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Old 20-05-2012, 02:47 PM
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A Relationship With 2 Spinster Sisters

The following is a true account about a relationship (which started in 2001) between myself & 2 spinster sisters.

Names, places, some conversations & certain occurrences have been purposefully changed or omitted to protect the identities of those mentioned lest some may know or find the persons familiar. But I’ll try to keep the gist of this narrative as intact & as accurate as possible.

The reason for me sharing this experience is not to gain any reputation or points but rather, to let the readers of this forum know that with patience, perseverance & luck, one can never imagine that such events can & actually do happen right here in Singapore…..

Readers may choose to believe or disbelieve this. The relationship is still on-going.

Main characters:

1. Myself – In my early 50s, family man with a wife (also in her early 50s) & a son who’s still studying. Home is a 4-rm HDB flat in central S’pore.

2. Amy – Approaching mid 40s & the elder of the two sisters. Never been married.

3. Alice – Approaching mid 40s too as their age gap is only 1 year. Also never been married. Their home is a 5-rm HDB flat also in central S’pore. Living with their mother, maid & married brother & his family.

4. Winnie – Late 30s, unmarried daughter of mother’s sister.

5. Sarah – Early 20s, Indonesian maid.

Chapter 1: How it all began

It’s my usual routine to buy breakfast for the wife & kid (from the nearby market cum hawkers’ centre) during weekends, holidays or when I don’t have to be in the office early. And it’s this routine that I got to know Amy & Alice.

We usually walk pass each other – me on the way back from the market with breakfast & they, on their way to the market with a shopping trolley in tow.

As we didn’t know each other then, it was only a quick glance & eye contact was a mere second or two.

One of the mornings as I saw the 2 ladies approaching, I noticed one of them whispering to the other. As we passed by one another, I could tell that the glances from both seemed to linger a bit longer than usual. Hmm, perhaps they were just checking me out, I jokingly thought to myself.

I’m just a bespectacled average looking middle-aged man with a slight paunch & I don’t even consider myself good-looking. Made me wonder what was that they saw in me that made them whisper to each other? This slight lingering look gradually progressed to a quick nod of the head accompanied with a smile (from all 3) as we continued passing by each other. I still didn’t think much about striking up a conversation with either of them.

As luck would have it (or fate, as some would put it…), it was one morning when one of the sisters queued up behind me at the same “char bee hoon” stall. This is a very popular stall with residents & sometimes the queue can take up to 10 minutes. I didn’t know what made me turn around but when I did, I was greeted with a shy smile from a familiar face.

“Hi!” I said to her with a smile & acknowledging nod. “You’re early today!” I added. The conversation started in Mandarin as I overheard them conversing in that, during one of the earlier pass-by’s we had.

“Yes. You buying the bee hoon too?” she replied, looking at the queue. “This stall is very popular & the bee hoon tastes good. It’s also cheap, that’s why it’s always crowded”.

“Where’s your sister?” I asked. “How did you know that she’s my sister?” was her reply, half laughing & added, “Did she tell you?”

“No. But you both look so much alike that it’s only natural for people to think you’re sisters!”

“She’s my elder sister. I think she’s gone to the market”

“I’m Chan” I said, extending my hand towards her. “Alice”, was her reply as she too extended her hand. It was a brief & limp contact of hands & with that I turned round to face the queue.

Nothing more was said & after I got my bee hoon, I turned round to her & said “bye!” as I walked away.

That was a Saturday morning & we bumped into each other again the following morning – this time as I was making my way home & they, to the market.

It was different this time as we stood for a while & Alice introduced me to her elder sister, Amy. After exchanging pleasantries, we stood for another minute or so exchanging views about the food choices in the market & hawkers’ centre.

I had to suggest making my way home as the coffee was turning cold as they seemed like they could’ve stayed on longer to chat.

Coming up, chapter 2 - How it started to develop...
It's better to have bonked & split than never to have bonked at all...
Old 20-05-2012, 02:50 PM
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Re: A Relationship With 2 Spinster Sisters

Apologies, the relationship started in 2011 & not 2001 as stated.
It's better to have bonked & split than never to have bonked at all...
Old 20-05-2012, 02:57 PM
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Re: A Relationship With 2 Spinster Sisters

so this is 100% factual?
4/7/12: Cleared my inbox. Can send me message again.

Ran with hot pink FBT shorts, inner netting removed, can feel so many eyes ogling at my long fleshy legs.

Selective lady who is nymphomaniac and like to wear sexy when clubbing. Message/Add me as contact to club together.
Old 20-05-2012, 03:02 PM
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Re: A Relationship With 2 Spinster Sisters

Originally Posted by boob_man View Post
Apologies, the relationship started in 2011 & not 2001 as stated.
Wow, one arrow shoot 2 spinsters. I suppose both are virgins..Slurrp!!!!
Faster continue, I pitched my tent waiting.
Old 20-05-2012, 04:02 PM
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Re: A Relationship With 2 Spinster Sisters

pitching my tent.....
Old 20-05-2012, 04:12 PM
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Re: A Relationship With 2 Spinster Sisters

Unique. Please continue.
Old 20-05-2012, 04:15 PM
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Re: A Relationship With 2 Spinster Sisters

Chapter 2 – How it started to develop

It seemed to me that Alice & Amy have now timed their marketing to coincide with mine as it’s getting quite often that I bump into them at the hawkers’ centre instead of on my way home.

“How come now you’re earlier?” I remember asking Amy one morning as I met them near the stalls.

“Come earlier not so crowded mah!” was her reply. “Are you buying the char bee hoon again?” asked Alice.

“Why? Are you giving me a treat?” I joked in reply. She looked at me & replied with a smile “Aiya, bee hoon only mah! How much can you eat?”

With that, she made her way towards the stall & both Amy & I hurried after her. There was a queue as usual & it looked like it’ll take at least 5 minutes or longer.

Amy said to her sister that she'd do the marketing first & to call her on her mobile once she's done, leaving me standing behind Alice.

Both sisters had long hair & I must admit that, a sweet scent of shampooed hair can be quite a turn-on, especially in the morning…

Alice was wearing a black bra as the straps were clearly visible on her shoulders. She had on a tee-shirt that was quite open & I could get a nice down-blouse view while standing directly behind her. Her breasts were not that big – average sized for a local female Singaporean. Unfortunately (for me), her bra fitted well & there were no gaps between bra & breast so I couldn’t get to peek at a nipple, though I badly wanted to!

“How many packets…” she asked as she suddenly turned back towards me, catching my eyes looking down at her breasts.

Clearly embarrassed, I quickly shifted my gaze to the side & replied “err, just one. It’s ok, I can buy for myself”.

“No, it’s my treat!” Alice insisted turning round to face the queue again. She definitely knew what I was looking at & this time, she used her hand to sweep her hair to the right side of her head, behind her shoulders. Tipping her head also to the right, I now had a very clear & unfettered view of both her cupped breasts. To see her breasts heaving in rhythm of her breathing was really giving me a hard-on.

Just then, someone happened to cut through in front of Alice & instinctively she took a step backwards.

That was all I needed! Here I was looking at a pair of gently heaving breasts & suddenly she stepped back & came into contact with my body. I knew for sure that she knew that she had come into contact with my family member down south.

For a normal person, the instinctive response is to quickly step forward again (for the person in front) & for the person at the back, to take a step backwards. But in this case, I could tell that she did not make any attempt to quickly move at all while I just stood my ground. That 3-4 seconds of contact was really heavenly!

After that, she stood very close to me allowing me to enjoy the down-blouse experience as well as occasionally rocking backwards to feel a stiff member poking at her back. It stayed that way until it came to our turn. How I wished that the queue in front would’ve taken a little longer…

It’s then that I thought there could be a chance to try my luck & see how this can progress…
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Old 20-05-2012, 04:22 PM
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Re: A Relationship With 2 Spinster Sisters

Waiting for Chapter 3.....
Old 20-05-2012, 04:42 PM
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Re: A Relationship With 2 Spinster Sisters

Please update us on your progress soon.
Old 21-05-2012, 12:57 AM
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Re: A Relationship With 2 Spinster Sisters

Me too, anxiously waiting for more updates
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Old 21-05-2012, 09:01 AM
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Talking Re: A Relationship With 2 Spinster Sisters

Nice one camping for more....
Please leave your Nick if you Up me so I can return your support!!Cheers mate!!!
Next to be up back in return :Nil
Old 21-05-2012, 10:16 AM
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Re: A Relationship With 2 Spinster Sisters

Chapter 3 - Alice

I didn’t want to rush into anything & thought that I’d let things happen naturally. But at the same time, I wanted something to happen – more lust than anything else. Since the sisters have now changed their marketing timing so as to be able to meet me, surely this has to mean something…

I still don’t know which block they’re living in except that it has to be very near mine or else they wouldn’t be doing their marketing there. I don’t know anything about them apart from their names & that they’re sisters. At the same time, my brain was screaming out to me to think clearly & logically as the consequences should something untoward happens would be too great a risk, especially if we’re neighbours. My mind was racing, thinking blackmail, suicide, murder - all at the same time but with an image of a pair of gently heaving breasts in my mind…..

One morning as I was leaving my house, I told myself that I should at least try to get a contact no. from either one of them. A logical choice would be Alice as she seems to be the more outspoken of the 2 & also, she’s the one who’s been giving me the down-blouse peeks practically each time we happen to meet & queue at the same stall.

Like clockwork, I bumped into them at the junction of the road leading to the market.

“Wah, you two waiting for me ah?” I joked as I approached them. No replies from either but smiles.

“I don’t feel like eating bee hoon today. Thought of buying youtiao” I said as we made our way towards the hawkers’ centre. The market is situated beside the hawkers’ centre.

Alice then turned to me & asked “What if we have our breakfast here instead of you buying back?”

That caught me off-guard as I never thought of having breakfast with them at the hawkers’ centre. It would seem a tad risky as we may bump into nosy neighbours who’re itching to take on the role of a Straits Times journalist or a STOMP reporter with smartphones that can zoom in & take HD quality photos or videos. I definitely want to avoid being another Yaw…….

“Er, it’s ok. My family’s waiting. Perhaps some other time” was the only lame reply that I could mutter. I swore I could notice a look of disappointment on Alice’s face. Amy just walked with us, keeping silent. That was a Sunday as I remember clearly then asking Alice if she was free for lunch the next day, a Monday.

“Are you free for lunch tomorrow? Are you working?” I asked.

Alice looked at Amy & they both exchanged some kind of a glance which seemed like an acknowledgement of some sorts – only that they could understand.

“You can or not?” asked Alice in a tone that was not too believing.

“Cheh, would I be asking if I can’t?”

“What about your wife?” came her reply.

I didn’t know what made me act coolly but I answered something like “Oh, she’s not free tomorrow” or something to that effect.

Judging from the look on her face, I could tell that the both of them were checking me out & it was a kind of a confirmation to them – that I’m married.

"Ok", I thought to myself. Let my marital status be clear right from the beginning so that there’ll not be a need for any lies or cover-ups later.

“Why, you want me to ask my wife along?” I added jokingly.

“Would your wife mind or not?” was the reply from Amy. I was surprised as she was silent all the while.

Looking at her, I said “She works in the afternoons till the early evenings on weekdays so I usually lunch by myself”

“Will she mind?” Alice asked parroting her sister.

“You want me to give you her mobile no. so you can ask her?” I answered, half laughing. “Never mind, what’s your mobile no.?” I added quickly before she could answer.

Noting her no. on my mobile, we arranged to meet at the market the next day at 1.00pm. I didn’t even ask if it was the 3 or 2 of us lunching, or where were they staying. All I remembered then was the need to SMS my PA that I might not be in the office the next day.
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Old 21-05-2012, 11:32 AM
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Re: A Relationship With 2 Spinster Sisters

This story is an ORIGINAL!!! Well done and pls keep it up! Tent up and camping here!
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Old 21-05-2012, 11:42 AM
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Re: A Relationship With 2 Spinster Sisters

Camping here, please continue quickly.
Old 21-05-2012, 11:49 AM
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Re: A Relationship With 2 Spinster Sisters

Interesting!! Looking forward to more!! Cheers .............
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