
ask bro 3dee and botar for more "detail" of those SYT that they posted....
i also waiting for them to lead me around.....
wah just check the tiger, the dont fly on 8th .. they dont fly on 12th .... most properly will be flying the same date like you bro, haiz ... dont know can get the leave application approve anot, I will check with other bros to see if there is any 帶頭大哥 i can tag along with haha think you also too buzz to bring me around also since u have so many 1st timer around mayb we can meet there to 練功 in the afternoon, dont 偷偷練 without me
Old 26-08-2007, 05:41 PM
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Re: Monthly trip to ChangPing, HouJie HuMen

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