Re: Michael Palmer Resigns Due To Grave Mistake
Today's wanbao has more exposive news, Laura Ong is currently separated but dating someone long before having affairs with Mike........gosh.....I feel so sorry for her.......
Bonk safety and happily. |
Re: Michael Palmer Resigns Due To Grave Mistake
people in $$$$$$$$$$$$ are comparing laura and diane in terms of beauty and diane fell flat in the number of votes
Re: Michael Palmer Resigns Due To Grave Mistake
For me Diane over Laura anytime, anywhere, any ol' how... she's the type of I would rush home for dinner even if her cooking sucks.... because after that it's supper time!!!
Re: Michael Palmer Resigns Due To Grave Mistake
2012 is t most horniest year tat so many well known BIG SHOT get caught for SEX RELATED ISSUES
Re: Michael Palmer Resigns Due To Grave Mistake
palmer - gentleman face the press, say sorry and resign.
that's the difference, idiot![/QUOTE] hahahaha , funny to see wherever i go majority of readers are against pap. tio zapped until so jia lat. |
Re: Michael Palmer Resigns Due To Grave Mistake
hahahaha , funny to see wherever i go majority of readers are against pap. jameschong1 tio zapped until so jia lat.
He chose to face the press, say sorry and resign due to his own free will OR he got cornered by this Andy Lim fellow (who was the boyfriend of Laura)? Big difference here...
Re: Michael Palmer Resigns Due To Grave Mistake
Hmmm... Laura Ong.. i must say.. she is hot.. sigh, a pity that PAP has to find a scrapegoat, and darn the PA for releasing her identity... wait a sec.. is it even right? Now this poor lady must bear all the scrutiny, and media attention.. very good distraction.. kudos to PAP for this.. i cant wait for 2016... anyhows this Plumber guy... hes also darn cock to check into a local hotel.. how stupid can that be... *face palm*....
Time is the ultimate test for Bullshit.. |
Re: Michael Palmer Resigns Due To Grave Mistake
Great post.. i can see why you are -26 now... :P
Time is the ultimate test for Bullshit.. |
Re: Michael Palmer Resigns Due To Grave Mistake
I think Laura Ong jus wan "the one and only" men..imagine Palmer was the only Speaker at that time. "suck ki" right? ha. now she's enjoying all the attention she can ever ask for..the really poor thing are palmer's and Laura's children..imagine what their classmates will say? "laura's kid, your mummy is a vixen..eekk"
Re: Michael Palmer Resigns Due To Grave Mistake
[QUOTE=say? "laura's kid, your mummy is a vixen..eekk" [/QUOTE]
============ they say "your mummy blow balloon + suck ice cream + lick lollipop + blow lapa + eat fish ball +++++++" they say "your PAPa very hum sup, ask people to suck his kukujiao + your PAPa vad boy ask people to show him their urine hole + your PAPs bery hypocrite " your PAPa is lau-ya not lawyer" Yawn Shit Long say "u copy cat" |
Re: Michael Palmer Resigns Due To Grave Mistake
1. Micheal Palmer (High ranking civil servant) had an affair with Laura Ong (staff). 2. Laura Ong (Staff) is going through separation and is also dating an Andy Lim. 3. Laura Ong (Staff) worked in Pasir Ris Punggol GRC and was happy to be promoted to work under DPM Teo Chee Hean. (this point was raised in the newspapers 2 days ago). 4. Micheal Palmer (High ranking civil servant) was from Pasir Ris Punggol GRC before Punggol East was carved out as a SMC. I just wondered if we can look at things from another angle. How sure are we that it's an affair? We believe it's an affair just because PAP and Straits Times said so? It might, just might, be Ng Boon Gay and Cecilia Sue part 2 right? Could it be a case of sex for promotion? Did Micheal Palmer, in any way, help Laura Ong to her promotion? After all, Laura Ong has a current bf. She's not lonely and in need of love (maybe slightly less reason to tempt a married MP?) YSL and whoever the other WP lady is, both of them didn't gain anything before and after the affair. Laura Ong was however promoted. LO did gain something. Was she promoted based on her own merit? Micheal Palmer, who was from the GRC, might be in a position to put in a good word for Laura Ong right? If Ng Boon Gay got to stand trial for an affair which started before he was promoted and for which Cecilia Sue is just working for the sub-contractor, then... in this case.. shouldn't CPIB probe further to remove all doubts of corruption? Just my personal little thought lah. For discussion's sake. |
Re: Michael Palmer Resigns Due To Grave Mistake
余波1: 林瑞生说,他跟人协总执行理事长杨雅镁斟酌了许久,一方面担心公开王荟芬的身份会对王荟芬本人造成巨大的伤 害,另一方面又必须照顾到人协全体职员的感受。管理层为了让职员了解事件发展,决定给予全体职 员一个交代。 人民协会副主席林瑞生说,人协是经过多方考虑,决定公布原国会议长柏默婚外情事件女主角王荟芬 的身份。 他说,这是因为柏默公开承认与人协职员发展婚外情之后,引起人们对女主角身份和事件诸多猜测,而人协职员也 为同事骤然离职萌生疑问,人协管理层为了让属下2000多名职员了解事件发展,决定给予全体职员一个交代, 包括公开女主角的身份。 他解释说,事件已引起民众高度关注,即使是发给人协职员的内部通告,相信也会很快地泄漏到媒体 手中。 他透露,事发当天,他跟人协总执行理事长杨雅镁斟酌了许久,一方面担心公开王荟芬的身份会对王荟芬本人造成 巨大的伤害,另一方面又必须照顾到人协全体职员的感受。最后,他们别无选择,只好决定公布王荟 芬的身份。
Daily 7 green apples exchange, surely return after UP!!!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 既来之,则安之. 既上之,则爽之...善哉善哉. |
Re: Michael Palmer Resigns Due To Grave Mistake
余波 2:
对于王荟芬任职表现,林瑞生称赞有加。他说:“她是一名出色的职员,不仅有升职机会,也被委予 重任。” 他也说:“当我们知道这件事后,为她身陷困境感到难过。希望大家能给他们一点空间重新振作。” 林瑞生是于昨天在职总召开记者会总结对罢工事件的看法时,回答记者关于人协主动公布王荟芬身份 原因的询问。 王荟芬是白沙西选区办事处处长。本周三(12日)柏默在人民行动党第一助理秘书长张志贤陪同下,在记者会上 公开承认有婚外情,并宣布退出人民行动党,辞去国会议员及议长职务。柏默是榜鹅东议员。 当天晚上,人协向媒体发出简短文告证实,王荟芬已在星期一(10日)以“照顾家庭”为由辞职。
Daily 7 green apples exchange, surely return after UP!!!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 既来之,则安之. 既上之,则爽之...善哉善哉. |
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