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Old 26-03-2015, 08:53 PM
johnqoo johnqoo is offline
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Re: Zhuhai, Zhongshan and Tanzhou ( 坦州 ) Info

Originally Posted by SEAJ View Post
No, those Umbrella bar beer girls basically ONLY sell beer and most will not go with you.

Also, watch out for these beer girls; they not only can drink lots of beer - at your expense of course - but they have also been known to "magically" make empty bottles appear. Empty bottles which are counted towards your bill at the end of the evening!

i see, then which girls are those can dabao on LHL? have been there a few times, but only notice the beer stalls. thanks brO!
Old 27-03-2015, 01:36 AM
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Re: Zhuhai, Zhongshan and Tanzhou ( 坦州 ) Info

Originally Posted by johnqoo View Post
i see, then which girls are those can dabao on LHL? have been there a few times, but only notice the beer stalls. thanks brO!
Welllll... when I was in Zhuhai LHL last week - albeit only for a short time as I was only on a day trip Macau/Zhuhai - I myself didn't see any WG's.

Others though, seems to have reported that these ladies do still make an appearance periodically. And if you see them when there, I'm pretty sure you'll be able to identify them when they walk up and down the street.

Good luck/play safe!
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Old 27-03-2015, 04:16 PM
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Re: Zhuhai, Zhongshan and Tanzhou ( 坦州 ) Info

外国人在穗买房容易租房难 大多数租而居
广州日报 [微博] 2015-03-27 08:12我要分享 7

记者调查发现,老外购房比例不高 绝大多数租房而居

日前,李克强总理在答记者问时一句“欢迎外国人来中国买房”,让不少业内人士猜测,中国严控长达十年之久的 外资买房闸门或许即将放开。

据记者向房屋登记部门咨询,目前,外国人在穗买房并不难:外国人在穗工作只要公司出具一年以上的工作证明以 及具结书,即可在广州买房,比外地人在广州买房所必须具备的“五年内连续3年个税或社保缴存记录”条件还要 宽松。不过,相比较买房的“宽松”,外国人在穗租房管理就要严格不少,外国人签订租约后必须在一定时间内办 理居住备案,而从今年2月以来,登峰街外国人管理服务工作站推出租赁登记备案叫号政策,每天限 号六七十个。





近两周以来,国内多个城市陆续调整公积金政策,尽管各地的政策调整内容并不相同,但几乎都以降低公积金贷款 申请门槛、提高公积金贷款总额、简化手续等松绑策略为主旋律。譬如上海公积金个人贷款额度正在酝酿上调,可 贷额度将一次性大幅提高,变为单人可贷70万元,每户最高可贷140万元。而此前,福建亦发布“闽七条”, 支持居民自住和改善性住房需求:放宽对首套房和首改房的认定,除购买别墅外,个人购买首套房、首改房(含一 手房和二手房),不论面积大小,均可享受首套房优惠;首次申请公积金贷款,首付比例降低至20%。另外,济 南公积金贷款也调整了对首套房的认定标准,对已结清相应购房贷款的家庭,购买二套房时仍执行首套房住房公积 金贷款政策,即“认贷不认房”。

在业内专家看来,公积金贷款政策的放松,将对处于寒冬中的楼市带来新利好。不过,也有房企负责人质疑,此番 公积金政策调整对房地产市场实际刺激力度有限,尤其是对一线城市的房地产市场所能产生的提振作用或并不如预 期乐观。一是因为一线城市的房价居高不下,即便公积金个人贷款额度能上调,但居民购房成本仍然较高,每月还 款压力较大,这将直接抑制其入市意愿。另外,鉴于目前公积金贷款的放款速度较慢,顶着资金回笼压力的发展商 ,怕是亦难放松对公积金贷款客户的容忍度。

微博@邓浩志:公积金救市政策本身就是一套组合拳,包括首套首付降到2成,贴息银行贷款增加公积金可融资总 额度,提高贷款额度上线等三招。一线城市为避免投资资金进入楼市,所以会坚持限购,为了支持自住型购房所以 都会在公积金政策上做文章,而广州可能这三招同时齐发。——地产经济学家,方圆地产首席市场分 析师

微博@刘波的blog:还是总价高。调高贷款额度一个月还好几万,有几个能承受?——格林期货 研究部 行业研究员

微博@凤翔康鑫:我买房的时候,开发商说商贷的话总价优惠5万元,公积金不优惠,因为公积金半年后才能下来 ,商贷一个月就可以。并且如果你要公积金贷款,他们就让你带各种证件,填各种单子,总之他们就用各种办法让 你商贷。——微博网友



下塘西的业主张先生日前向记者报料称,登峰街外国人管理服务工作站自2月以来实行外国人租赁登记备案叫号政 策,外国人办理租赁登记备案必须租客和业主一起到场,民警需对外国人的护照和签证进行查验,这个步骤无可厚 非,但是因为一天只放出六七十个号,所以一大早就要去排队,去迟了就拿不到号又要再与租客另约时间,而他与 租客两个人的时间很难凑在一起。


近日,记者来到位于下塘西路和麓景路交界的登峰街外国人管理服务工作站,楼梯下面坐着几个外国人,楼梯上面 则是一个大约10平方米的小办公室,是业主和租客办理租赁备案和外国人居住登记的地方,约10时许里面满满 都是人。记者在门口咨询一个佩戴工作证的人员,他向记者证实了每天早上派号的做法,他说:“每天按照工作的 安排派号,有时是60个号,有时是70个号,不一定。一大早就有业主和外国人在下面排队,今天的号已经派完 。”

张先生表示,现在公安户政、房地产交易等政府服务已实现预约制,方便群众按照自己的工作计划安排时间办理业 务,他希望管理服务工作站也能够推出类似的预约服务。


记者从地产中介了解到,目前外国人聚居较多的区域有珠江新城、淘金以及下塘西等地。珠江新城的地产中介表示 ,外国人租赁登记备案的做法与以前一样,也不会觉得有什么麻烦的地方,租赁登记备案不需要派号 。

满堂红淘金家园分店店长梁珏桦表示,外国人在淘金一般都租赁电梯次新楼,如淘金家园和富力御龙庭等楼盘,此 前淘金电梯楼租客中外国人一度占20%~30%。淘金区域的满堂红和中原地产门店人士则透露,有些在淘金区 域租房的外国人在租赁到期后会出于种种原因迁往登峰街管辖的区域,如恒福路的恒福阁等地,相对来说,欧美人 士续租的难度较小。



李克强总理一句“欢迎外国人来中国买房”,透露中国对外国人的房地产调控政策是“限外”,而不是“禁外”。 根据国家有关外国人在华购房的相关政策,外国人可以在内地拥有一套用于自住的住宅以及一套用于办公的非住宅 物业。

近日,记者致电广州市房地产交易登记中心咨询热线,详细询问外国人在穗买房的相关条件。据悉,外国人在穗买 房需由雇主公司出具在穗工作超过一年的证明,且购房者本人需出具具结书,声明所购房屋用于自用且在境内未拥 有其他房屋。而外地人在穗买房需满足穗六条中所要求的“5年内连续3年缴存社保或个税的证明”,所以外国人 在穗买房可谓享受“国民待遇”。


据记者向一手开发商以及二手房中介查询,无论是在限购前还是限购后,外国人在广州购房的比例都不高,绝大多 数都是租赁居住。中原地产淘金分行高级营业经理周荣幸在淘金一带从事地产中介服务有七八年,经手促成的外国 人购房交易只有两三单。他告诉记者,这些交易都是在五六年前,那时候广州还没有限购政策,外国人持护照和合 法签证就可以买房,由于外国人一般不符合贷款条件,因此这些交易都是一次性付款。


2006年7月 建设部等六部委曾联合发布“限外令”,即《关于规范房地产市场外资准入和管理的意见》。

2007年以后 房地产被列为外商投资“限制”行业。

2009年底 政府再度出台“向境外投资方出售国内资产征税”的规定。

2010年11月 国家外汇局出台规定,境外人士在中国境内只能购买一套房产,对境外个人及机构在境内购房进行了 限制。

2012年 国家发改委发出通知,内容规定,对于提供给外籍人士的个人住房按揭贷款的外债需求,不予安排中长期外债额度 。这也意味着外籍人士在中国使用按揭贷款购房受到限制。

2015年3月13日 国家发改委公布最新《外商投资产业指导目录(2015年修订)》(商务部令第22号),在“限制外商投资产 业目录”中,删除了此前针对外商投资房地产的全部限制类条款。

优惠雅居乐万科热橙9200元 路劲隽悦豪庭12000元 优惠嘉都汇11000元
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Old 27-03-2015, 04:44 PM
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Re: Zhuhai, Zhongshan and Tanzhou ( 坦州 ) Info

Cotton street.. u have to explore the back lanes, not just the main strip. The gals will be there at the hair salons etc.

Originally Posted by SEAJ View Post
Welllll... when I was in Zhuhai LHL last week - albeit only for a short time as I was only on a day trip Macau/Zhuhai - I myself didn't see any WG's.
Old 29-03-2015, 01:06 AM
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Re: Zhuhai, Zhongshan and Tanzhou ( 坦州 ) Info

Originally Posted by SEAJPukGai View Post
Don't just listen to SEAJ as his advice is based on his stingy ways. I have many wonderful times with the umbrella beer girls and even got lucky twice. ...
Just pay as you go for the beers so the scenario of "empty bottles" will not happen or bill being jacked up as compared with what SEAJ has wildly speculated....
LOL - pay as you GO?!!!
Talking about being a stingy Puk Gai!!
And even got lucky twice?
When you pay as you go?
You're the girls' charity case?

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Old 29-03-2015, 02:04 PM
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Re: Zhuhai, Zhongshan and Tanzhou ( 坦州 ) Info

Originally Posted by SEAJPukGai View Post

Only what you posted is reliable!
Opinions from others are deemed unbelievable.
What else is new?

If I am stingy then you're no better either.
I is you, you is me.

Yeah Yeah Yeah!
I is you, you is me?
You can only dream of being so; you wish don't you?

Nothing but an evil clone spamming all over the boards with your useless comments to cause havoc
CROOK AGENTS: 55055, vbkk, SEAsiaJoe, TonyCheong2, sex crusader, $$$$$$$$$$.
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Old 29-03-2015, 02:17 PM
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Re: Zhuhai, Zhongshan and Tanzhou ( 坦州 ) Info

pls dun spam this thread with war of words...say what you want and stop...dun be personal...
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Info threads are for field reports...if you want to chat post in tcss thread
Please do not post when you PM somebody
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may zap and remove post

Old 29-03-2015, 11:03 PM
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Re: Zhuhai, Zhongshan and Tanzhou ( 坦州 ) Info

Originally Posted by hoian View Post
Cotton street.. u have to explore the back lanes, not just the main strip. The gals will be there at the hair salons etc.

Not sure which is Cotton street, but yes, even as late as last year, there were still BBS's at the end of that little alley way closer to the "bend" of LHL/McDonald's and where there's a few little food stalls at the start of the alley. Is this where Cotton street is or is there another area I need to now go to?

Because unfortunately those BBS's I describe above are sadly also just a fond memory as far as I know; unless it has been revived recently.

Maannn.... mongering in Southern China is nowadays such a hassle! Sigh...

CROOK AGENTS: 55055, vbkk, SEAsiaJoe, TonyCheong2, sex crusader, $$$$$$$$$$.
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Old 30-03-2015, 12:40 PM
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Re: Zhuhai, Zhongshan and Tanzhou ( 坦州 ) Info

go go zh 3-7. who want to buy me drink
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Old 30-03-2015, 03:11 PM
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Re: Zhuhai, Zhongshan and Tanzhou ( 坦州 ) Info

Originally Posted by mebirdie View Post
go go zh 3-7. who want to buy me drink
another cheapo siay suay cheongster here!
got $ to go zh to f, but ask people to buy u drinks?
i will poke the drink bottle uo your ka ching!
Old 02-04-2015, 09:13 AM
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Re: Zhuhai, Zhongshan and Tanzhou ( 坦州 ) Info

Had just came back from a wonderful 5 days zhuhai trip.... thanks for the bros that was with me and hope there will be a NEXT trip soon... enjoying every moments there from fun and laughter to sadness and arguments...

Our group sure rocks.... especially the night for waiting game, hahaha

Nevertheless, note that the standard in zhuhai arguably dropped unless you can be lucky on that particular day you chiong. Expenses also on the higher side unless you just dont really bother about the high expenses.

Anyone whom wish to join us for the next trip can pm me and will be keep updated of latest news n info from now till then. Please skip me if you are not interested and also dont like high expenses trip.
Old 04-04-2015, 11:54 AM
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Re: Zhuhai, Zhongshan and Tanzhou ( 坦州 ) Info

Sorry chinese nt so good.

金沙ktv- totally cant make it the grls. Even got auntie looks, though quality many LT mostly start 1600 to 2000

My grl pattern. Know we r LT customer, but suddenly say she dont know this room is LT etc. anyway Just pay her seat fee suppose400, cut to 200

Chang an ktv- grls can make it. Go for 2 nights, got 1300 catagory grl. Both r good. Decide to keep 1 for 1 more night. Bill was 2nd was 800 i think s we got small room.

Lian hua lu..... Really many pretty grls. Never ask price s already got ktv grls with us.... Mayb shld try if got go nxt trip. I think easier to gey 3 some there than in ktv. Right boh bro UAH. Hope u get urs 1day
Old 04-04-2015, 02:40 PM
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Re: Zhuhai, Zhongshan and Tanzhou ( 坦州 ) Info

Originally Posted by banana81sg View Post
Sorry chinese nt so good.

金沙ktv- totally cant make it the grls. Even got auntie looks, though quality many LT mostly start 1600 to 2000

My grl pattern. Know we r LT customer, but suddenly say she dont know this room is LT etc. anyway Just pay her seat fee suppose400, cut to 200

Chang an ktv- grls can make it. Go for 2 nights, got 1300 catagory grl. Both r good. Decide to keep 1 for 1 more night. Bill was 2nd was 800 i think s we got small room.

Lian hua lu..... Really many pretty grls. Never ask price s already got ktv grls with us.... Mayb shld try if got go nxt trip. I think easier to gey 3 some there than in ktv. Right boh bro UAH. Hope u get urs 1day
Wah bro,
Liddat u mean to say can forget about JinSha KTV liao. A bit confuse, your KTV room is how much and the mm is how much per day? How about hotel, you ppl stay where? and how much per day?

Thanks bro.
Old 05-04-2015, 12:24 AM
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Zhuhai, Zhongshan and Tanzhou ( 坦州 ) Info

Jinsha was rather unpleasant, line up got many aunties. We got gal
Says dont want go out with us, we got gal can bbbj, but sorry,
I Cant substantiate with photo.

As we dont want fake liquor, we bring our own. Ktv Rm rates was
780/1080/1280/1680, depending on size. I am used to BS/TH ROOMS.
780 rm is already big for 4pax. Lol!

Mainly gals at 4/12/16. Some at 3/10/13. 5/15/20.

We stayed at Guotai for rmb408, abt 4*, Nanyang seascape at 470/520,
Bigger hotel but also 4*, on separate trip

Originally Posted by Kent_do View Post
Wah bro,
Liddat u mean to say can forget about JinSha KTV liao. A bit confuse, your KTV room is how much and the mm is how much per day? How about hotel, you ppl stay where? and how much per day?

Thanks bro.
Old 05-04-2015, 01:52 PM
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Re: Zhuhai, Zhongshan and Tanzhou ( 坦州 ) Info

Originally Posted by sgmjplayer View Post
Jinsha was rather unpleasant, line up got many aunties. We got gal
Says dont want go out with us, we got gal can bbbj, but sorry,
I Cant substantiate with photo.

As we dont want fake liquor, we bring our own. Ktv Rm rates was
780/1080/1280/1680, depending on size. I am used to BS/TH ROOMS.
780 rm is already big for 4pax. Lol!

Mainly gals at 4/12/16. Some at 3/10/13. 5/15/20.

We stayed at Guotai for rmb408, abt 4*, Nanyang seascape at 470/520,
Bigger hotel but also 4*, on separate trip
长安俱乐部still the best... imho

Cos higher chance for double...
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