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Re: ShangHai Recommendation
last month went to SH and my vendor bring me to 吉原spa, not so bad, can try, but quite costly, 90mins RMB760..
next week will go shanghai again, maybe shall try other this round |
Re: ShangHai Recommendation
Thanks bro... I guess MUSE 1 will still be the place...
Re: ShangHai Recommendation
I guess so... havent really been to Muse 1 ever since I came back to SHA....
You frequent clubber? |
Re: ShangHai Recommendation
Sort of... I prefer Beijing clubbing scene thoug...
Re: ShangHai Recommendation
BJ clubbing scene centres around the Workers' Stadium if i'm not wrong...been there couple of times.
I go BJ pretty regularly, perhaps u can name a few for me to try? ![]() |
Re: ShangHai Recommendation
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation
i found this online, so i thought i should share this. i personally had been to 航華新村地區 many times, even b4 i've seen this. also intro my friends there. not bad. but not much service and feels a little low class. but the gals are very young and cheap. value for money. damage is 150 for FJ there. 300+cabfare to bring back hotel/apt for 2 shots, 2+ hours. 400+ for overnight (6 hours).
上海紅燈區超強排行 為了提供大大們更多的參考,特將網路上收集到的資訊提供。 此資訊將上海市“紅燈區”進行排名,參考價值頗高,屬於戰略性的指標資訊,具體各戰略性下的戰術與攻擊目標 就需要各位大大的努力的。 [第 20 位] 路途遙遠的“金橋”紅燈區 【買春地址】浦東金橋 【驗證時間】1個月前 【資訊來源】網路 【服務專案】FJ,BJ,ML 【小姐素質】50-75 【價格一覽】公價40-400 【總體評估】 金橋地處浦東新區的深處,由於十年來工業、經濟的飛速發展,帶動了其他一系列行業的起步,這裏的娛樂服務業 也就伴隨著這樣的大潮迅速興起,如今已形成一定規模。前些年,金橋的買春行業正以其出色的表現被越來越多人 注視,但近年服務水準明顯下降,小姐的品質也大不如前,可能是地理位置的因素,那一地區的大大似乎沒有太多 的選擇,因為他們不可能花很多的時間和精力去到其他地方,也就造就了這裏略帶壟斷性的格局。所以“金橋”紅 燈區勉強擠進了我們的榜單,排名最末。 [第 19 位] 讓人看到希望的“吳淞地區” 【買春位址】吳淞,雙城路一帶 【驗證時間】2個月左右前 【資訊來源】網路 【服務專案】FJ,BJ,ML 【小姐素質】50-85 【價格一覽】公價50-150 【總體評估】 吳淞地理位置偏僻,處於黃浦江的源頭,是運輸的集散地,這裏仿佛不會在人們的腦海中經常出現,但買春事業卻 在被遺忘的角落悄悄興起。這一地區主要是以FL為主,小姐素質參差不齊,偶爾也會出現能讓人眼前一亮的。只 不過目前“吳淞地區”的春地還未形成規模,有待繼續發展,只能暫時列在第19位。 [第 18 位] 最近才進入我們視線的“甘泉地區” 【買春位址】甘泉新村,包括子長路,新村路一帶 【驗證時間】今年 【資訊來源】朋友介紹 【服務專案】FJ,BJ,ML 【小姐素質】50-75 【價格一覽】公價40-250 【總體評估】 甘泉地區是普陀主要的居民區之一,人口眾多。這一地區的娛樂場所很久以來一直存在,但距離“紅燈區”的定義 似乎比較遙遠,直到近年,隨著此處的不斷發展,這裏的買春行業才逐步確立了在人們心目中的地位,人氣一路飆 升,為了以示鼓勵,我們把第18的位置留給它。 [第 17 位] 浦東的髮廊集散地“棲霞路,乳山路” 【買春地址】棲霞路,乳山路及周邊 【驗證時間】去年,今年 【資訊來源】網路 【服務專案】FJ,BJ,ML 【小姐素質】55-80 【價格一覽】公價50-200 【總體評估】 有人說浦東和浦西的小姐存在著本質上的區別,浦西的小姐外貌占優,而浦東則在服務上更勝一籌,顯然這種說法 是否真有道理是無從考證的,就小狼而言,對於浦東買春行業的現狀瞭解不算多,不過在這裏介紹的“棲霞,乳山 ”地區卻是浦東這一領域的典型代表,就大大們而言,這裏比金橋更具交通優勢,名列17。 [第 16 位] 名不副實的“宣化路,昭化路” 【買春地址】宣化路,昭化路,朱安浜路 【驗證時間】過去到現在 【資訊來源】經常經過那裏 【服務專案】FJ,BJ,ML 【小姐素質】70-90 【價格一覽】公價50-600 【總體評估】 宣化路,昭化路,朱安浜路一帶我們可以把它當作一道風景來欣賞,整條街琳琅滿目,一家挨著一家,有SN,F L,也有夜總會,其中不乏名店。總體看來這裏的小姐相貌都還不錯,可是服務內容和服務品質卻落後於時代的潮 流,很長時間以來一直是以FL為主,帶BJ和ML的店只在少數,現如今這幾條路上FL也越開越多,看來一場 革命是在所難免,希望今後看到這裏是一派嶄新的面貌。先將其放於16的位置上。 [第 15 位] 價格低到極至的“南匯鎮” 【買春地址】南匯鎮 【驗證時間】去年 【資訊來源】從前同學介紹 【服務專案】FJ,ML 【小姐素質】25-60 【價格一覽】公價20,40 【總體評估】 照理來說“南匯鎮”並不具備進入前20名的實力,單憑其價格優勢,給我們帶來了驚喜。一年前小狼曾經光顧那 裏,小背20,大背40是不少FL的公價,估計現在應該也不會有很大的改變,只是店裏基本上充斥著大媽大嫂 級的人物,都以超出了一般熟女的概念。即便這般,如此低廉的價格也讓我們難以將它捨棄,那就先放在15位吧 。 [第 14 位] 具有特色的“大華新村” 【買春地址】大華 【驗證時間】過年後 【資訊來源】朋友帶小狼去 【服務專案】FJ,BJ,ML 【小姐素質】60-90 【價格一覽】公價50-300 【總體評估】 大華新村僻臨市區和郊區,人口稠密,人員複雜,是個藏汙納苟的好地方,在這裏發展買春事業是再合適也不過了 。雖然有許多人對大華的采花場所並不認可,但它確另有一功,尤其是那家新疆MM的名店更是眾所周知,我們也 衷心地希望這樣的地方會越來越多。這樣看來把“大華”放在第14的位置上還是比較合適的。 [第 13 位] “七寶”欣欣向榮 【買春地址】七寶 【驗證時間】上個月 【資訊來源】網路 【服務專案】ML 【小姐素質】55-80 【價格一覽】公價120-400 【總體評估】 七寶的成功得意於其商業的飛速發展,以七寶老街為核心整個七寶地區在商業的帶動下娛樂業也迅速台頭,大大小 小的娛樂場所象雨後春筍般地冒了出來。最近富強街一帶的幼女受到了大大們的廣泛好評,今天它排在第13名, 或許明天就有可能殺進前10。 [第 12 位] 江河日下的“法華鎮路” 【買春地址】法華鎮路 【驗證時間】幾年前,幾月前 【資訊來源】在附近上過班 【服務專案】FL,ML 【小姐素質】60-95 【價格一覽】公價50-1200 【總體評估】 小狼是親眼目睹了法華鎮路從昌盛到日漸蕭條的全過程。幾年前的法華鎮路可以說是長寧春地中的驕傲,雖說這裏 已FL居多,但幾乎FL小姐中最漂亮的精英全部都彙集於此,讓人看了嘭然心動。特別是名店“惠子”幾乎做到 了一覽眾山小,裏面的小姐個個具備明星潛質。而如今“惠子”離開了,“法華鎮路”的風光也已不在,只有附近 的兩家夜總會還能勉強經營。這也印證了世間的萬事萬物都會有一個蛻變的過程。要是早個兩三年,它將毫無爭議 地佔據前10,而現在只能是寥表安慰地把12的位置給了它。 [第 11 位] “成山路,上南路”浦東著名的紅燈區 【買春地址】成山路,上南路及周邊 【驗證時間】今年 【資訊來源】網路 【服務專案】FL,BJ,ML 【小姐素質】50-80 【價格一覽】公價50-200 【總體評估】 提到浦東的春地,就不得不提“兩南”,相比下南路,上南路似乎更顯得中規中矩,無論是從價格,數量還是品質 幾乎都達到“國家標準”,而正是有了這麼一大片的爽地才大大方便了廣大浦東的大大,只不過目前尚缺乏新奇之 處和自身特色,不幸與前10強擦肩而過。 等待了很久,下面我們即將揭曉前10的排名 [第 10 位] 面臨危機的“東寶興路”紅燈區 【買春位址】東寶興路一帶 【驗證時間】今年 【資訊來源】同事介紹 【服務專案】FL,BJ,ML 【小姐素質】55-80 【價格一覽】公價50-350 【總體評估】 就在去年“東寶興路”紅燈區還依然璀璨一片,可是自從進入了2006年,似乎就漸漸地陷入了危機。不少店都 歇業,也有的慘澹經營,讓人依稀感覺到在不久的將來這片熱土將不符存在。買春是一個邊緣行業,有著極大的變 數和不穩定性,作為已經具備一定規模的“東寶興路”,我們希望它只是遇到了暫時的困難,有朝一日必定能恢復 往日的生機與活力,或許是下個月,或許是明年。今天,我們的前10名當中還是少不了你。 [第 9 位] 大起大落的“北新涇” 【買春地址】北新涇 【驗證時間】很多年,很多次 【資訊來源】同學介紹 【服務專案】FL,ML 【小姐素質】55-80 【價格一覽】公價50-300 【總體評估】 可能不少人對於“北新涇”能進入前10頗感意外。如今的“北新涇”好象再也找不出能吸引你去的理由,可殊不 知它也曾經輝煌。早在上海FL只有FJ的年代裏,北新涇的FL就已經名聲在外了,特別那時候的全裸FJ更是 聞所未聞。可是在後來的大規模城市基礎設施建設中許多店都被拆了。不過我們很高興地看到現在的北新涇已經建 設得越來越漂亮,更讓人興奮的是這裏的買春事業也在慢慢地恢復起來。第9吧,希望明年你能再進 一步。 [第 8 位元] 不堪如目的“新客站”地區 【買春地址】新客站周邊的中興路,中華新路,大統路,滬太路,恒豐北路 【驗證時間】5年前,去年,今年 【資訊來源】眾所周知 【服務專案】ML,GJ 【小姐素質】35-70 【價格一覽】公價150-300 【總體評估】 新客站附近的買春場所基本以FL為主,其數量之多,環境之差,危險係數之高長久以來一直保持著一項項的記錄 ,難以企及。如果講得稍微誇張點的話就是這些地方幾乎整條路上的每一個門牌號都是FL,但幾乎所有的人對這 一地區都印象極差。其實也不無道理,這裏的惡劣環境,小姐頻繁地流動,黑店的猖獗一次又一次地為大大們敲響 了警鐘,小狼就很不幸在那裏遇到過一家黑店。可是話又說回來,就算再差了班裏也會出現好學生,大統路上的專 業GJ店就是這麼一個例子,除了小姐的相貌稍差,其服務品質,服務態度,安全程度都是值得信賴的,服務明星 小吳如今更是帶出了一批技藝高超的弟子。但在數量如此龐大的FL群中,這樣的店卻實在少得可憐,所以“新客 站”能排到第8已經不錯了。 [第 7 位] 瀉火的首選“下南路” 【買春地址】“下南路”紅燈區 【驗證時間】不久前 【資訊來源】網路 【服務專案】BJ,ML 【小姐素質】40-65 【價格一覽】公價50-100 【總體評估】 “下南路”是浦東最著名的紅燈區之一,出名的原因主要是源於其價格。這裏是瀉火的好地方,經濟實惠,但如果 你一味追求服務品質、小姐容貌,那請不要來這裏,因為“下南路”只是一個低檔次的紅燈區,有其優勢,當然也 有太多的不足。第7把交椅它勉強能坐上。 [第 6 位] 西部的明珠“虹橋” 【買春位址】虹橋地區,水城路及周邊 【驗證時間】多年偶爾但不間斷 【資訊來源】眾所周知 【服務專案】ML 【小姐素質】70-95 【價格一覽】公價150-1500 【總體評估】 虹橋地區的紅燈區是在特定的時間和形勢下形成的,比較特殊,很多年來一直統治著上海的這個行業。無論這裏的 規模,檔次,甚至招搖程度都是建國以來本市的歷史上絕無僅有的,這裏面夾雜著更深層次的原因,可能姿深的大 大都知道。不過近兩年來由於其他地方的春地如雨後春筍般迅速興起,好地方越來越多,“水城路”紅燈區已經不 再被人們過多地關注,以前的那種一統天下的局面也已一去不復返,今後,大家看到的將會是一個百花齊放的春天 ,而對於虹橋地區的這段歷史我們也許是該留戀,也許是該祝福。第6,有點委屈了,但你應該也看到了上海的發 展是如此之快。 [第 5 位] 當今上海的一線紅燈區“豐莊” 【買春地址】豐莊 【驗證時間】前年,去年,今年,明年,後年 【資訊來源】朋友介紹 【服務專案】ML 【小姐素質】65-85 【價格一覽】公價150-400 【總體評估】 “豐莊”的買春事業是這幾年才發展起來的,它的地理位置得天獨厚,屬3不管地區,以建德花園為軸心向四周輻 射。如果有人讓小狼推薦幾處上海的爽地,那“豐莊”絕對是不容遺漏的。在這裏值得一提的是,那裏特色是包夜 ,許多去那裏玩的大大都會選擇包夜。現在的豐莊在我們的腦海裏似乎已經不再是一個地名的表示了,它更多的是 一種概念的象徵。排在第5,或許值得商榷,但餘地不會大。 [第 4 位] 采花重鎮“梅隴” 【買春位址】梅隴的廣大地區,連著莘莊,閔行 【驗證時間】經常 【資訊來源】離家不遠 【服務專案】BJ,ML 【小姐素質】65-90 【價格一覽】公價100-700 【總體評估】 “梅隴”紅燈區在本市各大紅燈區中佔據極其重要的地位,如果算上連為一體的莘莊,閔行,其覆蓋範圍幾乎是整 個上海的西南角。FL,SN,娛樂場所星星點點,滿街都是,檔次也高低不一,在這裏面出了不少知名度很高的 明星級小姐。如果你是一位大大,沒去過梅隴,那建議明天趕快去。第4位,無可爭議。 [第 3 位元] 膨脹速度驚人的“航華地區” 【買春位址】航華新村地區 【驗證時間】前幾年-今年 【資訊來源】朋友介紹 【服務專案】BJ,ML 【小姐素質】70-90 【價格一覽】公價120-400 【總體評估】 “航華地區”以FL居多,幾乎遍佈了航華新村的每條大街小巷。小狼親眼目睹了在這4、5年裏航華FL的發展 速度,和不少以前成名的紅燈區每況愈下的現狀相反,航華買春場所的數量幾乎是以每年番一番的速度在增加,如 今早以成了氣候,我們也十分渴望在上海這樣的地方能更多。希望“航華紅燈區”在發展數量的同時的服務品質也 能更上一層樓,打造真正的精品紅燈區。前3的排名,可能今天會稍帶鼓勵的色彩,相信明天一定是 名副其實。 [第 2 位] 包羅萬象的“靜安” 【買春地址】靜安區 【驗證時間】多次 【資訊來源】在那裏上班 【服務專案】FJ,BJ,ML 【小姐素質】70-100 【價格一覽】公價200-1000 【總體評估】 “靜安”可謂是玩轉上海灘的一個縮影,這裏幾乎包羅了一切形式,所有檔次的娛樂場所,高到“天上人間”低到 街女無其不有,其中的名店不計其數。靜安的小姐漂亮,價格也高,服務有好的,也有極差的,在這裏面常常會迷 失了自己,找不准方向。但是這裏的各大娛樂場所久經考驗,受到了大大們的廣泛肯定。FL的名店差不多有一大 串。SN方面,舒怡泉的人氣之高幾乎所有玩SN的朋友都去過,而吉原會所更是到達了獨步天下的境界。再上面 還有曹家渡的頂級地段。或許窮人住在這裏並不是明智的選擇。“靜安”魅力無限,它居於一人之下 ,萬人之上。 [第 1 位] 上海娛樂業的聖地“曹家渡”紅燈區 【買春地址】曹家渡,長壽路,武甯南路 【驗證時間】無 【資訊來源】眾所周知 【服務專案】不限 【小姐素質】90-100 【價格一覽】公價500-無限大 【總體評估】 “曹家渡”紅燈區代表了目前上海甚至中國娛樂業的最高領域。這是一個範圍很小的地方,只有“帝豪”、“天上 人間”、“金色大帝”等極少的幾家娛樂城,但卻是上海政府唯一特批的合法紅燈區,檔次為國內最高,消費巨大 ,並不適合於普通收入的老百姓。裏面的小姐大多來自中國,也有來自世界各地的。對於這幾個地方,小狼遺憾沒 能親身經歷,或許應該讓去過的大大們稍作補充,呵呵。 |
Re: ShangHai Recommendation
Are you sure BJ don't have?!? i distinctively remember one occasion whereby i had to rish off from work so that i could catch up with you and bro limpeh lor... Dun tell me that time you said no to a BJ meh?? I heard that richie is quite happening now leh.. if bro limpeh cannot decide tomorrow then maybe we can psycho him to go there instead hee hee~~ Bro Sextronic Have you receive the "list"? |
Re: ShangHai Recommendation
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation
erm.... no leh.. I PM u my email again
Re: ShangHai Recommendation
Simi LIST? How come I dont know!??!
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation
Got "list" share share mah...
* The saddest thing in the world, is loving someone who used to love you * |
Re: ShangHai Recommendation
Just came back from a shanghai short trip. Thanks to bro SGPshanghai for recommanding jolin.
Call her in the evening to make arrangement for a trip to my hotel room. As she was having dinner when I called her, so the meet up was in an hour's time. Was worry that she had difficulty to arrive my room as it was a 5 star hotel, but jolin assured me that no problem. She was very puncture and arrived in one hour's time. First looked at her, she was dressed like a average young shanghainese girl, very cheerful and lively type. Once in the room, chat for a while, and I asked if she wanted a shower. Immediately she answered yes, went into the bathroom and closed the door. Sianz liao thought no action. After a while, she opened the door and asked if I would like to join. I answered sure and went inside where she was already naked. In the shower, jolin helped me to wash up and cleaned my junior. She commanded it was big, but I could be just for the sake of our ego. I already cannot tahan so stood up immediately. When we were done, I laid on the bed and she brought 2 glasses out. What were they for ? Joiln asked if I liked BJ with cap or not. I was rather careful and opted for cap. She took a slip of water and cat washed my nipples. Oh it was cold water and and I realized it was a ice and fire BJ. My junior was more high now and she capped me. The ice and fire action was then performed on my junior. It was quite powerful. Being a vegetarian for about 2 months liao, so I turned her over and begun service on her boobs. Her skin was quite smooth and boobs were soft and big. Sher started to moan and it excited me more. Without delay, I inserted my junior into her love hole. Oh mine, she was quite tight. I thursted and switched on my turbo engine. Her muscles were intensed further now. So I lifted one of her leg over my shoulder and performed the scissors. Since I did not cheong for quite a while, I exploted inside her. We laid on the bed and chat for a while longer. The we both washed up togerther. After dressed up and paid her, she gave me a hug and left. My personal rating Look - 6.5 Boobs - C Ht / Wt - 165 / 50 kg BJ - 7 FJ - 6.5 (my fault, can't last longer) RTF - sure |
Nanjing Road Walking Street
I'm not sure if this had being raised before, but I would still like to caution bros when walking along nanjing road walking street.
Took a walk alone after dinner along the walking street during one of the night. Just as I came out of the train station. 2 ladies approached my and asked for direction. I told them I'm not a local. Immediately they said they were tourist and said we were fated so would like to walk with me. Found that they were from qing dao and would be in SH for about 4 days. While we were walking, they said they wanted a rest to have a drink. As I just had my dinner and wasn't keen on it, but out of courtesy just joined them. Was quite surprised that they took me into a shop that was selling the Olympic stuff, and went towards the end of the shop. Then we took a lift up, think it was the 7 storey. When it opened, it was a cafeteria. So teh 2 ladies went in and wanted me to follow. The shop was quite dark and did not see any people, other than some waiters. I did feel comfortable and immediately sensed something not right. So I didn't try to be hero or gentleman, and I said I didn't want to go inside and took the lift down. However after walking to almost the end of the street, maybe I looked very chee hong or handsome (most likely not), I was approached by another lady asking to befriend me. Now this lady was from nanjing. Walked for a while, and she also said thristy and wanted a drink. I was like looking for MacDonald, but instead she to me to a shop. You know what, she took me to exactly the same shop as the previous 2 ladies. That immediately confirmed my suspicion. I turned her down and sad I wanted to leave. Now bros, when you are in SH, careful of any ladies approaching you. It could be a trap when you are in shop. Maybe will kena few thousands rmb for the drinks or worst, demand ransom from your friends to free you. Bro SGPshanghai, since you are based there, can you confirm this ? Please be careful especially you are alone in nanjing road. Hope my experience can help new comers to SH. |
Re: Nanjing Road Walking Street
A very good FR on Jolin! Glad you enjoyed her services.... ![]() As you mentioned on your 2 close encounters with the local con women....I would simply say to you that...you are indeed sibeh heng lah! There're fellow bros whom have posted here in the past on such encounters too except they paid a hefty price for the lesson learnt. There're many con women around & along the infamous Nanjing East Road (The Shopping Walking Pedestrian Street) indeed. Always on a look out for preys like single man..... I've been approached too afew times but sternly turned them away without even taking a glance on them at all. Most of them as you've mentioned would use the pretext of asking for directions or for time (especially peculiar when some of them actually ask for time yet she's wearing a watch then....nabeiz). Being forwarned before by some of my local friends and fellow bros here, I took no interest nor even care at all to what they say and simply walked off! There're cases I heard from the victim that they ended up having to pay as much as RMB 4,000 or higher for a mere jug of beer! You've indeed had a narrow escape bro....good lad! Hope the message herein would be a good caution to more fellow bros who'll be coming here alone, thus being new to such adverse environment. Play hard, have fun but nevertheless always be cautious, be safe! Cheerios..............
SGP-SHA69, Another Simple Man Living life simple is a true blessing ![]() 所谓性爱..就是有性才能有爱 |
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