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Old 19-10-2014, 03:20 PM
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Re: Thread to post ??? to receive rep pts

Originally Posted by masterwanker View Post
What to do ? Very soon this section will be very messy. Like that I can also open my own thread to receive points.
It has been messy for a long period of time indeed.

I've learnt to embrace it.

Do not zap Johnbass in the Adult Discussions about Sex and Matters of the Heart sub-forums.

Watch this space for updates on how you can zap Johnbass.
Old 19-10-2014, 03:22 PM
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Re: Thread to post ??? to receive rep pts

Originally Posted by prettymannequin View Post
For the one receiving points
It's really not that hard to create a random post anywhere else in the forum so that it can receive points. Agree with GM, the most relevant thread to do that in would be the one he linked.

For the one giving out points
When I really want to return somebody's points and they don't have a recent post, I will personally PM them to thank them for their points, and ask them to let me know when they've made a post, so I can return the favour. It's not that tedious as long as you have the heart to do it.
He prolly doesn't even wanna make that effort la babe. I honestly don't see what's the problem with using GM's thread. Everyone else, even very senior bros are ok with it except TS. Guess he likes seeing nonsense post like hdjbwjdwsjew - which to me is a waste of bandwidth. Well to each his own I guess.

Blessed Sunday sweetheart.
Strictly 10 points and above please
Old 19-10-2014, 04:00 PM
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Re: Thread to post ??? to receive rep pts


How dare you? You are rude and condescending. Did anyone owe you a living?

Go post your abcedefg at the newbie section, you self-serving, ego-centric and primordial narcissistic bore.

Did you ask GM for permission to start a rep point exchange thread, even though there is one? When he politely points to you where you should do your business were you grateful or did you behave like pond scum?

Get out of here before I kick your ass.
Please refrain from asking for point exchange

Last edited by seabass; 19-10-2014 at 05:45 PM.
Old 19-10-2014, 04:57 PM
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Re: Thread to post ??? to receive rep pts

U up me I up u, let's exchange for NTUC vounchers
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Old 19-10-2014, 05:44 PM
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Re: Thread to post ??? to receive rep pts

i think TS has his point. better to have a thread to key in nonsense but still have active post.

or else put irudueudi inside the other thread just to have recent post sure get zapping . having a separate thread to stay active using nonsense yet does not make others waste time reading is very innovative.

random post saying meaningless things are very easy to create but waste bandwidth because many others will click to read it, waste everybody's time just because want tobhave recent post?. just dump some nonsense into a separate thread dedicated to nonsense, you stay active without wasting everybody's time. why the lower quality brains just cannot see it is indeed funny, maybe only think of tucking so cannot think deep, or just a stubborn refusal to recognise good ideas due to oversized ego.

politics forum lots of anger but at least show signs of brain activity. sex forum has lots of lust but lacking brain activity.
Old 19-10-2014, 05:59 PM
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Re: Thread to post ??? to receive rep pts

Originally Posted by seabass View Post

How dare you? You are rude and condescending. Did anyone owe you a living?

Go post your abcedefg at the newbie section, you self-serving, ego-centric and primordial narcissistic bore.

Did you ask GM for permission to start a rep point exchange thread, even though there is one? When he politely points to you where you should do your business were you grateful or did you behave like pond scum?

Get out of here before I kick your ass.
confirm your brain is bad, because i am not making a living out of here.

keyboard warrior only can play hero on keyboard.
Old 19-10-2014, 06:30 PM
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Re: Thread to post ??? to receive rep pts

Originally Posted by ColdBlood99 View Post
U up me I up u, let's exchange for NTUC vounchers
bro, when u get your taxi license?! now or nov starting? knn limbu 1st time tio go wedding dinner and sianz...

u drive until 12midnight nia?! then i go lim how?
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Old 20-10-2014, 10:54 AM
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jason_ jason_
Re: Thread to post ??? to receive rep pts

my house, my rules, right? if not happy then just dun click this thread.

i got 10 more bros who up me that i need to return favour first. after that i will zap people. you up me, i up you back. i genna zap, but zappers are all ball-less and never leave names, so i zap back based on guessing who they are.

anyway online is just for play play, cannot feed stomach. so the keyboard warriors are best when they remain at where they belong, and we all know where that is right? behind the keyboard, of course, cannot be anywhere else. no point being online heroes but zeroes in real life.

to quote an example. if i let out an empty condo for a sugarbaby (she can live in master bedroom and collect rent using the other bedrooms) or freelancer (she can invite "friends" over, her "friends" pay her so she has income), win-win situation for her and me and me too (i can have my free fuck any day at the condo), CONFIRM THE REAL LIFE LOSERS WILL ZAP ME OUT OF JEALOUSY, right? but if this sb or fl allow me to bring one or two bros over for mmf or mmmf, the bros here can take turns have their free fuck if they up me with at least 5 pts, CONFIRM MY REP PTS WILL SHOOT THROUGH THE SKY, right?

it is still the basic rule of life and survival, on what you stand to gain or lose ultimately, and whether what you gain or lose matters to you.
Old 20-10-2014, 10:59 AM
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Re: Thread to post ??? to receive rep pts

I'm very curious how are you going to zap an user base on guessing.

This is interesting.

Do not zap Johnbass in the Adult Discussions about Sex and Matters of the Heart sub-forums.

Watch this space for updates on how you can zap Johnbass.
Old 20-10-2014, 11:11 AM
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Re: Thread to post ??? to receive rep pts

Originally Posted by SnowLeopards View Post
I'm very curious how are you going to zap an user base on guessing.

This is interesting.

All I know is, when people zap in return based on guessing who zapped them, all us one-pointers will be safe!
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Old 20-10-2014, 11:16 AM
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Re: Thread to post ??? to receive rep pts

thanks for creating a thread for me to type something
Old 20-10-2014, 11:28 AM
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jason_ jason_
Re: Thread to post ??? to receive rep pts

songest and marlborotan please put new post tomorrow, or type anything like fjduhchffjddj here in this thread, so that i can up you back tomorrow and day after tomorrow. because i return favour in sequence, i had skipped you two due to lack of new posts.

after that still have about 8 more for me to up... fdomme, tnuc,...
Old 20-10-2014, 11:33 AM
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Re: Thread to post ??? to receive rep pts

Originally Posted by jason_ View Post
my house, my rules, right? if not happy then just dun click this thread.
Mrng Jason! Wah your reply too long...

Anyways I think ur strategy like not really working. Ur points gg down or I remember it wrongly? Anyways happy blessed Monday.
Strictly 10 points and above please
Old 20-10-2014, 11:38 AM
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Re: Thread to post ??? to receive rep pts

Thot this thread for nonsense post but still see many postings lolz .. in d end still got to read zzz
OR is this just another thread for tcss?

Anyway by "guessing" who zap u is d same as assumption
Be Happy & Enjoy life
** Not for any points exchange, so pls dont up my points. I WONT RETURN..thks **
Old 20-10-2014, 11:41 AM
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Re: Thread to post ??? to receive rep pts

Originally Posted by tnuc View Post
thanks for creating a thread for me to type something
Hey, sorry if this is a silly question, but can I just ask: Why specifically type something in this thread, can you not write something else in another thread, such as "interesting story!" in the adults discussion section?
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