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Old 21-09-2006, 11:28 AM
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Re: Woes of a Cat 40 tirak.

Originally Posted by WorldSexGuide
knn I really mai khao jai your ang mo .. more and more mambo Jacintha giving senseless comments in Singapore Idle.
who are you to criticise others english. Look at your own writing!! Thai not Thai, English not English. Mambo jumbo are you an Italiano???
Old 21-09-2006, 11:46 AM
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Re: Woes of a Cat 40 tirak.

Originally Posted by Fierceballs
who are you to criticise others english. Look at your own writing!! Thai not Thai, English not English. Mambo jumbo are you an Italiano???
Not bad, you still know I am writing thai and italiano cum England.

Maybe you dont understand thai, hehe.. I did not criticise st1099 english, I simply dont understand (mai khao jai) what the heck he is writing.

What's the point of writing perfect english when it's incomprehensible to the audience??????

Oh maybe it's just me.

Old 22-09-2006, 02:14 PM
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Re: Woes of a Cat 40 tirak.

Originally Posted by siamcutey
how can it be doing fine without your contributions when u are the main director/actor/producer here?

At most I contributed to your screenplay plus we have some supporting actors here too. Without u however, this 'movie' would not be around till today. How would u like the ending to be?

To get a Fat lady to sing?

LOL... look who's talking...? as said, the best director/scriptwriter/actor/backdrop actor/producer/exec producer/best stuntman (因为叔叔有练过)... rightfully belongs to you. besides, also the award for best performance in making murtabak out of kosong prata, while making marsala & gravy... also goes to you leh. LOL

for a moment it seems the fat lady has sung for you... now it sems, she's warming up to sing for you once again.
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Old 22-09-2006, 02:16 PM
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Re: Woes of a Cat 40 tirak.

Originally Posted by WorldSexGuide
knn I really mai khao jai your ang mo .. more and more mambo Jacintha giving senseless comments in Singapore Idle.
LOL.. then i make it simple for you as Ken would put it... "you're making str1099 & everyone else look good"
爱一生中不多不少,会有一次不得了,其实没人比我知道 你就是我的不能不要。如果黑夜太难熬,我陪你日夜颠倒,一场该付出多少-因为你我不计较

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Old 22-09-2006, 02:17 PM
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Re: Woes of a Cat 40 tirak.

Originally Posted by reuters
Hows your tirak? Safe n sound?
how's she? doing fine... the military coup hasnt had any ill effect
爱一生中不多不少,会有一次不得了,其实没人比我知道 你就是我的不能不要。如果黑夜太难熬,我陪你日夜颠倒,一场该付出多少-因为你我不计较

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Old 22-09-2006, 02:20 PM
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Re: Woes of a Cat 40 tirak.

Originally Posted by WorldSexGuide
......What's the point of writing perfect english when it's incomprehensible to the audience??????

Oh maybe it's just me.

i never claimed it to be perfect english, if its incomprehensible for you, then its indicative that you better buck up. hence its quite clear that "its just you"
爱一生中不多不少,会有一次不得了,其实没人比我知道 你就是我的不能不要。如果黑夜太难熬,我陪你日夜颠倒,一场该付出多少-因为你我不计较

a beauty; a blessing... a pauper; a curse... a beautiful impecunious; not sure if its a blessing or a curse
Old 22-09-2006, 02:59 PM
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Re: Woes of a Cat 40 tirak.

Originally Posted by suteerak1099
i never claimed it to be perfect english, if its incomprehensible for you, then its indicative that you better buck up. hence its quite clear that "its just you"
ya lol. suteerak where got say his english perfect. he only say his thai perfect. cause his ex buddy is jun. both speak like thai.
8 oranges to give exchange daily. Up me and leave behind your nick. Will return favour when power recover .
Old 22-09-2006, 03:06 PM
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Re: Woes of a Cat 40 tirak.

Originally Posted by The_Unrepentant
ya lol. suteerak where got say his english perfect. he only say his thai perfect. cause his ex buddy is jun. both speak like thai.
our thai is so bad it actually makes suteerak look good. LOL
Old 22-09-2006, 04:13 PM
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Re: Woes of a Cat 40 tirak.

Originally Posted by reuters
Like that suteerak1099 is like Jackie Chan. Director/actor/producer in his own movies.

Jacky also sings when the movie ends.
Haha....another name that comes to mind is Jack Neo.....for Hollywood we have Quentin Tarantino, Clint Eastwoood, Kevin Costner etc acting/directing/producing but they never sing the theme song though.....

For the record, I'm on Suteerak's's just that the remark is so funny that it warrants a reply
Old 22-09-2006, 09:46 PM
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Re: Woes of a Cat 40 tirak.

Originally Posted by suteerak1099
LOL... look who's talking...? as said, the best director/scriptwriter/actor/backdrop actor/producer/exec producer/best stuntman (因为叔叔有练过)... rightfully belongs to you. besides, also the award for best performance in making murtabak out of kosong prata, while making marsala & gravy... also goes to you leh. LOL

for a moment it seems the fat lady has sung for you... now it sems, she's warming up to sing for you once again.
U are the one always waiting for the fat lady to sing, so I was asking "out of concern" whether you want a fat lady to sing then.
So how up till now, 3 parts of this fuck thread still no fat lady to sing for you?


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1 is Money, 2 is Women.
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Old 26-09-2006, 03:01 PM
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Re: Woes of a Cat 40 tirak.

Originally Posted by suteerak1099
for those who think they know alot, and are immune to it, may say; being cheated = toyed emotions or manipulated in $ sense, or both.
No one is immune.
It's only a matter of how susceptible you are.

The fact that you need to fuck and cum shows that you are flesh and blood just like everyone else. And that alone makes you vulnerable.

Don't ever go around thinking you are immune. It will make you careless, and then you are doomed. They key to staying out of trouble is to accept that you are vulnerable, and take extra caution due to it.

If you want to zap me annonymously, go ahead. But please save your comments. If you do not have the balls to leave your nick, then I don't really care what you have to say.
Old 27-09-2006, 02:21 AM
WorldSexGuide WorldSexGuide is offline
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Re: Woes of a Cat 40 tirak.

Examples of Big Carrot Cake and Small carrot cake.

Big Carrot Cake (Prof Brian Ngoi Kok Ann)
He gave these "Gifts" to his lover Guo Juan

$10000 cash for her father's "medical fees".
$7000 monthly allowance.
$2000 Ang Bao for CNY 2005
$11000 Chopard watch for birthday.
$1688 Ang bao for CNY 2004.
Ring for valentine's Day.
$5000 for birthday in 2003.

Small carrot cake (suteerak1099).
1) Gave his tirak a used 2nd hand cheap mobile phone when his tiraks' phone got stolen so as to pacify her.
2)No monthly allowance (as his tirak got multiple sponsors)
3)Did not give his tirak any money because his tirak has a "fat account". But they do exchange gifts (maybe hand made ones from suteerak to show sincerity but more importantly to save money).
4)Hand made card for valentine's day.

Big carrot cake , small carrot cake, still a carrot cake.
Old 28-09-2006, 11:25 AM
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Re: Woes of a Cat 40 tirak.

Originally Posted by WorldSexGuide
Examples of Big Carrot Cake and Small carrot cake.

When they know their gal

Big Carrot Cake (Prof Brian Ngoi Kok Ann)

Small carrot cake (suteerak1099).

Big carrot cake , small carrot cake, still a carrot cake.
ya, both are same same kum lan ......

Big carrot cake thought can use $ to buy her heart
Small carrot cake thought can use love to win her heart

end up = both fuck up

Morale of the story ......... better don't talk about love with 赚 吃 查 某, if you ont have what it takes to do that.


Old 28-09-2006, 11:32 AM
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Re: Woes of a Cat 40 tirak.

Originally Posted by DNAT
ya, both are same same kum lan ......

Big carrot cake thought can use $ to buy her heart
Small carrot cake thought can use love to win her heart

end up = both fuck up

Morale of the story ......... better don't talk about love with [size=]赚吃查某[/size], if you ont have what it takes to do that.
That NTU lecturer (I don't know what to say too.) Career finish, money spent, in the end name being washed out in open. Damn sia sway all because of one PRC girl.


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Old 28-09-2006, 11:33 AM
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Re: Woes of a Cat 40 tirak.

Originally Posted by siamcutey
cos in tirakship, the girl not so +++ kong to have thousands of tirak.

ancient times the WL more tock kong

chinese saying: 一双玉臂千人枕

see, she got thousand carrot cakes leh ...........


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