An honorable member of the Coffee Shop Has Just Posted the Following:
SINGAPORE — Social and Family Development Minister Tan Chuan-Jin, 48, has been nominated by Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong as the next Speaker of Parliament, nearly a month after the post was vacated by Madam Halimah Yacob who is contesting in the Presidential Election later this month, the Prime Minister's Office announced on Tuesday (Sept 5).
Mr Tan, set to be the third Speaker in less than five years, will need to be elected by Parliament at its next sitting on Sept 11.
The Speaker's post was vacated after Madam Halimah, 63, resigned on Aug 7 to run in the Presidential Election, the first reserved for the Malay community following changes to the Elected Presidency scheme passed by the House last year.
Member of Parliament (Punggol East) Charles Chong, one of two Deputy Speakers, has since been filling in as Acting Speaker.
Minister in the Prime Minister's Office Desmond Lee, who was promoted to a full Minister in May, will take over the helm of the Ministry of Social and Family Development. Mr Lee is also currently Second Minister in the Ministry of Home Affairs and Ministry of National Development.
Should Mr Tan be elected by the House as Speaker, he will follow in the footsteps of Mr Abdullah Tarmugi, who became Speaker in 2002 after an eight-year stint in the Cabinet.
Seen as part of the core group of fourth generation leaders, Mr Tan, who rose to the rank of Brigadier-General, left the army to join politics in 2011. Two weeks after the 2011 General Election, he was appointed a Minister of State at the
Ministry of Manpower and Ministry of National Development. Mr Tan was appointed Acting Manpower Minister in 2012, and became a full Minister in 2014. About a year later, he took on the social and family development portfolio.
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