Thank you for your fantastic post. You make my day!
I still hv some way to go to reach level 3.
Welcome Bro Warbird!
I believe if you are not going for level 3, it is because level 3 requires time, and time is a precious commodity, more precious than money for you..
If a girl does not need money (hence that is why an allowance is not needed), then the girl is solely motivated by emotional needs offered by the guy.
The "cost" now shifts to your companionship (your time) and her schedule is dictated by hours that the girl is not working - ie. she cannot just simply accommodate your schedule, because of her working hours.
(unless the girl herself is a rich daughter, and does not need to work - then she will demand your attention, i.e. even more of your time.)
However, if you pay her the allowance, then you are effectively her "boss" as well. So her "working" time, is also dictated by you. (as well as the requirements of her "work".)
Hence, I believe that is the main reason you chose to stay at level 2, rather than lacking in requirements to fulfill level 3.
I hope to join you some day in your "free" viewing session, given that I am also someone who dislike smoke (and was wondering if I can ever find similar people who do not smoke in such places - and I realised we are quite alike in this aspect), and I would like to see how you assess beauties in such a short time, especially when the place is not exactly well-lit, and I assume that the girls will be fleeting.
I am curious though - with so many young and pretty LPs, do you still copulate with your wife when you are back in the Big Apple (or when she is in town)?
I am curious though - with so many young and pretty LPs, do you still copulate with your wife when you are back in the Big Apple (or when she is in town)?
I believe if you are not going for level 3, it is because level 3 requires time, and time is a precious commodity, more precious than money for you..
If a girl does not need money (hence that is why an allowance is not needed), then the girl is solely motivated by emotional needs offered by the guy.
The "cost" now shifts to your companionship (your time) and her schedule is dictated by hours that the girl is not working - ie. she cannot just simply accommodate your schedule, because of her working hours.
(unless the girl herself is a rich daughter, and does not need to work - then she will demand your attention, i.e. even more of your time.)
However, if you pay her the allowance, then you are effectively her "boss" as well. So her "working" time, is also dictated by you. (as well as the requirements of her "work".)
Hence, I believe that is the main reason you chose to stay at level 2, rather than lacking in requirements to fulfill level 3.
I hope to join you some day in your "free" viewing session, given that I am also someone who dislike smoke (and was wondering if I can ever find similar people who do not smoke in such places - and I realised we are quite alike in this aspect), and I would like to see how you assess beauties in such a short time, especially when the place is not exactly well-lit, and I assume that the girls will be fleeting.
I am curious though - with so many young and pretty LPs, do you still copulate with your wife when you are back in the Big Apple (or when she is in town)?
Tks . Getting a LP emotionally and sexually addicted to you will greatly increase her faithfulness to you, but doesn't guarantee it. Some women just like to fuck other men, for thrills and variety. So picking the right LP is crucial.
Every woman's primitive brain is constantly scanning for the most dominant man w/ the highest status and the greatest emotional strength. Don't blame them as their very survival and that of their offspring depend on this basic instinct - the result of 300,00 years of evolution. They may not even be consciously aware of this.
A woman will abandon her current mate for this MAN, if she is lucky enough to find one who would take her. That is the modern definition of hypergamy.
If you're a MAN w/ the greatest emotional strength and self mastery, you're EVERY woman's type, at her subconscious mind.
A high status which is inherited doesn't really help unless the man also has awesome emotional strength. I guess King Fuchai was lacking in this regard and that was why he lost Xi Shi to a slave, Fan Li.
BTW, I'm a learner just like you, not a sifu.
Tks, bro.
bro WB,
I learned from you in this privilege thread.
1. Guys must practice self-mastery and have greatest emotional strength.
2. Guys must face rejections and not bad thing.
3. Guys must never be needy because needy is ugly.
4. Guys must have abundance mindset and think that there are 200 women waiting to sleep with you.
5. Guys must never fall in love in the r/s.
6. Guys must pratice by approaching 200 gals.
I agreed that some gal just like to sleep around for thrills but we must always look at it that is not a bad thing. Meaning you can dump her and have new gal.
1. Guys must practice self-mastery and have greatest emotional strength.
2. Guys must face rejections and not bad thing.
3. Guys must never be needy because needy is ugly.
4. Guys must have abundance mindset and think that there are 200 women waiting to sleep with you.
5. Guys must never fall in love in the r/s.
6. Guys must pratice by approaching 200 gals.
I agreed that some gal just like to sleep around for thrills but we must always look at it that is not a bad thing. Meaning you can dump her and have new gal.
Tks for your comments.
Pretty SYTs are easy, very easy. They are also less cunning. Kissing them and making love to them will greatly boost a lao chee ko pek's immunity and make him 10-15 years younger.
Yeah, life is never fair. Accept it, let go and give thanks.
Inherited wealth or status may do more harm than good in many cases.
Always count your blessings.
Good afternoon!
Here is a recent email from a guru:
The MIGHTIEST Mindset To Have With Women
Most guys know they need to have it.
Some don't realize it. Or don't realize it's
But most guys are at least peripherally aware
how crucial this mindset can be.
Yet, men will forget to use it.
They'll abandon it, leave it to the side.
Because, after all, a beautiful woman seems
like an urgent thing.
If she is upset, you want to make her happy.
If she is aggravated, you want her to be calm.
You want her to know you like her and care
about her.
You want her to feel appreciated, qualified,
even loved.
If you've just met her, you want to make sure
she doesn't walk off.
If you're on a date with her, you want to
make sure things go smooth.
If she's your girlfriend, you want to make
sure she doesn't feel neglected, or abandoned.
Yet in their quests to make women feel good,
reassured, appreciated, and seen, men often set
aside one vital mentality.
They pluck it from their heads, put it in a
box, and shelve that box away somewhere.
And without this mentality... once the
mentality has been forgotten... something
The man loses his edge. His attractiveness
And the woman loses her respect for him.
He becomes soft. Supine, almost.
He begins to chase her, which puts her off
even more.
And in the end, it all falls to pieces.
When all he had to do to avoid that was to
hold onto that one key mentality:
"I do not need this girl."
There is a fine line to walk with "I don't
need you."
On the one hand, you do not want to be so
sensitive that you bail as soon as the going
gets a little tough with a girl.
You don't want to turn your nose up and march
off just because she grows a tad uppity.
But on the other hand, you must not let
yourself start to NEED her.
"Needing" happens subconsciously... often
You might start off the night at a party or
bar in small talk with different girls.
Then at some point you get into a great
flirtation with one girl. It gets better and
And as it progresses, you shift from "This
girl's okay" to "Wow, I hope we get together"
to the point where your whole night rides on
this girl.
Or you might be out during the daytime, and
run into a girl you end up in a chat with
somewhere. And the more you talk, the more
sucked in you get.
And the more sucked in you get, the more you
start to need her.
Works the same on dates.
The same in relationships.
This girl is great... I so want to be with
her... I MUST have her.
But as soon as you need her, your goose is
She's got you. You're hers. She has you by
the peaches.
And at that point, you will cease to act like
a strong, confident, in charge guy.
Oh, you might try to be this way.
But she will test you. And you will back down.
Because what else can you do? You cannot LOSE
this girl, after all!
When relationships become disrespectful, or
courtships or dates get boring for her, much of
the time it's for this one single reason:
You gave up the mentality of "I don't need
you" and switched yourself over to "I need you."
Of course, it's easier to recognize this
problem than it is to always route around it!
If you don't have much choice with women, it
will be hard to stop yourself from feeling at
least a little needy toward women you like.
There's no shortcut to an abundance
mentality. The sole way to feel like you have
abundant choice with women is to actually have
But there is some good news, even if you are
just starting out.
First, once you know to watch for the
abandonment of the "I don't need her"
mentality, you can guard against it.
As soon as you feel neediness creep into your
mind, you know you're likely to start acting in
less attractive, less optimal ways.
And once you recognize this, you can work to
correct it.
There are various ways to return to an "I
don't need her" mentality.
You can flirt with other girls. You can THINK
about other girls.
You can remind yourself what the worst thing
that can happen if you don't get this girl is.
If it's a girl you've met outside somewhere,
you can tell yourself you'll approach two more
girls after you've finished your chats with
this girl.
If it's a girl you're on a date with, you can
tell yourself you'll text a few more girls once
this date is over.
If it's a girl you're girlfriends with, you
can remind yourself it'd be fun to be single
again, if it came to that.
There's another thing awareness of this
mentality does for you, too.
Even if you aren't perfectly able to return
to an "I don't need her" mindset, you can still
do your best to MIRROR one.
Once you're aware you need to show her you
don't need her, you will have a rough idea how
you must act to give her that impression.
Note there are two sides to every coin.
If she feels you do not care about her at
ALL, she will go into auto rejection and leave.
She must feel cared about, valued, and
You want her ultimate impression of you to be
"This guy likes me and wants to be with me. But
he also does not NEED me."
This kind of impression drives women CRAZY.
Because most men either don't care about them
at all (and who cares about those guys? They
all have bad taste!) or they are NEEDY.
Rare is the man who digs her without needing
When you are that man, you will stay
attractive to her.
But even more than attractive, you will
command her respect.
Great mindset to have w/ a woman, whether you have known her for 20 seconds or 20 years.
Bro WB
Bro WB, I would love to have great mindset with all women.
Making love with younger syts will make older man heart grew younger too. Like the way you wrote the above post.
I was reading the long passage of the guru several times then I understood to learn what he was trying to say was "just dun be needy and have strong mindset".
When you dun need a woman then you are attractive to her. This message was quite tough to comprehend.
Anyway love to read most of your posts and hope you keep posting.
1. Guys must practice self-mastery and have greatest emotional strength.
2. Guys must face rejections and not bad thing.
3. Guys must never be needy because needy is ugly.
4. Guys must have abundance mindset and think that there are 200 women waiting to sleep with you.
5. Guys must never fall in love in the r/s.
6. Guys must pratice by approaching 200 gals.
I agreed that some gal just like to sleep around for thrills but we must always look at it that is not a bad thing. Meaning you can dump her and have new gal.
Tks for your comments.
Pretty SYTs are easy, older women are easy too.
A real MAN doesn't brag. He doesn't need validation from anyone. Only "little men" do that.
Absolute self mastery is very difficult to achieve.
Quality of girls in SG now? Dismal.
Find chio gals overseas or import them.
Bro WB
Bro WB,
Not easy for any ordinary guys t go overseas to find chio gals and import. Of course here I said not easy but to some of you and your kakis maybe easier. You have the capability to do so and did so many times.
Yes self mastery is important and gals maybe easy.
Good morning,
I have visited many relationship forums, to search for new strategies, new ideas, and new revelations...
Here is a post from a forum in America. Must be written by a Chinese.
Originally Posted by ZhaoZilong5 View Post
I've always been an honest person. I don't believe in games or hiding things. They're dishonest to me.
With that said, I do believe that everybody subconsciously is always playing the game. My ex thought I was adorable whenever I was nervous, but during the BU, she was completely apathetic to that part about me. I guess that's a weak analogy, but...
I've always been true to my heart. The "I love you's" are always exchanged equally, but the differences were that in all of my relationships, I truly did care. They obviously stopped caring as much, or else they wouldn't be gone. They wouldn't have emotionally checked out of the relationship, cheated on me, entered G.I.G.S., whatever.
I've had my share of girls who were 13 to women at age 50. If anything, older women to me tend to be more jaded past a certain age and illogical with what they want, while the younger ones tend to want to have fun, not know what they want, and make some really stupid, hurtful mistakes.
With that said, the only girls clinging to me are the ones who know I don't give a rat's ass. I then start giving a rat's ass, then after a LTR, the power flips. I care; they stop caring and eventually leave.
Yes, relationships are a game, but so is life. So is war. There are winners and losers. Winners in relationships happen to both be winners. With that said, relationships are all about psychology, and let's face it...much of psychology is a power struggle.
This all comes from personal experience. I have never met a single person who didn't fall out of love with me after they knew that I actually loved them. The only exes that ever tried to come back to me were ones that I completely stopped caring about. The ones that I would be interested in reconciling with don't care about me romantically at all. Maybe I should listen to myself for this past BU LOL.
PUA tactics work on everybody. The reason being that nobody who is single is 100% secure, unless they enjoy being single. If they're single and are wanting a relationship, then they're wanting something that they don't have. Does that already sound familiar? What tends to happen post-BU/G.I.G.S. after a period of NC? Hell, why are people so complacent and neglectful, taking their SOs for granted during the relationship, then freak the hell out after BU? People psychologically want what they don't have.
Ever really wanted something, bought it, then all of a sudden, you don't really care about it as much anymore? That's the angle that almost all PUA/DJ strategies work.
Any comments?
What did Mr Zhao do wrong?
He doesn't behave like the PRIZE and he doesn't hv an abundance mindset. He cares and loves too much.
It's oK for a MAN to like and love a girl a lot. He must have the right mindset though, and let her know that he desires her and wants to care for her, BUT he doesn't need her. Because he is the PRIZE and many prettier girls are lining up for him.
Bro WB
Bro WB
The legend hero Zhao Zilong is a forklore hero because he single-handedly defeated an army and rescue the Prince from death. After that he was a white armour battle hero.
Nothing much about his love life but since he behaves like th epost above then he is doomed.
Anyway to Zhao, his first love is martial arts and how many enemies he killed and not how many farks he gets per night.
Very interesting to go thru and read all your past posts.
Many may not agree or disagree with you but you are hero to many readers here.
Not easy for any ordinary guys t go overseas to find chio gals and import. Of course here I said not easy but to some of you and your kakis maybe easier. You have the capability to do so and did so many times.
Yes self mastery is important and gals maybe easy.