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Old 10-06-2012, 11:24 PM
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Re: Day-To-Day Sightings of BUSTY Girls/Women in Singapore ?

oh SLS.. they have a sex toy shop inside.. got any chio girl working there?
4/7/12: Cleared my inbox. Can send me message again.

Ran with hot pink FBT shorts, inner netting removed, can feel so many eyes ogling at my long fleshy legs.

Selective lady who is nymphomaniac and like to wear sexy when clubbing. Message/Add me as contact to club together.
Old 11-06-2012, 01:08 AM
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Re: Day-To-Day Sightings of BUSTY Girls/Women in Singapore ?

Vivo Pedro got one busty PRC, she not working tmr though. Ngee Ann City Havanias got one too, this one prettier and bustier.
Old 11-06-2012, 03:20 AM
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Re: Day-To-Day Sightings of BUSTY Girls/Women in Singapore ?

well, i got one which i came across along balestier road Quality Hotel. you can see her night time work at the lounge as waitress and i can tell you will surprise she got a G cup or maybe H cup....... check it out yourself and you can see her ( maggie ) only at night time if i am not wrong.
Old 12-06-2012, 08:46 AM
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Thumbs up Re: Day-To-Day Sightings of BUSTY Girls/Women in Singapore ?

Originally Posted by sgsingle View Post
Saw a busty sales assistant at the SEPOM paper counter at PC Show today. Judge for yrself...

Quite busty... I was there too and saw this girl.
Old 15-06-2012, 09:22 AM
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Re: Day-To-Day Sightings of BUSTY Girls/Women in Singapore ?

Originally Posted by jfrank View Post
Quite busty... I was there too and saw this girl.
Same, although I could not remember her face clearly enough but the figure fits. But my highlight (should be of the year too ) from the PC show weekend was to spot a chio Malay sales girl, wearing her company T-shirt which was obviously too small for her well-endowed (should be big C) boobies. Fittingly, she had a teasingly short skirt on and that was the reason where I spotted her! Okay, nothing much for her boobs because they were well-covered by the shirt but because I was there at about lunch hour already, she went behind the booth to makan and I was just standing around there while my female friend and her friend looked around. I was there to 'pei' her so I was too tired to squeeze in with the crowd after spending about an hour there liao. Okok, so obviously she was there to pick up her packed lunch but she had other ideas too (not horny ideas la!). She found a spot where there was space for her to lie down (I don't know why??) but she did so and had her iPhone right above her face.

My eyes immediately looked at where all horny men would be looking and of course she had to 'zaogeng'! She was basically lying down missionary style with her legs bended and slightly spread. WOOHOO! Me from about 4-5 metres away could see her purple panties with... this was the highlight... semi-transparent crotch that I was certain she was shaved down there!!! That was the second time I caught an upskirt with semi-transparent peek-a-boo and although I could not make out her pussy lips, she was certainly shaved! I tried to maintain my view and got nearer but since it was kind of restricted area behind, I could not get near enough to see more!!! She got up soon enough after typing on her iPhone, only giving me about close to a minute to feast on in between her legs but that was indeed priceless!! Just too bad her crotch did not get tangle up or had a wet spot!! I would have lost control if I could see that!!! WOOHOOO
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Old 15-06-2012, 03:42 PM
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Re: Day-To-Day Sightings of BUSTY Girls/Women in Singapore ?

Originally Posted by Koei View Post
Same, although I could not remember her face clearly enough but the figure fits. But my highlight (should be of the year too ) from the PC show weekend was to spot a chio Malay sales girl, wearing her company T-shirt which was obviously too small for her well-endowed (should be big C) boobies. Fittingly, she had a teasingly short skirt on and that was the reason where I spotted her! Okay, nothing much for her boobs because they were well-covered by the shirt but because I was there at about lunch hour already, she went behind the booth to makan and I was just standing around there while my female friend and her friend looked around. I was there to 'pei' her so I was too tired to squeeze in with the crowd after spending about an hour there liao. Okok, so obviously she was there to pick up her packed lunch but she had other ideas too (not horny ideas la!). She found a spot where there was space for her to lie down (I don't know why??) but she did so and had her iPhone right above her face.

My eyes immediately looked at where all horny men would be looking and of course she had to 'zaogeng'! She was basically lying down missionary style with her legs bended and slightly spread. WOOHOO! Me from about 4-5 metres away could see her purple panties with... this was the highlight... semi-transparent crotch that I was certain she was shaved down there!!! That was the second time I caught an upskirt with semi-transparent peek-a-boo and although I could not make out her pussy lips, she was certainly shaved! I tried to maintain my view and got nearer but since it was kind of restricted area behind, I could not get near enough to see more!!! She got up soon enough after typing on her iPhone, only giving me about close to a minute to feast on in between her legs but that was indeed priceless!! Just too bad her crotch did not get tangle up or had a wet spot!! I would have lost control if I could see that!!! WOOHOOO
Nice encounter
returning favors for ups.. slowly.

If i have not rtn your up, please pm me. The CP page may have been refreshed and i can no longer see your details
Old 16-06-2012, 09:23 AM
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Re: Day-To-Day Sightings of BUSTY Girls/Women in Singapore ?

Originally Posted by hentaili View Post
Haha! Finally get to see the otar lady who has a CFM look nice set of lights!
The bookshop lady was wearing tight pink tees with her head lights bulging out!
WOW for the day! Will visit them often!
otah milf is expecting. big stomach..
any bros saw prawn noodle milf? still working there?
Old 16-06-2012, 07:55 PM
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Re: Day-To-Day Sightings of BUSTY Girls/Women in Singapore ?

Originally Posted by captain-jacky View Post
well, i got one which i came across along balestier road Quality Hotel. you can see her night time work at the lounge as waitress and i can tell you will surprise she got a G cup or maybe H cup....... check it out yourself and you can see her ( maggie ) only at night time if i am not wrong.
Which lounge? Pm me
Old 16-06-2012, 07:55 PM
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Re: Day-To-Day Sightings of BUSTY Girls/Women in Singapore ?

Originally Posted by captain-jacky View Post
well, i got one which i came across along balestier road Quality Hotel. you can see her night time work at the lounge as waitress and i can tell you will surprise she got a G cup or maybe H cup....... check it out yourself and you can see her ( maggie ) only at night time if i am not wrong.
Which lounge? Pm me. Hehe
Old 19-06-2012, 06:31 PM
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Re: Day-To-Day Sightings of BUSTY Girls/Women in Singapore ?

Originally Posted by captain-jacky View Post
well, i got one which i came across along balestier road Quality Hotel. you can see her night time work at the lounge as waitress and i can tell you will surprise she got a G cup or maybe H cup....... check it out yourself and you can see her ( maggie ) only at night time if i am not wrong.
Thanks for the sharing. I popped by the lounge and also saw her. Not G or H cup, but definitely D+ cup (international sizing). PRC lady, a little on the older side, maybe about early to mid 30s.

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Old 19-06-2012, 09:49 PM
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Re: Day-To-Day Sightings of BUSTY Girls/Women in Singapore ?

Originally Posted by chokrdee View Post
Tis few days due to work, i was at GLSC n i saw tis milf at #01-67 shows alot of cleavage. i think boobs got c. 1045am -1130am. look nt ver gd but boobs ver gd hee hee
hey bro, GLSC is where? and wat the shop selling? got chance can drop by see the milf
Old 22-06-2012, 07:00 AM
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Wink Re: Day-To-Day Sightings of BUSTY Girls/Women in Singapore ?

So much good information here! Thanks, all Bro. You guys made everyday a good day!
Life is full of pleasures....
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Old 23-06-2012, 07:06 PM
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Re: Day-To-Day Sightings of BUSTY Girls/Women in Singapore ?

Spotted Blk 325 woodlands bakery shop young assistant in low cut showing big (,)(,)
Old 06-07-2012, 11:03 PM
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Re: Day-To-Day Sightings of BUSTY Girls/Women in Singapore ?

So much good info posted by bros. any new sightinings ?
Old 13-07-2012, 06:00 PM
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Re: Day-To-Day Sightings of BUSTY Girls/Women in Singapore ?

Originally Posted by gohzxc View Post
Spotted Blk 325 woodlands bakery shop young assistant in low cut showing big (,)(,)
can take pic?
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