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Old 17-03-2008, 09:53 PM
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Factory workers' callgirl ring smashed in JB

Report from The STAR dated Monday 17 March 2008 :-

Factory workers' callgirl ring smashed in JB

PONTIAN : A prostitution ring that caters to factory workers was busted with the arrests of 3 Indonesian women and 7 foreign clients at a house in Pekan Nenas.

Acting on a tip-off, a squad of police personnel led by C/ Insp Tha Na Sak raided the house, which had been transformed into a makeshift brothel, at about 8.30pm on Sunday.

They arrested the prostitutes, in their 20s, and their clients, 6 Nepalese and Bangladeshi factory workers aged between 20 and 30.

Police made the arrests while 2 of them women were in the midst of "entertaining" their clients.

It is believed that 5 other clients were waiting for their turn when the raid occurred.

Pontian OCPD Supt Zahaliman Jamin said initial investigations revealed that the syndicate had been in operation for just a few weeks.

“We believe the prostitutes are catering to foreign workers due to the close proximity of several factories.

“The prostitutes are from Medan, Tanjung Balai and Batam respectively and we also seized several condoms during the raid,” he said, adding that the prostitutes entered the country with valid passports and social visit passes.

Supt Zahaliman said those arrested have since been remanded until March 20, and the case was classified under Section 372B of the Penal Code for involvement in prostitution.

--- KatoeyNewsNetwork
Old 23-03-2008, 09:14 PM
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Re: Johor Baru Before After Dark



(新山23日訊)武吉阿曼天兵與柔州警察總部聯手“掃黃”,展開雷厲行動,突擊暗藏春色的酒廊,逮捕58名 外籍娼妓及上百名嫖客!
警方的檢舉行動,分別在大豐花園的蘇特拉路和蘇蘭路的兩間酒廊展開,在首間酒廊逮捕了35名泰籍女子及1名 印尼籍女子,之后的酒廊則有14名泰籍女子、6名菲律賓女子及兩名印尼籍女子落網;她們年齡介于19至33 歲。

同時,現場約有上百名年輕及老年的嫖客在等候進行交易,遭警方逮個正著;警方較后也召來羅厘,將這百名嫖客 帶返新山中央警署做筆錄。

現場所見,兩間“淫窟”酒廊內看似只有一間間的小廂房,但實則竟都設有暗格,以讓操淫業的女子在緊急狀況下 ,躲在暗格內避風頭,惟逃不過警方法眼。



他說,來自柔州警察總部反風化、肅毒及私會黨取締組,聯合武吉阿曼總部同僚的50名官員和執法警員,在柔州 警察總部反風化、肅毒及私會黨取締組主任陳協成副警監的帶領下,于昨晚10時展開行動。

他指出,執法人員鎖定兩個目標后,就在其附近埋伏,約2個小時,即午夜12時20分,兵分二路,長驅直入兩 間酒廊,展開突擊檢查。

結果,警方某然發現酒廊內是掛羊頭賣狗肉,裡頭竟藏有數十名穿著性感的年輕外籍女子,及一大群年輕或年老的 嫖客,他們見警方闖入,束手就擒。


落網妓女在東窗事發后,有者躲避攝記的鏡頭,哭得雙眼紅腫;有者則很坦然,直視記者和執法人員 ,一臉淡定。



柔州刑事查調查主任阿米爾坦言,1個多月警方曾上門突擊,但未察覺裡面的暗格,今日凌晨是第3次行動,終有 所獲,惟警方尚未查悉幕后老板的身分。


不過,酒廊的2樓及3樓卻別有洞天,特別是在3樓一隅,有一道看似平平無奇的木門,原來門后暗藏春色,是一 間間的斗室,供妓女和嫖客歡好。


另一間酒廊橫跨3間店面,從外觀上看僅是一個單位,但實際上,只要一打開小廂房裡頭的櫥櫃門,就能通往另一 個單位,藏人功夫一點也不馬虎。


Old 23-03-2008, 09:22 PM
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58 foreign women nabbed in vice raid in JB

Report from The STAR dated Sunday 23 March 2008 :-

58 foreign women nabbed in vice raid in JB

JOHOR BARU : 58 foreign women were picked up during a vice raid here.

The women, aged between 19 and 33, were believed to be involved in vice activities at two entertainment outlets in Taman Sentosa here.

They were sent to the Johor Baru (South) district police headquarters for further investigations after the Saturday midnight raid.

Police also rounded up nearly 100 men for documentation.

Johor CID chief Senior Asst Comm Amer Awal said the operations were conducted on public tip-off.

He said a team headed by Johor anti-vice, gaming and secret society division deputy chief Deputy Supt Tan Hiap Seng, first raided a karaoke nightclub soon after midnight.

There, police detained 35 Thai women and an Indonesian.

“We suspected that immoral activity was being conducted because some of the rooms are equipped with mattresses,” he said.

ACP Amer said another team - led by Supt Maszely Minhad from the Federal Police anti-vice, gaming and secret society division - later stormed into a nearby karaoke nightclub where police detained 14 Thai women, six Filipinos and two Indonesians.

He said police also discovered secret passages leading to various hideouts at both premises.

He said they were also investigating if the women were forced to work at the premises.

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Old 24-03-2008, 02:24 PM
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Re: Johor Baru Before After Dark

Posting my FR on my latest trip to JB...

actually gone down to Pasir Gudang for company trip...after finish all my work there...ask the local collegue there to bring me to any "nice" they took me to JB since there is nothing in Pasir Gudang...luckily it wasn't on sat if not i think i'll olso naik kereta..haha

off they took me to a so called "KTV" in taman sentosa there...the joint is called 88 which is facing the tebrau highway...pls dun ask me the exact location as i dunno at all the roads in JB...

once reach tat place we thought it was close bcoz the main entrance door was close but see some ppl praying mai thought of just asking n see how....went down n talk to the fella there n he said it's open just tat need to use the back door haha...once enter was shown to our room...y i said so called "KTV" is bcoz wif the tv but there's no mic haha...

then the OKT brings in the gals for us to CK...i think most of it r tom yam ler...maybe it has been quite some time i neva visit such place n was actually a bit shy when all the gals more than 20 pairs of eyes looking at me haha...took this petite SYT tom yam to sit wif me...overall features she was like quite cute but after a while her face can turn to CFM face...her name is sumthing like ah Du i think coz the onli setback is she can't speak in mandarin very well n i thought my mandarin is bad haha....

once she sit down beside me, took a closer look n omg she looks actually very young onli those gals which is still studying like tat...she then tear open the packet of wet i thought maybe she open it for me to wipe my hands larr but she keep on holding to it so mai just wait see when she wanna give it to me larr...once the OKT close the door n off the lights my gal starts to unbutton my clothes...i was like so curious n a bit shocked as was trying to figure out wat she's trying to do ler...once unbutton most of it then she uses the wet towel to wipe my the front part of the body...wahh quite sensation olso coz neva hav this kind of treatment b4 haha...after finish wiping the actions start...

she climb on top of me n sit on my lap facing me...started to lick my ears then go down to my neck then straight away attack my nipple, tummy...i thought maybe it just onli my gal treatment tat good...take a look around n see the rest of the gals is olso doing the same to my frens...was thinking like "wow! quite good olso worr...less TCSS n straight into action onli wor"...she continue to lick my nipples while i freely auto roam hehe...roaming from her nipples to her pussy...fingering her pussy n make her moan..after a while of fingering she was like so torture like tat coz oledi make her wet keke....then the OKT came in n ask us whether any1 of us wanna "go shopping"...wth is "go shopping" then my gals told me means go upstairs...then i know means go for FJ...the price for FJ is quite reasonable just tat at this time of the month lack of Vit M...she continue to treat me like tat for a around 2 hours then we left....

the stats as below:-
Name: Ah Du
No.: ??(ask her n she dunno wat i'm saying), can try 36 my coll took her..another SYT
Face: 7/10
Body: small build, petite n very light
Age: 18 yo(but i think should be younger ler...pubic hair olso not fully grown yet..hehe)
boobs: A cup(not for those boobs lover but SYT lovers)
Damage: RM60 per jug, RM40 for the room (dunno can waive or not), RM40 for fruits(dunno can ask them to back or not), Rm15 drinks for each gal, minimum tips RM10
FJ: RM108(didn't try coz lack of vit M)
WIR: yes..definitely as the service cannot be found in KL olso...

hope all the bros out there like my FR....cheers!
Old 25-03-2008, 04:06 PM
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Security checks at Causeway hurting retail activity in JB

Report from The STAR dated Tuesday 25 March 2008 :-

Security checks at Causeway hurting retail activity in JB

JOHOR BARU : Local businesses have been hard hit, as stringent security checks at the Causeway have put off many Singaporeans from crossing into Malaysia.

Many shopkeepers complain that sales and profits have taken a dive, with some saying they have experienced a 50% drop in customers over the last month.

The blame has largely been laid on the hunt for Jemaah Islamiah fugitive Mas Selamat Kastari, who escaped from the Whitley Road Detention Centre in Singapore on Feb 27.

At City Square shopping complex, Popular Bookstore retail manager E Poo Ru said business had dropped by half.

“The bulk of our customers are Singaporeans, and a lot of them place orders for books. But now they are reluctant to endure the traffic jam to collect the books,” she said.

“These days we have to relax our policy and allow a one-month grace period for collection instead of the normal two weeks.”

Levis outlet manager Ching Lee Ling said that along with the fall in customers and sales, commissions had also suffered.

“I hope they catch him soon so things can get back to normal,” she added.

Secret Recipe assistant retail manager Hisham Amat said the outlet used to order 100 whole cakes for the weekends, but was now forced to reduce the number to 60 or 70.

“Our Singaporean customers don’t usually buy the cakes by the slice, they take the whole cake. Business has definitely declined,” he said.

Moneychanger Sharbudeen Abdul Gaffor, whose business is located just kilometres away from the Immigration checkpoint, said business had been slow.

“A lot of our customers are Malaysians who work in Singapore. They tell us they are too tired to come as regularly after spending four hours in the traffic jam,” he said

When contacted, Malaysian Indian Business Association president P. Sivakumar said the stringent security checks were costing local businesses millions of ringgit in losses.

“This is of great concern as businesses are losing heavily; and workers travelling to and fro are also suffering because of time lost,” he said.

Sivakumar described the current situation as unfair to Malaysian business people, and said Singapore should find a better method of solving its problem, one that would not disrupt mobility or commerce.

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Old 26-03-2008, 09:30 PM
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Re: Johor Baru Before After Dark

bros in JB.. need advise on a disco.
heard there is a thai style disco that has opened in JB.. along Skudai at Euro Hotel. is dat true? not sure of disco name, but wld be most appreciative if bros can advise of this... thanx~!~!
To any bros whom I've not return favor of up-ing your points.. pls do remind me again... thanx~!

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Old 26-03-2008, 09:35 PM
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Re: Johor Baru Before After Dark

my bad bros... its at New York Hotel.. itz called Juup Disco.. any bros advise on this? thanx~!~!
To any bros whom I've not return favor of up-ing your points.. pls do remind me again... thanx~!

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Old 27-03-2008, 11:46 AM
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16 women rescued in vice raids

Report from The New Straits Times dated Thursday 27 March 2008 :-

16 women rescued in vice raids

KUALA LUMPUR : Immigration Department officers arrested three members of a human trafficking syndicate and rescued 16 foreign women forced into prostitution earlier this week.

Department enforcement director Datuk Ishak Mohamed said this was the first success since the Anti-Trafficking In Persons Act 2007 was enforced in January.

"The women, all in their 20s, were rescued during operations in Negri Sembilan and Johor Baru. The three male suspects, aged in their 30s, had been remanded for further investigation."

The women comprised four China nationals, two Vietnamese, seven Thai and three Laotians.

Yesterday, the Seremban magistrate's court and the Pekan Nenas illegal immigrant Sessions Court issued interim orders to send all the women to a shelter house run by the Women's Development Department, pending further action.

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Old 31-03-2008, 09:52 AM
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IT exec claims lover forced her to have sex with gigolos

Report from The STAR dated Monday 31 March 2008 :-

IT exec claims lover forced her to have sex with gigolos

KUALA LUMPUR : An IT executive had sex with at least six gigolos between 2003 and 2006 to please her married boyfriend who video recorded the sessions and is now threatening her with exposure.

The man brought the gigolos to their apartment and paid them RM100 each after the sessions.

The 32-year-old woman from Ampang did what she did because she was so in love with the man and was willing to do anything for her boyfriend, said MCA Public Services and Complaints Department head Datuk Michael Chong at a press conference.

“Three years ago, the man’s wife found out about their relationship and advised her to leave him, but she refused then,” he said.

But the woman’s nightmare began last December when she finally decided to leave the man she had met seven years ago, said Chong to whom the woman turned for help.

“He has threatened to harm her. He also harasses her family, colleagues and new boyfriend,” he said.

Chong added that the woman’s family was unaware of her sex liaisons with gigolos.

He said she refused to lodge a police report although he had advised her to do so.

Chong urged the married man to leave the woman alone and advised women to be cautious about what they were prepared to do for their boyfriends.

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Old 25-04-2008, 11:10 PM
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Re: Johor Baru Before After Dark

sorry that i am new in this forum. i din wan to start a new thread. but is there any info about the interesting places besides JB. coz jb places become lesser and lesser. how about Taman Tun Aminah, Skudai, Senai or even Kulai. Your Help would be much appreciated
Old 05-08-2008, 12:03 PM
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Re: Johor Baru Before After Dark

Hi Bros... i know i posted here coupla mths b4... askin abt a thai joint in JB... havent been there yet... as no confirmations... but wld like to ask again.. coz have heard another thai joint has opened in JB again..

any bros got any light on tis? wld really appreciate for any replies on tis...
To any bros whom I've not return favor of up-ing your points.. pls do remind me again... thanx~!

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Old 05-08-2008, 04:52 PM
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Thai massage joints in JB

As far as I know there are many joints offering Traditional Thai massage in JB, eg in Taman Pelangi, Bandar Baru Permas Jaya, Taman Nusa Bestari, Century Garden, New York Hotel, JB City Square, Jusco @ Tebrau City, etc, etc, ..... but not of these "clean" places offer FJ or BBBJ ..... the most you can get is HJ for about RM 40 or RM 50
Old 05-08-2008, 05:30 PM
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Re: Johor Baru Before After Dark

sorry bros.. think i need to clarify my query... heehehe...

i was askin abt thai disco joints in JB.... hope bros wun get confused anymore...
n thx to do bros who have pointed out d other thai joints avail in JB...
To any bros whom I've not return favor of up-ing your points.. pls do remind me again... thanx~!

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Old 05-08-2008, 07:21 PM
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Re: Johor Baru Before After Dark

Originally Posted by deuter View Post
bros who have pointed out d other thai joints avail in JB...

Tot only one disco/dance club in JB (tat u mentioned in earlier post) featuring Thai songs?

HungryDick SMS me from JB to ask me names of Thai songs. Fortunately, I was in Lulu so, I can scan through the list...

Got other Thai music areas??? Share share...
Old 06-08-2008, 01:17 PM
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Re: Johor Baru Before After Dark

Originally Posted by 5m@||˘h@ng3 View Post

Tot only one disco/dance club in JB (tat u mentioned in earlier post) featuring Thai songs?
Got other Thai music areas??? Share share...
yea.. i thought oni 1 as well oni.. but apparently some rumours have spread sayin there is another 1... but not sure where only.. heheheh...
To any bros whom I've not return favor of up-ing your points.. pls do remind me again... thanx~!

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