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Old 22-08-2006, 09:12 PM
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12 Kind of Famous Woman's Vagina 点评天下十二名穴



  这一类阴户为不可多得的珍品,在男人眼中可说是至宝。男人如果好运临头,能够得到这种龙珠,这一辈子, 可说没白活啦!所谓龙珠是,玉门狭窄、膣细长,但花心的位置不一定太深。因此,阳物向前插进时,花心会突然 膨胀得很大,而且先端突出,碰撞到男性阴茎的铃口,其形状就如两条巨龙在抢夺红光闪闪的珊瑚。阳物一碰到花 心,会立即旋转移动,通常男人都受不了这种搔到痒处的刺激,而如同狂狮恣意纵情,这时,女人也会不断扭动身 体,歔欷不已。


  这类阴户位在两股中央,左右横跨在根部,彷彿鸟儿的双翼,只是它不能飞。虽然有翼不能飞,且形状像飞龙 ,但并不是每一个阴户都具备了飞龙的性能。拥有飞龙这类阴户的女人,从她的双颊便可判断出来。笑时两边面颊 浮现可爱梨涡的女人,十之八九都是具有这种名器者。这种阴户玉门狭小,膣道也很狭窄、紧缩,一开始行动时, 膣的四周肌肉会突然蹙起皱褶,而且频频震动,就好像鸟扇动左右两翼,即将振翼而飞似的。当如此震动,摩擦男 人的阳具时,刺激特别大,若不是训练有术的男人,通常都禁不起这种刺激,不消片刻便泄精了。


  猿猴阴户的玉门非常狭窄,花心位置较浅,膣道就如羊肠小径,弯弯曲曲的,也很像长臂猿的前肢,“猿猴” 之名即由此而来。因此它的构造较特殊,第一次和拥有这种阴户的女人性交时,多半不得其门而入,只在一旁乾着 急,而汗流浃背。不过,一旦碰触到花心,便会突然产生律动,收缩迅速,而且,女人会不断扭动水蛇般的腰肢, 发出梦艺般的娇声和喘息,辗转反侧,偏身蠕动,这时男人往往会失去控制,被导入妙不可言的佳境。有这种阴户 的女人,她的双眼必呈圆形,而且泰半会难产,甚至因此而丧命也说不定。


  这类阴户也不例外,玉门还是一样狭小。通过这道关卡后,不久就会有一如米粒般大的下垂肉钩,过了肉钩, 就可碰到异常宽大的花心口,位置稍微倾斜。由於它的结构稍微倾斜,所以,阴茎一定要斜斜向下插入,不能盲目 地横冲直撞,否则就没办法进入要塞。只要将阳具小心翼翼地朝下斜插,再让女人的两腿紧紧夹住,向着花心一口 气冲锋陷阵,定能正中目标,寻到妙处。这样女人必定乐不可支,发出满足的叫声。这种阴户被珍重的原因是,妙 在肉钩的作用,只要越达高潮,肉钩就会产生吸力,将男人带引进梦幻世界。


  这类阴户玉门较宽,但进入内部后,却又变得狭小,全体的形状彷彿田螺。一般人由於这种阴户外面异常宽阔 ,而感到眩惑不解,甚至将这种难得一见的珍品,视为普通之物,因而往往忽视了拥有这种奇珍异宝的主人。当门 户被敲开之后,玉门便会紧紧关起,将阳物死命钳住,使得男性的命根子有如吹气的气球般膨胀,被卡紧在玉门关 口,除非玉门自动松开,否则男性是没办法拔出,只有向玉娇娘告饶了。俗称“荷包”的阴户就是指这一种。有这 种田螺阴户的女人,她的嘴巴就好像泄了气的气球,扁扁瘪瘪的,而且嘴唇缺乏水分,普通都显得很 乾躁。


  凡是拥有盆子阴户的女人,她的鼻樑必定塌陷,额头异常宽阔,整张脸看起来就像盆子或木桶,而阴户的形状 ,恰恰和她的长相不谋而合。这种阴户外围宽广,膣道也很宽阔,没办法像田螺阴户那样,将男性的阳物緻密地钳 紧,而且花心非常浅,如果不是此道的高手,经常会徬徨其外,不知如何进攻。可是,一旦越过门槛,花心就在那 儿恭候大驾,只要运动五、六回,女人便会发出快感的娇喘声,毫无顾忌地扭动身体和四肢,所以,男人也会受到 影响,很快达到高潮。碰到这种容貌的女子时,双方短兵相接之前,首先要静气,提高警戒,然后再小心前进,万 一不留神,很容易被对方诱引,不消片刻功夫便一泻千里了。


  这种阴户从玉门到膣道的宽度一直没有改变,里外都同样宽度,有如竹筒般直深,所以,很不容易到达花心, 其阳物一般尺寸的男人,通常都没办法达到目的,败兴而返,不过,男人的阳物若是又细又长,彼此便能配合达到 高潮,因此,这种阴户算是较为麻烦的一种,必须视对象的尺寸,才能决定能否享受到交合之乐。

  碰到这类阴户、既短又粗的阳物如果没认清它的构造,只是如蛮牛般横冲直撞,不但白费力气,反而会把龟头 磨擦得皮破血流。好不容易进到里面时,往往都已满身大汗,全身瘫软,四肢无力,那里还有后劲完成好事呢?女 人也一样,她没办法达到高潮,只有在旁乾焦急。

  这种阴户有的女人,比起普通女性,嘴唇较为突出,属於所谓的猪嘴巴型,从外表一眼便可判断 出来。


  这种阴户玉门玲珑小巧,很可爱,但里面则豁然开朗,一片广阔。因为它的进口狭窄,阳物短小的人,一开始 插进,会觉得很舒服,飘飘欲仙,可是,一旦进入之后,里面彷彿一望无际的汪洋大海,而且花心生来就在深处, 要寻找到这个桃花源,必须花费很大的功夫。

  虽然刚开始辛苦些,但,只要有耐性地来回二、三十次,便会如龙卷风猛然袭过,一滩热呼呼的春水应声涌出 ,阳物即如漂泊在大海上的孤舟,随着汹涌的波涛,上下翻滚,只是不容易找到避风港,而女人也会急躁不安,使 气氛显得更紧张。女人一着急,春水就更澎湃汹涌,急卷荡漾,不管那位功力再深的个中好手,一但遇到这种对手 ,都会很快泄出,一发不可收拾,然而女人的玉门紧闭,因此,她的春水一点也不会外泄。拥有这种名器的女人, 眼睛时常显得很湿润。


  这种阴户的膣道极为狭窄、门口也很小,而它的花心突出向前,其前端就如鸡舌般尖尖的。如果阳物细长,只 消一进大门,便能轻而易举地碰触到花心底部,所以,在这种情况之下,切不可鲁莽地直冲而入,否则很容易让女 性受伤。相反的,如果阳物又粗又短,那就棋逢对手,乐趣无穷了。

  花心太浅是这种阴户的缺点,由於很容易搔到痒处,所以,一般说来,都是女性先达到高潮。这种女性是阳物 短而易泄的男人的好对象,不过,要是遇到阳物细长的男人,那么,女人就受不了啦!




  一接触到男性的阳物时,花心口会立刻扩大,从里面吐出细细的肉针,可以插进阳物的铃口,并不断吸吮。碰 到这种情形时,男人通常都会冷不防地大吃一惊,而其铃口也会被吸吮得门户大开,全身彷彿受到电击般,麻痺而 不能动弹。这时候,花心尖端的形状,就好像鸭子饮水般,故有“鸭嘴阴户”之名。





  蛤蚌阴户也可算是最佳妙的特级品之一,它的玉门适当,而且还具“有事即应”的性能,能随着男性的阴茎大 小,自由自在地伸缩,构造相当精巧。

  越过大门,进入大厅,这其间并没有太大的变化,又,花心的位置也不会太深,除非是男人的阳物太粗太短, 一般说来,都能很简单地找到花心。

  经过一般礼尚往来之后,女人的花心口会突然大开,将男人的龟头紧紧衔住,并缩紧开口;另一方面,玉门也 会如牡蛎的硬壳一开一合,并且在里面表演超级妙计。




  羊肠阴户在南方是极罕见的珍物。这种阴户的玉门不但窄小,而且回廊弯弯曲曲,有如羊肠小径,除非男性的 阴茎是特大的霸王号,要不然,是很难探索到花心的。

  如果男性的阳物尺寸稍小些,在探寻花心的过程中将会较为吃力,在他尚未安抵目的地之前,早已疲惫得全身 软绵绵,根本没力气继续攻城了。或者,男人太过心浮气躁,性急地乱冲乱动的话,马上就会遭到阻碍,好像被蜀 国的山道所阻一样,会力不从心地泄出精液。

  男性与这种女性交媾时,一开始最好不要太用劲,必须沿着小径曲折前进,等花了一段时间,找到花心所在之 后,就可以随心所欲地驰骋其中啦!

  这种女性多半是嘴巴小,额头不宽,开苞(初夜)时,较为疼痛难忍。如果运气不佳,碰到男人的阴茎发育不 良,那她一辈子就享受不到云雨之欢,而抱憾终身了。
Old 25-08-2006, 05:07 AM
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Smile Re: 12 Kind of Famous Woman's Vagina 点评天下十二名穴

Hi to All Bro,

I have done 3 translation..and more to followup hope everyone can enjoy. but I do my best to be acturate too

点评天下十二名穴Review world 12 holes

(一)龙珠—— Capsicum anomalum

This kind of vaginal orifice is the rare valuable thing,In the male human eye may say is the most precious object. If the man the good luck is imminent,Can obtain this kind of Capsicum anomalum,This for a lifetime,May say in vain has not lived!The so-called Capsicum anomalum is,Yumen narrow, zhi tall and slender,But stamen's position not necessarily too is deep。Therefore,When the masculinity inserts forward,The stamen can inflate very much suddenly in a big way,Moreover the tip is prominent,Collides to the masculine penis bell mouth, Its shape is robbing the coral on like two big dragons which the thioindigo red sparkles. As soon as the masculinity bumps into the stamen,Can revolve immediately the migration,The usual men all cannot bear the stimulation which this kind scratches where itches,But is similar to the crazy lion willful to one's heart's content,By now,The woman also can sway from side to side the body unceasingly,歔欷不已。

  (二)飞龙—— flying dragon

This kind of vaginal orifice position in two central committees,About stretches across in the root,As if bird's biplane wing,Only is it cannot fly. Although has the wing not to be able to fly,Also the shape flies likely the dragon
  ,But was not each vaginal orifice all has flew the dragon performance。Has flies Long Zheilei the vaginal orifice woman,Then may judge from hers double cheek。Smiles when two side cheeks reappear the lovable dimple woman,All is most likely has this specific name. This kind of vaginal orifice Yumen is narrow and small,zhi very is also narrow、Contraction,When from the very beginning moves, zhi all around the muscle can be suddenly pressed folds,Moreover vibrates repeatedly,About resembles the bird to fan two wings,Soon inspires the wing to fly resembles。When so vibrates,When rubs man's male genitals,The stimulation is specially big,If not for trains has the technique man,Usually all unables to stand up unable to bear this kind of stimulation,The needless moment then released fine。

Apes and monkeys vaginal orifice Yumen is extremely narrow,The stamen position is shallow,zhi on like crooked road,Curving,Also looks like gibbon's foreleg very much,“猿猴” The name namely comes from this. Therefore its structure is special,First time with has time this kind of vaginal orifice woman sexual intercourse,Does not have its to enter mostly Only worries in the one side,But streaming with sweat. Once bumps touches the stamen,Then can have the rhythm suddenly,Contracts rapidly,Moreover
,The woman can sway from side to side water snake's waist unceasingly, Sends out the dream skill sweet and delicate voice and the respite,Tossing and turning,Leaning body creeping motion,By now the man often could lose the contro,Sends out the dream skill sweet and delicate voice and the respite,Tossing and turning,Leaning body creeping motion,By now the man often could lose the control,Is inducted the wonderful happiest extent. Has this kind of vaginal orifice woman,Her both eyes must assume the circular,Moreover the greater part meets the difficult labor,Even therefore lost their life also perhaps。

wait more to cum....
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Old 25-08-2006, 05:17 AM
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Talking Re: 12 Kind of Famous Woman's Vagina 点评天下十二名穴

the next 3....


  This kind of vaginal orifice is not exceptional,Yumen is equally narrow and small. After this checkpoint,Can have a like grain of rice big sagging meat hook soon,Crossed the meat hook,May bump into the exceptionally spacious colored Chest,The position inclines slightly. Because its structure inclines slightly,Therefore,The penis wants certainly slanting diagonal under to insert,Cannot batter blindly,Otherwise does not have the means to enter the fort. So long as faces the male genitals the declivity to insert cautiously,Again lets woman's two legs closely grip,Turns towards the stamen one breath to break through enemy lines,Decides can center the goal,Seeks the interesting part of it. Such woman is overjoyed surely,Sends out the satisfied cry. This kind of vaginal orifice the reason which treasures is,妙In meat hook function,So long as more reaches the high tide,The meat hook can have the suction,Leads the illusion world the man。


  This kind of vaginal orifice Yumen is wide,But after enters the interior,Becomes actually narrow and small,All's shape as if viviparus. Because the average person outside this kind of vaginal orifice exceptionally is broad,But felt is led astray relentlessly,As soon as even this kind rare the valuable thing which sees,Regards as the ordinary thing,Thus often neglected had this kind of rare treasures master。After the gateway is beaten open,Yumen then can closely close,Is caught in the pincers of the masculinity doom,Enables the masculine lifeblood to have like the air flush balloon inflation,Is tightened by the card in the Yumen important pass,Only if Yumen loosens automatically,Otherwise the male is does not have the means to draw out,Only then asked for mercy to the jade pretty little girl. Popular name “purse” the vaginal orifice refers to this kind。Has this kind of viviparus vaginal orifice woman,Her mouth on the balloon which was probably discouraged,Flat flat shrivelled,Moreover the lip lacks the moisture content,All appears ordinary is hot-tempered very dryly。

  (六) 盆子——

  Every has the basin vaginal orifice woman,Her bridge of the nose caves in surely,The forehead exceptionally is broad,The whole piece face looks like on likely the basin or the wooden barrel,But vaginal orifice shape,Exactly and her appearance agrees without prior consultationhappen to hold the same view. This kind of vaginal orifice periphery is broad,zhi very is also broad,Not means likely viviparus vaginal orifice such,Is compactly tight the masculine masculinity pliers,Moreover the stamen is extremely shallow,If is not this field of endeavor master,Meets besides frequently 徬 irresolute,Did not know how attacks. But,Once crossed the threshold,The stamen awaits respectfully your honorable self in there,So long as movement five, six,The woman then can send out the pleasant sensation to breathe heavily tenderly the sound,Sways from side to side the body and the four limbs without scruple,Therefore,The man also can come under the influence,Reaches the high tide very quickly。Bumps into this kind of appearance when female,Before both sides engage in hand-to-hand combat,First must calmly be mad,Enhances the security,Then carefully goes forward again,If does not pay attention,Is lured very easily by opposite party,The needless moment time was then flowing

the rest are cumming....
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Old 25-08-2006, 11:54 AM
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Re: 12 Kind of Famous Woman's Vagina 点评天下十二名穴

another 3....


  This kind of vaginal orifice has not changed from Yumen to zhi a width,Inside and outside all similar width,Has like the bamboo tube straight deep,Therefore,Not easy to arrive the stamen very much, Its masculinity general size man,Usually does not have the means to achieve the goal,Disappointed returns,不过,,If man's masculinity also is thin also is long,Each other then can coordinate to reach the high tide,Therefore,This kind of vaginal orifice is a more troublesome one kind,Must regard the object the size,Can decide whether enjoys to unhappiness sexual intercourse

  Bumps into this kind of vaginal orifice short, both and the thick masculinity if has not clearly recognized its structure,Only is like Niu Pan batters,Not only wastes the strength,Instead can rub wounded and bleeding the glans. Enters with great difficulty to inside when,Often all already whole body big perspiration,Whole body weak,The four limbs are incapable,There also has the stamina to complete the good deed?The woman is also same,She does not have the means to reach the high tide,Only then does anxiously in side.

  This kind of vaginal orifice has woman,Compares the ordinary female,The lip is prominent,Belongs to the so-called pig mouth,Then may judge from semblance one。

  (八) 春水——

  This kind of vaginal orifice Yumen exquisite exquisite,Very lovable,But inside suddenly sees the light,A broadness。Because its import is narrow,Masculinity short person,From the very beginning inserts,Can think very comfortably,Graceful,But,Once after enters,Inside as if vast vast ocean,Moreover stamen since birth on in deep place , Must seek to this Arcadia,Must spend the very big time。

  Although just started laborious,But,So long as indefatigable back and forth two, 30 times,Then meets like the tornado to raid suddenly,Beach very warm spring water gushes out accordingly,The masculinity namely like drifts on the sea the orphaned boat,Along with turbulent mighty waves,About tumbles,Only is not easy to find the haven,But the woman also can irritable restless,Causes the atmosphere to appear anxiously。A woman worry,Spring the water rushes turbulently,The anxious volume ripples,No matter that skill deep skilled person,But one meets this kind of match A woman worry,Spring the water rushes turbulently,The anxious volume ripples,No matter that skill deep skilled person,But one meets this kind of match. The eye often appears very moistly.


This kind of vaginal orifice zhi extremely narrow, the entrance very is also small,But its stamen forwards prominently,Its front end on like chicken tongue point point. If the masculinity is tall and slender,As soon as only need enters the front door,Then can bump easily touches the stamen base,Therefore,Under this kind of situation,Cuts cannot the direct impact enter crudely,Otherwise very easy to let the female be injured. Opposite,If the masculinity also is thick also is short,That rival in chess,The pleasure was infinite
The stamen too is shallow is this kind of vaginal orifice shortcoming,Because very easy to scratch where itches,Therefore,In general,All is the female reaches the high tide first。But this kind of female is the masculinity short Yi Xie the man's good object,不过,If runs into the masculinity tall and slender man,That,The woman cannot bear!

  Has this kind of vaginal orifice female,Mostly the cheekbone is very high,Eyebrow thick thick. But this kind of woman probably occupies all feminine 3/1000。

All bro hang on...for the last 3..
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Old 25-08-2006, 12:45 PM
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Smile Re: 12 Kind of Famous Woman's Vagina 点评天下十二名穴

ok finally the last 3....


  The duck mouth vaginal orifice entrance is slightly big,zhi a width is probably the standard size,不过,Stamen inborn compared to ordinary National People's Congress。

  When contacts the masculine masculinity,The colored Chest can expand immediately,Puts out the thin meat needle from inside,May insert the masculinity the bell mouth,And sucks unceasingly。When bumps into this situation,The man usually can be surprised suddenly,But its bell mouth also can suck results in the gateway to open greatly,The whole body receives the electric shock as if,But paralysis cannot move. At this time,Stamen acme shape,Resembles the duck potable water,Therefore has “the duck mouth vaginal orifice” the name。

  Has this kind of wonderful woman,In hundred people difficult to seek one, two people,This kind of duck mouth in vaginal orifice,It may be said on the valuable thing。

  What is strange,Has this kind of vaginal orifice female,More has had a child,Her suction is stronger。

  No matter is the desire field expert who has fought many battles,When first time bumps into this kind of woman,Can have a scare by that astonishing suction。

  (十一) 蛤蚌——

  The ornamental clamshell vaginal orifice also may be one of best wonderful speciality products,Its Yumen is suitable,Moreover also has “has the matter namely to be supposed” the performance,Can along with the masculine penis size,Expands and contracts freely,The structure is quite exquisite
  Crossed the front door,Enters the hall,Meanwhile not too big change,又,Stamen's position cannot too be deep,Only if is man's masculinity too is thick too short, In general,All can find the stamen very simply
  After pays a man back in his own coin generally,Woman's colored Chest can be suddenly big start,Closely holds man's glans,And shrinks the tight aperture;On the other hand,As soon as as soon as Yumen also meets like oyster's hard shell to open gathers,And performs the super ingenious plan in insid。

  Has the ornamental clamshell vaginal orifice woman,In the middle of 100 females cannot find five,But is the special product。

  As if by prior agreement,They all have a common characteristic ── to curl upwards the lip。

  (十二) 羊肠——

  The sheep's intestines vaginal orifice in the south is the extremely rare rare things。Not only this kind of vaginal orifice Yumen small and narrow,Moreover the winding corridor is curving,Has like the crooked road,Only if the masculine penis is the especially big overlord number,Otherwise,Is very difficult to explore the stamen。

  If the masculine masculinity size is slightly small,In inquired about the stamen in the process will be able to be strenuous,Not yet safely arrives in him in front of the destination,Is already exhausted the whole body to be soft,Basic did not have the strength to continue to attack a city。Or,The man too crosses the rash,Impatiently randomly flushes the speech which moves heedlessly,Can encounter the hindrance immediately,Probably anti- is been same by the Suchuan country's mountain road,Can lack the ability to do what one would like overflows the seminal fluid。

  When male and this kind of feminine copulation,From the very beginning should better not have too to make an effort,Must along the trail winding advance,And so on has spent period of time,Found the stamen in after,May gallop with wishes fulfilled!

  This kind of female is mostly the mouth is small,The forehead is not wide,Blooms the bud (early evening) when,The ache is hard to endure. If the luck is not good,Bumps into man's penis maldevelopment,Then she does not enjoy the sexual intercourse for a lifetime happy,But harbored regret the lifelong。

Hope u bros enjoy it
sex = avoid, avoid = sex
Old 21-09-2006, 03:16 PM
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Re: 12 Kind of Famous Woman's Vagina 点评天下十二名穴

Too bad no pic bro.
Old 21-09-2006, 04:17 PM
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Re: 12 Kind of Famous Woman's Vagina 点评天下十二名穴

Originally Posted by samseng
Too bad no pic bro.
seeing is believing and to learn in detail but too bad, no picture
Old 21-09-2006, 04:20 PM
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Re: 12 Kind of Famous Woman's Vagina 点评天下十二名穴

Originally Posted by WazAGuy
Hi to All Bro,

I have done 3 translation..and more to followup hope everyone can enjoy. but I do my best to be acturate too

点评天下十二名穴Review world 12 holes

(一)龙珠—— Capsicum anomalum

This kind of vaginal orifice is the rare valuable thing,In the male human eye may say is the most precious object. If the man the good luck is imminent,Can obtain this kind of Capsicum anomalum,This for a lifetime,May say in vain has not lived!The so-called Capsicum anomalum is,Yumen narrow, zhi tall and slender,But stamen's position not necessarily too is deep。Therefore,When the masculinity inserts forward,The stamen can inflate very much suddenly in a big way,Moreover the tip is prominent,Collides to the masculine penis bell mouth, Its shape is robbing the coral on like two big dragons which the thioindigo red sparkles. As soon as the masculinity bumps into the stamen,Can revolve immediately the migration,The usual men all cannot bear the stimulation which this kind scratches where itches,But is similar to the crazy lion willful to one's heart's content,By now,The woman also can sway from side to side the body unceasingly,歔欷不已。

Wah piang. You use google to translate is it? Very hard to understand. I did a bit of context research and guesstimation.

1. Yu men (玉门): Jade gate... we all know what this refers to. Chinese always got really 'nice' ways of naming things.

2. Zhi (膣): Vagina.

3. Stamen (花心): I think refers to the cervix.

The Chinese Communist Party is really into everything... even description of woman's private parts also get mentioned.
Old 21-09-2006, 04:23 PM
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Re: 12 Kind of Famous Woman's Vagina 点评天下十二名穴

Originally Posted by curiosityz
seeing is believing and to learn in detail but too bad, no picture

Have bro.... look here

maybe not 12, but more than enough to know about.....hehehe
Old 09-10-2006, 10:15 AM
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Re: 12 Kind of Famous Woman's Vagina 点评天下十二名穴

Here cum the pussy No.01 Dragon Pearl

Old 09-10-2006, 10:16 AM
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Re: 12 Kind of Famous Woman's Vagina 点评天下十二名穴

Here cum the pussy No.01 Dragon Pearl
Old 09-10-2006, 11:02 AM
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Re: 12 Kind of Famous Woman's Vagina 点评天下十二名穴

Next Cumming pussy No:02 The Flying Dragon

Old 09-10-2006, 11:11 AM
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Re: 12 Kind of Famous Woman's Vagina 点评天下十二名穴

Up me if U can

10 more cumming your ways
Old 09-10-2006, 06:33 PM
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Re: 12 Kind of Famous Woman's Vagina 点评天下十二名穴

Wah lao... talk so much... where's the pic? What's the bloody point... my imagination is not so good...
What? No shark-fin soup for dinner? Try abalone lah....
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