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Re: Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia (Adventures & Misadventures)
Fortunaley for Singaporean, we need no "visa" for both China and Mongolia.
Hahaha........ |
Re: Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia (Adventures & Misadventures)
I have only been to Inner Mongolia. Read through this forum and it seems a bit vague on where to go which is safe. What's the market like in terms of wat to expect? And the areas in UB to stay and hunt? I'm really interested to go and may try to bring a few over on a 6 mth PA Permits to the pubs I'm connected to here in Singapore. Thanks for the info guys.
Re: Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia (Adventures & Misadventures)
for singapore passports it is only 15 days visa free in china and 14 days visa free in mongolia the china-mongolia border is quite restrictive it is not open 24 hours ,365 days a year the border crossing times are 9am to 6pm during china and mongolia major national holidays it is closed |
Re: Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia (Adventures & Misadventures)
there are plenty in hohot capital of inner mongolia the pubs in hohot are full of outer mongolian girls best part is mongolians do not need visas for singapore if you willing to take a 7 hour train ride you can go up to erlian, the border town between china and mongolia there are plenty of mongolian pub girls in erlian too erlian and hohot have short hot summers but long periods of winter cold weather so the mongolians will love to stay long term in singapore and malaysia ![]() |
Re: Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia (Adventures & Misadventures)
Re: Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia (Adventures & Misadventures)
erlian is a small and isolated border town although it belongs to china, the majority of the people in erlian are from outer mongolia erlian is a sleeply town with not much activity it does not have much night life compared with hohot erlian is also not a very transport friendly place it only has a slow daily train to and from hohot and jining in inner mongolia also erlian has a severe colld winter climate erlian is much more backward and poorer than hohot it is just a border town for mongolians to enter china those cash rich mongolians will usually travel to hohot or beijing if you are used to being in a big city, my advice is you explore more of hohot no need to go up to erlian unless you have plently of time to spare to travel |
Re: Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia (Adventures & Misadventures)
bros, this thread is utterly disappointing. either no one comes to Mongolia or everyone's being selfish and not sharing information. not very bro-like ay yay yay...
so far these are my leads based on my limited time in ulaanbaatar: there are four main strip clubs: a. Orange - https://www.facebook.com/orangenightlife b. G Club - https://www.facebook.com/newmass.club c. Marco Polo - https://www.facebook.com/pages/Marco...41346282720480 d. Seoul - https://www.facebook.com/SeoulNightClub even though they are all almost the same, depending on the management policy of the each club, there could be some notable variation. but the real gem in ulaanbaatar is the massage parlors. many of them are frequented by koreans. i know one near the hermes center. what you should ask for is the gulga massage - body slide massage. any other leads? |
Re: Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia (Adventures & Misadventures)
[QUOTE=mcnutt;12103920]bros, this thread is utterly disappointing. either no one comes to Mongolia or everyone's being selfish and not sharing information. not very bro-like ay yay yay...
it is damn bloody cold now in mongolia who in his right mind will go up there when every dec or jan temperature drops to below minus 30 degress i have spent winter in erlian before erlian is the chinese border town- it is the only china-mongolia land crossing during december the temperature in erlian was already minus 20 degress cold you have to wear hand gloves every time you are outdoors no mood for sex , the weather is so freaking cold ![]() ![]() |
Re: Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia (Adventures & Misadventures)
2 chinamen murdered in mongolia today news
教历史图片天气 两名中国公民蒙古遇害 中使馆向蒙方提出交涉 时政新闻中国新闻网 [微博] 2015-01-13 15:09我要分享 2883 中新网1月13日电 据中国驻蒙古国大使馆网站消息,两名中国公民11日夜在乌兰巴托遇害。使馆在12日凌晨三点获悉后,即派领 事部主任刘继民、警务联络官吉雅赶赴现场处理,督促蒙古警方缉拿凶犯。 截止12日下午,警方已将四名嫌犯全部捉拿归案。其中三人已逃至蒙俄边界。使馆将继续督促蒙方 严惩凶手。 1月13日上午,中国驻蒙古使馆参赞郭心桥奉命就两名中国公民遇害案件紧急约见蒙外交部领事局局长和警察总 局刑侦局局长,向蒙方提出严正交涉。 郭心桥表示对发生上述案件表示震惊,对歹徒公然入室杀害中国公民行径表示强烈谴责。中方严正要求蒙方从速破 案,依法严惩凶手。同时,采取有力措施,保护在蒙中资企业及机构和中国公民的生命财产安全和合 法权益。 蒙方表示,高度重视两名中国公民被害案件和使馆交涉,接到使馆通报后已正式督促有关方面抓紧破案。目前,4 名嫌犯已全部抓获并羁押,正在进一步审讯和侦查。已证实确系4人所为,性质初步判定为图财害命,无其他组织 背景。蒙方将依法严惩。除警方外,已协调教育、文化等相关部门,共同做好保护在蒙中资企业和中国公民人身和 财产安全方面的工作,并对遇害人员家属来蒙处理善后事宜给予全面支持和协助。警方将通过新闻媒体适时发布案 情处理情况。 使馆将继续向蒙方交涉,督促蒙方依法严惩凶手,维护中资机构和公民安全及合法权益。 另,两名被害人身份已确认,系内蒙来蒙收购羊绒的商人,不想被人图财害命,遭此不测。使馆已与国内有关部门 取得联系,通知其家属,办理善后事宜。 使馆将要求蒙方采取措施,保护中国公民财产安全和合法权益。 蒙治安状况欠佳,针对外国公民抢劫案件时有发生。驻蒙古使馆提请在蒙中国公民注意如下安全防范 : 一、选择治安状况良好的办公地点和小区居住,并安装可视电话和监控。 二、不要在办公地点和住处存放大量现金和贵重财务。 三、不要向不明身份之人显露财富和告知其商务情况。 四、进出住处时,仔细观察楼梯内情况,特别是注意是否被跟踪或有人藏匿在住处死角,并提前准备 好钥匙开门。 五、不要为不熟悉的人开门,不要轻易让以送货、维修等各类人员进入家门。 六、送朋友回家一定要确认朋友进入家门,一切安全后再离开。 遇可疑情况,请拨打报警电话(102),并及时通知使馆(电话:11-320955;99112578;99809213;95265568) 事实+ 我使馆多次提醒赴蒙公民警惕 从1990年蒙古过渡到市场经济以来,国家经济一直未有大的起色。尤其是近年来,国内腐败现象严重,贫富差 距进一步扩大,老百姓不满情绪日益增长,社会治安也每况愈下。特别是近年因贫富悬殊,且外国旅客激增,故盗 窃、抢劫案件逐年增加。 对此,中国驻蒙古使馆曾多次提醒:来访中国团组外出时一定要提高警惕,不要单独外出。外出时贵重物品要锁在 宾馆房里的保险柜内或随身携带,手包、挎包等贵重物品决不能随便放在车内,以免招致盗抢。旅游须注意安全, 不宜前往人烟稀少的地方,晚间应尽量避免外出。 另一方面,近年来,随着中蒙两国在各个领域合作关系的不断深化,两国人员往来越来越多,中国已连续几年成为 蒙古最大的贸易伙伴和投资国。在蒙中资企业目前已超过3000家,其中宾馆、饭店约100家。(腾讯新闻综 合环球时报等报道)返回腾讯网首页>> |
Re: Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia (Adventures & Misadventures)
When it is so cold, and get a girl warm soft naked body to hug and keep warm under the covers, very shiok.
Re: Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia (Adventures & Misadventures)
you do have a point but end of the day do remember crime rate is increasing in mongolia many china men have been robbed and killed there before this is not the first time and will not be the last time |
Re: Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia (Adventures & Misadventures)
bros just to check in 2010/11 there's news that girls in UB has STDs esp those at the streets... they stl ard?
i been once to marco polo but kinda disappointing actually.
“The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown” ― H.P. Lovecraft |
Re: Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia (Adventures & Misadventures)
Upz your points too. Thanks, brudder. |
Re: Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia (Adventures & Misadventures)
I'm planning to go there within the next month weather materilse or not but I think those going there do share our experices there. Marco Polo is famous but any others even I'm in the dark. Ub is very fluid at the moment. New places come up and go. Staples like the Irish pub has survived and thrived the years I have been in ub. Don't be antagonistic about other bros posting. I'm not starting an argument but I think especially ub bros DO share. It's not many bros going there may be the reason. Peace bro. ![]() |
Re: Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia (Adventures & Misadventures)
Maybe we can meet up?
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