An honorable member of the Coffee Shop Has Just Posted the Following:
“Mate deprivation” (including psychologically, sociologically, culturally induced) is unfortunately a misguided characteristic of many religions, cultures and institutions.
There's a strong correlation between "mate deprivation" (in any form) and sexually deviant behavior including rate of sexual crimes, across countries.
Taking a vow of celibacy, whether as a priest, monk or nun, etc is actually psychologically-sexually unbalanced and unhealthy.
Same goes for same sex schools (no offence to LGBTs, but there's a correlation with a higher incidence of students turning gay or lesbo in same sex schools, due to "mate deprivation"), and to a lesser extent, the military (which is by necessity, and the gender imbalance ratio is less severe).
But it's a personal choice, and we respect free will, so long as the free will of others are not infringed upon. But unfortunately, societal religious pressure does blur this line rather a bit, for some countries and societies.
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