Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs
thanks for sharing tis info
Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs
Now we have a whole list of humble titles! DYBJ korkor- Newbie Noob LDH korkor- Rookie Rook Bro Warbird- Toddler Todd ............ Let me humbly include myself as 小女子. I hope I will never kena these formidable techniques by a super fugly dude. haha. God have mercy on my fragile soul. The Alpha Male thing actually works. It's how some really undesirable men can get laid. If you're desirable and you use it, then you're unstoppable. I have seen a few men who are as such. They have no money, average looks... Yet, using Male Dominance, a tigress is turned into a submissive lamb!
Must rebuild my life... |
Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs
It behooves u to read Mr. Austin's most recent post carefully at least several times. Write it down n commit it to memory...ponder on it. The rewards could be enormous. Cheers!! Quote:
I'm an armchair general w/ very little practical field experience in this game as my first ever BY was consummated less than 4 months ago. Despite all my posts on my so-called strategies n bravado n FRs on a few pieces of rented furniture, I was literally an infant until days ago. Now I'm proud to be a Toddler Todd, hehehe. I realize it's better to learn to stand up first. Once I can stand up firmly w/o support, I'll try to walk, one step at a time, before I start running. Otherwise, I'm liable to fall n get hurt badly. Building a very strong foundation is vital. I'm working diligently to improve myself..starting from my inner world n my INNER PURPOSE... Like they say, "It's not where you start - it's where you finish that counts." I'll try to enjoy the journey w/ playfulness n emotional detachment, paying no attention to the outcome. I also like to thank u for sharing a gal's perspective on the formidable techniques of Male Dominance. This "device" as outlined by Mr. Austin may be a lot more powerful than u could ever imagined. You may hv only encountered the most powerful, yet conventional TNT n not the real "nuclear device." Still like to meet u in person n say hello. Regards n hv a good day!! |
Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs
Hellos esteemed bros,
Last night I was out there in a HFJ with bro DYBJ. Since my dai-kor mentioned previously that he has lost his virginity in HH for my sake, I will have to add this on. It was my farking ever first time in person as a virgin first shot firing a canon for a Singer. hahahaha. It was fun but no more from now on - its very addictive.
天下没有不散的宴席,在此退出花花世界的江湖。退休啦! If bros want to exchange upz, please let me know. Min = +5 All upz will be returned. Priority given to +9 & above. Queue: 4 bros in queue. Next Upz: Cupid - Please update Post. |
Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs
Enjoy and play hard.
returning favors for ups.. slowly. If i have not rtn your up, please pm me. The CP page may have been refreshed and i can no longer see your details |
Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs
Brother Warbird,
With great power comes great responsibility. I am test driving one 19 year old student tomorrow. Will keep you posted.. cheers. |
Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs
True words from a master. (孫子兵法》地形篇第 孫子曰:地形有通者、有挂者、有支者、有隘者、有險者、有遠者。 我可以往,彼可以來,曰通。通形者,先居高陽,利糧道,以戰則利 。可以往,難以返,曰挂。挂形者,敵無備,出而勝之,敵若有備, 出而不勝,則難以返,不利。我出而不利,彼出而不利,曰支。支形 者,敵雖利我,我無出也,引而去之,令敵半出而擊之,利。隘形者 ,我先居之,必盈之以待敵。若敵先居之,盈而勿從,不盈而從之。 險形者,我先居之,必居高陽以待敵﹔若敵先居之,引而去之,勿從 也。遠形者,勢均,難以挑戰,戰而不利。凡此六者,地之道也,將 之至任,不可不察也。 故兵有走者、有馳者、有陷者、有崩者、有亂者、有北者。凡此六者 ,非天之災,將之過也。夫勢均,以一擊十,曰走。卒強吏弱,曰馳 。吏強卒弱,曰陷。大吏怒而不服,遇敵懟而自戰,將不知其能,曰 崩。將弱不嚴,教道不明,吏卒無常,陳兵縱橫,曰亂。將不能料敵 ,以少合眾,以弱擊強,兵無選鋒,曰北。凡此六者,敗之道也,將 之至任,不可不察也。 夫地形者,兵之助也。料敵制勝,計險厄遠近,上將之道也。知此而 用戰者必勝﹔不知此而用戰者必敗。 故戰道必勝,主曰無戰,必戰可也﹔戰道不勝,主曰必戰,無戰可也 。故進不求名,退不避罪,惟人是保,而利合于主,國之寶也。 視卒如嬰兒,故可以與之赴深谿﹔視卒如愛子,故可與之俱死。厚而 不能使,愛而不能令,亂而不能治,譬若驕子,不可用也。 知吾卒之可以擊,而不知敵之不可擊,勝之半也﹔知敵之可擊,而不 知吾卒之不可以擊,勝之半也﹔知敵之可擊,知吾卒之可以擊,而不 知地形之不可以戰,勝之半也。故知兵者,動而不迷,舉而不窮。故 曰:知己知彼,勝乃不殆﹔知天知地,勝乃可全。 |
Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs
Shook almost everyone's hands but yours. I will be no obstruction to the activities of gentlemen.
Must rebuild my life... |
Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs
First cannon for a singer! Good for u! You can get into a "flower war" if ur dream gal is being pursued by another patron, hehehe. Cheers!! Quote:
Your congrats is premature. I only hv the theoretical framework of this "device" n I need lots of preparation before I can carry out a field test. Quote:
You do hv endless no of students...hehehe. I need to read the Art of War again. Quote:
Would love to shake ur hands too. I seldom go to SH as I retire early which is a big disadvantage if I want to play the BY game. I'm also constrained by time... Cheers!! |
Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs
Good to see you logging into this forum after a hard night's work 'Obstruction'? Very unlikely given your professionalism. However, the more petinent issue is whether: a) Will you be a facilitator/catalyst in a bro's carnal pursuit? (In pick-up parlance, be a "wingman".) b) Will you be a collaborator/participant in such activities? Take care & rest well sis ... PS: Lady LD, just to up the 'fun' quotion a little ..... You do know that this is a 'loaded' comment-question don't ya? I can pretty much anticipate some 'standard' response such as: a) Bros very experienced no need my help. (No commital answer with a subtle compliment thrown in) b) I am not desirable vis-a-vis the sweet mei-mei. (Polite brush off, yet a non commital answer in essence) c) You think I #@&^ 'kway' (hokkien for 'chicken') is it? (The aggro tongue in cheek reply - in essence still sitting on a fence but using verbal aggression to evade the issue) d) Dam stress kena psycho analysed like this. (Calling to attention on the issue but in essence still circumventing the issue) e) Can I don't answer? / For you to find out (Outright avoidance. the latter has some element of flirtation thrown in) f) Non sequitur - Latin for "it does not follow" - kind of response (akin to Stephen Chow's "mo let to"). (Again its avoiding the issue at hand).
"Had we but world enough, and time, This coyness, Lady, were no crime. We would sit down and think which way To walk and pass our long love’s day." |
Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs
I too like to jest when somebody refer to their appendage as a “cannon” - with the rejoinder – “don’t flatter yourself” or make some crude remarks about cannon balls
A little anecdote: during one particular stag night, I organized a bitch donning a full dominatrix get up. The prospective groom was so ‘intimidated’ by her that his little member literally “shrunk” (like a tortoise retracting his head in fear). The comment is then passed: “Cannon so small, how to fire those balls?” Some gems sprouted by the dominatrix: “didi so small how to put condom – no need to roll out”, “pass me a straw, didi so small how else to give him a blow job”. Glad to report that there are no psychological or physical damage. He has since then fathered two children and joined me in several cheonging escapades subsequently. Quote:
There is a place for intellectual, academic abstractions or discipline. There is also a place to translate theory into application and practice (I like to use the term “praxis”). In academia, you stimulate the top head. In the world of cheonging, you should ideally be stimulating the other head. Quote:
Hua throws this cautionary note: Always refer to Sun Tzu principles as your first line of response, but do remember that real life is much more complicated. Do not treat Sun Tzu principles as inviolate. Do not force-fit Sun Tzu’s precepts into all business situations simply to justify the soundness of the precepts. It is sound – history and great thinkers have validated it. You therefore do NOT need to validate whether the principles work in business – you only need to validate its usefulness onto only against your own personal success i.e. How well you actually translate the Art Of War into your own unique praxis. If you cannot use it well, Discard it and simply adopt another philosophy that resonates with you. (Recall/refer to Chapter 8 which calls for flexibility and situational awareness.) Will not talk further on this as this is not a platform/forum for ‘intellectual discourse’. No Discourse but Intercourse. Sorry for the abrupt end. Got to go (What the heck, I rather say, “got to come”!) Cheers all!
"Had we but world enough, and time, This coyness, Lady, were no crime. We would sit down and think which way To walk and pass our long love’s day." |
Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs
A riposte for your above assessment. I see where you are coming from about cannons but have you got the 'cannons' reference right? Quote:
Best, LDH .
天下没有不散的宴席,在此退出花花世界的江湖。退休啦! If bros want to exchange upz, please let me know. Min = +5 All upz will be returned. Priority given to +9 & above. Queue: 4 bros in queue. Next Upz: Cupid - Please update Post. Last edited by Loving_Dickhead; 15-09-2009 at 03:45 PM. |
Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs
Personally, I like to stick with areas that I do best. So yar, no more flowers or cannons (and its confetti) for me. .
天下没有不散的宴席,在此退出花花世界的江湖。退休啦! If bros want to exchange upz, please let me know. Min = +5 All upz will be returned. Priority given to +9 & above. Queue: 4 bros in queue. Next Upz: Cupid - Please update Post. |
Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs
Great to hear from u. A "cannon" may mean a FJ in some quarters here n in PRC, whereas in HFJ parlance, it refers to hanging $500 for a singer. Depending on the RS between the gal n the patron, hanging a cannon may or may not lead to a FJ. Quote:
Ths for ur insights on military strategies. I gain n profit every time I reread Sun Zi's Art of War. There r also several other, though less famous but equally brilliant, ancient Chinese treatises on military strategies. Warfare is a mind game, just as in BY. Cheers!! Quote:
Hahaha...unless the singer happens to be ur dream gal. But then again there r so many chio pussies out there... Nowadays, before I act impulsively n emotionally, be it in investing/trading or pursuing a gal, I first inhale n exhale deeply n slowly n get my brain waves into an alpha state, then repeat to myself: Relax, minimal investments...maximum returns...wats the risk/reward ratio here?...are there alternative solutions?... Good day!! |
Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs
Anyway, just sharing with you my last singer BY (from the place where Lady LD is currently operating from): I have “Cannoized” (want to pun something on Saint vis-à-vis Sinners but decided against it) my ex-mistress only once during the entire transactional duration - at her request. Despite overt hints to be more generous, I used the BY money meant for her for the so call ‘privilege’ to "sash/cannon" her. In other words, she loses part of her overall takings just to generate turnover – to meet quota or show the company that she is indeed working. She was surly for a while due to fact that I was so "calculative". But I simply and calmly told her I do not like her attitude - and will not be seeing her for a while (a fortnight - need to go for a business trip anyway but didn't tell her that). I also docked her allowance for the duration I was away and say that she is free to find another patron. In addition, I also purposely sashed her main rival $200 and booked her the entire night to sit with me. (Her rival has been inducing me to BY her for the longest time). I further rubbed salt by inviting her rival to a photoshoot session the next day instead of her with a celebrity photographer (who is a friend of mine whp happen to holiday in Singapore at that time) - ironical given that I do not have a single photo of my singer mistress. (I uploaded the pics somewhere but have forgotten the password - will ask me friend to email me. I am sure the older PPS/MMA at the joint might recognise her despite the 'makeover'.) Quote:
Anyway, I should be back in one week time. And I wanna see how the newly re-furbished Kabuki looks like. Game? (Ultimately it is the damsels I covet, not the ambience of the joint. So if your reconnaissance missions say that the gals in CI, TAM or elsewhere are better than Kabuki, I will simply tag along with your decision). Cheers guys!
"Had we but world enough, and time, This coyness, Lady, were no crime. We would sit down and think which way To walk and pass our long love’s day." |
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