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Re: WL As Girlfriend....awkward if she work ?
Anybody got (or ever had) wife/gf/mistress working as WL ? Would like to hear the views. Thanks.
Wine, Woman and Song my hobby ! Haha ! |
Re: WL As Girlfriend....awkward if she work ?
Maybe u can tell us what u r feeling rite now.. seeing as u r in the situation urself. Give us a day -to -day account of u and ur gf lah... ur feelings...what u guys did...etc.. I am sure a lot of bros here will be keen to know more... And very soon...ppl with similar situations will oso share one. Personally I have tried b4 but in the end...pt3 & pt4 in ur first post DID me in... sighhh... my heart just not BIG enuff to let my gf be shared by others...whether it's work or wat else... ![]() BTW... are u in singapore at all ?? Or overseas ??
I don't know why we hang on to something we know we are better off letting go. lt's like we are scared to lose what we really don't have. I once thought I rather have something than nothing at all, but the truth is..... To have something halfway is so fucking harder than having nothing at all. |
Re: WL As Girlfriend....awkward if she work ?
I am in Singapore. Is it because of the time I posted this ? I went to a new joint Sakara KTV at Furama and kanna "electrocuted" by a SYT singer Grace. Immediately came back and posted a FR. Can check under the KTV section.
Wine, Woman and Song my hobby ! Haha ! |
Re: WL As Girlfriend....awkward if she work ?
I remembered during our reservice in Brunei, he couldn't reach her and when he finally did, they had a WW3 squabble right in the centre of the long-house camp... In the end, he had a heated debate with her... It seemed she had used him only for free lodging and food... She still went about her part-time ECAs to earn enough money so she can scoot out of Singapore and have a better life back in China... Anyways, I've seen enough of all these PRC gals to avoid them like the plague... To those bros who are involved with PRC gals and they turn out good, all the best to you ppl.... ![]()
Due to overwhelming demand (2 months!), exchange for now is restricted to minimum 7 points. Cheers! =-=:=-=:=-=:=-=:=-=:=-=:=-=:=-=:=-=:=-=:=-=:=-=:=-=:=-=:=-=:=-=:=-=:=-=:=-=:=-=:=-=:=-=:=-=:=-=:=-=:=-=:=-=:=-=:=-=:=-=:=-= Sex Wisdom: Sex takes up the least amount of time and causes the most amount of trouble... BUT there is no remedy for sex except more sex!!! ![]() |
Re: WL As Girlfriend....awkward if she work ?
Bro PH, my experience doesn't exactly fit the bill... but sorta similar...
was in GL one nite n noticed this PRC at the junction between fragrance n H81, seemed platable so went up to ask for the price, she replied saying $80. well... although reasonable, but i wasn't so much of a fragrance person as i had a impression that girls along that stretch were of a lower calibre (looks n body wise) i declined n went on to my usual spot near H81 orchid hoping for a better catch. but didn't know wtf was wrong that day... apparently the PRC shares in the MMCI were doing badly.... the available stock were of really bad standard... so i decided to head back to fragrance for the $80 bonk. she was pretty shy, went on to tcss a little, found out that she was here for the first time... went on to business after that halfway thru realised tat she was damn tensed n her pussy damn tight.. muscles contract too much... so i stopped the bonking n started talking to her, she told me that she came here because her dad ran into some sorta financial crisis n stuff like that... yada yada, she said she was from a relatively well to do family n it was really hard on her to work in this line, being the nice guy ![]() Didn't know for whichever reason, i started getting addicted to her, patronized her whenever i had the chance to, spent many sessions just talking n often extending the hrs draining my vitamin M drastically. i even bought food for her n booked her for 2 hrs juz for pure makaning purposes. probably because kungfu not enuff n plus her sweet talk n compassion for the plight. But as time went by, i realised that her stories had little flaws here n dere, n as we got familiar with each other things started to leak, found out that she used to gamble n ran into debts so her visit here was partly to clear debts n also for the fast buck. Apparently she got 3 other guys really into her, offering her money, booking her for whole nights n stuff like that. she told me that one guy offered her $20k n the exchange condition was that she stopped working. But i would prefer to think that the conditions were not so simple. In short, she could really sweet talk people n play ppl's emotions. My advice would be to stay away, i'm considered lucky cos i have this thing against gambling, so her gambling addiction was a huge turnoff for me, but i really worry for the 3 other guys, one of them even proposed to her, imagine having an avid gambler as a wife, my mom has a gambling addiction, n trust me, having a gambler in the family isn't at all heart warming. Juz my 2 cents, try not to get too involved unless you r absolutely sure that you will NEVER regret your choice, but den again, if you're juz in for a short sweet honeymoon relationship, wad's a little cash for loads of sweet talk, cuddling n sex ![]() |
Re: WL As Girlfriend....awkward if she work ?
Wine, Woman and Song my hobby ! Haha ! |
Re: WL As Girlfriend....awkward if she work ?
Play It Again, Sam |
Re: WL As Girlfriend....awkward if she work ?
Datuk's Credo... Love Many Trust Few Do Wrong to None ![]() |
Re: WL As Girlfriend....awkward if she work ?
OLDMAN ![]() |
Re: WL As Girlfriend....awkward if she work ?
good ![]()
From craving springs grief, From craving springs fear, One's who is wholly free from craving, There is no grief, much less fear |
Re: WL As Girlfriend....awkward if she work ?
兄 弟 们 要 记 住 :在 外 玩 女 人,再 有 經 驗、也 要 時 時 提 醒 自 己 要 小 心 謹 慎,不 要 踩 進 中 国 龙 女 的 溫 柔 陷 阱. -- 踩 進 去 就 很 難 拔 出 來 ..........就 好 相 吸 毒 者一 樣,絕 對 不 會 承 認 自 己 吸 毒,什 麼 東 西 都 敢 做,六 親 不 認,连 拋 妻 棄 子 也 在 所 不 惜,因 為 靈 魂 早 已 經 送 給 中 国 龙 女,任 她 主 宰…… 講 難 聽 些 的 話,中 国 龙 女 不 是 你 專 用 的〝愛 人〞,是 兄 弟 们 共 用 的〝妓 女〞,”婊 子” 而 已。 中 国 女 人 长 的 再 漂 亮、再 性 感, 床 上 功 夫 再 好.......只 代 表 龙 女 專 業 程 度 很 夠 ,很 敬 業 罷 了!要 记 住 :小 龙 女 睡 了 你 之 后 会 睡 伯 伯 ,睡 過 伯 伯 会 睡 老 外。 她 投 資 不 大 收 入 快 ,兩 腿 一 夾 幾 百 塊 。賣 過 以 後 還 可 以 賣,用 水 一 洗 接 著 賣, 反 復 使 用 無 大 礙 。 請 問 什 麼 東 西 不 用 本 钱 可 以 不 断 的 使 用,不 断 的 賣? 小 龙 女 如 果 床 上 功 夫 不 好, 如 何 能 让 兄 弟 们 覺 得 特 別 爽?為 何 特 別 爽,原 因 很 多,大 家 知 到 就 好. 兄 弟 们 要 记 住 :小 龙 女 床 上 功 夫 越 好,越 投 入 在 床 上,嬌 聲 嬌 氣, 大 展 媚 功,收 入 就 越 高。 她 演 一 場 戲,你 己 经 入 迷 ,不 能 清 醒。 兄 弟 们 如 果 越 投 入,就 没 心 工 作,開 始 心 神 不 寧,天 天 想 她, 沈 淪 到 荒 淫 無 度, 什 麼 錢 都 敢 亂 花 。 你 每 月 做 愛 的 次 數,可 能 不 到 她 的 1/5。中 国 女 人 一 天 做 愛5 -6次, 一 个 月 跟 几 百 个 男 人 做 愛, 一 年 被 几 千 个 男 人 “干” 过, 是 很 正 常 的。 請 問 :值 得 对 她 好,与 她 结 分 生 子, 对 她 真 心 吗?............. |
Re: WL As Girlfriend....awkward if she work ?
Working Lady cannot be made girlfriend lah, fuck and forget. Thsi is not Hong Kong gangster movie where you can hero hero and have such girlfriends in real life. Get real!
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Re: WL As Girlfriend....awkward if she work ?
It's understandable if one falls in love with a WL as afterall, she is only human, and so are we. But once both of you have become BF/GF or husband and wives, I cannot see any reason whatsoever that the guy can allow the girl to work as a WL. If that being the case, it means that the guy is OK and can accept if his Singaporean GF/wife who was not a WL, decides to become one for whatever reasons. It means that the guy is OK and can accept if his sister who have a husband, decides to become a WL for whatever reasons or for that matter his mum? We condemn others whom we don't know, like Thai men, living off the imorral earnings of their wives, and yet we allow the girl whom we profess to love to work as a WL? What kind of a man is that? My 2 cents worth. thaivisitor |
Re: WL As Girlfriend....awkward if she work ?
Well said, I am currently 心 神 不 寧 天 天 想 她 and 錢 亂 花. Now she is asking me to marry her so that she can continue to stay here. Confused but hopefully this will come to the end when she leave this month. It is difficult to have a happy ending after all with a WL and I am coming to grip with the reality of life. Bring her out for lunch, met a few of her KTV clients, go shopping at malls also meet her clients, etc etc. |
Re: WL As Girlfriend....awkward if she work ?
Bro., Do U know how many PRC in China? 1.3 billion. To be exact in figure 1,300,000,000. Assume half of them are PRC women, u have 650,000,000 PRC women in China. Now due to different in per capital income between PRC and Singapore, I believe majority of the PRC would like to be Fl in Singapore. Once they become Fl for life they will become Fl. Let us assume that ONLY 10% of the PRC women become FL ( 1 out of 10 PRC women). U would have a figure of 65,000,000. My god ! 65 million of conservative PRC Fl in China !....This figure is very very conservative. What if there are more than 30% become Fl?? The figure is even shocking U know. Now let compare Singapore and Malaysia. We have 4 million population in Singapore and 23 million population in Malaysia. Out of 4 million, assume 1 million are strong eligible men in Singapore and Malaysia 23 million, 24% are chinese: 5.52 million, say 2 million are eligible men. In total we could have 3 million of eligible men (3,000,000) in both Singapore and Malaysia. Woo.. 65 million vs 3 million, U would have at least 1 local man vs 21 prc fl.....In nut shell, fuck until your next life, there are still plenty of PRC Fl supply in the market. Just how many can u take as 'wife' ???
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