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Old 10-05-2005, 09:48 PM
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Re: 韋小寶

她用手稍一搓按,雙兒的兩粒乳頭立刻硬直,她道:「這是女子的性感區域,只要稍加刺激就會引起 反應。」

她又沿著胸腹,指向雙兒的陰戶,稍稍剝開她的陰唇,揉著她的陰核,陰核也立即硬直,但不似乳頭 那麼明顯。


「只要稍稍引起性欲,女子的私處就會流水,男子的陽物就會勃起,你們看,雙兒已有水流出來了。 」

雙兒的臉似塗了一層紅布,她仰躺在眾人面前被蘇荃指指點點,在重要部位又揉又搓,雖然閉起了眼睛,但那種感 覺更是奇怪,不由得全身輕輕發抖,卻又不由自主的起了生理反應。

「死小寶的東西也硬了!嘻嘻!」公主突然冒出了這麼一句話,眾女大笑,雙兒更是羞得想要起身而逃。韋小寶反 而用手握著陽物對著眾女搖頭擺尾,眉花眼笑。

蘇荃又道:「我們練武之人都知道,人體全身主要是由十二條正經、八條奇經,和任、督二脈串連而 成。」

她指著雙兒的軀體道:「這條是任脈,任脈是一條氣血由下而上循行的陰經,起始於小腹之下二陰之間,上行經丹 田、神闕、心胸、咽喉,直到下巴,與督脈構成一個循環帶,共有二十四個穴位。」

她稍稍翻過雙兒身體,又指著雙兒的背部道:「這是督脈,督脈的氣血運行也是由下而上,從尾椎沿脊椎上行,繞 過頭頂,鼻樑,至上牙縫而止,共有二十八個穴位,屬於陽脈。」

她說:「任、督兩脈如能暢行無阻,則我們人體的氣血旺盛,精力自然充沛,學武之人功力自能大為精進,不過, 我們現下要學的神功秘訣稱之為『腎經』,也就是如何來加強十二正經中的足少陰腎經的功能,這條經絡是控制生 殖和性能力的關鍵,這男女之精,也稱之為腎水。」

原來腎經是一條氣血上行的陰經,自足心湧泉穴開始,斜向內踝,沿脛骨之後上行,過膝內側,入腹上至前胸俞府 穴而止,共有二十七穴,左右對稱,計五十四穴,極為複雜,怪不得沒有內功基礎的人不易學習。

蘇荃道:「除了這些穴位之外,我們要先從控制丹田周邊穴道開始,那就是腹下的關元、歸來、曲骨、會陰諸穴, 和背後相對的命門、腎俞、長強諸穴。」

諸女除了公主對經脈和穴位不甚了解之外,阿珂只是沒有內功基礎,但畢竟是學武之人,師父九難是武學大師,這 些基本功夫當然有所傳授。韋小寶只是不肯學,但對蘇荃所講的一些道理倒是一點就透,而現在他聽得又特別用心 。

蘇荃俯身摸一摸雙兒下體,插進一根食指,覺得濕漉漉的,轉頭對韋小寶道:「你過來,把你的至寶插入雙兒妹子 的裡面。」

韋小寶愕了一下,隨之嘿嘿一笑,脫去衣衫,蹲下身子,挺起陽具插向雙兒陰戶,稍一抽插就全根盡入,他還要繼 續抽插,蘇荃已阻止他道:「現在是練功,先不急著相好。」韋小寶只好停住。

蘇荃在雙兒耳邊唸了一段口訣,道:「開始吧!」雙兒點點頭,但卻也不見她有何動靜,自是在默默 運功。

蘇荃又對韋小寶道:「先照陳師父教的內功心法運功一周天,然後用心和雙兒相好,同時再氣守丹田,力納神闕, 疏命門、腎俞,衝長強。」



一番急衝猛插,雙兒臉紅氣喘,手揮臀搖,韋小寶卻是愈插愈有勁,虎虎生風,眾女看得心旌動蕩,面紅氣粗,公 主更是虎視眈眈,雙眼火光直冒。

兩人相好了近半個時辰,韋小寶的動作居然進退有據,全不似昨天那樣狠衝蠻撞,雙兒忍不住呻吟出聲,喉間呵呵 有聲,與她昨晚強忍不啃聲的情況大異,顯然是享受到了極大的快感。




蘇荃待他們稍事緩過一口氣,韋小寶正要起身,她輕輕按住,讓他在旁和雙兒併頭仰身躺下。她仔細觀察兩人的下 身,還特別剝開雙兒尚未全部閉合的陰戶,甚至還伸進中食兩指挖了一下,再拿到眼前細細察看,眾女都覺大為奇 怪,不知是何道理。


她將兩指放在眾女面前,道:「小寶的男精已比昨天少出了很多,雙兒的精水更是若有似無,這功夫她已練成了。 」

眾女不明所以,一齊以詢問的目光看著蘇荃,韋小寶和雙兒也都坐了起來,雙兒幫他擦了擦汗,並替他披上一件長 衫。

蘇荃顯得甚是興奮和得意,她笑吟吟的說:「各位妹子,男女交歡之後,男出陽精,女出陰精,這陰陽兩精,為人 身精力所繫,但每個人的精力有限,尤其是小寶一人怎能日日無窮盡的應付七個老婆,所以我就想到了如何開源節 流之法,以增強小寶的精力,但又要減少他每次出精的數量,以便他能長保精力,夜夜春宵,不枉了他娶我們七個 姐妹的夫妻恩愛情誼,天幸我找到了這鎖陽閉陰之法,適才小寶和雙兒妹子試練,就已有這種成就,真是託天之幸 ,看來我們這長久夫妻是做定了,待得稍後練得陰陽互補之術,再配以食物、藥物,到得八十歲,我們還能和現在 一樣日日相好。」


果然韋小寶和眾女習得這神功秘訣之後,一直活到年至百餘歲,均猶若三十歲許,眾女更是美如天仙 。
Old 10-05-2005, 09:57 PM
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Re: 韋小寶

the above is the erotic adventures of wei xiao bao & his wives.

wei xiao bao grew up in a brothel in the qing dynasty with no skills but a quick wit dat got him out of many difficult situations & of cos helped him chances after chances get into the role being the emperor's best buddy.

his most remembered adventures though would be the ones involving his 7 gorgeous wives. they were no peasant women, they range from martial arts experts to the emperor's veri own sister.

in todae's context, he would be a riff-raff who managed to bed all the power women u could tink of. n his tales were made all the more legendary cos he managed to make all 7 wives live harmoniously together.

okok, synopsis over. hope u had enjoy the read.
Old 11-05-2005, 10:00 PM
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Secretary's Tricks

This has been posted in ANOTHER forum. I am sure there are some bros who have read it b4, so pls bear with me if you find that you have wasted your time looking at something familiar.

As for the bros who have not read this b4, enjoy.

I realise my rep pts never quite go up despite my postings. I thot a change of language might do the trick.

************************************************** ********

Secretary's Tricks
By Robert Wahl

Golden Honey!

Slowly, very carefully, Nick touched her flesh again.
He let his hand rest on
her warm thigh, then pressed lightly against her
belly. She didn't budge, her
breath was still slow and heavy. Nick's finger moved
delicately around her
navel, then along her tan flesh to her tit. Two
fingers closed around the
spongy nipple. The pink wad seemed to grow larger
immediately. Nick stroked the
second wad until it too was swollen, then leaned back
and stared in lusting
worship at her body.

All characters and situations in this book are
fictitious .
Old 11-05-2005, 10:01 PM
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Secretary's Tricks - Part 1


"Call for you, Mr. Harrison," the secretary's voice
crackled over the phone.
"It's Mr. Walden at W.C. Enterprises ... "

"I don't want to talk to him now," Nick Harrison

"But he said ... "

"I don't care. Just tell him I'm in conference."

"Anything you say, Nick."

Sally Lewis had two voices. One was business like,
monotone, emotionless. This is the voice she used most
often when talking to Nick Harrison and other
executives at the advertising agency. But she had a
second voice, softer, sexier, punctuated by chuckles
and giggles. It was this voice she sometimes used for
Nick Harrison. And it was the voice she was using now.

"Busy, Nick?"

"Not at all," he replied into the telephone. "I was
just sitting here daydreaming, in fact."

"Oh?" Sally Lewis' voice was even softer now. "About
what, may I ask?"

"About ... " Nick was about to say "Julie Connors." He
had indeed been sitting at his desk thinking about his
fiancée. Or more precisely, about his fiancée's
luscious ass and the way it moved under her
form-fitting slacks. But instead, Nick smiled and
whispered into the phone: "About pussy."

"Oh, Nick," Sally giggled. "Whose?"


"Dh-oh, I forgot Walden ... "

Nick heard the click on the line and hung up his
phone. He had to laugh. Sally always got a kick out of
the way he spoke to her on the phone. If anyone else
at the agency knew about him and his secretary's
dallying, it could mean trouble. Especially for an
executive who happened to be engaged to the boss's

But Nick had always been more than careful with Sally.
No one in the agency had the slightest idea that Nick
was fooling around with his secretary, and he'd made
the decision not to play around with her anymore, now
that his wedding to Julie Connors was approaching.

But now that he sat back in his leather chair and let
his eyes wander over the skyline view from his window,
that decision looked questionable. He tried to think
again of Julie's delectable ass, but instead he found
himself dreaming of Sally Lewis's wet, spicy cunt.
Suddenly Nick realized his cock was stiff and twisted
in his snug briefs.

He shifted on the chair and adjusted his prick for
more comfort. Yes, Sally was a sexy little piece. He
could picture her soft brown hair falling over his
thighs while she sucked on his prick, he could picture
her firm, slightly pointed tits wobbling in front of
his eyes, her green eyes filmy with lust as he ate
her, her brown-fringed cunt oozing with lust as he
twirled his finger inside her. She was sexy, and
horny. It often drove him crazy to know that a few
feet away, on the other side of his office door, sat a
young woman who would be only too eager to satisfy
him, any time he wanted her. And he had to restrain
himself to protect his marriage-to-be.

But today was slow, most of the other executives were
still out to lunch. Nick whirled around in his chair
with half a mind to return to his paperwork. Then he
was struck by an idea.

He grinned to himself. Yes, it was risky, it always is
risky when you dip your pen into the company inkwell.
But what the hell, he and Sally had never been caught
before. And he had a hard-on a cat couldn't bite.
True, he was supposed to see Julie that night. But
that didn't mean he would find satisfaction with her,
or find anything at all. Julie liked sex, but only
when she wanted it. And besides, his date with Julie
was still hours away. And when Nick Harrison had a
hard-on, he didn't like to wait for hours.

Nick picked up his phone and dialed one digit to reach
his secretary.

"Hello, Sally. Could you do me a favor?"

"Yes, Mr. Harrison." Miss Lewis was using her business

"Go down to the archives and get me the material on
the Caldwell account, please."

"Yes, Mr. Harrison."

"I'm leaving my office for a while so just keep the
material on your desk until I get back."

"Okay, Mr. Harrison." Sally suddenly switched voices.
"Still daydreaming?"

"Not really," Nick laughed.

"I was daydreaming too, Nick," Sally said softly ...

"About what?"

"Guess," was all Sally said before she hung up. Nick
waited a few minutes, then rose from behind his desk
and walked to his office door. He opened it slowly.
Yes, Sally had left her desk.

He closed, his door behind him. That way everyone
would think he was still in his office. And no one
would dream of entering that office without first
speaking with Miss Lewis.
Old 11-05-2005, 10:02 PM
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Re: Secretary's Tricks - Part 1

Sally sat at a desk right outside Nick's office. Her
desk faced the corridor that ran the length of the
agency's executive office floor. Right now the
corridor was empty, although Nick could hear the sound
of distant typing. There were panels on each side of
Sally's desk, forming a sort of cubicle for her desk,
and Nick could not see down the corridor. And
likewise, no one walking down the corridor could see
Sally's desk until he or she was in front of it.

Nick stepped out to the corridor and looked both ways.
Not a soul in sight. He glanced back at the desk. He
was glad that Sally had asked for a panel in front of
her desk, in the opening, so that passersby could not
glance down at her legs Sally's legs had attracted a
good deal of attention from the day she started work

Nick stepped back into his office and quickly removed
his sports jacket, then tossed it over a chair and
hurried back outside to his secretary's cubicle. Sally
would be back in a moment he had to act quickly. After
a final glance both ways down the corridor, he walked
around to the other side of her desk, dropped to his
knees, and crawled under the desk.

Sally's seat was still warm. He had to laugh to thick
that her fleshy buttocks were pressed against the
leather chair just a few minutes ago. And they would
again be there in another minute or two. This time,
Sally was in for a surprise.

Nick could hear footsteps in the corridor, and
expected to see Sally return. But the footsteps grew
louder, passed, and then faded. Perhaps Sally had gone
to the bathroom on her way back from the archives.
Nick shifted to a more comfortable position. His cock
was still hard. And then, he heard the footsteps. This
time, he knew they were Sally's.

He crouched lower under the desk, sitting
cross-legged. The footsteps grew closer. Then he saw
Sally's legs, lean and smooth and her high-heeled
shoes. She pulled back her chair and sat down, then
stretched her legs out under the desk.

She gave a short scream when her legs bumped into
Nick. Fortunately, the scream was very short.

"Oh Nick," she giggled softly, "what are you doing
under there?"

He closed his hand around her calf. "Waiting for you."

"Oh Nick, you're such a clown: ... "

She quieted when Nick ran his hand along her leg and
slid it under her dress. Yes, now she knew why he was
under the desk. She moved her chair in further and
stretched her legs, one on each side of Nick.

"Don't mind me," Nick whispered. "Go right ahead and
work ... "

"Shhh," Sally hushed. "If you don't say any thing no
one will know ... "

Again her words were cut off when Nick slid his hand
further along her thigh. She spread her legs as wide
as she could, and Nick took the invitation, sliding
his fingers along her warm thighs and pressing once
against the bulge of her hairy nest. Her panties were
warm, but fortunately she was not wearing pantyhose.

Nick knew that Sally was staring down at her desk,
pretending to be working in case anyone walked past.
But her mind was certainly not on the papers in front
of her. Nick was sure of that when he pressed against
her pussy again and found her panties wet.

He crooked a finger in the elastic band of her panties
and pulled, she raised her ass slightly from the chair
to allow him to pull the frilliest down her thighs.
Nick decided to take them off completely. If for some
reason Sally had to stand up, she'd look pretty
luscious with her panties around her knees. Nick
rolled her panties down her calves and over her shoes,
then dropped the pink garment to the rug. Her dress
was up around her thighs now, he could look straight
in and see her brown bush.

"Mmmmm," Nick murmured, running his hand along her
inner thigh. "Looks delicious."

"Shhhh!" Sally hushed again.

He urged her thighs apart and moved closer, kissing
her legs softly. She slid her ass along the chair to
bring her cunt closer to his face. Nick pushed her
dress up further and twirled a finger over her bush,
then rubbed his middle finger through the mesh and
along the wetness of her cunt lips.
Old 11-05-2005, 10:03 PM
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Re: Secretary's Tricks - Part 1

Now Nick could see the pink lips sparkling with
moisture as he spread them. First he slid his finger
through the folds and an inch or two into her wet
hole, using his thumb to stroke her clit. Already he
could feel her thighs trembling with excitement.

The aroma of her pussy filled his nostrils as he
leaned forward and planted a kiss on her thigh, an
inch from her cunt. Then he slipped his finger from
her pussy and pressed his lips against the pink doors,
kissing them lightly. Her cunt was drooling. Nick's
cock was still piping hot as he ran his palms along
her inner thighs and then reached in with two fingers
to hold open her scalding lips. Her clit poked out
between them, large, pink, and throbbing. He pressed
his lips over her hole again and shot his tongue out
into the crack, licking from the bottom of her hairy
slice all the way up to her clitoris.

Sally shook with pleasure when the tip of his tongue
found her clit and fluttered it teasingly. Again she
moved her ass to push her crotch further under the
desk. Nick sank his fingers into her steamy thighs and
sucked hard on her pussy, then closed his lips around
her clit and began sucking, biting, kissing, and
licking hungrily.

He could only hope that she could control her screams.
Her legs were shaking heavily now, he could hear her
breathing deeply. Nick knew that Sally always came
quickly when he ate her, in less than a minute
sometimes. And today, she seemed to be flying toward
the end from the minute his lips first touched her

Nick ate more eagerly as he felt her responding,
swallowing often as his mouth filled with her juices.
He rubbed his nose against her clit as he lashed his
tongue up and down in her slice, then took her pink
morsel in his lips again and sucked. His finger slid
along her crack now, teasingly approaching her
asshole, then moving upward in the crack until the tip
of his finger slipped inside her. He twirled it a few
times, then thrust it in hard, burying his finger in
her pussy up to the knuckle.

She shook wildly now, raising her feet from the floor,
thrusting her cunt hard against his face. He knew she
was seconds from her end. With his finger still buried
in her cunt, he sucked her clit into his mouth and
flailed at it with his tongue, sucking as if he wanted
to draw every last drop of her pussy juice from her
cunt and swallow it.

"Nick ... " she breathed softly. "Don't, stop, Nick
... "

Her words faded. Suddenly her legs tightened around
his head, the warm, silky flesh of her thighs pressed
against his head from both sides. He blew her clit out
of his mouth, then clamped his lips around it again
and started sucking harder than ever as she entered
her climax.

It was sheer torture for Sally to control her screams.
She wanted to howl at the top of her lungs, wanted to
kick her legs high in the air and enjoy the frenzied
excitement of her orgasm without worrying about her
screams. But, Nick could hear her muffled moans and
knew she'd placed a hand over her mouth.

He drank in her juices as they streamed from her cunt,
still sucking savagely on her love hole. His finger
pistoned in and out a few times, then left her body
when her thighs stopped shaking. It was over, and she
was breathing deeply, trying to catch her breath.

Nick sat between her legs for a few moments as she
calmed herself. Then he slid her panties over her feet
and up her legs. She stood up quickly to pull them
over her ass, and while she stood Nick crawled out
from under the desk.
Old 11-05-2005, 10:05 PM
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Re: Secretary's Tricks - Part 1

Seconds later, he was standing next to her desk, she
was sitting in her chair. To anyone passing by they
looked like any other executive and secretary
discussing business.

"That was wonderful, Nick," Sally grinned. Her face
was flushed red, her eyes were gleaming. "You've made
my day."

"I knew you'd be surprised to find me there," Nick
laughed. "Pleasantly surprised."

"Risky, though," she said.

"Not really. I mean, who would ever imagine that while
you're sitting there I'm down between your legs?"

"If anyone had come by while I was coming ... "

"But they didn't," Nick shrugged.

Her green eyes twinkled as she licked her full,
red-painted lips. "Is there anything I can do for you,
Mr. Harrison?"

He smiled. "Yes, you can come in my office in about
five minutes and have a bite of lunch."

"I've already eaten," she giggled, "but I could do
with a bite." Nick grinned again and then walked to
the door, opened it, and entered his office. His cock
was still painfully hard under his slacks. He knew
that the first touch of Sally's lips would send his
gism soaring.

He glanced out the window again. Across a forty-story
canyon he could see the windows of another office
building, people moving back and forth. He had to
laugh to himself to think that, if anyone were looking
from that building toward his window, they were about
to catch a real eyeful.

Nick swung around to face his desk, then slid down his
zipper and reached in for his cock. He pulled the
long, fat tool free of his briefs and breathed a sigh
of relief as the hard pole was exposed to the cool
air. The cap was swollen and red, blood pulsed visibly
through the purple veins that covered his shaft.

The door opened slowly, Sally poked her head in.

"Come in, Miss Lewis, I have a job for you," he

She closed the door behind her and approached his
desk. He watched her skirt swing back and forth over
her legs, then enjoyed the wobble of her tits under
her tight green sweater.

"Well, I see you're ready for me," she grinned when
she reached the side of his desk and looked down at
his crotch. "Think I should lock the door?"

"No reason to," Nick shrugged. "No one would open the
door without checking with you first. And you're in

She knelt down beside his chair. "Have you been
thinking about me," she giggled.

"You bet," Nick replied, swinging his legs around. "Go
ahead, honey. You know what I like."

She was kneeling between his legs now, staring at his
fat prick. Nick looked at her full red lips. He could
hardly wait to feel them around his cock.

She gripped the rod in her fingers and squeezed it. A
wave of pleasure surged through Nick's groin. When she
stroked his rod a few times, he knew he was going to
come in a matter of moments.

Slowly she bent over, her hair fell over his thighs.
She held the rod upright in her fingers and kissed the
bloated cap, then closed her lips around the knob and
began sucking.

"Mmmmm, that's terrific!" Nick sighed, spreading his

Her eyes were closed now as she started down his
prick. Inch after inch of the pulsing shaft
disappeared into her mouth, her warm, soft lips moved
smoothly down the tender cockflesh. Nick felt the tip
of his prick rubbing against the back of her mouth,
then slipping into her throat as she plunged to the
root of his prick, her lips touching his open fly.

She rose slowly, then held the cock upright as she
twirled her tongue around his crown. A drop of pearly
lubricant had formed in his pisshole, she licked it
clean with the tip of her tongue and then enveloped
his cock in her warmth again, sliding down sharply to
the root. As he'd expected, gism was moving quickly
toward his organ.

He had half a mind to undo his fly and pull down his
pants so that she could play with his balls. But as
she swooped down on his rod again, he felt his tool
stiffening with seed. There was no time now. He
stroked the back of her neck in encouragement, then
closed his eyes as her caress moved upward along his
cock again. His cock felt the air as she lifted her
kiss, then the tip of her tongue as she lapped around
his crown again. Her fingers moved along the shaft,
which was wet with saliva now, then returned to the
base as her caress smothered his rod again.

Nick's thighs tensed, his breath quickened. With his
eyes still closed he felt her warmth moving upward
again, then her lips pressing against his wet shaft as
she plunged. This time she stopped about halfway down
the rod, sucking softly on the red-hot flesh. Gism
swelled his member to the breaking point.

A hoarse cry escaped his lips as her caress suddenly
slid down his prick to the base. The cockhead pressed
against the back of her mouth, then exploded inside
her, sending spurt after hard spurt of his hot seed
deeply into her throat.

She swallowed quickly, but continued moving her kiss
up and down his prick as he came. His cock tensed and
relaxed with each spurt, his thighs shook, his breath
came fast and hard. And then, he felt the final drops
of his semen leaking into her mouth.

She swallowed again, then licked his cock clean from
base to crown. Her eyes opened, she looked up in his
face, beaming with pride.

"Wow, you came fast," she murmured.

"Thanks to you," Nick replied, breathing deeply. "That
was terrific, Sally."

She wiped her mouth and stood up. "I owed you that
one, Nick."

He curled his prick back into his fly and zipped up.
"I guess I was really horny today."

"The way you came, it looked like you haven't had
anything in months."

Nick thought of his fiancée Julie, and how
infrequently she satisfied him. "No, it hasn't been
months," Nick laughed. "Thank God for that."

"You better excuse me now," Sally said. "I've gotta go
redo my lipstick."

Nick blew her a kiss. "Why don't you take off early
today, Sally. You've put in a hard day."

She was on her way to the door. "I'll see if I can
finish my work." She stopped in the doorway, grinning.
"My paperwork, that is."

He smiled at her again, then dropped his eyes to her
ass as she slipped through the door. Yes, he said to
himself, she's got a fine ass. One of these days I'm
going to fuck that girl, and I'm sure I won't be

He leaned back in his chair, chuckling to himself.
There was still a pile of work on his desk. But at
that moment, Nick felt completely contented.

End OF Chapter One
Old 12-05-2005, 09:22 PM
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Re: 乾媽與乾姐

Well Done........nice Story......... :d
Old 15-05-2005, 09:32 PM
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Re: Secretary's Tricks - Part 2


Nick Harrison was a man who had every reason to be
content, with a beautiful fiancée whose father owned
the advertising agency Nick worked for.

And since Nick had worked long and hard to reach the
point now where he could swing his swivel chair around
to stare at the array of Manhattan skyline from his
office on the fortieth floor, he let himself stare at
the tall buildings and bask in his happiness.

He sighed and leaned back in the leather chair and his
thoughts flowed leisurely and quickly over his recent
promotion to account executive at Connors and Ross, on
top of his engagement to Julia Connors.

Nick knew people would say one thing logically
followed another. But he knew he was a good enough man
to get to the top without marrying the boss's
daughter. After all, his rise in Connors and Ross had
been rapid and sensational a long time before Marshall
Connors' only daughter returned to New York from
school in Europe.

The phone rang and Nick swung around and moved up to
his huge desk and picked up the receiver.

"Mr. Connors wants to see you in his office right
away, Mr. Harrison," his secretary said in a crisp,
professional voice.

"I'll go right in, Miss Lewis," Nick said.

Nick hung up the phone and shoved the chair back and
got to his feet. As he crossed the deep carpet, the
feeling and contented confidence came over him again,
and he speculated if Connors wanted to discuss the
Jarvis account, or the marriage.

Nick straightened his striped tie in the mirror over
the small basin behind a partition in one corner of
the large office. Then he walked out, and stopped
beside Miss Lewis' desk, in the cubicle just before
the long hall.

Miss Lewis' smile was dazzling, and filled with
perfect, bright-white teeth and full, red lips. "Shall
I hold all calls or have them transferred into Mr.
Connors' office?" she-asked. Her darting, devilish
green eyes stared up at Nick and her voice softened to
a husky, hardly-veiled intimacy.

"No, don't transfer them," Nick said, and he allowed
himself the luxury of a rapid glance at the protruding
mounds against her tight, green sweater.

"Very well, Mr. Harrison," she said, and took a deep
breath, which accentuated the up tilted mounds. "What
shall I do while you're gone?"

"You've earned a break," he said. "Have some coffee or
something. Use your imagination."

"Thank you, Mr. Harrison," she said, and her smile
deepened. "I'm a very imaginative girl. In everything
I do."

Nick glanced a final time at the thrust against the
green sweater. "I'm sure you are, Miss Lewis," he

Nick turned and walked out into the corridor and moved
leisurely toward Connors' office. He nodded at other
people who came from offices along the corridor, but
he thought of Miss Lewis and that smile and those eyes
and that body.

Nick shoved open the double doors and walked into the
entrance foyer to Marshall Connors' suite of offices.
His secretary, Miss Morgan, looked at him over the
tops of wire-rimmed glasses. It was rumored that Miss
Morgan had been in his office forever, that they had
built the whole place around her neatly-kept desk, and
as Nick looked at the compilation of wrinkles on her
hawk-thin face, he was inclined to believe the story.

"Mr. Connors is waiting," she said briskly, and turned
at once to her typewriter.

Nick opened the large oak-paneled door and stepped
into Marshall Connors' cavernous office filled with
nostalgia as well as elaborately expensive, dark-wood

"Come in, Nick," Connors boomed, and got up from
behind the walnut desk at the far end of the room.

Nick walked quickly across the room, glancing as
always at the huge portraits that hung along the
walls, and at the framed degrees and testimonials and
awards and cups along the shelves and on cabinet tops.
Old 15-05-2005, 09:34 PM
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Re: Secretary's Tricks - Part 2

Connors, a tall, wiry man with brush-cut grey hair and
a face which showed little evidence of his sixty
years, stood between two enormous paintings, one of
himself as a thirty-year-old pioneer in the
advertising business, the other of Carlton Ross, his
partner, who had died several years ago. Nick shook
hands with Connors, and as always was impressed with
the firm, aggressive handshake. Then Nick sat in the
huge leather chair to which Connors gestured.

"Well, Nick, I've been looking over the Jarvis account
and the new advertising campaign," Connors said, as he
settled down into his chair. "And I could not possibly
be more pleased. And Frank Jarvis told me at lunch
today that he feels the same way."

"Thank you, sir," Nick said, and allowed himself the
smugness of knowing the flattery was justified.

Connors leaned forward, his elbows on the desk.
"Normally I would be inclined to reward you at this
point," Connors said. "But I'm not going to Nick, my
boy. Not in the normal sense, at least. Because I
don't consider you a normal man."

"I don't quite follow you, sir," Nick said.

"Nick, I'm taking you off the Jarvis account," Connors

"Taking me off?" Nick asked. "But the campaign is just
getting under way."

"Nick, anyone here can direct the campaign, now that
you've set it up," Connors said. "Many men here with
far less ability and drive can handle things now.
Instead of a rest and a reward, I'm going to give you
a challenge."

And Nick sat up in his seat and knew suddenly what the
challenge would be, but allowed Connors the deference
of seeming to have surprised him. "Again you've lost
me," Nick said. "I'd welcome a challenge, but I don't
quite understand."

Connors leaned back in his chair and stared at Nick a
moment. Then he leaned forward on the desk again.
"Nick, I'm putting you in charge of the Dennison
account," Connors said, in a voice he would have used
had he been a doctor telling a patient he had cancer.

Nick pretended surprise, but already his mind was
racing. "The Dennison account?" he asked. "My God,
everybody in the agency has had a crack at that

"And everyone in the agency has failed," Connors said.
"You know, of course, that we're on the verge of
losing the account. Not only is it one of our oldest
and largest accounts, but it carries a great deal of

"To be blunt, though," Nick said, "isn't at least a
part of the trouble the fact that old lady Dennison is
impossible to deal with, since her husband died?"

"Frances Dennison is difficult," Connors said. "At
times, difficult to the point of eccentricity. But she
also has a shrewd business sense, and she does not
suffer fools easily. She feels, and I must agree, that
no one here has come up with an original idea for
selling Dennison Beer in a long time."

"How soon do you want me to start?" Nick asked.

"Immediately," Connors said. "We'll have a meeting
tomorrow at 10 and you can turn the Jarvis account
over, and get briefed on Dennison. And this time
tomorrow, Nick, it will be your baby."

"How much freedom will I have?" Nick asked. "I mean
how much will I be bound by the things the agency has
done in the past?"

"You will have complete freedom," Connors said.
"Dennison Beer is losing money. Their sales have been
steadily plunging. I want you to come up with
something that reverses the plunge, and also makes
Mrs. Dennison happy."

"I'll start right away, sir," Nick said. "Frankly, the
Jarvis account was getting a bit boring. I'm glad that
you gave me this challenge. And I'll do my best."

"Better than your best," Connors said. "Keeping this
account is important to me. Very important. I know
that other men have failed to satisfy Mrs. Dennison,
and I know she is old enough to be considered senile.
But, I respect her judgment. And Nick, other men that
have failed this account have not been future
sons-in-law, with an obvious shot at the whole agency
some day."
Old 15-05-2005, 09:36 PM
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Re: Secretary's Tricks - Part 2

Just the thought of sitting behind that desk in his
impressive old office made Nick go tense. And he
realized now that Connors was really testing him, and
that failure could be disastrous to all his plans and

"I'm both overwhelmed and flattered you're handing it
to me," Nick said. "And I'm searching for something to
say. But I'd rather wait and let my actions speak for

"I like to hear you talk that way," Connors said. "I'm
depending on you Nick. This account will be crucial to
our future relationship. Now, about the Jarvis
account. Are there any loose ends that can't be
resolved by tomorrow morning?"

"I don't think so," Nick said. "Later I'm auditioning
girls for a new, brief commercial spot on TV. Once I
wrap that up, someone can pick things up, I think."

"Then so much for business," Connors said. He stood up
and walked over to an ornate oak cabinet and opened a
panel that contained a bar. "What are you drinking?"

"Scotch and water," Nick said.

Connors mixed two drinks and walked around the desk
and handed one to Nick. Nick stood up, and tilted his
glass to Connors, and they drank silently a moment.

Nick savored the good Scotch and glanced around the
office, and despite the challenge of this new
assignment, the confidence and contentment warmed him
and he thought how perfect his life was now, and how
logical and ordered everything seemed. There was the
upward movement in the agency, doing the best job with
the hardest accounts, and there was the coming
marriage to Julie. And Nick even let himself steal a
glance at the chair behind the huge desk beneath the
twin portraits.

Connors finished his drink. "Nick, I've got to go down
and look at some layouts for the magazine saturation
campaign on the Senesco account," he said. "Maybe
you'd like to join me for just a few minutes."

"Of course I would," Nick said. "But I've got those
girls coming in on the Jarvis TV spot."

"Of course," Connors said. "I forgot about that."

"I'm anxious to meet Frances Dennison," Nick said. "I
know I have to come up with something good, really
damn good. But I also know I have to deal with her and
please her. I feel I could work better if I was
familiar with her."

"The theory of know your enemy," Connors said. "And a
very sound theory. I'm sure she is as anxious to meet
you as you are to meet her. I'll tell you what. I was
supposed to drop over to her place tonight and have a
drink. I've been working night and day to save the
account. But why don't you go in my place? Yes, that's
perfect. It's at nine, and I'll call and make the

"All right," Nick said. "I'll be going in blind, of
course. I'll have only the vaguest idea about the
beer, and no plans at all."

"That might be best," Connors said. "I think Frances
Dennison might respond to that kind of approach. And
be straight with her Nick, because she can spot a
phony a mile off, and she's far too shrewd an old lady
to be impressed by anything but how sharp you are ...

The ringing of the phone cut into Connors' words and
he trailed the sentence off and went around and picked
up the receiver. Nick saw the old man smile broadly
and mumble something into the receiver.

And the face showed wrinkles as the smile broadened
and Connors hung up. Nick was puzzled a moment, then
he realized who was on the phone.

And just as the recognition hit him, the door burst
open and Julie walked in.

"Well, I'll swear," she said. "I know when the two
most important men in the agency get together it's
very important. But to be kept waiting and then have
to call to see if I'm allowed to interrupt is a bit

Nick got a quick provocative smile and then she
hurried over and put her arms around her father's
neck. Nick stared at her quick, nervous movements, and
watched the short voluptuous body strain into
tenseness as she leaned up on tiptoes to kiss Connors'

Then the burning black eyes were blazing at Nick and
he smiled as she moved to him. Her full lips were soft
and warm and quick on his mouth.

Julie danced away a bit and took his hand and cocked
her head up at him. "What grave, valuable aspects of
the business world were you discussing?" she asked.

"Things so grave and valuable it would stagger your
imagination," Nick said, and stared down at the long,
jet black hail' and black eyes set in the pale face,
and down past the puffed lips to the surge of the
cone-shaped breasts beneath a tight, smart black
sheath, and down to the flare of the hips, and the
rounded melon-small buttocks.

"I've got those layouts to see about," Connors
mumbled. He crossed the room quickly and muttered,
"I'll see you at the meeting in the morning, Nick."

Julie squeezed Nick's hand and stepped to him. "Oh,
Nick," she said. "That sounds ominous. What has he
given you now? I know if he says he'll see you in the
morning, it means you have something to do tonight.
And you were supposed to come over and help me make
final arrangements for the wedding."
Old 15-05-2005, 09:37 PM
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Re: Secretary's Tricks - Part 2

Nick glanced at the door and then pulled Julie to him
and delighted in the feel of her breasts against his
chest as she stood on her toes. Nick cupped her face
up and kissed her softly.

"Your father has just given me the Dennison Beer
account," he said, and put a hand to her narrow waist
and squeezed. "It's only the toughest account in the
agency, and we are on the verge of losing it. And
tonight I am scheduled to meet Frances Dennison and
try to soothe and sell her. And I understand she is
not only old, but also difficult to please."

"As long as she's a woman, darling, I'm sure you'll
please her," Julie said. "Can we have an early dinner,
or at least a drink after work?"

Nick shook his head. "I'm interviewing girls for the
Jarvis TV spot," he said. "And I'll probably be late."

"And I had been looking forward to seeing you so
much," Julie said, and wiggled her body against his,
in a way that made him go warm.

Nick let himself unwind for a moment, and he bent down
and smothered her warm, full lips in a surging kiss
and forgot Jarvis and the job and everything. Her
little hands dug into his back and her body moved in
subtle arousing ways.

Nick stroked her black hair and closed his eyes and
remembered the first sweet, stolen kiss many months
ago, in her father's study in their luxurious Sutton
Place apartment.

Then he pulled abruptly away from the sucking lips and
shoved her body back. "Christ, Julie," he said and
stared into her provocative, dark eyes and his breath
rushed out.

"Just a sample of what you're missing tonight," she
said. Then her sexy voice changed. "Call me, darling?
At least twice?"

"At least twice," he said.

She pecked at his lips. "Then I'll run along," she
said. "I've got just oodles of shopping to do. And I
know you have to get back to work."

"I love you," he said.

"And I love you," she said very softly, and kissed his
cheek, then turned and walked from the office.

Nick took a deep, contented breath and looked around
the office, and then he headed back for his office. As
usual he nodded and spoke to people he met in the
corridor, but his thoughts were far from the
deep-carpeted, office-lined hallway.

The touch of Julie's body still lingered and he
thought wildly of taking her there on the floor of her
father's office. She was obviously warm and primed for
love-making, and this was not that common a thing for

Nick stopped at the water cooler and had a leisurely
cup of the cool, pure mountain water, and remembered
how stiff and nervous Julie had been recently when
they made love. Whenever she relaxed, she was
terrific, but she had never been able to adjust to the
idea of making love before marriage, though she was 23
and not a virgin when she met him.

Nick threw the paper cup into the basket and turned
toward his office. Again, he thought of the touch of
her eager body and told himself that when they were
married and she let herself go, she would be one hell
of a woman in bed.

Nick turned the corner and saw that the area outside
his office was filled with lovely young girls. He
nodded at everyone in general and stepped to Miss
Lewis' desk.

"No calls," she said, her teeth dazzling in the broad
smile. "Looks like you're in for quite an afternoon.
Maybe I should tryout for the part. It might be

"You're too valuable as a secretary," Nick said. "And
besides, though I know it isn't proper to say this to
a woman, baby, you're too old. The girl I want must be
only seventeen or eighteen."

Miss Lewis turned her beautiful, beaming face into a
mock pout. "Then I'll return to the typewriter," she

"Give me five minutes," Nick said. "Then send the
first girl in."

Nick nodded to the group again, and went into his
office and sat down. He knew he should look forward to
an afternoon of interviewing lovely, young girls, and
a couple of years ago he knew he would have jumped at
the chance.

But now he thought of Julie and of marriage and the
Dennison account, and then he let himself think of
sitting behind the desk in that enormous office. The
thought was pleasing and he smiled with contentment as
he leaned forward and waited for the first girl.

End Of Chapter Two
Old 15-05-2005, 09:42 PM
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to the bro who upped my pts

please identify yourself by dropping a message or a pm so i can thank you. cheers!!!
Old 17-05-2005, 09:09 PM
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Re: Secretary's Tricks - Part 3


Three hours later, Nick's thoughts were drowned with
beauty. Young, fresh beauty smiled at him and wiggled
little, lovely buttocks in tight skirts and bounced
huge breasts against tissue-thin sweaters.

No fewer than half a dozen girls had openly
propositioned him, if he would give them the part, and
one girl had even tried to sit on his lap. But somehow
they did not really get to him, and he sat now, and
talked without really concentrating, to a
seventeen-year-old model who was batting her eyelashes
and babbling away and twisting in the chair so that
her ample body strained against her knit dress.

Nick was polite and went through the whole routine of
having her walk around the room and then read the
copy. But he had already narrowed the choice down to a
couple of girls, and knew that either one of them
would be perfect. Still, out of courtesy and the
outside chance he would hit on something better, he
was seeing all the girls.

Jarvis was introducing a new line of sportswear, and
they wanted a definite girl, one with a good body, and
definite sex appeal, yet one with a pretty but not
overtly sexy face, the kind of girl who could be a
cheer-leader in any school in the country and would
excite people, yet would not have that
come-right-to-bed look.

This girl had enormous breasts and she looked cheap
and her lipstick was too gaudy and suddenly Nick got
tired of listening to her jabber the reasons why she
was sure she could handle the job.

He interrupted her and fed her the
we'll-call-if-we-need-you routine and ushered her from
the office. There were no more girls outside and he
went back to his desk and heaved a sigh of relief and
turned to stare at the skyline in the setting sun.

It still seemed hard for him to believe that he was
engaged to a millionaire's daughter. Nick had come
from a poor family, and had had to work very hard to
get where he was now. And Julie had always had someone
wait on her hand and foot. There were dozens of men
who would have given their right arm to marry her, and
for reasons even Nick didn't quite understand, she'd
chosen him.

Nick certainly didn't have to chase her, either.

In fact he sensed her infatuation with him the moment
they met. He played his cards right, never letting her
know how much he wanted her, until it was she who made
the first move, taking him in her arms in her father's
apartment and pressing her lips hungrily against his.
But that night, a kiss was as far as they went.

A few weeks later, after a number of lunches, dinners,
and cocktails together, Nick managed to ' invite Julie
to a party at the apartment of another executive at
the agency. He knew that every single man at the party
would be chasing Julie, but by this time, he was sure
she was his. That night, he planned to steer her back
to his apartment, and make it official.

Nick had taken Julie to a cozy restaurant for dinner
before heading for the party. After two drinks, Julie
was ogling him across the table, squeezing his hand in
hers as they chatted. The slightest physical
contact-holding hands or Nick's arm about her
waist-seemed electrifyingly intimate to the both of
them. Nick was sure that once they were alone, he was
going to take her to bed. And once he'd taken her to
bed, he knew she would be his alone.

At the party, Julie had been frequently separated from
Nick. Everyone seemed to be vying for her personal
attention-especially the men. Julie often discovered
herself in the center of a group of leering men. But
Nick was always close at hand, ready to whisk her away
at the right moment.
Old 17-05-2005, 09:10 PM
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Re: Secretary's Tricks - Part 3

Nick knew that Julie's status with the company was,
only part of the reason for the attention. After all,
she was very beautiful, very sexy, and totally
unattached. True, she was a bit spoiled, and always
insisted on her way, but Nick felt he could control
her. He suspected that what she really wanted was to
be treated roughly, to be pawed by a young man who
wasn't afraid of her father. Men like that were hard
to find in Julie's life. Even Nick had to admit to
himself that he trembled in her father's presence. But
he wasn't going to let her know that.

The party was only half over when Nick pulled Julie in
a corner. She had drunk a lot, and it showed. Nick
decided the time had come to make his move, and he was
sure she was ready.

"What do you say we leave this jungle?" he whispered
in her ear.

The music and voices were loud.

"I'd love to," she sighed dramatically.

They escaped without a word to anyone and fled out
into the street. The cool air was like heaven after
the foul, heavy, smoke-filled apartment. They walked
silently, arm in arm for a few blocks, then Nick
hailed a passing cab.

"My apartment, okay?"

"I'd like that." Her voice was husky.

Nick gave the driver the address and they sped away.

Thankfully, they had reached his small but smartly
furnished bachelor apartment at about ten-thirty.
Somehow she was glad it wasn't one of those extremely
luxurious apartments-she would have been disappointed.
It was exactly as she had envisioned his apartment to
be like. The coloring of the decor was mainly in
wood-tone shades of mahogany brown and tan with dashes
of color here and there. A long marble-topped coffee
table sat in front of an immense black sofa. The
drapes were of a rich-textured fabric, the design in
black and white.

"Your hobby by any chance isn't interior decorating,
is it?"

"No," he laughed, obviously pleased that she was
pleased. "But I did choose all the furniture." She
screwed down the corners of her mouth and raised her
beautifully shaped eyes and said, "I'm impressed."

"I hoped you would be." He looked at her.

"Would you like a drink?"

"I don't think so," she whispered, and through the
whisper she could hear her voice shake.

"What would you like?" he asked.

"I'd like you to take me in your arms," Julie said
with a slight smile.

She felt her knees grow weak as he approached her. He
slid his arms around her and pressed his lips very
gently against hers.

"Is there anything else you want?" he murmured.

"I'd like you to make love to me, in the bed," Julie
replied. "I'd like you to make love to me every way
you can."

"I'd like that."

He kissed her again, his hands roaming up and down her
back. She felt a surge of excitement when she realized
that, within minutes, she would be naked in bed beside

"Let's go into the bedroom, darling," he whispered as
he caressed her ear.

They walked hand in hand from the room and stepped
into Nick's bedroom. It too was smartly, plainly

"You don't know how I've looked forward to this
moment, every second of today," she said as she sat
down on the edge of the bed.

"And I have too."

Nick turned on a pinkish light on the bedside table,
then flicked off the bright overhead light. The room
was bathed in a flattering, soft, rosy glow.

Her heart was racing, her every nerve tingling, as
Nick closed the drapes and then sat down on the bed
beside her. He took her in an embrace, their lips met
softly, their tongues intertwined in her mouth.

"I want to see your body," Nick murmured. "All of it."

Her knees were still wobbly as she stood up. She took
a few steps away from the bed, then caught her image
in a mirror on the wall. She could barely see herself
in the faint pink light. Blood coursed furiously
through every vein in her body. She turned and looked
at Nick.

He was seated at the edge of the bed, eyes wide.
Obviously he was looking forward to her performance.
And she wasn't going to disappoint him.

Slowly, deliberately, she unbuttoned her dress. Then
she pushed apart the sides of the garment and eased it
off her shoulders. The dress fell to her waist, and
his eyes lit up at the sight of her tits encased in a
tight wrap of black lace.

Swirling her hips slightly, she let the dress fall to
her ankles, then stepped out of it, picked up the
garment, and draped it over the back of a chair. Nick
followed every movement of her doughy buttocks as they
quivered under her thin black panties.

Feeling his eyes all over her, she reached behind her
back and undid the bra clasp, then pulled the cups
from her chest. Her firm, fleshy tits wobbled forth,
bare, white, satiny, the nipples pink and puffy in the
colored light.

Her long, lean legs shone like ivory in the light, her
smooth, unblemished calves and sleek thighs shimmered
as she stepped barefoot to the chair and dropped her
bra. When she turned, her tits were quavering gently,
the crevice between them deep and faintly strewn with
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