Re: China popular songs
This song should be the MOST difficult chinese song to sing in ktv...listen & u'll understand.
刘至佳《生僻字》 |
Re: China popular songs
btw, tere's aso canto versi of the song 4 yr listenin... i like canto versi beter...lol
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Re: China popular songs
not bad a song, rather soothing tune...
金莎-星月神話(神話插曲) |
Re: China popular songs
Nice song... 同道殊途
Re: China popular songs
Re: China popular songs
哥抽菸 (Ain’t A Cigarette) song by Namewee 黃明志 with a big boob model Vivian Hsieh 薇安
Re: China popular songs
my new chinese fav songs in 2020....lol...it's hokkien song hor, mix a bit english. Tai wan medium or tan ki culture sharin....lol
tis budget production game name Pa Gui (hokkien is)...打鬼 (song name 打開太陽) tis music mv is more full version. they say portion of tis game is made frm a true story...very touching also. later than i share more. song name 回家 (go home) - game is aso Pa Gui...打鬼 chinese ppl here can try listenin....lol 故事解說: 當時國民黨228大屠殺清鄉,殺到興中村,火旺的爸爸收到清鄉的消息,四處通知小玲的爸爸跟其他村民逃難, 後來火旺的爸爸跟其他知識份子被抓到火車站前廣場在傍晚時被槍殺,還不准親人收屍,火旺媽本來要衝出去,被 小玲讀高中的哥哥死命拉住,而小玲哥哥的同班同學因為沒拉住衝出去,跟其他衝出去的村民一樣被槍打死,火旺 媽要回家時,拜託友人先把小火旺抱著逃離村莊,自己要趕回家收拾貴重東西,這時候晚上村莊無差別大屠殺開始 ,小玲家人四散被槍殺,火旺媽跟一群婦女逃往當時村莊最高樓--後來的民雄鬼屋,火旺媽以為自己將死,就在四樓急忙寫下遺書,遺書在四樓逃難時散落一地,後來火旺媽幸運逃 出,却失去小火旺的消息,一直邊躲藏邊尋找,,小火旺被友人帶出後,送去地藏庵拜託廟公收養,7年後,小火 旺無意間聽見廟公跟友人談起他的身世,父母住興中村,晚上就擲筊問菩薩可不可以借法器去興中村,菩薩不准, 他就強拿法器出廟去興中村,就發生遊戲裡的事,期間有拿糖果給一個推學步車的小孩鬼,送祂一直到之前法師被 抬走的法會現場,最後打退鬼王上四樓要讀媽媽的遺書時,沒注意被鬼王抓進棺材裡吸取陽氣,這時廟公請出地藏 王菩薩三神將,,, 官將首出來刺殺了鬼王救出了小火旺,小火旺就一直當官將首直到69歲在廟內因病身亡,期間無娶妻無生子無財 產,廟方感念其一生奉獻給宮廟,為火旺舉辦募款籌喪葬費,在深夜,91歲的火旺媽低頭辛苦的拉回收車經過, 學步車小孩鬼開始讓車上的學步車轉動發出聲音讓火旺媽停下來,注意到旁邊的靈堂,仔細看了名字對了出生年月 日,是她找了一輩子的兒子火旺,不禁悲從中來,回想起丈夫當時被槍殺的夢境,悲痛欲絕要昏倒之際,火旺的靈 魂出現拉住她抱在一起痛哭,白髮人送灰髮人,是人世間最真實的悲劇,,,
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Re: China popular songs
U forgot 1 of the touching part of the story...
Re: China popular songs
Thanks for sharing! Camping here liao
Re: China popular songs
Nice song
Re: China popular songs
胡鴻鈞 Hubert Wu - 十字路口 (劇集 “降魔的2.0” 主題曲) in 2020
胡鴻鈞 Hubert Wu - 到此一遊 (劇集 "降魔的" 主題曲) in 2017 胡鴻鈞 Hubert Wu - 遙不可及 (劇集 "降魔的" 片尾曲) in 2017 |
Re: China popular songs
Disney's Mulan Chinese Theme Song - Reflection (Mandarin Version) - Liu Yifei 刘亦菲
Re: China popular songs
share...share...nice song...very nice song....lol 渡我不渡她 enjoy ya....
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Re: China popular songs
China definitely many nice songs that most here never even heard about...
张韶涵 - 破茧 《斗罗大陆》动画2020年最新主题曲 弃佛入魔 - 残雪 她若安好,我便是佛
她若不好,我便入魔 |
Re: China popular songs
Any brothers in Beijing? Halloween is around the corner and it feels pathetic to be alone so I'm made plans to visit my favourite KTV. If you're bored and want to join me, please PM me with your WeChat ID before tomorrow Sunday 12pm to confirm.
Location is around 三环, a few km from 三里屯. Girls quality is by far the best I've seen reaching almost 网红 level. Expect to spend about 2.5k to 3k rmb per pax. |
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